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File: 19 KB, 344x367, high powered magnets.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8146013 No.8146013 [Reply] [Original]

Could science solve our gun violence problems?

For example could we install high very high powered magnets in buildings that are activated only at the exact vibrational pulse of a gunshot, and thus the bullets and the guns themselves are stopped and pulled to the wall stopping the gun.

>> No.8146017

>For example could we install high very high powered magnets in buildings that are activated only at the exact vibrational pulse of a gunshot, and thus the bullets and the guns themselves are stopped and pulled to the wall stopping the gun.
No, that's retarded. Thread over.

>> No.8146026

switzerland has tons of guns per capita, and no shootings.
america is just a poor country with people living miserably. a warzone really.

>> No.8146036

America has a culture problem, not a gun one.

With magnets strong enough to stop bullets: hope you enjoy ripping everyone in half who's wearing a belt or watch. Or sitting on a steel chair. etc.

>> No.8146040

1) Force fingerprint security on all firearms.
2) Only sell guns to white people.


>> No.8146043

Wouldn't they just be pulled with their belt and chair to the wall and just experience minor bruising from hitting the magnet wall.

>> No.8146046

you want 'shotspotter' in real time combined with something way better than reactive armor? something that would actually disarm the other guy?

that doesn't exist but this is always fun to watch
(big automated guns that take out artillery before the shells hit the target)

>> No.8146063
File: 15 KB, 344x307, stay out of the 10 gauss line.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A 6-year-old boy died after undergoing an MRI exam at a New York-area hospital when the machine's powerful magnetic field jerked a metal oxygen tank across the room, crushing the child's head.

So it wasn't an implant or an article of clothing, but the danger is real.

Pic related is another fuck up.

>> No.8146068

White people do all the mass shootings

>> No.8146071

>implying blacks even buy their guns

>> No.8146075

weak and easily refuted
(but you already knew that)

Aaron Alexis is black.

>> No.8146082

>Sell homicide weapons to everyone
>Wonder why people shoot each other
Why america is retarded?

>> No.8146086

>homicide weapons
'modern sporting rifle' is the current term of art

>> No.8146092

1. Magnets wont affect lead and copper
2. Every ferris object will be affected, hurting people
3. Even if a bullet was affected by the magnet, such as armor piercing rounds, the bullets travel so fast that they would only experience a slight curve before potentially hitting people. That curve would be toward the magnet, which is the direction everyone is being pulled.

>> No.8146095

>second most fatal shooting on a military base? let's see what race the first is
>Middle Eastern
I am not surprised.

I mean other than killing people that aren't like you, what compels people to go somewhere and live amongst people they hate?

>> No.8146097

Mass shootings form an insignificant proportion of shootings.

Also, no. The most recent and worst one wasn't White and many others haven't been either.

>> No.8146102

White apologist.

>> No.8146107

yeah everyone knows gunbans work really well, just look at the decrease of violent crime in Europe

>> No.8146109

>what compels people to go somewhere and live amongst people they hate?
Hating yourself and your shitty third world culture.

>> No.8146111

Bullets are made of lead and copper. Neither of those metals are magnetic.

>> No.8146113

When was the last mass shooting in England?

>> No.8146122

>what compels people to go somewhere and live amongst people they hate?

IDK, but Alexis was born in Queens.
Mateen was born in NY.
Bakraoui was Belgian.
Laachraoui was born in Morocco but brought up in the West.
The Tsarnaev brothers were brought to the US by their family.
And so on.

These people didn't come to the West for the purpose of killing in the West - they were brought up in the West before turning against it. It would appear.

>> No.8146138

Going through their history, it seems they were insane or just Muslim.

>> No.8146147

Eric Rudolf, born and raised in the US, is insane or just Christian.
Same for Robert Lewis Dear, Jr.

>> No.8146158

I don't get the Tsarnaev Brothers, they were doing so well. In art college, girls liked them, why? The others were either petty criminals or autistic STEM grads butthurt about not fitting in

>> No.8146169

You've adopted a value system that tells you you are righteous and grants you the power to condemn others.
You have the moral support structure and cheering of peers for people to go out and carry out deeds.
You have an abundance of tools suitable for the purpose readily available to you.

The only thing that really surprises me is that these things doesn't happen more frequently.

>> No.8146170

Yeah i know it really worked!
Its true it is working!
We have alot less murders per capita than the US. Alto thanks to less guns

>> No.8146171

>I don't get the Tsarnaev Brothers
Neither do I.

The prevailing narrative - older brother went Islamic radical and controlled/dominated the younger brother - is as good an explanation as I've heard.

