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8155917 No.8155917 [Reply] [Original]

I find archaic humans endlessly fascinating.

I find it really hard to find good quality audio/video lectures or even audiobooks on the subject. Can anyone recommend any?

A couple I can recommend are;
Lecture series
>Rise Of Humans Great Scientific Debates - Prof. John Hawks (is a jew though)
>Human Prehistory and the First Civilizations - Bryan Fagan (is a bit dated)
>A Troublesome Inheritance - Nicholas Wade
>The Strange Case of the Rickety Cossack And Other Cautionary Tales from Human Evolution - Ian Tattersall

I hate Jarad Diamond and the kike who wrote Sapiens. Sociologist hijacking paleoanthropology and keeping science in general hostage to their liberal minded agendas.

I thought there would tonnes of good lecture material available but there surprising little.

>> No.8156832


>> No.8156853

OP is a 93 year old Nazi Scientist.

>> No.8156909

I'm a strong proponent on multi-regional evolution and believe 'out of africa' meme will get BTFO as garbage in our life-time.

>> No.8156922
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Don't forget the Kumari model, though that one's a bit farfetched.
Also, I'm honestly ok with the idea that we came from Africa.

>> No.8156933

Its a retarded idea that different species of primate all happened to evolve into the same species of man

can you even rationalize that?

unless you are religious, then i can see why you would think that

>> No.8156950

I'm ok with earliest hominids originating in Africa, but I think once the homo genus emerged the progress to sapiens was multi-regional with gene flow between regions.

We have habilis and early erectus found in Dmanisi Georgia. I think its absurd to assume that the same species that evolved to sapiens in africa didnt progress anywhere else in the world.

Also we know that interbreeding happened with neanderthals and denisovans outside of africa. At best supporters of 'out of africa' can only claim 'mostly out of africa' with this genetic evidence.

>> No.8156952


gene flow and hybridization between regions as seen with neanderthal and denisovans.

>> No.8156957
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To me, the multiregional hypothesis doesn't explain why we have so much of our DNA in common, yet Neanderthals have a very noticable difference.

>> No.8156988

I picture, the middle-east, central asia, eastern europe as the melting-pot where inbreeding/gene flow took place which gave rise to sapiens.

It makes more sense that all the homo species that left africa 1.8 - 2 million years ago, evolved regionally, but also meet with each other between these region and exchanged genes. Rather just completely disappearing and only
sub-saharan africa producing sapiens in isolation.

>> No.8156993
File: 20 KB, 387x442, African_Mitochondrial_descent.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But that's the thing. African sapiens wouldn't be sapiens, they'd be considered another group entirely. Or we'd be considered another species. Remember, evolution has no goal, no endpoint.
Also, what about the Mitochondrial Eve?

>> No.8157006

>African sapiens wouldn't be sapiens, they'd be considered another group entirely.

According to out of africa, they would have to be sapiens because they say it happened less that 100,000 years ago. So they would have to be essentially modern humans.

>Mitochondrial Eve

There are bottle necks and regional population drops offs that would kill off mitochondrial lineages.

>> No.8157012
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No, I was say that by your logic, Africans developing on their own while the other hybridized would make them separate species. Purebreds and mutts.
Also, I've heard of at least one bottleneck caused by volanic eruptions some 10,000 years ago, but don't quote me on that.

>> No.8157018
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>I was say
I was saying
>while the other
While the others

>> No.8157025
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>> No.8157030

There would have been back and forth gene-flow with the african populations. Its just sub-saharan africa had interbredding with much more archaic species.

>> No.8157033
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Such as Idaltu and Rhodesiensis? Or are we talking Naledi-level interbreeding?

>> No.8157043

I think very time period dependent. They would have to quite similar to hybridize and have viable off-spring. Even with a species like erectus that lived for a very long time, the more archaic versions of the species would have persisted longer in southern africa.

>> No.8157047
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I dunno, I think I'm just partial to the OOA theory. I mean, where is the transition from Peking Man to modern Asians? Java Man to the Aborigines? Red Deer Cave people to Kennewick Man?

>> No.8157067

Fossil evidence is very limited. But the fact that we have these examples you mention, proves homo genus was a global species. Its makes more sense that they progressed/evolved as global species. Rather than species leaving africa, not progressing for millions of years and then ceasing to exist.

