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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 82 KB, 1280x960, flat_earth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8134771 No.8134771[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


How can one disprove the flat-earth theory with irrefutable evidence?

I thought this was a joke at first, but after doing some research, it really got me scratching my head.

What is /sci/'s take on this?

>> No.8134778

that's not how science works. you need to come with some evidence before you form a suggestion or question about it.
youtube is not a good resource for science. do better research.

>> No.8134785

Well you can show that it must have some magic properties by measure local gravity at the poles and at the equator. In a spherical earth this is easily explained by the non-vanishing quadruple moment in the gravitational potential. However in a flat earth it's just an artifact that can't be explained because they don't believe in gravity. Also this >>8134778

>> No.8134787

Just watch ships disappearing below the horizon with binoculars, which is how people figured out the world was round thousands of years ago

>> No.8134788

>What is /sci/'s take on this?
That you're not just a troll, but a poor one.

>> No.8134791

And what happens when you fly over that ice border?

I guess that's south pole, and disproving this whole thing require one person to fly over the south pole and reach other continent

>> No.8134792

>And what happens when you fly over that ice border?

The whole universe accelerates upwards and you're forever trapped in the void.

I'm not making this up

>> No.8134795

>accelerates upwards

Where is upwards? Holy fuck, those people are really something

>> No.8134798

Yeah I know, it's impressive how retarded these people are.

>> No.8134801

Perpendicular to the plane of the earth

>> No.8134805
File: 489 KB, 2048x1928, IMG_20160226_142400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go, evidence the Earth is round. End of thread

>> No.8134807

l-lies D':

>> No.8134808

>flat-earth theory
That's too much credit m8

also, this link.
If this doesn't convince you, nothing will


>> No.8134809

Came for the science, run away because bait.

>> No.8134810


There is no science to be found here

>> No.8134811

A lot of flat-earth theorists believe that there's an impenetrable ice border (Antarctica) at edge of the Earth which extends infinitely upwards and downwards.

>> No.8134812

If it's upwards wall stretching infinite height, should we able to see it from every place on earth?

>> No.8134814

>fabricated images

Prove that they're real.

>> No.8134815

Prove that they're fake.

>> No.8134817

No, because it fades to dark while going upwards and blends with the sky.

>> No.8134818

They are showing a curved earth when the earth is actually flat, therefore they are fake

>> No.8134819


>> No.8134821


>> No.8134822

It's alright, the truth hits weaker minds hard but you will come to appreciate your new understanding

>> No.8134825
File: 34 KB, 413x395, 1310483412100[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3 questions flatcucks can never answer :

1 ) How do you get the sun/moon cycle if the earth is flat ? Things never go below horizon on a flat surface, it only happens on a curved one

2 ) Where is the source of gravity ? Round earth successfully explains everything to be pulled down since the the central average mass is in the center of the earth. If earth was flat, the gravity would be at the center of the circle and everything would be pulled towards Antartica

3 ) Why has not one single person documented the edges of the earth with photo and video evidence ? Responding this with conspiracies will earn you more tinfoil points.

Come up with an answer to these you flatcucks. Step your game up already.

>> No.8134826

>mfw there are people on /pol/ and in the united states that are militantly committed to staying retarded on any scientific issue

where did we go wrong?

>> No.8134827

Find a lighthouse, measure its height, put it into this formula
Which will give you the distance in km you need to travel away from the lighthouse, where x is the height of the lighthouse in meters.
Travel the distance and see the lighthouse disappear. Do it on water for best effect.
The distance for a 30m tall lighthouse is f(30)~=24,6km.

>> No.8134828

>prove the Earth is round

>provides a picture from FUCKING SPACE

>prove the picture is real

Prove you're real

>> No.8134830

>Where is the source of gravity ?

They don't believe in gravity.

>> No.8134831

math is just another conspiracy

>> No.8134834

> /pol/
Are sjwtards so ashamed of their own retarded community they they are projecting their autism in every thread ?

back to your containment board

>> No.8134836
File: 2 KB, 299x169, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's proof the Earth is flat using your logic.

>> No.8134838

Which space agency took this picture from space if you don't mind me asking ?

>> No.8134839


>1 ) How do you get the sun/moon cycle if the earth is flat ? Things never go below horizon on a flat surface, it only happens on a curved one

Flat Earthers generally assume the sky to be a dome that covers the entire Earth. Whether the Sun, the Moon or the stars are celestial objects in their own right or just projections on the dome is undetermined. The Sun works like a spotlight, illuminating only some parts of the disc at one time, and rotates around the globe on the equator.

