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8164094 No.8164094 [Reply] [Original]

Sup /sci/, I'm not buying the theory of evolution. Can you convince me?

>> No.8164098

evolution is a lie but shut up and let us "research" it, we need money for food

>> No.8164101



>> No.8164110

>people still can't accept evolution

Fossil record you fucking nigger

>> No.8166102

Please kill yourself so my species can progress further.

>> No.8166179

Nope, step one to hearing is pulling your fingers out of your ears (figuratively speaking). No one else can do that but you. In this age of free education, there's little else to explain lack of information except abject ignorance. If you didnt pay attention in class and wont wiki it, no reason for anyone else to waste their energy further.

>> No.8166334
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if i kill a person, the allele frequency of humanity changes. That's still evolution. Proven, done with.
There really is no reason aside from stupidity to ignore such objective reality.

>> No.8167042


But fossils aren't real :^)

>> No.8167061

gotta appreciate me some good satire

>> No.8167103

Evolution is a meme, all the normies believe it cus they beleive what they were told. Creationism is a meme too of course. The truth is that the static in the air was hit by lightning in the same spot twice every million years and the crystals in the dirt scattered disco light and glowing patches of life essence formed. The life essence slowly radiated into caves, where it mixed with the pure cave water and created the ectoplasm. Then, when a piece of green colored dust, for example landed on the ectoplasm, plant life were formed. When orange dust landed, tigers were formed. When black dust landed on it, labradors were formed. The cave is said to located in deep in remote Africa, but ironically it has been swallowed by the jungles which it created.

>> No.8167107

What made allelles? That's just destruction of information, not creation.

>> No.8167210

I genuinely have a hard time grasping how fast evolution seems to work at.

What specifically gets me is how evolutionary psychology is used to theorize seemingly impossible things.

For example, how crying because one is sad is somehow an evolutionary trait used as a social cue.

How in the world can you select for that? Did our ancestors that did not cry just die out, preserving the ones that did and therefore favoring some crying gene?

Am I misunderstanding this?

>> No.8167236

All alleles are just variants of each other. Every organism has mutations and enough mutations make a new allele.

>> No.8167248

this, teach yourself

>> No.8167263

>what is pleiotropy

>> No.8167270

The fossil record is spotty and inconsistent. I'm not even anti-evolution, but it's a poor argument.

>> No.8167274

>I genuinely have a hard time grasping how fast evolution seems to work at.
It took us around 100 years to drop our third molars.
Less and less people have them due to nature of food.
If that is not proof of evolution happening in real time i don't know what is.

>> No.8167276


>> No.8167283

Thats not evolution, those are controlled by epigenetics, if a babby only eats soft food the molars wont come in. The gene is still there.

>> No.8167284

That's proof that diet affects tooth development.

>> No.8167295


[citation needed]

>> No.8167297

That very well may be the case but it is a proof of ongoing modifications that may lead to something more.
Evolution perhaps.
I can go on why you are wrong but I assume that you lack the basis of embryonic tooth development so I will only say genetics are large par of not all of it.

>> No.8167299

>large part of it,if not all.*

>> No.8167300

Theory of evolution is true, either you accepts this as fact or choose to believe something else, because anything other than evolution will just be that a belief

>> No.8167304

I also believe this.

>> No.8167323

You must be the laymen, what exactly is spotty about it do you ever wonder what geologist mean when they say the earth is 4.2 billion years old

>> No.8167326

You must have some misconceptions of evolution it is not magicalways or wondrous , in fact it is extremely natural

>> No.8167338

I kind of find it hard to believe myself. I mean yes I am a brainlet but still. Why aren't mutations more common?

>> No.8167367

They are very common, but most mutations are deleterious.

>> No.8167421

chances are you have a mutation yourself. they are pretty common

>> No.8167437

Here's an idea, how about you faggots show me a missing link. Or any transitory fossils that aren't hypothetical.

>> No.8167455

Evolution is supported by many facts and evidence. Whereas the counter argument to evolution is supported by what? At least one theory is rational where as the other isn't.

>> No.8167460

>Evolution is supported by many facts and evidence.

Name them.

>> No.8167464

He'll just spam his usual /pol/ infographics about "race".

