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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 89 KB, 400x400, not_a_quotient.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8126948 No.8126948 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: We derive all of mathematics as it was done chronologically, as if we did it.
Holy shit guys, I have this stone and this other one. That makes two stones. We need to make a system for this!

>> No.8126959

If we have two stones and then we take one away well only have one stone.

>> No.8126965

Today I'll give you one stone. Tomorrow I'll give you two stones. The day after tomorrow I'll give you three stones. The day after the day after tomorrow I'll give you four stones. Assuming we are both immortal and can continue this forever, would you accept the deal?

>> No.8126968

Nice try, you're just trying to steal 1/12 of a stone from me, I won't have it.

>> No.8126973
File: 641 KB, 774x2270, its your choice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8126977

One...out of twelve? Woah dudes, If we have one stone out of twelve.. that means... we can have partial parts of something. Does that mean anything?

>> No.8126980

What are those symbols? This is witchcraft, but.. we need to make some pattern. Maybe one line for one item, two lines for two?

>> No.8126986

what the fuck is that

>> No.8127034

Welp, I thought this was supposed to be a proper thread, but looks like people are writing the nonsense [math]\displaystyle\sum^\infty_{i=1}i = - \frac{1}{12}[/math] instead of the correct [math]\displaystyle\sum^\infty_{i=1}i \stackrel{\scriptstyle \Re}{=} - \frac{1}{12}[/math] again.

>> No.8127043

>[math]\dfrac{dy}{dx} [/math]
>not [math]\dfrac{\mathrm{d}y}{\mathrm{d}x} [/math]

>> No.8127049

lol either way it simplified to y/x! you math grads are so dumb, you cant even remember algebra!

>> No.8127052

>come back to /sci/ after quite some time
>anons can't into simple logic notation
Yeah, fuck this place. Bye.

>> No.8127054

What's this ! you speak of?
>how do I read the OP

>> No.8127055

'I don't read the OP' - you

>> No.8127068

>obvious bait
>gives (You)s anyway

>> No.8127070

>I was just pretending to be retarded xDDDDDDDDDD

>> No.8127071

Perhaps the art of stone counting is too much for you guys.

>> No.8127073


>> No.8127091
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>I have this stone and this other one. That makes two stones
no it makes 11 stones

>> No.8127100

I see, cause if you smash 2 stones together one of hem will break, resulting in at least 11 stones

>> No.8127102
File: 201 KB, 1000x625, FlyingPyramids.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

h-hey guys

scary dark skinned men are flying

>> No.8127106

11 rocks, maybe you're right. 1 and 1. 11. Genious. We should use this as our notation from now on until we think of something better.

>be some undergrad faggot
>not know how to roleplay

>> No.8127126

if you split a stick
now you have two stick

>> No.8127130

Hey guys,I noticed that if I take 3 steps forward, turn to my left, walk 3 steps forward, and repeat twice more, my foot steps trace out an interesting shape that is pleasing to the eye! I think i will call it a square.

>> No.8127132

You have two halves of the prior stick. Is 11 = 1/11?

>> No.8127135

no dummie it makes a window

>> No.8127136

Can it be done if we have ten stones and eleven stones? What should 10 + 11 look like and what should 11 + 10 also look like?

>> No.8127138

It is nice, isn't it? What if you cut your trip in half, going from the original position to the second part (Three steps foreward, three steps left)? It cuts the sides from your "square" of 1111 to a new shape, of 111 sides. Does this mean the space it occupies is 111/1111 of the square?

>> No.8127144

What is this "0" you have? ten is 1111111111. 11 is two. But you are right, 1 and 11 is the same as 11 and 1. 11+1=1+11. Is this correct for all number values?

>> No.8127150

What is eleven?

>> No.8127156

Let's have "x" for any random, or unknown value. x + 1 = 1+x. This is sick.

>> No.8127159
File: 6 KB, 315x298, eb4ee75b29eaf8d3eb321cffe31d4ccd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's going on with these 111-sided figures, guys?

Do you think it's possible to work out their perimeter without measuring all the sides and adding them?

>> No.8127160

lmao ur such a fuckboy I was looking forward to this thread and u went and fuckboyed it all up

>> No.8127163

This is neither fun nor interesting, and it is definitely not clever; the delivery is lacking and your collective grasp on the history of mathematics appears to be dogshit, to say the least.


t. Godfrey Harold Hardy, PhD

>> No.8127165


Is that an abstract loss edit or am I finally losing my mind

>> No.8127174

I do not know, I need to develop a method to figure out how much space my new square occupies. I'll take some stones of equal size and try to draw out small squares and see how many stones it takes to fill a square.