Even the 'out of africa' when they break it down to what exactly took place within africa, it is multi-regional evolution but within a singular continent. Its just shifting the core of the of out africa model to a wider geographic area.

>> No.8157073
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Considering that Homo species in Africa were making advancements where the other regional variants weren't, I think it's a safe bet that they were isolated from one another. In other words: no contact, no interbreeding.

>> No.8157092

There has to be contact or how would they make it there in the first place. of course there would isolated pockets due continental shift, species evolving on islands, etc. But as whole a regional species were very much in contact with each other.

When you say advancement, do mean in terms of technology used by the hominids or advancement as in more modern species arising?

>> No.8157125
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Advancement as in technology.

>> No.8157173

Oldowan and slightly more advanced acheulean tools with bi-facial cutting edge are found through out europe, middle east and western asia.

Its really only east of the movius line were stone tools like these are quite rare. But it is likely these population started using a different material to make their tools such as bamboo which leave no fossil evidence, rather than them not using tools.

>> No.8157180
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Perhaps. It just seems more likely that modern man arose from Idaltu and Rhodesiensis rather than multiple variants of Erectus.

>> No.8157307

>There has to be contact or how would they make it there in the first place.

This is a silly claim. Just because a population moved does not mean that members moved backwards.

>homo walks across a landbridge
>it goes underwater
>homos can't walk back

>> No.8157348

Its silly to say that they could walk there and not back.

The only land bridges that disappeared since homo genus has existed are small ones between islands in Indonesia, etc, not between continents.

>> No.8157353
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You forgot the Sahara which used to extend far beyond its current territory. One little change (the end of the ice age) led to some areas becoming habitable, and thus able to traverse.

>> No.8157357

>(is a jew though)
>I hate Jarad Diamond and the kike who wrote Sapiens

Sounds like you're just disputing science done by Jews. I think >>8156853 might be onto something.

>I'm a strong proponent on multi-regional evolution and believe 'out of africa' meme will get BTFO as garbage in our life-time.

Ah okay, so you're throwing out the theory with the largest body of supporting evidence in favor of the one that (just guessing here) validates a whole bunch of racist beliefs that you have about Africans?


>> No.8157377

It is currently most widely held, not the one with most supporting evidence. The supporting scientific evidence is growing weaker with every new discovery. It is held up by 'muh feeling' 'everyone is the same' meme by sociologist and the like.

Not along ago, they told us that homo-sapiens evolved in isolation solely in sub-saharian africa and interbreeding with neanderthals was impossible due to the species evolving so far away from each other in terms of time and geography. Now we know that sapiens and neanderthals did interbreed because of indisputable genetic evidence. There simply had to gene-flow between regions or interbreeding between species separated for so long would be impossible, which contradicts the traditional out of africa theory.

>> No.8157428
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So you'd rather come from a European subhuman than a Negro?

>> No.8157448

Its not about what I rather, its about theories being based on scientific facts rather than being something to suit political correct agendas.

>> No.8157453
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The irony is strong in this post.

>> No.8157458

The whole ‘Out of Africa’ myth has its roots in the mainstream academic campaign in the 1990’s to remove the concept of Race. When I did my degree they all spent a lot of time on the ‘Out of Africa’ thing but it’s been completely disproved by genetics. Mainstream still hold on to it.

>> No.8157469
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I still think it's more likely that our ancestors moved into the territories where these beings were living, and then proceeded to exterminate them.

>> No.8157471

>it’s been completely disproved by genetics.
said no geneticist ever.

>> No.8157480

Not according to recent genetic studies.

>the finding that the Europeoid haplogroups did not descend from “African” haplogroups A or B is supported by the fact that bearers of the Europeoid, as well as all non-African groups do not carry either SNI’s M91, P97, M31, P82, M23, M114, P26


>> No.8157481

>Academic campaign
Sure, if by academic campaign you are referring to the development of modern genetic science then yes.

>disproved by genetics
Actually it was pushed by breakthroughs in genetics. Are you somehow brain damaged?

>> No.8157484
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>> No.8157491


Sorry kids but 'race is social construct' is dead.

>Sure, if by academic campaign you are referring to the development of modern genetic science then yes.