>2 ) Where is the source of gravity ? Round earth successfully explains everything to be pulled down since the the central average mass is in the center of the earth. If earth was flat, the gravity would be at the center of the circle and everything would be pulled towards Antartica

Flat Earthers generally either reject the idea of gravity as a scientific constant outright, or that gravity as we understand it is incorrect. Instead, the forces that keep people on the ground are either electromagnetic or g-forces.

>3 ) Why has not one single person documented the edges of the earth with photo and video evidence ? Responding this with conspiracies will earn you more tinfoil points.

Are conspiracies really that far fetched? Not many people travel to end of the world in general. And those who do, can be easily suppressed. Why do governments want us to stay away from the poles?

>> No.8134842
File: 262 KB, 457x380, 1416865757238.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>look mommy i posted it again! xDDD
kill yourself and this cheap ass bait

>> No.8134843


Designation: AS17-148-22726


>> No.8134844
File: 97 KB, 1024x682, IMG_20160317_153222.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can see the moon and the planets with my telescope, they're round af, in this picture the moon is flat, therefore you're retarded.

>> No.8134846

>Prove you're real
I dont need to, I already know im real, just like I know the earth is flat. Denialists gonna deny

>> No.8134848

>Why do governments want us to stay away from the poles?


>> No.8134849

link to their original website where they released this photo pls

>> No.8134852
File: 49 KB, 560x373, IMG_20160304_223749.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's exactly what a robot programmed to act like an idiot would say

>> No.8134853

you've yet to answer any of the questions aimed towards you flatcuck

>> No.8134854

It alright, I understand that anger and confusion are the natural responses of small minds facing unpleasant truth

What Questions?

>> No.8134855

see :

>> No.8134857

You can't see Polaris from the South Hemisphere, in fact the sky is different altogether.

Flat Earth model leaves almost every phenomena unexplained: seasons, wind, leap years, tides... why would you think it's logical? Come back to me when you have any evidence about everything around us if the Earth was in fact flat.

tl;dr fuck off

>> No.8134858
File: 46 KB, 707x403, viewofearth_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>it alright

No it not alright. You not alright.

>> No.8134859

1. The sun and the moon are small and close, both generate light and act like spotlights

2. Gravity does not exist. The earth is constantly accelerating at 1 g perpendicular to its plane

3. Various agencies prevent people from getting to close to the ice wall and suppress whatever evidence does manage to leak

>> No.8134861

Thats some good photoshop work shill

>> No.8134863

sorry anon, telescopes have fish eye lens on them, just like airplane windows, all cameras that exist in space, all the gopros attached to balloons, and the astronauts eyes.

All those muthafuckers have fish eye lens on them.

also public tours exist, don't think anyone is keeping anyone away from antartica


>> No.8134865
File: 109 KB, 1024x682, IMG_20160320_095203.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did they program you with some speech algorithm too? I'm psudeo-impressed. Are you some chatterbot variant?

>> No.8134866

If that model is correct how don't we see penguins in Europe?

Penguins mate all together at the south pole once a year, then they spread from South America to Australia.

If the model is a sphere those 2 places are pretty much at the same distance crib the point where penguins reproduce, but if it's flat they are at the opposite side of the world and the fastest way to go from Australia to South America is to swim near the north pole.

Yet nobody ever saw a penguin at the north pole

>> No.8134867

Are insults all you have in place of arguments?

>> No.8134869

>accelerating at 1 g perpendicular to its plane

that means we're traveling relative and also accelerating at 1g, and when we jump we're accelerating faster than 1g. How come we don't fly out of earth's atmosphere anon.

Also why do objects fall at different rates? If a hippo and a feather fell out of a plane why does the hippo crush australian prime minister malcom turnbull ffirst?

>> No.8134872

>taking being called a program with a speech algorithim an insult

GTFO brainlet

>> No.8134873
File: 133 KB, 878x900, space_shuttle_10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not insulting you chatterbox, and you've given no real arguments.

Arguments are for humans anyways, not computer algorithms

>> No.8134874

1 ) Thats not what I asked, read the question again

2 ) What is the source of energy that accelerates the earth ? Also do you not believe in the speed of light either, since it is incompatible with your 1 g acceleration theory ?

3 ) Any proof of this ? Expedition teams that go to antartica make no such note of that.

>> No.8134876

>gravity does not exist. The earth is constantly accelerating at 1 g perpendicular to its plane
Wouldn't that mean we would have reached lightspeed by now? Also if we were moving upwards and I jumped I wouldn't go back to Earth, our velocities would combine (yes I know that's not how it works but even taking in count thhe constant, the difference is negligible, knock it off).