Although, I have also noticed that if I have a square with sides 11, it takes 1111 stones to fill it; a square with sides 111 takes 111111111 stones to fill; a square with 1111 stones take 1:111111 stones to fill! I have adopted the use of a semicolon to denote 1111111111.

Am I on to something guys?

>> No.8127182

what's the 'figure' thing you are speaking of?

>> No.8127186

>Do you think it's possible to work out their perimeter without measuring all the sides and adding them?
Nah, probably not. Why would anyone even need that if you can just measure the sides?

>> No.8127188

Good question.
Maybe we can use this idea.

If we have 1111 tree trunks that are same size, how much taller will the middle tree trunk have to be to fit inside the box?

>> No.8127189

what if we used different symbols for each value less than 1:?

here are some ideas for the first 1111 (now called 4)

>> No.8127192
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>> No.8127194

You are, but the pattern is odd, isn't it. It seems to be this pattern for many things. If I have 111 leaves, by 111 leaves, it also makes 111111111. 11 by 11 pieces of meat makes 1111, just like for you. what can we use to show this?

>> No.8127195
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forgot pictogram, sorry famalam

>> No.8127197

ITT: what autists do for fun

>> No.8127198

this guy knows what's up. stop fucking around with sticks and go do something useful.

>> No.8127199

What if you have no rocks?

>> No.8127200

our "keeping track of amount" system seems to have a deep flaw, we can't describe large numbers as the time to do such a task is too much, perhaps introducing symbols to represent collective groups will be better
perhaps V = 11111
perhaps X = VV

>> No.8127201

Stop making up words, Ooajohaha. Be like us and try to help us figure out if there is any logic to 1, 1111, 111111111, 1:111111, continued. Or be productive and plant this potato to grow.

>> No.8127202

I thinks that syhn is a fraction

>> No.8127203
File: 89 KB, 488x516, nofun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8127205

Jesus, what does 111 leaves, *by* 111 leaves mean, you dumb fuck? Go die in a, recently invented, fire.

>> No.8127207

God bless you, those 1 were begining to hourt my eyes.

>> No.8127209
File: 2.60 MB, 1737x1309, 1462455905832.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good question

>> No.8127210

where did you find those symbols? you are scary and I want to kill you because I don't understand.

>> No.8127211


So 1 is still 1, 11 is 2, 111 is A, 1111 is 4, 11111 is V, and X is VV. What about before X?

111111 is V1 perhaps?

>> No.8127213

ITT: People jealous of autists having fun.

>> No.8127214

We can use better symbols than old sheepfucker there.
I will be 1
V will be 11111
X will be VV
L will be XXXXX
C will be LL
D will be CCCCC
M will be DD

Then you can count easy

I mean, come on, its MMMMMXV1 BC
one symbol not enough for counting

>> No.8127216
File: 250 KB, 1280x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I double my cat 3 times and I take a picture of one of them and the cat in the picture comes out of my computer how many cats do I have

>> No.8127219

V11 could be 1111111?
VA would be 11111111
And for 111111111, VA1

>> No.8127225

I don't think we can ever find that length. Should we make random lengths for the sides of the square until we get an actual number, or fraction we can use?

>> No.8127227

This is the worst and best meme on this board.

>> No.8127228

ITT: what autists do for fun

>> No.8127230

First off you need to understand the identity principle.
A stone is a stone.
A non-stone is not a stone.

This is vital to understanding and knowing anything

>> No.8127234



>> No.8127238

No need to samefag while sucking MM penises

>> No.8127248

that one wasn't me tho

>> No.8127250

Philosophiae Naturalis laterum figurae alicuius quadraturam lateribus Unum.


1 – 1
11 – 1111
111 – 111111111
1111 – 1:111111
11111 – 11: 11111
111111 – 111: 111111
1111111 – 1111: 111111111
11111111 – 111111: 1111
111111111 – 11111111:1
1: – (1:):

We can see that, clare, unum follows a proportion similar to the movements of the waters. In a following charta, I will present more advances ex natura corporis of the figures presented once I understand the fundamental substantia of the movements of the waters

>> No.8127251

Alright. 1 is the same as 1. 1 is not the same as 2. 1 us not the same as A. 1 is not equal to all numbers not equal to itself. Does that sound good?

>> No.8127252

Look at this lost scroll one of our brothers found. Those ancients with their archaic number system, but good ideas. This is valuable information. How can we use it? Maybe part of the triangle?

