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File: 54 KB, 580x352, James-Simons.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8141027 No.8141027 [Reply] [Original]

Why haven't any of you used your statistical and computational skills to make millions?

>> No.8141034

>caring about money

fucking hedonistic pleb

>> No.8141037
File: 45 KB, 499x499, 1461223145815.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and still dressing like a white american from the middle class trying to look good

>> No.8141039

I have.

>> No.8141127

because I run from my stress and waste hours entertaining myself every day

>> No.8141128

Aaron, is that you?

>> No.8141675

If you mean is the stock market not like Roulette in the end?

>> No.8142490

My prior job was at an HFT/quant shop so who's to say I haven't?

Although I'm not smart enough for Rentec so I never reached the level of compensation some of the people I know there make.

>> No.8142534

it's nice to have a salary that can provide well being to s family of three

>> No.8142556

Your husband/wife should fucking work as well.

>> No.8142577

You need to tell your wife's son to get a summer job.

>> No.8142595

>knows statistics
>doesn't see that smoking causes cancer
either that or he is too much of a weak willed bitch to quit.

>> No.8142600

>be 77
>net worth of $15 billion
>smoke all you want
>still cancer free

I don't think statistics apply to Simons.

>> No.8142605

Once you're closing in on 80 I wouldn't really worry about long term health effects

>> No.8142696

hedonism is godtier you unread pleb

>> No.8143010

How can I be like this man? Anons please help.

>> No.8143028

Some people know how it works and just don't care

>> No.8143058

You're going to have a pretty hard time replicating his success. First you need to be incredibly good at math. By good I don't mean graduate from a top 10 math undergrad program, I mean be among the top 2 or 3 mathematicians in the entire world within your given field. I believe in the case of Simons this was geometric topology.

Then you need to go into an area of finance that is relatively new allowing for enormous growth and plentiful arbitrage opportunities. A stint working on cryptography for the NSA may be of some help. You also need to get really lucky in being able to convince other top experts, primarily in NLP and signals processing, to give up their dreams and the relative safety of academia or pure research to come take a big risk with you. It's fairly unlikely that anyone else will be able to replicate his success, there are just too many variables that had to work out just right and were largely a result of good fortune.

If you merely want to work at Rentec then that is a much more attainable goal, although by no means easy. The most lucrative, and consequently most difficult to get positions there are quant/PM roles. Rentec basically only hires PhD level candidates for these roles and prefers to hire those without any prior Wall St experience.

More accessible but still very well paid roles exist in IT/Networking and Rentec still employs more traditional execution traders as well.

I should also state that while Rentec is still extremely prestigious there are a few smaller shops that are as good, if not better in certain aspects, and were you would be just as well remunerated.

>> No.8143314

hes a jew

>> No.8143331

>tfw will never be good

>> No.8143332

it takes smart choices and dumb luck.

>> No.8143334

skin still looks white to me.

>> No.8143353
File: 57 KB, 574x430, H2WMY6d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are the properties of exponents that are really ugly decimals ?

For example, 10^7.87264652 ?

I looked into some stuff on yt/khan/google that covers when exponents are mixed numbers and fractions but couldn't find anything on results that are ugly exponents like this.


>> No.8143359

Convert decimal to a fraction (787264652/100000000), simplify (196816163/25000000), analyze in terms of fractions. I'd suggest prime factorization to consider in terms of iterated exponents, but it doesn't get incredibly far in this situation: 196816163, 2^(-6), 5^(-8),

>> No.8143360


You don't understand. To be considered white, you need to be a blond haired. blue-eyed anglo-saxon who is over six feet and has a north european haplogroup and the 23andme results to prove it

>> No.8143363

Nice yoke, but Jewish still isn't a race.

>> No.8143376

good to know that being against jews is not racist

>> No.8143405

how smart have you got to be to work there?

>> No.8143426

It isn't. It is anti semitic though

>> No.8143437

I posted this as well>>8143058. Basically, for the quant/PM roles you need to have a PhD and a very good research background. Many of the candidates for those roles have the opportunity for tenure track positions at top schools if they so choose.

Its slightly less competitive for the back end stuff like IT/Networking, but still among the hardest places to get in. And then they have more traditional back office finance roles in compliance, accounting, legal that aren't really any harder to land than a place like GS/Blackstone.

I have two friends who are currently working there. One chose Rentec over an assistant professorship at CMU in Applied Math, the other previously managed massive Linux clusters at LANL.

So generally speaking you have to be pretty damn smart/good at a specific skill they're looking for.

>> No.8143464

yeah its okay then

>> No.8143469

>Why haven't any of you used your statistical and computational skills to make millions?

Why haven't you learned of the Efficient Market Hypothesis?

>> No.8143472

>The only thing in this world that is evil is racism

Have you been reading tumblr again?

>> No.8143480

Maybe we have. We just choose to hide all of it under a guise of hobo-hippy-ness so we don't accidentally attract boring prestige-seeking gold-diggers kind of people.

>> No.8143483

i want money sure
but i don't want it to be my way of life
i've always aspired for someting higher since my youth when my brother tried to convince me to also start making, i declined
saying, a job, was not worth my time unless it also satisfied something deeper
a longing
a raison d'etre

so i sat read and studied
i looked for something
even read books about trading - the mechanics and the strategies involved

none of it has seemed appealing
as a way tu spplement my life as it stood about a year ago? well a few months ago i might have said yes, but at this point i'm leaning towards

give me some loteray winnings cuz i would love not be able to work ever again

statistically, i am inclined , but not enough

>> No.8143486

semitism is bad. as bad as racism. it promotes nothing but xenophobia, hatred and "us vs them" mentality.

>> No.8143493

>anti semitic
>semitic=pertaining to semites
>being anti jew is anti semitic
are semites a race? an ethnicity? what are they, reptilians?
being against a religion doesnt make one anti-whatever semite is

>> No.8143538

>not knowing about Jews

You had ONE JOB.

>> No.8143547

chaim please. this isn't jidf website

>> No.8143566

>>Then you need to go into an area of finance that is relatively new allowing for enormous growth and plentiful arbitrage opportunities.
this is the most important things, but this happens only after lobbying to creates laws to make stuff legal (or the least illegal).
I do not think that today there are plenty of arbitrage opportunities for little and average people.
Do financial concoct new products to play with after they will be made legal ?

>> No.8143568

>average people.
I meant institutions and the losers who think they can beat the market at home.

>> No.8143575

Before you make your first million, the Feds are going to want to know where you got your startup capital, why you didn't pay taxes on it, and why you didn't pay back all of your debts first.
Since 40%+ of the USA is on benefits, they would have to pay all of that off before they could even start a business of any sort.
Then they would also have to create a complete listing of everything they used to make money.

By US law, you can not invest if you have ever had any debt that has yet to be repaid.

Why don't you think regular people don't just invest in stocks? They're not allowed to by law.

>> No.8144019

Which one? Weak, Semi.Strong or Strong? Nice try to look smart anon.

>> No.8144025


This is how it should be also, I'm getting sick and tired of lower-class people

>> No.8144152

How is his name pronounced? We've always called it "Chern-Simmons form" and only recently did I find out that it's actually written Simons.