>> No.8167466

since you are so lazy to look up the things that are used as evidence here you go, these are some of them :

fossil record, morphological homology, embryological homology, biochemical homology, biogeography, and analogous structure

you can also use the hardy weinberg equation to see if a current population is going through evolution

>> No.8167471

>since you are so lazy to look up the things that are used as evidence
This is the flaw of all 4chan intellectuals

>> No.8167501

Life gains complexity through time because of mutation.

Mutations that prove useful are preserved, but maladaptive traits are removed when the carriers of those traits do not reproduce.

We can track the ancestors of almost all living creatures today, but you can notice that creatures such as dinosaurs have reached their genetic ceiling with slow movements, not much neuronal activity, being cold blooded, and not having the type of hands that are capable of tiny articulate movements.

Check out the experiment with guppies. They were put into an environment without predators and quickly the males with flashy colors and a more visible mating dance began to reproduce.

>> No.8167503

the lightning thing you talking about is never talked about in evolution. It's used to explain the origin of life and that theory has actual experiment with real data that supports that claim.

>> No.8167556
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Behold, the cretinists' argument.

>> No.8167592

I just don't care about evolution theory - I'll care about theories people invent about origin of life in 500 years when more discoveries are meet for a proper theory to be formulated that's at least in the proximity of truth.

>> No.8167597

It can can also show that there's the same creator, using similar stuff that work across all nature.

>> No.8167602

>I'm not buying the theory
It's not for sale, pleb.

>> No.8167612

yeah, like rudimentary organs and cancer

great design

>> No.8167646

>he's upset b/c it's G-d's plan for him to die of ass-cancer at 17

>> No.8167658

solid reasoning

>> No.8167697

I can use artificial selection to breed a Chihuahua out of a Wolf, throughout many generations.
Can I do the opposite way, if not, why?

>> No.8167711

not really

some of the wolf imformation just got lost

>> No.8167797

You can ask God to heal you if there are problems - so no biggie.

>> No.8167816

If you haven't been convinced of the single most tested and verified idea in all of science, then you probably won't be convinced.

You can take a horse to water but you can't make it drink. You are the horse.

>> No.8167947

So none of you can actually defend evolution in any serious way?

>> No.8167963
File: 27 KB, 625x400, humanevolution.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

evolution exists, but the evolution of humans was not like the rest of the species on earth

>> No.8168528

It was just a bit more freakish. Modern mans brain is an ornament, it was selected like any other ornament in the natural world but obviously had huge implications.

Our heads would be bigger if they could, but the female cervix is maxed out, she could not walk if it were any larger. Also factoring in how long we are dependent on parents - until about 6 years biologically speaking - the entire selection process is maxed out.

>> No.8169003

I'm not denying evolution, I just have a hard time wrapping my head around the timelines. Probably due to difficulty in conceptualizing such large periods of time.

What I do have a problem with is evolutionary psychology accounting for all sorts of social behavior.

Thanks for the non-answers

>> No.8169022



>> No.8169076

you don't have to "buy" it

its your own choice whether you believe in evolution. just like it is your own choice whether you believe in gravity

>> No.8170459

>missing link meme
You're a double nigger.

>> No.8170467

Alright anon, evoloution isn't as complex as some make it out to be. To put it short, an animal born with a beneficial mutation (Ex. a better sense of smell in an environment where it would be useful) is more likely to breed, and pass on its mutations to the next generation. Eventually the mutants will overtake the normal population and the cycle continues.

>> No.8170475

An evolutionist arguing using the fossil record is like a pastor arguing using the bible. It's just really stupid, as you have to make sure that what you're using is valid first. Most evolutionists, including myself and others in this thread, believe in evolution but don't buy into the common things used to say it's really i.e. embryology or aforementioned fossil record.

>> No.8170479

Its just a mentally challenged creationist trying to get into an argument about evolution.


