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/sci/ - Science & Math

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8163920 No.8163920 [Reply] [Original]

Can we agree on this:

Astrology: empirical knowledge gathered through generations about empirical observations on patterns people that was born in a date share, obviously using heavy cognitive bias.

Magic: Auto hypnosis and heavy cognitive bias that uses the placebo effect to produce medical miracles.

God: Imaginary being that a society or group of people tend to use for certain benefits, it's powers are derived of cognitive bias and my previous definition of magic, obviusly following social patterns and mob rule, also God's visions and profets are basically mentally ill people, mostly schizos. Basically humans create God and make it real through belief, like a tulpa.

Numerology: Empirical evidence gathered through generations on number coincidences and fueled by cognitive bias.

Anything else you want me to try to explain?

>> No.8163936

> Acting like it is ´original thought´ and that you're a ground-breaking genius.
It took you this long to realise these overt things? Gosh, you're slow.

>> No.8163938

nope, just wanted to make a thread about it.
wanna talk about it?

>> No.8163958
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Well, how do you then explain how people who were extremely good at evading cognitive bias still believed in God, such as people like Saul Kripke or Albert Einstein? I mean, for example, the extend of objectivity with which Einstein went in proving general relativity and in Einstein-Bohr debates is mind-boggling, and "Naming and Necessity" is perhaps the best argumented book of 20th century, yet both believed in "derived from cognitive biases" God.
Would you also state that bias evasion is as recent as popularization of atheism? This is clearly absurd.

>> No.8163981

I don't remember where do I read, but I remember reading that humans had a certain part of their brain responsible for belief.

we naturally tend to be sheeps and believe in some bigger system, like ideologies or nationalism.

I do believe such instict comes from the fact we're social animals and we need to learn to be sheeps and follow social codes.

you can see such irrational behaviour in sport fans by example, they kill themselves because of a team, or how gangs operates and criminals tend to pray to dead historical figures of their organization.

I do believe religion started as a cope mechanics or defence mechanism over the fear of death.

>> No.8163989

This is a much better hypothesis than "religion is cognitive bias".

>> No.8163996

Also a way to rationalise the world, something science has replaced.

>> No.8163998

Newton was an alchemist, bro.
And the god Einstein believed in seems to be naturalistic, definitely not one in traditional religion.

>> No.8164005

Einstein believed the universe was "god" that's not the same as believing in God

>> No.8164007

>Imaginary being
Do you tip your fedora in radians or degrees, M'lady?

>> No.8164012

And also pattern recognition. We belive in God becouse we are fucking good in seeing patterns even when there is just a mere coincedence. You see faces in the clouds, you see point of life when your life has no point. You have to belive that there is something more couse you cant help but see that there is more, even when there is nothing. Also people dont like to think about themselves as a big stupid pile of atoms. They just like the concept of soul, couse it gives immortality.

There is alot of things in our brain that helps religion to work. In some way sience is no different here. Yes, it works, but people also like science becouse it gives them purpose in life, and also real understanding that there is clearly more to see.

>> No.8164015

Oh shut up and come back with original content, stop regurgitating memes you hack.