>> No.8146173

I wouldn't call it Christian because Christianity isn't about being born to a lost tribe or focusing on whiteness.

The other guy is definitely schizophrenic.

Seems at least half these shootings could've been prevented if access to antipsychotics was less restrictive.

>> No.8146178

And since culture is genetic, slaughtering all non-europeans and all non-east asians should do the trick.

>> No.8146183

>I wouldn't call it Christian because Christianity isn't about being born to a lost tribe or focusing on whiteness.
But the "Christian Identity" movement does focus on white supremacy and that is in Rudolf's past.

This is a problem, for sure. Jared Lee Loughner is batshit crazy.

let's not get carried away, the value of these drugs is another discussion for another day

>> No.8146185

Everything is magnetic. It's just depends on magnetic field strength

>> No.8146483

Firstly, your idea is retarded, secondly nothing will solve gun problems completely. The reason is that as far as anyone can tell you can't solve human violence, one way or another a minuscule part of your population is going to want to do a couple murders. Restricting the tools they have to do a murder with just makes them more creative, not less inclined to take action. Science will of course have a part in making guns lighter and more manageable, which means that citizens will be able to better defend themselves from gun violence and stop it before it can do maximum damage, science would also have a part to play in the treatment of potentially violent individuals so that their probability of using a gun to be violent is reduced, science will play a role in coming up with new nonlethal self defense measures and perhaps lighter body armor that could be comfortably worn and help save someone's life in a shooting. Nothing will ever stop gun violence though, and as we've seen even the attempted removal of guns from the equation won't stop it because a maniac who wants to kill people with a gun is going to ignore all of those laws because they're a fucking maniac.

>> No.8146523

After a complete neural mapping of the brain has been achieved, one would attempt to develop methods to rewire certain psycological mechanisms, such as the networks responsible for intrasex rivalry and homicide in males, and more broadly those for kin detection.

>> No.8146525

>minor bruising from hitting the magnet wall.

The forces involved to perform that sort of distance pull are the kind that rip, shred, and crush human beings.

>> No.8146528

>kin detection


I agree with your post.

>> No.8146534


Was 'kin detection' a bit autistic?

>> No.8146604

We don't have a gun problem we have a nigger problem.

>Could science solve our nigger problem?

Fixed that for you.

inb4 pol plz go

>> No.8146628

>gun violence problems
Yeah, I hate when inanimate objects just up and shoot people on their own.

>> No.8146652

>our gun violence problems?
We don't have a gun violence problem, it is statistically insignificant.

(roughly 33,000 people are killed annually due to firearms to all causes, a hundredth of a single percent of the total population)

>> No.8146661

I think the problem with gun control in America is that we have more gun manufacturers than pretty much any other country, and we also have one of the largest defense (i.e., murder machine) budgets. Even if somehow you could shut down every gun store and take them from civilians, they'd still be accessible by other means. Also, there is no way in hell the people here would allow the enactment of gun control on that level, even if it was a good idea

>> No.8146666

Scientifical method: export muslims. Problem solved.

>> No.8146818

But anon, different guns would make different pulses.

>> No.8146827

>subjective shit like finger prints

How about no

>> No.8146839


>> No.8146842

t. Achmed

>> No.8146849

When was the last mass shooting in Switzerland?

>> No.8146852
File: 5 KB, 300x162, 1465853609946.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8146907

not him, but americans do not value life enough to be trusted with weapons, that's the truth. Niggas can't even agree on obamacare, they'd rather see poor people stay poor and unhealthy instead of investing a tiny fraction of their money to ensure everyone can be taken care of.
There is no patriotism, there is no value for life.
Swiss people care a lot more about each other, and as a consequence, less people feel the need to shoot everyone.

>> No.8146925


>> No.8146930
File: 18 KB, 510x158, foff.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.8146957

Just a thing about the Switzerland argument : they are still much more restrictive than the US : they have to learn to use it and have regular tests on their psychics and their ablility to use their gun, while some journalists proved that you could buy a machine gun as casually as you would do for a pair of trousers. Plus, they are less many and less fucked up than a majority of americans

>> No.8147051

Not racism dumbass. Learn the difference between niggers and black people

>> No.8147061

We are allowed the guns but the ammo is VERY controlled

>> No.8147074
File: 38 KB, 400x400, 1393246161954.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I could whine for hours about Syrupland's gun laws but we're pretty fortunate to have the opportunity to stockpile pretty much any ammo without anybody knowing about it.

