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8167173 No.8167173 [Reply] [Original]

My friend is a chemist and says astronomy is almost useless. I want to prove him wrong. What practical application dis studying phenomena too far for humans to ever reach serve besides helping to develop other technologies that can be used elsewhere?

>> No.8167219

it has had no impact at all.

>> No.8167223

Top kek.

>> No.8167224

Observing stars --> Nuclear Fusion

>> No.8167229


astronomers like Kepler and Newton (also an astrologer) made giant contributions to geometry and calculus

>besides helping to develop other technologies that can be used elsewhere?


>> No.8167238

What practical applications does calculus and geometry have, besides helping to develop other technologies?

>> No.8167244

Practical applications are for people without soul that don't care about the nature of our universe.

>> No.8167245

Killer asteroids. Only through astronomy could you stop those. Studying other planets sheds light on our own. In particular Venus and climate change come to mind.

>> No.8167246

Observing the stars confirmed some important predictions made through relativity, so there is that.

>> No.8167249

>implying theory of relativity is useful

>> No.8167268

Nice bait.

>> No.8167275

gps don't use it. It's a myth.

>> No.8167279

Of course it is, retard.

>> No.8167285

good example

>> No.8167327

Jerk off a fat jewish nigger, bitch. Of course it is.

>> No.8167333

>What practical applications does calculus have?

Please kys

>> No.8167334

This just hows how stupid physicists are they take the bait, while an engineer would know not to take it.

>> No.8167371


>> No.8167374
File: 441 KB, 1775x971, engineers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8167378

not taking the bait :)

>> No.8167381
File: 371 KB, 800x738, 1464821762013.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You already nibbled.

>> No.8167409

>You mean a physicist taking a mechanical drawing class.
Yes, this is the exact result you get. You should leave reality to people who actually know what to do with it.

>> No.8167412

lol moron

>> No.8167418

Omfg, this guy literally validated his point.

>> No.8167419

Maybe fucking aerodynamics.

>> No.8167432

at least thats some high effort trolling

>> No.8167443

Why has no one mentioned helium yet? OP, the element helium was discovered by looking at the spectrum of the sun. We found helium on the sun before we found it on earth.

>> No.8167451

flying to other planets

>> No.8167479

With astronomy you can study bodies like comets and asteroids and in the future we will be able to gather resources from them.

Studying the greenhouse effect on Venus and the lack of Ozone on Mars' atmosphere we now know how devastating those effects can be without trying ourselves on Earth. Hopefully we can convince retards that our survival as species depend on the fragile balance of our atmosphere constituents.

>> No.8167570

While there are many practical applications and useful technologies, that came through astronomy, I also think research is justified if it "just" satisfies our curiosity

>> No.8168527

Gravitational wave astronomy is the future

>> No.8168533


>> No.8168818

>I was looking at clouds the other day, now I'm a meteorologist

>> No.8168843

>practical application

Nobody studies astronomy because of practicality. It teaches us things about our Universe and reveals things that do not fit the current models of particle physics (which does have immediate practical application). Astronomy is as close to experimental astrophysics we'll ever get.

Also inb4
>particle physics
>practical application


>> No.8168848

Also I should mention that astronomy brought us the field of adaptive optics, which while not an application of astronomy, is used and developed by astronomers and does have application in many other fields.

>> No.8169248

nice Osmos OST rip off

>> No.8169361
File: 55 KB, 440x460, zing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Osmos OST rip off
kys pleb