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File: 13 KB, 429x286, Hyenapoop-UK780Kyearsold.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8151395 No.8151395 [Reply] [Original]

What can we do with shit?

Like literal shit.

I'm pretty sure we shouldn't be just flushing it in the long run. Can you create electricity from poop?

The only real thing I can think of is some sort of place for bacteria and fungus to grow... but not archaea...

>> No.8151460

just poo in the loo

>> No.8151547

send it to designated shitting streets in Pajeetdia

>> No.8151551



>> No.8151554

>Add shit vents in indian streets
>gather a billion peoples worth of shit
>sell as natural hippie crop fertilizer
>hipsters and first worlder babies buy you naturally grown crops

>> No.8151618

Collect vast amounts in air tight containers. Anaerobic activity evolves methane. Collect gas for use as energy source.

This is done in Germany where farms contribute animal poo to tanks for methane generation. Collecting methane and buring it means less effective greenhouse gas release.

For reasons that I have never seen explained there are in place regulations where mixing bacteria cultures are not permitted. So mixing poo from humans, animals, food remains etc is not permitted certain places.

>> No.8151633

>For reasons that I have never seen explained there are in place regulations where mixing bacteria cultures are not permitted. So mixing poo from humans, animals, food remains etc is not permitted certain places.

this is just a wild guess, maybe some weirdass superfreaky strain could develop?

>> No.8151638

To avoid a new "avian flu" ? Bacterias from differents species might share some genetic information horizontaly.

>> No.8151681

During the Viking era people lived with their animals, in the same building ("longhouses") at times and all the waste went into the same place. I never heard this resulted in pandemics.

>> No.8151694

Fertalizer, OP.

Only problem is it smells like shit.

If everyone on the planet smeared their shit on their own farmlands to grow their own food we could end world hunger.

But i would rather just let robots grow the stuff.

On a scale large enough to feed everyone

>> No.8151726

Not enough population to create a true pandemic maybe ?
I didn't say it was the official reason, just the most logical one, and even then It's probably just a precaution. There aren't that many researches on mixing human and animal wastes.

>> No.8151742


>> No.8151746


I mean we don't have to use it for growing crops specifically
although everybody seems perfectly fine with using cow shit to grow their food but oh once you use human shit thats crossing the line

but why no just use it for helping to grow and regrow normal plants that we don't eat

>> No.8151772

>but not achaea
be careful making hard statements about archaea

they're notoriously difficult to study because we just have no idea how to grow them in the lab. what we know about them is barely better than "we know they're out there"

same with lots of ostensibly ubiquitous bacteria. people used to think b. subtilis was the vast majority of soil microbes but then it turned out it was actually a minor player, we just couldnt culture anything else

>> No.8151803

the problem with human poop vs. cow/chicken poop is that we don't exclusively eat grass and bugs. Our digestive systems also function in very different ways. Unprocessed human shit is full of a lot of crazy bacteria and diseases that will fuck you up. You don't want that on your food.

Animal manure on the other hand is just fine and dandy.

>> No.8151874

I've pooped in my compost a few times.

A few times I've noticed I have steam rising from my feces when i do it outside on the ground. Why is that sci?

>> No.8151878

Pack it into spacecraft hulls for radiation shielding on interplanetary voyages.

>> No.8151881

The poop is hotter than the air around it. The same can happen with urine as well.

>> No.8151886

Yes you can. Some engineers designed reactors that run on biofuel made from cow shit to bring electricity to rural India, and is simple enough to operate that the average uneducated Indian can do it. It was in an article in a chemical engineering journal that I cited for something.

>> No.8151894
File: 488 KB, 434x275, shitposter.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What can we do with shit?

Faecal microbiota transplants. Culture teh bacteria from a 'healthy' persons shit and transfer that culture (in pill form or one of the -oscopies)) to the gut of someone who has a deficient gut microbiota such as where the 'good bacteria' is at low levels and C.dificile runs amok causing colitis.


Interestingly, they've also conducted studies looking at obesity and the relationship between the gut microbiota present. Again, FMT could be away of influencing a persons ability to gain/lose weight.


>> No.8151913

Population during the plague was not much higher but still sufficient to wipe out about 1/3 of the population in Norway alone. My guess then the population in the viking age was also sufficient for a pandemic. Trade was quite well established with trade routes extending to much of Europe. Roman coins have been found from this era.

>> No.8151931

I just paid £700 for a person's shit in order to self-administer multiple FMTs.

Many people with gastrointestinal disease are also doing the same.