>> No.8127253
File: 36 KB, 615x288, f91cff2ef14b5b478a595be30ff29400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gentlemen, i have discovered that we can also count in groups

i shall call this operation 'fast-counting'

accept the axiom x(y+b) = y*x+b*x or else my tribe will burn down your library

>> No.8127258

You are clever, good sir. A amount of As is the same as 1 A + (together with) 2 A.
Fast counting, this means.. My bees can be split up and still be equal as long as the value is the same.

>> No.8127288

Factorial base is pretty swank.


>> No.8127292

If I have one rock and give someone else a rock- how many rocks do I have? Nothing rocks? I think we need a symbol for 'nothings' I propose a big empty circle.

>> No.8127296

this thread is a cringe-athon

>> No.8127299

Or we can just not have a symbol for nothing, how significant would it be anyways? Probably not at all.

>> No.8127301

but how can we signify how un useful it is?

>> No.8127306

Alright, O will be nothingness, I'll bite. If you have O items, and I give you V11, I'll have O take away V11, and you will have V11. Is there a way we could write that?

>> No.8127311

I have seen another civilization use a + to mean "in addition", meaning if you had 1: goats and I give you 1 more goat, we can represent this as
1: + 1 goats
They also seemed to use the symbol = to mean a total amount. In the previous example, that would mean you now have
1: + 1 = 1:1 goats
1: + 1 = V11 goats if you prefer those symbols

>> No.8127313

Correction, 1: + 1 = V1, no bully pls

Therefore, the amount of nothing could mean that if you have 1:1 goats and I gave you O goats, then

1:1 + O = 1:1 goats

>> No.8127314
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What am I even clicking on.

>> No.8127317

Let's subjugate them and steal all of their technological inventions

>> No.8127319

History in the making. Pun intended.

>> No.8127320

Oh, yeah. Those false gods with their black magic, let's fuck them up and steal their women. And then learn from their counting tables.

>> No.8127321

I think we should put our attention back at this. Maybe it's 2? It has to be longer than 1.

>> No.8127326

>The year of our Lord M + M + X + V1
>Can't count past V

>> No.8127332

How does its length compare to the length of the sides?

Why am I taking part in this nonsense when I have a final in the time it takes the sun to travel roughly three fingers' width at arms' length?

>> No.8127334

Oh crap, it's between two and one. We need a way to find this. Hmm. It can be three squares, on on each side of the triangle. But that wouldn't give anything. Maybe triangles on each side of the triangle then? Also, why wouldn't you take part in something so beautiful.

>> No.8127336

Guys, is there a number between 1 and 11? I mean, we can make 11 by taking 1 and adding another 1 such that 1+1= 11. Can we do the same thing but for something smaller?

>> No.8127340

No, dummy. You break a stone in half, you have 11 stones.

>> No.8127344

Yes but are the 11 stones the SAME stones as the previous unbroken one? Note that if we have 1 stone as large as my palm and we break it into 11 stones, we now have stones smaller than my palm.

>> No.8127364

Plebs from dumb village
Not knowing we use 2 for 11
But something between 1 and 2, it may be done. How? I have one finger. I have 2. But If I have one finger, and I cut the other into a smaller part of a finger. That gives me something between 1 and 2. Because the parts are divided into 2 equal ones, 2 out of 2 is one whole. one out of two. Can we make that a thing?

>> No.8127370

>Not knowing we use 2 for 11
112 = 1111, got it

>> No.8127384


Technically, yes you priest.

>> No.8127398
File: 16 KB, 580x294, 80ee757e8e282bb4f3160e4ab6ed92b2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

okay we need a better system for counting, or else >>8127370 's village will fuck something up

in the original system we counted 1111 where each 1 represented a thing

now that we're using more symbols like 2, we can count faster if we just make different arrangements of symbols mean different things

i propose we merge fast counting and regular counting to create a system called 'numbers'

each symbol is part of the number, and the first symbol can be groups of 1
the second symbol is how many groups of V
and the third symbol counts groups of V that also each have a group of V

here's an example of how fast you can count:

A21 = A+"V"2+"V"V" = 111+1111111111+1111111111111111111111111

see how much nicer this system is?

just remember, the first symbol is for the smallest group, and the last symbol is for the largest. or else we'll sacrifice you to the volcano gods

>> No.8127414

Helpful, it looks great. It's great for counting the amount of people In a village, city, or home complex.

>> No.8127431

Guys, hear me out. What if you get half a stone, then a half of that, and a half of that and do that forever and add them together. What would you get? They get smaller, so it must be some value right?

>> No.8127438


Once we steal all of the intergalactic negros technology, no one will ever suspect that cave dwelling Europeans who are prone to sunburn could possibly do that, it'd sound like utter fucking nonsense!

