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8146982 No.8146982[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Scientifically, what do you think happens when you die?

>> No.8146985

You stop living

>> No.8146990

regarding "qualia"

>> No.8147009

>what do you think happens when you die?
You become dead.

>> No.8147016

You get a nice dmt trip as a complimentary good-bye experience, the simulation ends and you wake up to another life.

>> No.8147030

Same thing that was before you were alive

>> No.8147052

And what was that?

>> No.8147053

Nothing i guess

>> No.8147079

If there was anything, there would be a way to tell. Can you ? That means there is nothing (to you)

>> No.8147091


Please someone ITT tell me how your consciousness cant retain itself after your brain is decomposing and rotten, and being eaten by parasites and maggots and then being shit out of their assholes to fertilize in the ground.

>> No.8147102

Your relive your whole life before your eyes as you're dying. You feel at peace momentarily and then become non-thinking ash particles. You relive from dirt to bacteria to tree... Yet tree leaves fall and die and become dirt and bacteria and evolve eventually into animals... Meanwhile you as a tree are no longer just the tree but all these animals that are evolving around you. You become the whole world eventually but then you don't know what organism you are because you are just all these plants and animals living together... So you call yourself life

>> No.8147112

Why don't you go die and tell us?

>> No.8147124

"Time" stops at the point of death, that's how. Time is a construct of consciousness, the moment before you die your brain "slows" time down to eternity and you start a new dream life. You die in that life, time stops for you, than you're reborn into the next life again. 2 min. in a dream can feel like hours, your brain obviously is what constructs time

>> No.8147132

Shortly said, the question is when begins and ends the consciousness.
If it's with the brain, then there's nothing before or after.
If it's not, what is it before our brain appears (why don't we remember it) ? And what does it become ?
Sadly, we don't have a fuckin idea about it.

>> No.8147141

Time is a universal constant, it encompasses everything quantifiable in our universe.

Even inanimate objects experience time
Such as the degradation of iron due to the process of oxidation over TIME.

In order to dream, you need concsiousness, because dreaming you are uncsiousnes, so therefore we can conclude that in order to be unconscious (dream life as you said) it would require consciousness, which is impossible if the brain is destroyed, what about if someone got shot in the head and their brain matter was dispersed everywhere.....

>> No.8147150

Nope. Time is not a sure thing. read about loop quantum gravity, you'll understand

>> No.8147153


Ill check it out.
Any good books on it?

>> No.8147156

You are instantly revived virtually in a heaven or hell created by future lifeforms.

>> No.8147160

Have one, but in french. Might exist in english, as it was written as an introduction to the model by its main author : Carlo Rovelli. Roughly translated, it is "What if the time was not real" or "did not exist"
A pretty intersting and easy book about the author and the theory

>> No.8147161

Time is a universal constant? What happened to special relativity?

>> No.8147168
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In my opinion based on all the scientific facts I have at my disposal, we cease to function. We stop having thoughts and our cells slowly decay into their component parts to be distributed back into the nearby ecosystem. Our minds enter a void and simply cease to be on any level of consciousness.

The interesting part is the part of ourselves that still exists eternally. That of our actions and their reverberations, I see it as a raindrop that falls onto the surface of a pool. If the pool had no other drops hit it the reverberations would continue then eventually peter out as they ran out of energy. Instead we are falling with millions upon millions of raindrops that hit the surface at varying points in time. So instead of diminishing the effects of our droplet alter and transform the effects of the other droplets. As long as there is still droplets the part that was me is still part of this world. If I spend all my days doing good things it could trigger the next Hitler or simply make a large number of people happy. Regardless the actions that they take are a result of the actions I myself have taken, this is also true retroactively meaning that all my actions are the result of those long dead.

So when I die I will cease to think or be but the essence of my being shall continue to reverberate throughout the universe.

Now to balance out the pretentiousness I shall post this picture.

>> No.8147174

when will you retarded niggers understand that this is a question we can only answer philosophically and not scientifically?

>> No.8147181

Since you are experiencing life right now theres a good chance that you will experience soome sort of life again. Not you as in you but...you know a different life altogether maybe some dinosaur death bird in a different galaxy

>> No.8147185

I kind of agree.
Althoguh at some point science and philosophy could be considered the same.
For people 500+ years ago it was like this.

>> No.8147189

how? Why do you think so?