>> No.8147077

WTF? the ammo is much easier to hide, so to sell illegaly, but they let weapons full open ? I thought the idea was to defend oneself, not saying "watch out, I got an empty gun", which is not very effective, moreover against fanatics .Can't understand the logic...

>> No.8147103

>I thought the idea was to defend oneself
we don't need to defend ourselves, we're safe.
the guns are for defending against invadors.

>> No.8147116

But, now, with the heavy logistic, it should be safe to think that, in case of invasion, the cops or whatever could make some distribution to those who want one, and keep the guns the rest of the time. Would be much safer, concerning the mass shootings (where you're NOT safe, and carrying a gun wouldn't really help you, except if you used to be in the special ops or the swat)

>> No.8147122
File: 49 KB, 479x435, 1402806526385.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>carrying a gun wouldn't really help you, except if you used to be in the special ops or the swat

>> No.8147130

Obviously, I mean that you wouldn't be able to handle properly the situation, except if you have been once trained for it

>> No.8147133

>Magnets = Science
> Thanks Hollywood

>> No.8147136

yeah most people just leave their unused gun at a reserve.
The goal is that everyone can be mobilized in a few hours.
A lot of people like to go to the shooting range as well.
I don't think people think of their guns as something to defend their properties. I could be wrong doe

>> No.8147138

Yeah, I mean situations where people with CCW defend themselves properly absolutely never happen, right?

Why are you spouting this kind of shit when you have no idea what you're talking about?

>> No.8147142

Yes. How would you master atomic fusion and plasm without it

I was more thinking about defending against a random offender

I am talking about mass shootings, not some punk who would show you his little knife (which you can also handle with a good self defense training). Stop reading only what you want, and get the whole idea

>> No.8147146

Uh, and about shooting range, they could rent it right there

>> No.8147283

You just bought into that NRA propaganda hook line and sinker.

>> No.8147296

>as we've seen even the attempted removal of guns from the equation won't stop it because a maniac who wants to kill people with a gun is going to ignore all of those laws because they're a fucking maniac.
We've seen this? Have we? 90% of shooters take guns from their irresponsible parents or order parts from ebay. They don't even go through the basic process because it's so fucking easy to avoid. We don't need to fucking ban them, but your fear of stricter control is unfounded.

>> No.8147603

Care to elaborate? Perhaps you could try an entire second sentence to explain what you mean.
When a lot of people are demanding stricter control without necessity I always worry a bit. How would we make it more difficult for shooters to get firearms from irresponsible or unknowing relatives without some an infringement on the freedom of said parents to keep and bear arms? I'm open to suggestions.

>> No.8147719

The real question is why gun violence is so fixated upon that it gets blown out of proportion. It isn't even close to the top of the list of unnatural death in the U.S. Why don't you fucks make as big a deal about stopping suicide or auto deaths? They claim many more lives a year. I bet every one of you has been closer to death in a vehicle than at the end of a barrel. Yet somehow being in a vehicle is an acceptable risk and the freedom to bear arms is not.

>> No.8147767

Cause, supposedly, when you kill yourself, you don't involve other persons. Elseway you're a bastard (like the guy who prbably crashed a whole airplane just because he was depressed) or a maniac (like the guys who slaughter their whole family before shooting themselves, thinking that they couldn't live without him (and see that they need a gun to do that)) Stupid assholes who have too much ego, and don't care for the others. But they can be diagnosed before it happens, and are much easier to stop.
About the vehicle argument, well, you put it the right way : we benefit much more than we take risks, but when you sell a gun, you just give the power to kill to someone, which is stupid. You think there would be any mass shootings if there was nothing to shoot with ? Think a bit over it, that shouldn't be too difficult. But when you sell a car, supposedly, you give the client a way to have an easier life

>> No.8147784

Suicide is a stupid analogy, but for what it's worth, I'm for reducing our dependence on individual transport so that less irresponsible morons are driving. Unfortunately, it's become a "necessary evil" in society, but we're getting to the possibility of changing that at least in urban cities where more people are endangered by said morons.

Anyway, if you want an answer to why it's fixated on, it might have to do with a lot more people shooting up schools than drunk drivers crashing into schools. We value the lives of children (& young adults) more, and buildings full of children are regularly targeted, we consider that a bigger problem.

>> No.8147786

Such a meme thing to post. I've noticed that every hypothetical contraption proposed on this board involves a fucking magnet. Can you think of something less retarded?

