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8154729 No.8154729[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

You are trying to signal that you are upper middle class professional to your peers and professors by only pursuing liberal intellectual pursuits and values. You need to embrace a warrior ethic. Learn how to fight. Go to an MMA gym. Train at the gym. Build muscle. Don't do aerobic activities like bike riding and tennis and all that bourgeois crap. Train for an amateur boxing match. Get your motorcycle licence. Learn pistol marksmanship. All these activities are frowned upon by academic types as working class and oafish. But you will be more comfortable in yourself, more confident and happy, if you learn how to be a man's man. And stop drinking alcohol. Have a nutritional diet. Take care of your body so that if the time comes you will be able to inflict violence to protect your woman, your family and your property.

>> No.8154734

What is the point of this post?

>> No.8154738

This isn't the fucking caveman era. Men no longer need to "protect their women"

Jesus christ, fuck off

>> No.8154743

I did most of those and I'm still depressed. My high IQ forces me to be aware of the meaninglessness of life and the futility of all endeavours.

>> No.8154745

I'm manlet with an effeminate face and a small frame and a high pitched voice. There's literally no point in making an attempt to act manly.

We're all slaves to our genetics once you embrace this then and only then will you achieve liberation.

>> No.8154760

lol faggot. Statistically, smarter people tend to be happier than idiots. That pattern holds true even for geniuses. Your IQ is not to blame for your degeneracy, you are. Get a new perspective, go outside, exercise more, and stop acting like life is meaningless just because you don't have everything handed to you. Life has only the meaning you assign to it, so its up to you to make your existence worth the trouble.

>> No.8154765


fuck those faggot ass professors with their faggot ass too small clothes

real men dont need be liberal to be smart

>> No.8154767

As a high IQ genius I cannot assign meaning to my life. I cannot trick myself into believing something.

>> No.8154768

*tips fedora*

>> No.8154786

>And stop drinking alcohol.
Okay, what else should I drink then? Ether?

>> No.8154789

As a high IQ genius, you obviously don't know what you're talking about.

>Cannot trick myself into believing something
>tricks self into believing that all endeavours are futile

Grow the fuck up. You don't like life because you've convinced yourself that you're too smart to like it.

>> No.8154798

Actually statistically, the smarter you are, the more unhappy you tend to be.

>> No.8154803

Not him but can you point to purpose in life?

So far the only supposed purposes that make any sense are procreation and progress. Procreation does nothing for you specifically. It's a genetic disposition that ensures the survival of the species.

Progress also does nothing for you. You will die long before the species reaches cultural and/or technological enlightenment so it serves no purpose for the individual.

I've seen no purposes in life other than the survival and enhancement of the species and no one had ever argued otherwise.

You are essentially led by your genetic instructions your entire life and most people are either too dumb to notice this or actively avoid confronting this fact for fear of it.

Do you have any evidence or theories as to why this might be wrong or are you simply going to continue with calling everyone a faggot and patting yourself on the back for thinking you were witty?

>> No.8154812

Can you prove evidence to back up your claim?

>> No.8154840
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Hitting the gym is extremely common and middle class by now.

Also, you're spooked.

>> No.8154845


>> No.8154855

Nice sources guys.

>> No.8154861
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>> No.8154864

I don't follow, man

>> No.8154866
File: 1.49 MB, 1283x958, Ni5EfzD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Basically that it's all in your head, like a boogeyman or "spook."

>> No.8154867

it's a meme word meaning that you do things for reasons

>> No.8154880

This is like an unironic Kelly comic. Especially all the random shit like
>stubby cap [on a water bottle] reminds you of your place
Like I can imagine the guy who made this being frustrated by a hard-to-open water bottle and declaring it's all part of a big conspiracy against masculinity and frantically scribbling something about stubby bottle caps into his comic that already contains hundreds of words about every other minor annoyance in his life.

>> No.8154967

A cursory google search would tell you that intelligence has a positive or neutral correlation with happiness, depending on the study. But not a negative one. Cucks who think they're smarter than they are like to repeat the idea that smart people are unhappy, solely to make themselves feel better about being miserable.
You're missing the point if you think there's an all-encompassing purpose to life. There isn't. Purpose is personal. To say otherwise is the domain of religion, which I have a feeling you don't buy into.
I'm a competitive guy. I like to win. My purpose is to be the best that I can be, and to dedicate myself to self-improvement, and to help others do the same. Why? Because that's what makes me happy. I think that's a meaningful goal to have.
If you want purpose, find what you want to do, and fucking do it. You don't need to know the meaning of life to be happy and driven. As an abstract concept, life is utterly meaningless and the result of physical processes that don't give a shit what you do. As a practical matter, you can turn your life around. I'm not going to be a fag and say "u can du anythgn cuz ur special" but you will be 100% surprised what you can accomplish if you set your mind to it. And if you set your mind to making yourself unhappy by pretending that your life is meaningless instead of finding meaning on your own, you will absolutely NAIL it. You'll live a dejected and terrible life and it will be entirely your own fault. And you'll die thinking you were just born too smart for this life instead of facing the objective truth, which was that you were just too goddamn beta for it.

>> No.8155067

>if you learn how to be a man's man. And stop drinking alcohol.


>> No.8155075
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>And stop drinking alcohol. Have a nutritional diet. Take care of your body so that if the time comes you will be able to inflict violence to protect your woman, your family and your property.
Are you a Muslim OP? Cause you sure sound like one.

>by only pursuing liberal intellectual pursuits and values
>embrace a warrior ethic
>all that bourgeois crap
>learn how to be a man's man

Yeah, you probably worship a slave-owning pedophile.
Embrace your inner sand-nigger.

>> No.8155078
File: 5 KB, 233x267, Coleman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My high IQ forces me to be aware of the meaninglessness of life and the futility of all endeavours.
Go home, gorilla-poster, yer drunk,

>> No.8155096


You don't have a high IQ. smart people are almost always happier. You probably have a low IQ and are just delusional and think you're smarter than everyone around you. THAT would undoubtedly make you or anyone depressed, because they think they're powerful, despite being totally powerless and ineffective. their expectations of themselves are constantly above what they can actually do.

>> No.8155106

you mean thomas jefferson?

>> No.8155107
File: 69 KB, 850x577, 543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you haven't lived in the ghetto, have you?
trap that shit yo'

OP pic related.
I could be happy, but my social skills are fucked in that I have no clue how to approach people for Lucy- when I KNOW there are family members around.

>> No.8155297

I think I'm on the upswing of the everything is hopeless bottom. Still have some work to do though.

>> No.8155339

so basically inject testosterone, fuck bitches. you'll be happy when fucking. This is exactly what nature programmed us to do, and so we should expect the brain to push out happy chemicals doing things that increase status, get women, etc.

we are meant to be sad by nature essentially. it is tragic that evolution has used sorrow to move us

>> No.8155344

you sound like an idiot. no offense

>> No.8155346

damn you really psyched out this situation, bro!

>> No.8155348

your lack of self-awareness is showing.

>> No.8155360

Happiness comes from having a purpose in life.

Reaching a PR at the gym is an accomplishment, but you only think about the next one.

Besides, most of a "man's man"s actions are risktaking. I'm not saying one shouldnt take risks; one needs to be taking the risks that matter - asking women out, going for the promotion, giving the talk at the convention.

Fight club was a work of fiction and there is always someone stronger, more handsome, and richer who can take your girl without really trying. Win their devotion by other means, or theyll merely be a projection of your narcissism and essentially be a form of property denoting status - and you will be that to them.

>> No.8155366

Do you have an upcoming prison stay?
You will be a man's man.

In realty we need to strengthen the body and mind