>> No.8147194

There are certain bounds to what science can answer

This is one of those bounds

The thing is, "what happens after we die" is a question of experience, not of physical fact. The only way we can test it is to go die, but so far that seems to permanently remove people from existence. So we have to speculate, we can't run a single experiment on it because we can't actually get any results

>> No.8147195

Because your alive now. And new life will be born in the future. If youve been born in the past then why wouldnt you be able to be born again?

>> No.8147199

Is there anything that only happens once that we know of?

>> No.8147206

Nothing you don't die

>> No.8147216

Of course. But there's a lot of speculation in science too. Its key.
You can not answer my question with the oposite in form of question, it's cheating jajaja
The big bang?
Or entropy(?)

>> No.8147263


But if i were to use occam's razer, could LQG be legitimate in a discussion on death?

>> No.8147267


entropy is constantly happening, its happening all around you an effects everything on the most fundermental level.

How could a law of thermodynamics only happen once.

Inb4 1st law

>> No.8147329

Rigor mortis, decomposition, the world goes on without you, fun stuff like that.

>> No.8147334

You replay the whole thing in reverse until you're born and then everything flows normally again.

>> No.8147337

Your consiousness reincarnates into another dimensipn, unless u haven't advanced concoiusly during your time on earth then it demots to a more animal form..

>> No.8147368

>scientifically, what do you think about this thing that lies outside the realm of science

>> No.8147370

stop abusing this word

>> No.8147377

Your mind arrives in The Machine

>> No.8147395

My guess is that it's just like it was before birth. What that entails we cannot know. The only thing we've known since our births is existence. Non existence would not be a consciousness in a black void, it would just not be anything. It would not exist. So that's not something that can be experienced because you must exist to experience. I personally cannot imagine non existence. Not in exactly the same way I can imagine the pain of a burn or the taste of a certain food. Only the concept of it.

>> No.8147459


>implying it can actually be answered

Philosophy doesn't have shit on death.

>> No.8147462


You're reborn and have to live your life all over again, exactly the same way. Repeat for eternity.

>> No.8147463

Consciousness ceases with neuronal action potentials in the brain, if that's what you're asking.

Otherwise it depends on the context, if you get flung into a black hole, different things happen than if you get burned alive, or frozen, or just die from a heart attack and decay in a forest.

>> No.8147492

The object (your brain) which produces consciousness ceases to function. Your sentience becomes non-existent as a result. This object days into its composite material. The composite material decays into its composite material and so on until the only material that is left is not made up of smaller parts. These fundamental parts remain forever existent, composing various different larger objects. Although these parts will exist for eternity, they will eventually be too far from one another to ever again be able to constitute larger objects.

>> No.8147506

>These fundamental parts remain forever existent, composing various different larger objects.
Not a likely story, since they could always be swallowed by a black hole and eventually turn into hawking radiation.

>> No.8147610
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Honestly. I have never been affiliated with any religion nor do I call myself an atheist, but I've always had this weird instinct that something like this happens.

>> No.8147673

It's called your fear of mortality. Maybe you'll come to terms with it someday.

>> No.8147686

This. But be happy that your fear of mortality hasn't driven you to actually believe in a sky god.

>> No.8147694
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Nothing happens when you die because death means non-existence/ nothing

>> No.8147864

When your brain is dying, it starts to "tilt". We don't know what exactly happens, but" psychodelic trips" are a reasonable idea.

After that, you'll lose consciousness. But, after an absurd ammount of time (That for you will be like a blink of an eye, as you couldn't perceive time), you'll be alive again. In fact, it is possible that you have lived your life many times before, on many different ways.

Well, but all this is speculation, the only thing we know, is that while you are dead, "you" don't exist.

>> No.8148132

I meant that entropy makes things happen only one time

>> No.8148138

Yeah.. it's kind of like that

I'm surprised that a lot of you believe in reincarnation. Even though I'm sure you haven't been raised in a buddhist background, and you are most likely atheists/agnostics.
Why does it make that much sense?

>> No.8148192

Atheist/Agnostic here.
Somehow I believe in reincarnation too.
Or at least I hope it exists.

>> No.8148316

You become unconscious, but never wake up.
Unconsciousness is a very difficult idea for us to parse, because whenever we are, we wake up later, to remember that we were unconscious by not remembering anything.

If you've ever been told that you were awake earlier in the day, but you don't remember it, you were while not necessarily unconscious, not committing it to memory.
Another example, we never experience closing our eyes and actually falling asleep. We're never aware of the point at which we shift from consciousness to unconsciousness, because at that point we're unconscious.
That state of non-being is what it would be like to be dead, except you'll never wake up to realize you can't remember anything.

No more dreams,
but also no more nightmares.