The perfect crime!

>> No.8127440

Sorry to newb up the thread but could anyone give me the terminology used to describe the second equality in this post? I'm self-studied and all over the fucking place so I know pretty much zero analysis (largely because my proof skills haven't improved since babby discrete math) but am aware of the gamma function and analytic continuation. Just curious what word to google for that notation. Thanks.

>> No.8127447

We started from one stone, so yeah, it would make sense for all them together to equal 1. We need some way to represent the partial rocks however. Maybe, 1p2 (for 1 "part of" 2) If we cut that again, it would be 1p4. and so on.

>> No.8127448

This reminds me of an event of the fastest warrior in my tribe:
each runner starts at a pile of rocks and the aim is to get to another pile of rocks further away - but to get there they must run half of the distance, then half of the remaining distance and half of that remaining distance and so on
- nobody ever finished the race before they died but it was very exciting, I invite you and your tribe people to visit for our next event if you have a lot of free time to spare.

>> No.8127453


>> No.8127455

Ramanujan summation

>> No.8127456

Mate all of use our fucking undergrads and worse. This thread is one giant joke, don't worry. Also, good luck with the studying.
Also, go fuck yourself faggot. You're destroying the 4th wall. (I have no clue for what it's called)

>> No.8127461

Damnit Zeno. Stop stop giving us more problems to solve.

>> No.8127463

what if we did this, but instead of halving it, we take a smaller piece off each time? say we start with half of a rock, and then a third, and then so on. what would it be then?

>> No.8127467

Logically 1pA. Then 1p4. Then 1pV. But is there a way to prove the colection of those will be one whole, if we start with 1p2?

>> No.8127473

well it must be, right? they keep getting smaller

>> No.8127478

I guess you're declining my offer? May the drought gods smite thee, I'll ask Pythagoras instead to join me, he said he had some secret juujuu to show me.

>> No.8127482

How could we write this? S (for sum maybe?)

>> No.8127483

>Mate all of use our fucking undergrads and worse.
>use our fucking undergrads
uh what?

>> No.8127485

He's crazy I'd be wary. But do tell us what he teaches you, I'm feeling a mathematical revolution around us.

>> No.8127488

lmfao are** All of us are fucking..
fucking hell. Made me laugh.

>> No.8127493

well we need something to start it at, and something to end it at, so why not list those down? we'd need a special symbol for forever though...

>> No.8127495

Don't worry Anon it is a loss edit

>> No.8127499

So I was telling him about what other tribes had found earlier and he cut me short saying "silence is better than unmeaning words"!
I think he's a bit tired for now so I sent him to our guest hut.

>> No.8127507

How about ... ? It will stand for forever, or on and on and on.

>> No.8127516

that sounds perfect. something like [math]\stackrel{...}S[/math]?

>> No.8127521
File: 86 KB, 1000x398, asdo12on.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just came back from visiting a tribe in the heart of Africa. One look at these scribbles and I knew that they couldn't even fucking count. Anyone solve that problem with the half-square yet?

>> No.8127530

what the fuck is [math]\frac{1}{2}[/math]. what does that line mean

>> No.8127534

Idiots probably tried counting sideways or something.

>> No.8127536

Perfect. And the first number in the sequence will be, well, the first number. We can calculate nice things with this, especially with the wisdom from this guy.>>8127398

But, how can we make that work for any number. We need some representation of the random number that we are calculating for. Maybe.. "n"?

>> No.8127537

Let's say that [math]\frac{1}{x}[/math] represents the number such that x copies of it make 1. Here I'm using x to represent any of the numbers that you can get by adding 1s a finite number of times.

>> No.8127538

Ha, look at these fucking idiots. I doubt they even know of the concept of O.

>> No.8127541


>> No.8127543

No, but I thing that one dude who was hanging out with Pythagoras might. He was screaming some random stuff about squares being God or some shit.

>> No.8127545 [DELETED] 

wait hol up so u tellin me dat [math]\frac{1}{2}+\frac{1}{2}=1[/math] dis be dat 1p2 shiet anon talking about

>> No.8127546

Oh, like the p system. So 1p2 would be 1/2? Eh i like the old one better, that would never be practical.

>> No.8127551

Let's just have an aside to note how backwards we are compared to the rest of the world if that is to be found in Africa. Damn it anon for making our autism canon.

>> No.8127557

can someone remind what problems we're on?

>> No.8127563

Etale Cohomology

>> No.8127565

go back to africa

>> No.8127588

How can we find the length of a diagonal from the two sides of a triangle. Also, the sum of different P values. (Fractions) like 1p2, 4pV and all that cool stuff.

