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/sci/ - Science & Math

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8167456 No.8167456 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: people who don't understand what you do.

>Dad shows me broken lawnmower
>"you're an engineer so you know how to fix stuff right?"
>hands me a screwdriver and walks away

>> No.8167459

apparently you're the one who doesn't understand what they're doing.

>> No.8167465

>studies engineering
>doesn't know how to use a screwdriver
You just highlighted all that is wrong with the modern educational system. Kids who are taught nothing but theory and have no idea of what is going on on the workshop floor. This is why employers always demand experience. If you can't sort out a two-stroke engine how will you be able to design improvements? You really think that your Otto cycle diagrams are the be all-end all of engines?

>> No.8167540
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>can't even fix a lawnmower engine
I thought engineers were supposed to be smart?

>> No.8167545

must be american

>> No.8167551

You don't understand what you do.

>> No.8167552

> claim to be able to build rockets n shiet
> can't fix a fucking lawnmower

>> No.8167635 [DELETED] 

Take your pedophile cartoons back to >>>/a/.

You're not "cute" or "funny" for posting these. You're just creepy.

>> No.8167777
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>he can't fix a lawnmower

>> No.8167789

nice quads, and that wasn't OP, this is OP. I need help /sci/ the lawnmowers on fire, the screwdriver is lodged in my anal cavity and my dad pulled a Tyrone and left me. what do?

>> No.8167790

> college drop out
> in charge of knowing what white collars do
Most engineers don't work on two stroke engines, dumbass

>> No.8167802

go back to school and get a degree in pure mathematics

>> No.8167817

Fuck off

>> No.8167834 [DELETED] 

Am I wrong?

>> No.8167839

I'm right.

>> No.8167846

Not him, but its creepier to just be posting on this website, where half the forums are for porn.

>> No.8167857

>can operate a locomotive
>can't fix a lawnmower
What happens when thr train breaks down you retard?

>> No.8167864

guys as much as the legitimacy of 2D Chinese cartoons is important im still struggling here, I didn't have my gopher grabber so I had to use my hands to take out the blade, now I'm bleeding and the graph I made of the fluid properties of blood flow isn't helping

>> No.8167916 [DELETED] 

Take your pedophile cartoons back to >>>/a/.

>> No.8167931

Fuck off.

>> No.8168534

Yeah why don't you fix the system you dirty liberal take our money and throw it at the children

>> No.8168676

99,99% of lawnmowers are four strokes, you class-III turbonigger

>> No.8168711

>Engineers are mechanics

>> No.8168825

4chan is an anime imageboard site.

>> No.8168842

no it's not.
there is a containment board for that.

>> No.8168845

"4chan is a simple image-based bulletin board where anyone can post comments and share images. There are boards dedicated to a variety of topics, from Japanese animation and culture to videogames, music, and photography. Users do not need to register an account before participating in the community. Feel free to click on a board below that interests you and jump right in!"

>> No.8168846

> PhD Comp Sci student
> you know word and excel right?
> fuck u all normies. kill urself

>> No.8168849

4chan is an anime imageboard site newfag

>> No.8168853
File: 46 KB, 640x480, 1457416389403.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>first board
>containment board
coming to 4chan and hating anime is like going to a gay bar when you're a muslim, nobody benefits from it.

>> No.8168882

There's no global rule about limiting /a/ pictures to /a/, and /a/ certainly wasn't created in response to /a/ content flooding the site.

Those two things are what make a containment board a containment board.

>> No.8168890

were you raised a cityfag, and did you just not get opportunity to tinker and take stuff apart as a child? engineers usually deconstruct as kids.

or you are a girl pushed into STEM?

>> No.8168898

>I can't read, the post.

>> No.8168900

>hating anime
no one hates anime.
We just want our science board to remain about science.

>> No.8168981

>>"you're an engineer so you know how to fix stuff right?"
So why don't you know how to fix stuff?

Yes, there are technicians and various other people to do this shit, but it's no excuse that as an engineer you don't know how to do it yourself. Practical understanding gives a better theoretical understanding and vice-versa. You can't really see your design unless you can deal with it's tangible form. I could use practical physics as an example too. Without doing experiments you won't know how practical design differs from textbook maxwell equations.

Also as a human being you're a piece of shit arrogant fuck if you don't value manual labor and you can't do at least something with your bare hands.
You don't know jack shit about your field and you're below mediocre.

This is way engineers have bad names on /sci/, not that undergrad noskill physicists are better.

>> No.8168984

you mean you don't?

>> No.8168986


I'm an electrical/electronic engineer and I can figure out a basic engine, anon. You're supposed to be analytical, systematic, a problem-solver.

>> No.8168991
File: 28 KB, 500x372, Clz1pLAXEAAgkUA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Complaining about anime on 4chan
wew fucking lad

>> No.8168995

Just make a flowchart and start fixing it.

>> No.8168997

>not that undergrad noskill physicists are better

I could fix any engine in no time. Fuck you noob

>> No.8169004

The original post (>>8167540) was not about anime, it just had an anime picture that enhanced the insult. Half of your science board isn't about science anyway, half the threads on here are nonsense.

>> No.8169101

??? Depending which branch of engineering you specialize in, you should be able to fix it, no?

>> No.8169115

Whats worse is freshman or sophomores at parties when something breaks they clear the way and exclaim "i'm an engineer i can fix this!!!" And they spend the next 10 minutes bumbling around and eventually giving up.

>> No.8169180

>Depending which branch of engineering you specialize in, you should be able to fix it, no?

Anyone should be able to fix it with a little research. An engineering degree would not be useful, though.

>> No.8170503

civil m8, I make roads n shit

>> No.8170512
File: 34 KB, 385x337, 1466885115445.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>kid shows me his pathetic tears
>"you're my dad so you know how to make me happy, right?"
>hands me an add for an anime pillow

>> No.8170522

School of hard knocks, amirite?!

>> No.8170583


Fucking millennial cant even fix a god dammed lawnmower. I could build one from a lump of metal if I really needed to and you cant even fucking fix it. A fuckin law mower, its not like some space aged tech, this shit is so fucking simple like literally some of the most simple engines on the fucking planet and you cant even figure out what the hell is wrong with it, you'd probably rather fucking buy a new one than check the spark plug or filter. Fucking piece of shit. I have lost faith in humanity because of you. Fuck mars colonization lets blow up the god dammed earth instead, would be a blessing to the universe.

>> No.8170630

>I could build one from a lump of metal

>> No.8170643

ITT: everyone competes to see who can get on the highest horse.

>> No.8170664
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>> No.8170706 [DELETED] 
File: 151 KB, 640x480, lion_pose_image_title_iezym.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dad tells me he has blue balls
>"You're an engineer, so you know how to fix this, right?"
>Drops his pants and just stands there

>> No.8170713
File: 24 KB, 480x360, hqdefault (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Get the fuck over to.

It's the autism containment board for people like you who cant get along with the rest of the community.

>> No.8172319

and here I am with a broken lawnmower and a shit thread

>> No.8172339

Fucking degenerates