It did begin the early 90’s. They were fully aware that genealogy is not in any way linked to geography, and that their placement of Eve in Africa was an assumption, never an assertion. Now we have come to discover that the mitochondrial DNA evidence was fundamentally flawed .

>> No.8157499
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>> No.8157502


Yes, I agree. The out of Africa theory is clearly wrong. It is now time we move forward with the Out of Mars theory.
>It is hypothesized that the prehistorical population has already lived in MARS planet. They shall be considered as Akkie population. The Akkie population shall also be considered as black population.

The early 90s is when the human genome project was running. Pretty much everything before that was baseless junk science, including the traditional notion of race.

>> No.8157503

The irony is strong in this post, considering 'out of africa' is pseudoscience.

>> No.8157505
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The hell is yours then?

>> No.8157509

>The early 90s is when the human genome project was running.

Running, not complete. Out of africa used mitochondrial DNA as evidence, which was flawed. Now we have the complete genome, highlights the inconsistencies and illogicality of out of africa theory.

>By sequencing the genome, the researchers demonstrate that Aboriginal Australians descend directly from an early human expansion into Asia that took place some 70,000 years ago, at least 24,000 years before the population movements that gave rise to present-day Europeans and Asians.


>> No.8157517

>news site for science

>> No.8157520

Its a sourced article you moron.

>Professor Eske Willerslev
>Centre for GeoGenetics
>Natural History Museum of Denmark

>Dr Morten Rasmussen
>Centre for GeoGenetics
>Natural History Museum of Denmark

>> No.8157532
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Depends on what they mean by "early human."

>> No.8157541

>sourced news article means that the journalist reporting on said research knows what they're talking about.
The lols just keep coming.

>> No.8157591

It implies, for the 'out of Africa' theory to be correct, African homo-sapiens made their way across the entire Asian continent and never stopped or settled, and remained in transit until reaching Australia.

>verbatim quotes

keep trying dummy

>> No.8157800

Which seems to be the case.

>> No.8158123
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Wasn't there gene flow into Africa as well? I mean the fact non-african populations migrated into africa is known, it's how the horn africans came to be.
Also we aren't looking properly into this, aren't the bushmen the oldest sapiens lineage that became isolated from the rest of us homos?

>> No.8158163
File: 190 KB, 1200x1200, TAP9FAq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wasn't there gene flow into Africa as well?
I read somewhere once that the Negro race evolved in India, then got displaced and wound up moving to Africa, but I can't find anything about it now.

>> No.8158305


Such a strange combination of tree-dwelling and bipedal features, is there some possibility that this specimen was a direct decendent of hybridization?

I must mention it's size is uncommon of Homonins of Australopiths from around the same date of existence, morphological extremity and features mismatched is a common trait of hybrids.

I'm gonna go on a whim and say that we probably could communicate with words and short sentences even at this point.

>> No.8158312

>The whole ‘Out of Africa’ myth has its roots in the mainstream academic campaign in the 1990’s to remove the concept of Race.
go back to >>>/pol/

>> No.8158337

> shitposting
back to >>>/r/eddit

>> No.8158377
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>people who disagree with my opinion are obviously shitposters.
You must be a riot at parties.

>> No.8158390

> people who spam SJWtard memes aren't shitposters
fuck off shitposter. >>>/r/eddit

>> No.8158392
File: 30 KB, 480x360, hqdefault (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you prefer this.

>> No.8158406

Why do you posit that there are groups that evolved differently yet maintained the ability to interbreed?

Given that picture, how do you define the difference between a modern European and a modern Asian?

>> No.8158409
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How much neanderthal/denisovan they have in their DNA.

>> No.8158410

red pill me on suicide /pol/

sooner is better, right?

>> No.8158466

/his/ says you're a retard.

>> No.8158813

>It is currently most widely held, not the one with most supporting evidence.

Is that why practically every population genetics study done on the hypothesis supports it? Perhaps that's why it's the most widely held view?

>The supporting scientific evidence is growing weaker with every new discovery.

That's funny. I did some searches on anthropological studies containing the phrase "out-of-africa" from 2015-2016 and can't find any that are outright refuting the hypothesis. Now, that doesn't mean that there isn't any evidence that refutes it, but you're definitely exaggerating.

>It is held up by 'muh feeling' 'everyone is the same' meme by sociologist and the like.

