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8154862 No.8154862 [Reply] [Original]

I want to learn basic string theory. I don't even know what that means and have no understanding of the topic whatsoever, but I want to learn it because it just seems like the epitome of difficulty. I want a hard goal.

Background: I've always found math and science easy. I've mainly been held back by laziness not a lack of intellectual capacity all my life. Recently got a degree in Computer Science and will be working for a "Big 4" (think Google, Microsoft, Facebook, Amazon) making 6 figures but I feel intellectually unsatisfied because I found the degree stupidly easy, and fun not hard. So I guess I'm reasonably smart or non-retarded? Idk

Anyone willing to explain a roadmap on how to learn basic string theory via self study? My highest math is Calc 3, bit disappointed in myself at that but it's all that was required for my CS degree.


>> No.8154868
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I don't even know what bait pic to choose but I guess I'll just have to pick one

>> No.8154938

Algebra, Geometry, Trig, Calculus (single variable), Calculus (Multivariable), Analytic geometry, Linear Algebra, Ordinary differential equations, Partial differential equations, Real analysis, Complex Analysis, Manifold Analysis, Abstract algebra, Multilinear Algebra, Differential Geometry, Lie groups, Differential forms, Topology, Algebraic topology, Noncommutative geometry and probably more, but that's just to get started.

Good luck, see you in 10 years OP

>> No.8154966

As a mathematical physics grad student, I missed the chance to do alg topology and don't have pre req's for algebraic geometry what good intro books exist for these? I have studied all the other things in your list and also have a grounding in qft, qm, electrodynamics, SR basically all main physics groups apart from GR.

>> No.8154993


Read the first few volumes of EGA/SGA, should get you up to speed pretty quickly.

>> No.8155065

I'm assuming theres some good translations floating around. Ok thanks man appreciate it

>> No.8155108

>Recently got a degree in Computer Science

I am so sorry

>> No.8155127

>6 figures at [20, 30)

>> No.8155144

You could be earning that and have spent your college years actually learning stuff.

>> No.8155154

>Noncommutative geometry
This is only used in niche cases, so is not really necessary. However Algebraic Geometry definitely is.

For algebraic geometry, learn the fundamentals of commutative algebra (it is a fairly straightforward subject). Then I would recommend the book "Algebraic Geometry over the Complex Numbers" by Arapura. It is a fairly new book but is very good and covers exactly what you need to start getting into string theory.
i.e. After you finish it, you would have no problemsjumping into a book on calabi-yau varieties/manifolds, geometric&homological mirror symmetry, etc.

This is a horrible suggestion.

>> No.8155155

what is wrong with computer science degree?

>> No.8155160

What isnt wrong with it?

>> No.8155165

i dont know

>> No.8155169

I'm getting a dual degree in CS just because I need something to fool the plebs into thinking my pure math degree is applicable. Also I need a hobby.
I've never seen people as utterly retarded as CS undergrads, grads, and professors. The degree has been a complete joke so far. I just code in my spare time, look up shit as I need it, and then pass the "difficult" tests.
>Wew lads, muh algorithmic complexity is just HS level limits
>OMG OOP I've never heard of such a thing
>Muh artificial intelligence is just glorified search algorithms

>> No.8155180

oh, incompetent professionals, got it. i imagine the degree focuses on algorithms/pseudo code too, since it goes to the theoritical side of the thing.

>> No.8155187

The degree is mostly applicable shit that you could learn from youtube. I haven't seen pseudocode for years. Everyone does freak out about algorithms though.

>> No.8155190

>I've never seen people as utterly retarded as CS undergrads, grads, and professors. The degree has been a complete joke so far. I just code in my spare time, look up shit as I need it, and then pass the "difficult" tests.
When I dropped out of HS after 2 years and entered community college, I had to ask the intro to C prof to let me in the course without taking math-for-dropouts despite testing into Calc 1. I was presented a sob story about having to fail a student who cried, as a warning that CS is "hard". I hadn't done anything but PHP and JS up until that point, and the whole two year curriculum was so unchallenging I ended up feeling incompetent due to feeling like I hadn't even been taught anything. I read the entire textbooks we were assigned 1/3 of until Java where I did almost zero work and still got an A on account of easy midterm and final.

