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8147157 No.8147157 [Reply] [Original]

What cool shit can I do if I study electric engineering?

can I do a minor with material design courses?

>> No.8147169

You can suck cocks

>> No.8147835


>> No.8147841

Electrical engineers are well-paid at least but I don't know much more t. math+cs major

>> No.8147851

you can design controls for power plants and water treatment plants. Factories. Other boring shit that nobody wants to do.

you'll make a decent salary but will never get rich unless you get an MBA and go into management or private contracting. Which probably doesn't matter to you now but it will. Eventually you'll realize you hate your job and want to make lots of moneys so you can quit doing it.

>> No.8147975

Here's an actual serious answer: it's a very broad field with many different specializations, much like mechanical engineering. Common areas of focus are controls which another poster mentioned, signal processing, semiconductors, chip design, communications, and power electronics.

You can minor in whatever you want so long as your school offers it. Materials goes well with a focus in semiconductors.

>> No.8147984

My father is an electric engineer, so I'm speaking from second-hand experience here. Mostly you'll be doing a lot of coding for industrial machines, and you'll be spending a lot of time in factories doing on-the-spot debugging and adjustments to the software. You'll also have to design rudimentary UIs for said software, so consider looking into some UI/UX design courses too. I'm not too sure whether material design would help you too much, since you won't be designing any machines yourself.

>Other boring shit that nobody wants to do.
It's not necessarily boring, actually. I've never seen a person more passionate about their work than my father, he always goes crazy explaining to us how he programs robotic arms and shit to do really delicate tasks, or about designing alarm mechanisms to prevent oil plants from blowing up. He seems to derive a lot of joy both from the problem-solving aspect of the job and from the sense that he helps the economy move along. And since most of his work is in food factories, he has a much clearer idea of what goes into our food than most people.

>you'll make a decent salary but will never get rich
That really depends on where OP lives, I think. We live in a small country, so we used to make some good money despite our country not being very industrial at all. Even now, with a recession raging on and a bunch of shit business decisions by my father we make enough to get by decently.

All in all it's a pretty good and secure field to pick, I think. There will always be need for people to set up factories.

>> No.8147994

And then you'll want to suck cocks.

>> No.8148005

this meme needs to die. you're discouraging engineers.

>> No.8148007

>you're discouraging engineers.
You've clearly never worked with engineers.

they love the sausage fest.

>> No.8148038

This is actually sort of true. It's like a boys club. There are always a few female engineering students, but no one really pays attention to them.

>> No.8148387

Not even an engineer, but this meme isn't very funny now that it's been beaten to death a few times over

>> No.8148420

It needs to die, but that isn't the reasoning. If people are dissuaded from being an engineer by something that stupid, they shouldn't be an engineer.

>> No.8148424

Is he your biological father?

>> No.8148447

t. Controls Engineer here.
I actually majored in computer engineering, if that matters.
My job involves a lot of interfacing PLCs with embedded QNX systems, so having strong a strong background in C helps.
The coolest part of the gig is the travel (~70% for me) and the high stress environment, but a lot of the time you're doing some pretty basic shit.

>> No.8148532

>I've never seen a person more passionate about their work than my father, he always goes crazy explaining to us how he programs robotic arms and shit to do really delicate tasks, or about designing alarm mechanisms to prevent oil plants from blowing up
sounds pretty cool. If you don't mind me asking, what year did your dad study, and in what country? Asking because in some older courses/in some countries not much distinction is made between electronic and electrical engineering, and I would've thought stuff like robotics would be more in the field of electronic

>> No.8148570
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>tfw majored in EE under the premise that I'd be making robots and shit

>> No.8148598

Why does that even matter? But yes, he is my biological father.

>My job involves a lot of interfacing PLCs with embedded QNX systems
That's a bit more technical than what I'm familiar with, but my father does frequently sing the praises of C when we talk about anything related to computing.
>The coolest part of the gig is the travel
Yup, my father is out traveling quite frequently, and to unusual places. He's been out to Israel, Algeria, Croatia, couple other places. I'm pretty jealous of him.

He studied in the mid-to-late 70s in the UK. I was overgeneralizing a bit with the robotic arms bit, my apologies. Based on the videos I've seen from his work, the machines he gets to work with are relatively basic ones, designed with very specific tasks in mind. I recall him once showing us an arm used for wrapping up stacks of boxes in plastic for transport. It was his only project with an arm, but the only one I remember with any detail.

>> No.8148616

does the first E stand for electrical or electronic? i-i wanna make robots anon

>> No.8149313

>Making a distinction between electrical and electronics engineers

The fuck?