>> No.8170513

OK here's one tiktaalik, you stupid idiot it's transition from sarcopterrygii to amphibians asshole

>> No.8170521

What a terrible analogy, the fossil records is based on fact sure the time is not accurate but it is a good approximation considering that the first life formed spawned over 3 billion years ago, don't call yourself an evolutionary biologist if you aint even down. Plus I've taken comparative embryology and I do not understand what more evidence you need unless you are a charlatan

>> No.8170523

What about archeopteryx transition from dinosaur to birds

>> No.8170792
File: 239 KB, 493x322, Nice try.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Paleofag here.
OP, if you want a serious discussion, can you explain what aspects of evolution you find implausible? I'm trying to figure out what you're getting stuck on...

>uses word "evolutionist"
>trashes fossil evidence
>I totally believe in evolution, guise!
you've been detected, pic related

>> No.8170942

Cool! Can I have your antibiotics?

>> No.8170948

Do you even genetics? There is no "missing link" - that just comes from those who don't understand hominid development. Have you seen a bird lately? Evolved dinosaurs.

>> No.8171108

>breed a Chihuahua out of a Wolf
Possibly, if the progenitor Wolf species
is not extinct ... but it is. Sorry fgt

>> No.8171110

>defend evolution
... as though it needs defence, fgt pls

>> No.8171112

>the non-answers
you can't lookup "pleiotropy",
or you can't admit to your
lack of understanding?

>> No.8171117

What about a verb in your question,
you sub-hominid primape?

>> No.8171287

I did look it up. It wasn't clear at all.

So pleiotropy implies that a single gene that is selected for a beneficial mutation, like sweating for example, may also be responsible for some other innocuous mutation or trait, like crying when you're sad for example. Or at least the benefit exceeds any handicaps it provides.

Is that it?

>> No.8171305

N#ggers- it's why they are different

>> No.8172034

>I did look it up. It wasn't clear at all.
>I can't understand it therefore it's wrong

>> No.8172053

You are autistic. I'm all for evolution but you are just an annoying autist who is intentionally alienating people who actually want to learn.

If you are having trouble with the time scale you can do it much quicker.
Try this :http://sepuplhs.org/high/sgi/teachers/evolution_act11_sim.html
It's a nice little game that helps clarify the major points to evolution. Also evolution is a punctuated equilibrium, sometimes things remain the same for millions of years and then in the span of a thousand they become radically different.

>> No.8172424

I don't understand it =/= I think it's wrong.
Just fuck off.

I guess that website does put things into perspective, but only somewhat. It took a million years for the birds to develop shorter beaks, and different plumage.
200 or so of those same periods of time (200 million years ago) and mammals didn't even exist.
I think it's just a matter of me not being able to wrap my head and conceptualizing such large periods of time.
Simple changes over large periods of time like the exercise in the website is one thing but drastic physical changes from single celled life to enormous dinosaurs is another.

The issue I mentioned with evolutionary psychology accounting for things that can't possibly lead to a population with a certain trait is also hard for me to accept at the moment. An example I mentioned is crying when one is sad or vulnerable for example. It just does not seem like a strong enough expression of the gene to select for it.

>> No.8172536

Is evolution possible in species with a large population? If one individual has an advantageous mutation, surely that will be diluted by the sheer numbers in the next generation

>> No.8172607

Suppose In a society of a million, every man has 2 kids. Then comes along a genetic alpha with a really obscure and beneficial mutation who mates with a bunch of bitches and has 6 kids. Say 3 of them get this mutation because it's recessive and because of that they become genetic alphas and have 6 kids again, like their father.

The cycle continues for generations until the obscure and beneficial mutation becomes the norm.

Tldr: it happens in any sized society, it just takes a long fucking time with a bigger population

>> No.8172820

Nice b8

Bones fossils, pre human shapes, sizes and carbon dating>old scribbling in on paper of magic space daddy

>> No.8172840

Fossil, it can't get any simpler than looking at fossils through time. A simple geology course will literally teach you evolution on such a simple scale, even the F students in my class managed to understand most of it.

>> No.8172855

nah you're the outlier that didn't evolve

>> No.8172951

How do you know that isn't an entirely separate species?

transition is a verb

You obviously don't know anything about evolutionary science. The fossil record doesn't support evolutionary theory it outright discredits it. The Chinese who have the most amazingly rich deposits of fossils in the world have been searching tirelessly to find any proof of early transitional fossils for the last 60-70 years and haven't found any. The rest of the world has been looking almost twice that long and haven't found jack. No evidence. No proof.