On the contrary, it sounds like you're discarding the better theory for the one that validates your own agenda. Confirmation bias is cancer.

>> No.8158818

This is why Egyptian government officials outta open the sphinx chamber and the war on terror effort should be shifted to a security force capable of having muslim scholars for obvious reasons to walk into the many mosque in arabland holding archives and scrolls of ancient kemetic math lol kemetic

>> No.8158821

>come to /sci/ for the first time
>people refuting racists/nazis/regional evolutionists are doing a better job than anyone at /his/ ever has like they do it every day

>> No.8158822

Russia will follow soon the chinese, then a mass influx of migrants to china and European countries, forcing most chinese to move to africa starting a new war on the streets of niger land

>> No.8159147

The Out of Africa model has been supported by genetic evidence though man.

A whole skew of genetic markers have their oldest haplotype in African populations suggesting that Africa is the origin of most human genes and if not the SOLE source of human genetics then there was overwhelmingly more African gene flow into the other regions.

But the evidence doesn't support that either, it supports a model of large amounts of African H. Sapiens replacing the other hominids with very limited amounts of admixture with other regions.


>> No.8159182

no really, you post /pol/ topics every fucking day

just get out

>> No.8159210

Fuck off you sjwtard. get triggered elsewhere, this isn't the cesspool you live in.

>> No.8159211

i like dick

>> No.8159229 [DELETED] 
File: 419 KB, 2322x1606, pol starter pack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hello /pol/

>> No.8159236
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> posting SJWtard memes
Can you stop flooding my board and call everyonepol who's tired of having to be exposed to your cancerous stinking ass around here ?
You and your fellow social reject SJWtard are not welcome here or anywhere else in the world.

Do the whole world a favor and kill yourself.

>> No.8159238
File: 33 KB, 500x375, case dismissed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Can you stop flooding my board
you're the one that posts /pol/-lite topics on here every week and then tells everyone to "FUCK OFF SJWTARD!!!"

Just leave. sage

>> No.8159246

> i dont like it so ill call it pol
again, stop flooding every thread with SJWtard memes retard. They don't teach these things in political science, they teach them in anthropology and biology. You'd know that if you attended to your lectures you drooling imbecile sjwtard.

Now fuck off back to your safe space and get called a retard by reddit a little >>>/r/eddit

>> No.8159388
File: 23 KB, 640x280, ismael-rivera-640x280-05102014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everybody knows you are from /pol/.

>> No.8159394

> Everybody is secretly a SJWtard like me
Get the fuck off my board mouthbreather.

>> No.8159418
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The OP just wanted to know if there were any lectures or audio about archaic man. How did it devolve into this shit?

>> No.8159424

Because SJWtards insist on flooding every thread with their cancerous shitposting 24/7 and derail certain threads that don't fit their agenda.

>> No.8159485

see >>8157357

>> No.8159490

sorry I cant read your prejudicial racist posts
better get back to >>>/r/eddit

>> No.8159495 [DELETED] 

You really been monitoring this thread for 5 hours straight faggot? Go to your homeland

>> No.8159503

This is our board and we don't want SJWtard shitters like you

back to your cesspool and continue getting humiliated by reddit >>>/r/eddit

>> No.8159505

>our board
>muh safespace
>muh /pol/ outpost
just fuck off if you can't handle being triggered and called out like the /pol/tard you are, you are throwing a tantrum

>> No.8159512
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> muh pol boogeyman
you've been raping every thread you see with your relentless cancerous shitposting. SJW is globally hated by literally every group out there inlcuding /pol/, which doesn't mean everyone who hates you is /pol/ and everyone knows it.

Your strawman shitposts won't help you and you should fuck off where you belong already you dumb SJWtard


>> No.8159519
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>> No.8159767

>Multiregionalists have responded to what they see as flaws in the Eve theory,[66] and have offered contrary genetic evidences.[67][68][69] Wu and Thorne have questioned the reliability of the molecular clock used to date Eve.[70][71] Multiregionalists point out that Mitochondrial DNA alone can not rule out interbreeding between early modern and archaic humans, since archaic human mitochondrial strains from such interbreeding could have been lost due to genetic drift or a selective sweep.[72][73] Wolpoff for example states that Eve is "not the most recent common ancestor of all living people" since "Mitochondrial history is not population history".[74]