>> No.8134877

>when we jump we're accelerating faster than 1g

>How come we don't fly out of earth's atmosphere anon.
Wind resistance

>Also why do objects fall at different rates?
Wind resistance, which I might add is the same explanation for a flat or a round earth so that was a fairly pointless question

>> No.8134882

If there is no gravity, object don't fall but instead wait for the earth to approach them meaning all objects (if the wait at the same altitude) should meet the earth at the same time. Wind resistance does not push objects that aren't moving.

Also why do objects like spears or sticks with very little fluid friction not escape the atmosphere when thrown upwards

Also it's called drag

git gud scrub.

>> No.8134884

>I'm not insulting you chatterbox
I consider being called a computer vaguely insulting, but if its not meant as such I wont take it as such

1. I'm not sure what you are asking, be specific
2.Unknown source, and no lightspeed is not a thing
3.All reports from antarctica are fabricated

>Wouldn't that mean we would have reached lightspeed by now?
Lightspeed is not a real thing.

> Also if we were moving upwards and I jumped I wouldn't go back to Earth
I should have een clear, its the ground thats accelerating up and pushing everything else

>> No.8134886
File: 91 KB, 430x615, trollercoaster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread again

>> No.8134887

But even if the Earth moved upwards at there would be something pulling us down while the Earth is picking us up or else we would just hover over the surface. You see, there is no explanation for the difference of weight of things following your hypothesis. Everything should weigh the same.

>> No.8134889

The ground is accelerating up, pushing everything -including the atmosphere- up

>> No.8134892

>Pushing everything up
so now the hippo and feather never meet the earth but instead get pushed up like everything else including the atmosphere?

fucks sake make up your mind

>> No.8134893

> I should have een clear, its the ground thats accelerating up and pushing everything else
That:s what I meant. If the earth is moving say 500m/s upwards and I jumped at 2m/s I'd be traveling at ~502m/s and air resistance wouldn't be able to stop me.

>> No.8134894

the atmosphere would be traveling relative, and therefore not have any effect on objects

>> No.8134895

Relative to what

>> No.8134896

>I should have een clear, its the ground thats accelerating up and pushing everything else
does that mean ducks and other birds of flight run at over 1g to take off and fly?

>> No.8134897

my guess is relative to the bottom to the earth and therefore the earth is traveling downwards relative to us. therefore we can only jump a few centimeters but the earth falling makes up the extra distance

>> No.8134898

I dont understand what you're saying, the ground pushes on the air which pushes on anything suspended in the air, but if it cant push with enough force then any object in the will accelerate slower than the ground so the ground will catch up to it

The atmosphere doesnt have enough density to push the feather or the hippo up, although it comes close with the feather

>> No.8134899
File: 259 KB, 4613x2233, 365640main_PIA11141_full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Robots are designed to help people so I fail to see the insulting aspect of it.

I'm surprised they programed you with emotion

>> No.8134901

Pretty sure that it would cause all sort of problems with the magnetic field too

>> No.8134902

The spambots are evolving.
>has science gone too far???

>> No.8134903

so if it doesn't have enough density to push objects up all objects would meet the earth in the same amount of time regardless of their drag coefficient

>> No.8134906

The earth is accelerating, I have no idea what is actual velocity is since every second its going 9.8ish m/s faster

The atmosphere wants to be at rest like all mass does

"up" means perpendicular to the plane of the earth

*accelerate at over 1g yes

You've said you dont mean it as an insult so im no longer taking it as one

>> No.8134912

So the earth is actually acquiring kinetic energy. Where does that come from?

Could we harvest it by making the earth accelerate slower?

>> No.8134913

More drag means more air is pushing on you so you accelerate more and the ground catches up slower

>> No.8134916

>Where does that come from?
I dont know, other people who are aware of the truth say god, but I can't prove that.
>Could we harvest it by making the earth accelerate slower?
Possibly, it depends on whats causing it

>> No.8134918

I know this is a troll/shit tread and I should just let it die like the mental sewage it is instead of asking this, but..
The idiots claim that its a conspiracy, right? That somehow every major nation, physicist, travel agency, pilot and university with a weather balloon is in on, for some reason.
Why? What would be the point of the conspiracy? What would be to gain from hiding "the truth"? All good conspiracy theories need a reason.

>> No.8134924

We let protestants tell us how to teach our children how shit works. Check out the Texas board of "education", some of the members have an open and completely sincere disdain for the very concept of learning.