>> No.8148324

the simulation ends

>> No.8148341

To expand on what I said here:

regarding heavens and reincarnations,

While I find it unscientific to outright state definitively that the universe was not created by some sort of entity beyond our understanding (just as the "void" "before" the big bang, which comprised no time or physical volume is beyond our, well not necessarily understanding but at the very least we can never truly understand in non-mathematical terms what being in a place of no volume or time would be like), I think that if there's any idea that adheres to human morals about what we happen when we die, and makes us feel better, such as reincarnation or a heaven, then it was probably thought of by humans just to make us feel better.
The universe doesn't adhere to human morals, hell most of the time Earth doesn't adhere to human morals.
Our morals are strictly our creation as a species that evolved socially, and developed interspersed and interactive societies over the last twelve thousand years or so,
but our brains are not our creation.
Our brains and how they work is solely the work of a process of random chance,
and if an idea exists that makes us feel better about life after death,
then it's just a guess, made to make us feel better, and guesses without evidence about universal processes tend to be wildly inaccurate.

>> No.8148348


what the hell, Loop Quantum Gravity has the longest wikipedia entry ive ever seen

can you tldr what it has to do with time?

>> No.8148403
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Death is a weird one, it can in fact be scientifically studied for when we revive a person who has experienced clinical death they always say they either had a flashback before death then nothing or just nothing, all blankness till they were revived. And they will always believe no time had passed. Where it gets weird is that if you found a way to revive someone who was a skeleton for 5,000 years they would tell you the exact same thing. Everything went blank until you brought them back "a second later" according to them. So we know what happens when you die, nothing, you experience your death and you experience your revival almost instantaneously. But question everyone wants to know is what do you experience if you never wake up? Well we can never observe this so we can never know.

This is basically quantum mechanics, you can't observe a system without changing it. You can't observe what happened to a person without changing the person i.e reviving them.

>> No.8148406


All of you are idiots.

>> No.8148415

Holy shit. Did someone steal your tripcode to make you look like an idiot everywhere you post?

>> No.8148418

Ad hominems make it look like you have no actual arguments I hope you know that.

>> No.8148426

> This is basically quantum mechanics
The post mocks itself. I'd need to write a dissertation to show how mistaken KingChem is all the time.

Thanks for finally taking your tripcode off, btw.

>> No.8148434

Having no sources make it look like you have no actual arguments I hope you know that.

>> No.8148928

As animals ourselves, what makes any of you think we're significant enough to warrant anything happening after we die?

Serious question here

>> No.8148933


significance is a human concept

death is the most significant thing to a human

>> No.8148940

Read the Tibetan Book of the Dead.

The gross elements of your body and mind dissolve and your subtle, animating force either is liberated at the moment of death by recognizing its true nature as a luminous void, or you get swept away by karmic hallucinations and are reborn as a god, human, animal, or lol, get sucked into Hell.

>> No.8148946

I dunno, probably nothing.
What are the odds that my consciousness without any memory of this current life somehow gets recreated again in the future?

>> No.8148969

You wake up from the shitty simulation and wonder why the hell you decided to enter it, you moan and say you're not going to get the new one next year but when it comes out you cave in and buy it anyway

>> No.8149028
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The only positive proof answer we have so far is "nothing". Anything else is speculation.

Philosophically and actually scientifically speaking, there is a small (and i mean, small. the sort of numbers you can't write down even if you fill a universe with digits) that you can be recreated with quantum tunneling.

The problem with that is that it is easier to be recreated as a detached brain (or retarded brain with only half memories, or false memories) that to be recreated inside an entire environment as well. So good luck with that.

The time scales we are talking about not only are large enough for the heat death to be relevant, but for possibility such as the "big rip" to be relevant.

So we are literally talking about photons quantum tunnling themselves to form mass, then quantum tunneling again to form heavier elements, then quantum tunneling again to form your brain & environment.

Again, I cannot even tell you how meaningless to even begin describing in "time you have to wait" for this to happen is. We are talking many, many, many, many universe googols raised on other googols and them raised on other googols sort of thing. In fact, it is such long amount of times but even events as "vacuum instability" are relevant to it.

However the reason it is worth philosophical thought is that in any case. When you are dead. You can wait. And anything ANYTHING that revives your consciousness is going to feel like it arrived instantly to you.

That's basically the only thought that gives me comfort :)

>> No.8149038

Id you did alot of good things in your life you go to heaven where you can fuck bitches left and right and whatever you wish for or if the contrary you go to hell where you roast in fire.