>> No.8172979

2/10 Troll harder.

>> No.8172998

Such a great scientific argument. If you care to refute the seven decades worth of research the Chinese scientists put into the theory of evolution then be my guest, I'm sure they'd be very interested in anything you had to say.

>> No.8173627

>an advantageous mutation,
>surely that will be diluted
over hundreds of generations,
it doesn't matter how "diluted"
you think it is, it's still advantageous,
therefore dominant ~ and don't
call me "Shirley"

>> No.8173940


>> No.8173943

Kill yo self

>> No.8173966
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>Wants truth
>Argues about facts
You need a gawdamn philosophy lesson you complete ignoramus.

>> No.8174880 [DELETED] 

>Lets just hide our head in the sand and pretend the theory we endorse isn't falling apart at the seams in the face of mountains of crushing evidence.
:) OK then.

>> No.8174881
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>> No.8174884

>Lets just hide our head in the sand and pretend the theory we endorse isn't falling apart at the seams in the face of a drought of physical evidence and a deeper understanding of genetics.
:) OK then.

>> No.8174887

Sorry had to ammend my earlier post. What makes you think I'm a Creationist tho?

>> No.8174904

read about dogs, and belayev's foxes. a very easy example of artselc and evolution caused by artselc.
im too lazy to spoonfeed you because its 01.42 am, read memechard memekins if you are into memes.

>> No.8174920

You dont think that is an actual expample of evolution do you? Natural or otherwise? If you do you don't understand teh basic principles behind evolution.

>> No.8174925

i wasn't speaking about evolution by artselc, just artselc itself...

>> No.8174959

Quite a few things. Comparing evolution to a philosophy, saying it's a "crumbling worldview," a term used in creationist literature, and the sneer-and-jeer attitude most of them have about experts in their field.

>> No.8175106

>a very easy example of artselc and evolution caused by artselc.
>evolution caused by artselc.
Try again. It is written in your post. >>8174904

pffft. I'm not a creationist. Just well-informed about recent advancements in evolutionary theory that make the old way of looking at it more outdated than the bible's version. I also think it is hilarious that after years of atheist plus advocates screaming at Creationists online for being 'stupid' and 'idiots' that you are the ones with the victim complexes when it comes to actual scientific evidence disproving your theory. Serves you right for thinking you were smarter than everyone else in the first place and for getting behind a theory before all the evidence was in.

Hubris and jumping the gun is a common and embarrassing mistake in science at the best of times. The majority of your so-called 'experts' should be asked to resign. There is no question of that ever happening, unfortunately, I know, but I wonder how long they will sit on the info and deride it just to save face.

>> No.8175216

Then what, pray tell, is wrong with it?

>> No.8175231

>ITT /sci/ doesn't understand what a model is

whether evolution is true or not is irrelevant. its a useful assumption that lets us do things. we still teach the hard shell model of the atom even though we know it to be wrong because its useful in approximating certain mechanisms.

>> No.8175735

refer to the timestamp, i was sleepy as fuck, dont even know what i write sometimes.

>> No.8176356

No intelligent design could have created niggers.

>> No.8176375

if you want to believe in things you can't prove why don't you just be a creationist?

>> No.8176388

Is there a good theory yet to explain how sexually reproducing gender divided life evolved from asexually reproducing cells? Surely that has to be more complex than a simple mutation..

Also, can everyone stop being so autistic about this? What is it about this topic that makes everyone start acting like monkeys

>> No.8176511

creation of information is not a part of the theory of evolution

evolution only speaks to changes in frequency of existing alleles, it says nothing about how they came into existence

>> No.8176515

>Is there a good theory yet to explain how sexually reproducing gender divided life evolved from asexually reproducing cells? Surely that has to be more complex than a simple mutation..
what you're referring to is anisogamy and you can basically boil the question down to "why are there multiple sizes of gametes"

there have been MANY theories as to why anisogamy exists but it's one of those areas of science where we can come up with descriptive theories and complex models but it's very difficult to find an experimental system to actually evaluate the models in vivo