>> No.8147793

Please turn your butter knives over to the authorities

>> No.8148886

The 2nd ammendment is to protect the people from a possible tyrannical regime aswell as prevent the government from evolving into said regime
>mass shootings
Statistically irrelevant
And might I add the most recent and devastating mass shooting in US history happened in a gun free zone

>> No.8148895


>> No.8149151

I'm too young to remember the DC snipers, the post

>> No.8149171

Scan each person's brain in order to determine their "crime coefficient" and use this in order to determine whether or not they should be allowed to own guns and/or remain outside a mental institution.

>> No.8149722

you would only be left with people who are both part-asian and part-european then. Is the goal to leave only these hybrids?

>> No.8149779

>high powered magnets
kill people with pacemakers cause they have used a gun in self defense

the best way to stop gun violence is to make prison more like punishment instead the norwegian reward prisons system, i personally think that death penalty for murderers is a good choice.

I mean people scared of penalty will consider their gun related actions less profitable.

Still taking gun away from someone who tried to save his or someone elses life is just immoral.

>> No.8149782

White people are the ones that stopped slavery and are promoting the world peace.

also the ones with biggest weapons.... and the ones who did WW1 and WW2

>> No.8149846

>and are promoting the world peace
you can't seriously believe this.

>> No.8149854

Sure, just install futuristic tech to make it impossible to fire the weapon if you're full of anger or hatred via wireless confirmation of a EEG.

>> No.8149855

>Could science solve our gun violence problems?
Yes, it's called eugenics and involves to remove all niggers and spics

>> No.8149856

Name one organization is that isn't lead by white people that promotes world peace.
Just one.
I'm not racist but seeing your anti-white hysterical reactive post made me question your sanity.
Does africa care? No.
South america? No.
Any of asia? No.
Islanders? No.
Middle East? Not even.
Also the top countries for law and happiness?
Infallible facts are infallible.

When American Blacks state whites are the devil, what they really want is to kill and steal and are just using Racists Whites as an excuse.
But to they promote peace? No.
They promote war.

>> No.8149859

that's not true. Swiss people aren't allowed to store army ammo at home any more. they used to be given an ammo ration (50 rounds I believe) to keep at home in case of emergency, but that was repealed.
I cannot find any law stating Swiss people can't get their hands on ammunition whenever they please.

mentions nothing about ammo regulation besides banning of Incendiary, AP, and expanding handgun rounds.

>> No.8149862

your bias is clear, you disregard evidence to confirm your theory that only white people try to contribute to peace.
(let alone the lobbies that encourage wars to sell more).
peace prizes since 2011:
liberian and yemenite women
european union
indian and pakistani
tunisian dialog quartet

>> No.8149863

This discussion is /pol/ tier.

>> No.8149865

I'm too young to remember the Orlando shooting, the post

>> No.8150029

> non white people world peace world peace promoting organization
>european union

we are still white here in europe

>> No.8150117

Its not like ammo is bought in stockpiles. LARGE stockpiles.
>Live in Norway
>Grow up
>Dad is running low on ammo, for his bird hunting
>Go to local ammo/gun store
>Buy a few small crates of ammo
>Help transport them
>Literally buying 5-15 years of ammo

>> No.8150142

Try light weight bullet proof clothes for the Average Joe therefore making guns weak and irrelevent forcing societies to turn to a new weapon for causing bodily harm and/or destruction.

>> No.8150149

>Promoting world peace
No one will promote absolute world peace as long as opinions and morals differ.

>> No.8150156

ammo is the perfect item to buy in bulk.
1) You can go through it quickly. 100rds for a day at the range is easy

2) It doesn't go bad; store it somewhere dry, and your great grandchildren will be able to use it.

3) It often comes in boxes of 500, and there are often better deals if you buy a lot at once.

>> No.8150242 [DELETED] 

33,000 people die from firearm related injuries in the US every year

22,000 are from suicide

11,000 are from accidents, homicides, police shootings and shootings from other criminal activities

With a population of nearly 325 million

11,000 non suicidal firearm related deaths is statistically insignificant, difficult for families involved, but as far as being an "Epidemic", not even close, not even on the radar

10,000 people are killed in the US each year by by alcohol impaired drivers, where is the outrage over "Automobile" violence, where are the calls to ban alcohol, to ban automobiles

Influenza (the Flu) and pneumonia kill , 55,000 people every year, where is the war on the Flu, where are the sob stories

Diabetes, kills 77,000, again no outrage, no teary-eyed news anchors, no memorials, no hashtags, people are just as dead, 7 times the number of intentional firearm deaths

Plain old Accidents, fell down, off a ladder, slipped, tripped, ect, kill 137,000 a year, 13 times as many as intentional firearm deaths, no this looks more like a large problem, but out of 325 million still not a big deal