I suspect we're adjusting the curriculum for the lowest common denominator on account of the number of students enrolling because they are told that CS is "the future", despite knowing absolutely jack shit about computers and having no real motivation to learn. It's similar to how we're increasing the number of tests in primary school and judging entire districts only by their pass rate which holds back students who actually understand the material and just increases dropout rate of the students who aren't fucking studying in the first place.

>> No.8155218
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>> No.8155222

Finally, here's an anon who gets it. I'm at a mid/top tier uni, but every homework assignment gets its deadline extended by a week for 90% credit because enough people complain they couldn't do it in time. Oh and the final exam in my data structures class was made to be worth only extra credit because people thought it would be too hard for them. It's a joke.
I've learned LOTS through various non-uni internships though.

>> No.8155303


Not every CS degree program sucks like this and not every CS student is some moron. Your claims about low employment rates are utter bs. I had no job experience before my CS degree yet I got an internship at a prop trading firm the summer after my junior year making 8.5k a month. Got offers from another prop trading firm before graduation for about 140k total comp which I declined for another offer of slightly less but better location and top well known company. I work in C and C++ primarily

Have fun making 30k a year stipend doing your PhDs in math or whatever

>> No.8155308
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>> No.8155310

>Not every CS degree program sucks like this

Show me one modern CS program that doesn't suck ass.

>not every CS student is some moron

And they typically hate CS programs with a burning passion.

>> No.8155313 [DELETED] 

It's a bubble that will pop soon with the SJW's no borders movement.

Any idiot can learn to code -> it's minimal skill job -> minimum wage.

>> No.8155314

> Show me one modern CS program that doesn't suck ass.
> And they typically hate CS programs with a burning passion.
only on 4chan

>> No.8155317

It's a bubble that will pop soon especially with the SJW's no borders movement and politicians shilling H1B visas.

Any idiot can learn to code -> it's a minimal skill job -> minimum wage.

>> No.8155332

do not waste your time on string theory. loop quantum gravity is the future :^)

>> No.8155335
File: 287 KB, 836x1065, 1455310679806.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>After Spring 2014, material from CS 373 Theory of Computation and CS 473 Fundamental Algorithms was combined into a single 4-hour course, CS 374 Algorithms and Models of Comp (offered Spring 2014 - Spring 2016 as a CS 498 Special Topics course, thereafter to be offered as CS 374). Students in all undergraduate CS curricula are now required to take the new Algorithms and Models of Comp course if they did not already complete CS 373 and CS 473.
>After Spring 2012, material from CS 231 Computer Architecture I and CS 232 Computer Architecture II was combined into a single 4-hour course, CS 233 Computer Architecture, which is required for all CS undergraduate curricula.
>No Graph Theory and Combinatorics
>No Numerical Analysis
>No Compilers
>No Program Language Theory
>No Operating Systems Design
>Only one Probability/Statistics course

It sucks.

>> No.8155337

There are so many better things to read

>> No.8155340

It's really hard, go design a flexible, scalable, fast system that solves any non trivial problem. Not everyone does web or app dev. Go become competent enough to work on highly optimized low level systems then tell me it's some easy job

>> No.8155351

Any one outside of the anflonunis

>> No.8155353
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Which is why most code sucks ass

>> No.8155728

>much more indepth by spending one ro two afternoons of reading a book
>do not understand the semantics of an implication in propositional logic

Confirmed bait.

>> No.8155729

You should spend your time on something other than dank memes.

>> No.8155754

Kek, even my program for retards has the classes you mentioned. It's still a joke though.
That shitty program makes me feel better about mine.

>> No.8156152

It's not bait