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/sci/ - Science & Math

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8133648 No.8133648[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What are you doing with your life?

I play vidyagames from 8 in the morning till 12 then drink nyquil to help me sleep, i do this everyday.

>> No.8133657

I study electrical engineering and tutor kids in my spare time. I am currently doing some transcripts for money.

I also make some music. Play some hearthstone. Smoke some joints.

>> No.8133672

I am a student of mechanical engineering and lifeguard at a beach as a part time job. I am currently training for advanced ocean rescue for money.

I also play guitar. Play some counter strike. Drink some beers.

>> No.8133682
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During the day I develop software for idiotic salesmen, then I come home and download loads of math/compsci textbooks which I then procastrinate actually learning and go back to shitposting on /sci/. Meanwhile I try to cope with anxiety, and occasionally fuck my gf when she nags me for a while. I usually fall asleep around 4am, only to wake up at 11am, and hurry to the 12:00 standup meeting.

>> No.8133687

Undergrad student who studies mathematics / med chem. Currently studying for entrance exams.

I also read philosophy and math books. Play some Overwatch. Drink some Water

>> No.8133689


hell yeah bro
seems pretty comfy

>> No.8133693


Go to university for mathematics from 7 to 12. Work as a software developer from 12 to 4.
Drive home from 4 to 5.
Watch anime, read manga and play videogames from 5 until my body is so exhausted that it falls asleep without me even noticing. I'm usually watching youtube videos or anime at this point.

From that you can also guess from where I am posting right now. It must suck to have a job that does not require having a computer in front of you at all times. Once I came to the office and when I opened 4chan I saw it had been blocked by the network administrator. I was like oh well. Then the next day it was unblocked, I don't even know why. I would say it is because I am more efficient when I can stop every 20 minutes of programming to quickly look at the front page and have a 1/50 chance of finding a thread I want to participate in... just like I'm doing right now.

>> No.8133700

We could be so good together.

Tell me more about your guitar.

>> No.8133703


>Smoke some joints.

Stopped reading right there.

What are you a drug addict?

>> No.8133707

no, I'm a criminal

>> No.8133710

>drug addict
stop reading right there

>> No.8133725


I know cuz it is illegal to posses drugs you fucking junky

>> No.8133733



stopped reading right there

>> No.8133755

>Anonymous 06/09/16(Thu)15:44:14 No.8133733

Stopped reading right there.

>> No.8133763

Hey man
Starting ee this fall
Probably I'll be doing what you doing, make music on laptop playing around with pirated vsts and whatnot, trying to learn more about maxmsp

Is ee overwhelming?

>> No.8133764

I study Chemical engineering and applied mathematics at university. I play video games and watch anime in my spare time. The only major issues in my life are that I'm trying to quit smoking and I don't have many friends

>> No.8133768

>trying to quit smoking

Should have never started. As someone who has been told plenty of times to 'stop using the internet so much' and 'stop eating so much junk food' I'd say that just fuck it. I can't stop shitposting and I can't stop eating some Mc Donald's because it feels fucking good.

So you do the same, don't stop smoking. I mean, it is your life so who gives a fuck.

>I don't have many friends

Completely unimportant. I have like 3 friends I actually talk to and that is all. Just watch more anime that gets you attached to a random group of people, like Konosuba. It fills that hole very nicely.

>> No.8133773

>standup meeting
This is how you know your job is shit

>> No.8133776

Yes, but being well organized can get you a long way. Start studying right away and it'll be easier. Also making friends, study groups can be great. Do your homework regularly and get take advantage of the tutoring.
I've already seen quite a few people giving up mostly because they can't quit gaming and find the time to study and go to lectures. The material isn't hard to comprehend, it just takes time to get good at it.
You won't have as much time for the music. But the sooner you get done with school and exams, the sooner you have time to work on your ideas. Can't wait for the summer.
Enjoy your education.

>> No.8133804

Welding school on weekdays and working freelance in professional jewry (aka publishing) nights and weekends.

>> No.8133844

Appreciate the advice bro

>> No.8133853

Study math.

Browse r9k and sci for about 4 hours a day.

Go to the gym for about 8 hours a week.

Go for hikes when it's nice out.

Other than that I spend most of my time listening to / downloading bleeps or playing Dark Souls and old PC / SNES games.

>> No.8133897 [DELETED] 
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I want to be le ebin science man but then I realize that I lack the intelligence and leadership skills to be anything than a codemonkey.

And even if I had the intelligence and leadership skills anything I am passionate about is still physically and financially impossible.

I was born too early. The only thing that seems to be worth doing now is just observing.

>> No.8133920

CC classes because I'm a poorfag, when I'm not in occupied with that I'm reading /lit/ and watching anime.

>> No.8133934
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Study medicine and suffer, do drugs occasionally.

Secretly dream of working a simple wagecuck job that pays for an OK life.

>> No.8133936

Are you good at math?
Make sure you understand ALL the basics; start with addition and finish at calculus. Make it a habit to solve equations by hand instead of using a CAS tool to do it unless its a numerical problem. Look into complex numbers and diffrential equations, and functions with N variables and linear algebra. Learn an OOP or atleast get a working knowlage of programming theory, you will be spending most of your time doing this.

>> No.8133944

What drugs do you reccomend?

>> No.8133952

What games?

>> No.8133959



stopped reading there

>> No.8133962

Read papers/books, make/modify/debug various simulations, interpret experimental results, and random shit when I need a break.

>> No.8133966

smoking cigs and fucking sluts

>> No.8133974

LSD is top tier. Weed is okay, I haven't smoked in a year though, it makes me feel dumb as fuck.
Oxy is cool, have done it like three times though, not easy to come by. Speed is fine, I've heard good things about MDMA too.

Those are the cool drugs, stay away from hard stuff. Benzos count too, don't get addicted to that shit.

>> No.8133986

Graduated in microbiology almost a year ago. Trying to figure out what my career will be. Never know where I'll end up or what I'll be doing, searching for some direction in life. Currently working pretty basic job at a hospital. It's aight but can be stressful, though it's rewarding I guess. Pay is lower than I'm used to.

I come home and smoke and/or drink to numb the lack of passion in my life. Really wish I had a cozy job that's not stressful and fulfilled me more. My free time is spent applying and/or searching for jobs, getting errands and tasks done that I'm required to do, the rest of the time is distracting myself with video games or internet.

To some my life may seem good but I still feel lost, and wish it was better.

>> No.8133993

it'll get better, keep cracking at it. don't get lost in the drinking.