615,000 die every year from heart disease, almost entirely preventable, and with measures that do not require a re-writing of the constitution, 55 times the rate of IFD, all those families hurt just as badly, where are the go-fund me money beggars, were are the candlelight vigils, that is more people than died in all the battles of The War of Northern Aggression, that's 200,000 more every year than all US deaths in WWII, every year, where are the speeches in Congress, where is the fist shaking President, no where, more people die in the US every year from Heart Disease than all the US casualties in WWI, WWII, Korea, Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan, every single year, but instead all the tears are being shed for the 11,000 killed by firearms

Spare me, please

It is all about power, taking away from one group so another can rule with impunity

>> No.8150245

>where are the calls to ban alcohol, to ban automobiles
People have been trying to end drunk driving for decades.

>> No.8150249

>>8146013 (OP)
33,000 people die from firearm related injuries in the US every year

22,000 are from suicide

11,000 are from accidents, homicides, police shootings and shootings from other criminal activities

With a population of nearly 325 million

11,000 non suicidal firearm related deaths is statistically insignificant, difficult for families involved, but as far as being an "Epidemic", not even close, not even on the radar

10,000 people are killed in the US each year by by alcohol impaired drivers, where is the outrage over "Automobile" violence, where are the calls to ban alcohol, to ban automobiles

Influenza (the Flu) and pneumonia kill , 55,000 people every year, where is the war on the Flu, where are the sob stories

Diabetes, kills 77,000, again no outrage, no teary-eyed news anchors, no memorials, no hashtags, people are just as dead, 7 times the number of intentional firearm deaths

Plain old Accidents, fell down, off a ladder, slipped, tripped, ect, kill 137,000 a year, 13 times as many as intentional firearm deaths, no this looks more like a large problem, but out of 325 million still not a big deal

615,000 die every year from heart disease, almost entirely preventable, and with measures that do not require a re-writing of the constitution, 55 times the rate of IFD, all those families hurt just as badly, where are the go-fund me money beggars, were are the candlelight vigils

More people die from heart disease than died in all the battles of The War of Northern Aggression, that's 200,000 more every year than all US deaths in WWII, every year, where are the speeches in Congress

More people die in the US every year from Heart Disease than all the US casualties in WWI, WWII, Korea, Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan, every single year, but instead all the tears are being shed for the 11,000 killed by firearms

Spare me, please

It is all about power, taking away from one group so another can rule with impunity

>> No.8150252

Good job ending your statistics with a conspiracy theory. I almost started to take you seriously.

>> No.8150269

Mostly half ass attempts

I my own state they just made getting a 10th DUI/DWI a 4th degree felony, until then the rest are misdemeanors, no one gets any real time, any real consequences

If I shoot and kill someone in my neighborhood, I will do 25 to life easily, if I get drunk and run them down killing them 3-5, one is murder the other "just an accident", both are just as dead, both are intentional

Instead of shooting someone you hate, have few beers and run them down

My state even has the police back off after major sporting events, so as not to affect ticket sales by being "too aggressive" about drunk driving

Even after 10 DUI/DWI's you have to go to a Motor Vehicle Court for them to decide if you lose your license, almost never happens

Try to get tougher laws passed, same shit, "It will affect minorities ans the poor the hardest, you want to criminalize a disease, their culture"

>> No.8150565

murder per capita is about 4 times higher in the US than the UK, but I don't know if it has anything to do with guns

>> No.8152003

>inb4 that is literally impossible
>inb4 someone fires a blank and magnets go off
>inb4 pacemakers and metal implants are ripped out
>inb4 every phone and computer in the area gets bricked
>inb4 magnets can't stop bullets
>inb4 you aren't near a building so nothing happens
>inb4 we can't detect the 'exact vibrational pulse of a gunshot'
>inb4 this doesn't stop any murders and just forces people to find loopholes

I have a better idea: let's have police hiding in the walls of buildings, and when the exact vibrational pulse caused by domestic violence is detected, they are ejected out like a cannon to intervene.

>> No.8152028

The UK does not count a death as a murder until someone is convicted. If you find a body with 12 stab wounds, but never catch the killer, it wasn't murder.

"Since 1967, homicide figures for England and Wales have been adjusted to exclude any cases which do not result in conviction"

>> No.8152038

>Dc sniper
>The Rodge
>Orlando gay club
>San Bernardino

That's some weak fucking bait right there my dude. Consider suicide.

>> No.8152043

Mass shootings are less than 1% of gun deaths.

According to the FBI, in the last 10 years, 1050 people have died in mass shootings. For a comparison, 35,000 have drowned in that same time.

Ban high capacity assault pools.