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/sci/ - Science & Math

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8149248 No.8149248 [Reply] [Original]

Is there a link between race and intelligence? Like, after controlling for any other variable. Does similar income and environment produce less intelligent Blacks than Asian or Whites?

>> No.8149251

inb4 300 replies

>> No.8149260


>> No.8149261


there's only 1 race, btw

>> No.8149289

Yes, that's likely.
Further research is needed though, we don't have a lot good data. It doesn't help that psychology is so soft, so data is likely to be pretty noisy. Remember the crisis of replicability.

>> No.8149290

just like there is only one dog breed

>> No.8149293


>> No.8149295

Culture, Culture and Culture. Culture defines the glasses you look into the world with. Some look with cold logic. Others with seamless harmony.

>> No.8149299

So there is not biological difference in someone from a purely germanic background and someone with an aboriginal background? I would of thought /sci/ was smarter than this...

>> No.8149306

Ov kourze nut!We al ekual !!!

>> No.8149307

Link between genetics and intelligence is certain.

But race and intelligence? I'd wager the difference is barely notable, although we would need a lot more data.

Short and long answer is, we do not know. Nothing further to discuss tbqh.

>> No.8149308

Individual variance is much larger than inter-racial variance. There is a difference but only as an aggregate (average) over a large group of people.
Tldr, even if you're german if you're modestly stupid an aboriginal will easily be smarter than you.

>> No.8149312

>Link between genetics and intelligence is certain.
>But race and intelligence? I'd wager the difference is barely notable
And here is the olympic gold medal winner in mental gymnastics

>> No.8149318

The most interesting fucking question in a while! Jesus christ how did you do it OP? You fucking genius! This is better than "what is the evolutionary purpose of _____" and "how do you explain _____ from a scientific perspective"

>> No.8149321

Explain more

>> No.8149347
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>> No.8149362

This is such a shit board. The only content here is b8 and /pol/tard race threads.

>> No.8149375

Not really. You probably misunderstood or purposefully attempted to make what I wrote look bad, which is typical of posters like you. Read it again, highlighting the "difference" word. As in, the difference in genetics that influence intelligence being notable BETWEEN races. If the perceived gap in intelligence was in fact mostly genetic, you would probably never get black intellectuals or smart black people in general. Environmental factors fit the fluctuation and variance of IQ ideally. Genetics still form part of the phenotypical intelligence in every race, but a handicap in intelligence in one race's genetics but not the others is pretty much impossible, which is what I was referring to. Which leaves out minor differences between racial genetics that contribute to intelligence as the only option.

>> No.8149376
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Two threads in one day.
Just why?

>> No.8149377

>Is there a link between race and intelligence?

but maybe humans shouldn't be generalized into categories based on rather smug interpretations about the value of intelligence versus other factors? really makes you think

>> No.8149458


seriously, you are shilling for Lewontin's fallacy?

>> No.8149461


Race is real.


There are intelligence differences.

>> No.8150190

Of course there are links.

Only people brainwashed by political correctness think there is none.

You may say cultural difference, but the cultural expression in all its manifoldness is proof enough.

Africa with all its resources is inhabited with mental retards.

That's sweet irony.

>> No.8150193

Culture sprouts from the inherent capabilities of the people that create it.

Would an island full of people with downs syndrome develop a culture that values reading books on philosophy? No.

>> No.8150203
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>go to school's math lab
>ask for help
>huge black guy with really thick african accent comes to help me
>his name was mambo or some shit
>smart as hell, was able to help me with my problem really easily

/pol/ BTFO

>> No.8150204

>there are no exceptions
I thought that you was a liberal who does mental gymnastics but youre straight up retarded.

>> No.8150214


will koreans replace whites?

>> No.8150411

>ad hominum
>no constructive feedback
Not him but /pol/ pls

>> No.8150419

>no constructive feedback
>pointed him that few exceptions means nothing
>no constructive feedback
back to >>/retard/ please

>> No.8150502

>actually using stawman

>> No.8150588

It's not impossible, but the jury is still out and it's such a politically charged question that it's unlikely we'll have a real answer any time in the near future. That being said, it's nowhere near as obvious a "no" as the PC crowd will screech at you.


Though I do have a big issue with the Rushton Jensen results in that they lump "black" into a single group. People from Africa have the highest levels of genetic diversity in the world. There is no "the" blacks to put into a single sample, and minimally one needs to partition this in a sensible way.

The answer is probably much more complicated than either political side wants to hear about.

>> No.8150603

So why did Germans have such an inferior and tribal culture before being civilized by greece and Rome?

>> No.8150952
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Dude, any other HS test in the world would be more complicated than the SAT, including (especially) the African ones. Americans that haven't specialized in math just tend to suck more at it than average. It's probably better this way though.

>> No.8151049

It is there to no less extent than athleticism is.
Checkmate equalists.

>> No.8151063


This study found a very strong link between race and IQ, though it was unceremoniously declared "inconclusive" for weird reasons.

>> No.8151093

No. Sociology is an impossible size. There have been no controlled studies of babies of different race under the exact same environment.

>> No.8151104

Because the data could be use to support either hypothesis that it was a genetic factor or the social environment.
Also, deviations of 10% are not "very strong links"

>> No.8152161

define race
>inb4 american blacks and american whites
Realize that these are generally not even considered pure within their ethnic groups, let alone the distribution of their non-scientifically measured "race"/genes

>muh psuedoscience

>> No.8152221

if the answer to that was comfortable, there would be a study done about it that could shut down these questions. but there isn't.

>> No.8152861

I know some syrian guy whos really really good at math, way better than any other student and i live in germany by the way