>> No.8127590

I think we should make an operation called ooga. When we use it, we find the difference between two numbers.
For example, 1111ooga111 is 1
And 111ooga1 is 11

>> No.8127596
File: 193 KB, 1271x716, ACceptOrBeBurned.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


my brothers... I believe I have expanded the principle >>8127253 of "fast counting"

we may also utilize "fast uncounting" as I call it

yet, I run into a problem, as I continue to uncount any number, there seems to be no limit to the amount of times I can uncount it! It seems that every quantity is endless and that our notation is flawed, as this would make every quantity equivalent...

I will call this quantity the "endless" because it is

>> No.8127618

Guys, my friend wants to borrow some of my stuff. I feel like I should get something in return while he has my stuff though. And the value of what I get should increase the longer my friend has my stuff.

Is there a way to figure out how much he owes me for borrowing my stuff so that it's fair to everyone?

>> No.8127666

your stuff = his stuff

it belongs to the tribe as a whole.

>> No.8127667 [DELETED] 

We could combine multiple oogas into a booga.

111booga11 means ooga 11 times, so 1

>> No.8127679

[math]\stackrel{...}{\stackrel S{1}}[/math]

I think ive got the notation down. the number on the bottom is what to start at, and on top is the one to end at.

>> No.8127697

>tfw having to look at the previous posts to keep up with the advancements in mathematics

Our village idiot Batswulu suggests that there IS a number between O and 1. He calls it a "half". He says that two of these "halves" together make 1. Should we allow this? Could there be something smaller than this half?

Or should we just burn Batswulu for his insolence?

>> No.8128065
File: 17 KB, 476x294, 10108e27e13f592de83791c99acfcf24.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying there exists a value between zero and 1
if there were such a value, we could break those values down into even smaller values, creating an infinite descent into oblivion

burn the dude, why would we ever need to count numbers less than 1?

>> No.8128085

I mean, say you and your tribe appointed wife are trying to build a new hut. You go to purchase some wood from the local hardwood dealer who says that each log is 5 steps in length. However, when laying the foundation, you find that the wood is not 5 steps long nor is it 4 steps long but somewhere in between! Whilst visiting the hardwood dealer's execution for thievery, you ponder that if such a length that is neither 4 steps long nor 5 steps long but instead is somewhere in between can exist in nature, surely we can add it to our counting system?

>> No.8128089

iF two halfs will make 1. Then what will 3 halfs make? Batswulu needs to check himself before he wrecks himself.

*Drops the stick mic.

>> No.8128090

This makes me extremely uncomfortable, and I can hardly see a practical application. I second the notion to burn the witch. As convention in our tribe goes, full agreement between two individuals is sufficient for stoning the wrong individual, but I say we hold off for a third and get the fire rolling.

>> No.8128100

Allow it, but burn him just to be safe.

So I got an idea. That bit about how the pieces of a broken stone are the same as one stone, even though they're different sizes. I think someone used the word "value" earlier.

So what if we took that concept and applied it to other objects, maybe two different types of objects? What if, say, a spear had the same "value" as... A water jug? Or a day's food?

>> No.8128106

I believed he babbled something about a "1-third" or some nonsense, which when three "1-thirds" are combined will make 1.

There is already disorder in the village and a fire is kindling, this may not end well for our dear village idiot.

>> No.8128198

So what batswulu is saying is, if i keep breaking things apart. I just count how many piece it broke into and each little piece is just how many pieces thier are with the word 'urd' at the end of it.

So if i break some other tribe guy's stick into two pieces.. each piece will be called a twourd?

.... this soudns like some elebaorate prank to get me to touch poop. : /

>> No.8128202

we have



>> No.8128206

Gives me an idea. Maybe someone should re-write math to remove historical purpose words, and just replace them with things that make logical sense.

For example a twourd is easier to explain to a kid and makes more sense than a 'half'.

>> No.8128315

Philosophy is just structuring and formalizing in natural languages.

mathematics are about formalizations of your speculations (which you form from your desire to see things that you experience [the empirical world, once you chose to objectify what you feel] through induction, as similar or dissimilar) to the point that you have a structure more formalized than your speculations structured in natural languages.

Logic is just a the formalization of your speculations about *validity of inferences*, so here logic is a formal part of mathematics.

It turns out that plenty of mathematical structures are cast into some formal deductive logic (like set theory formalizes your structures of numbers).
I meant your usual set theory cast in FOL. Set theory is just a structure too and it turns out that you can interpret a part of this structure as some kind of numbers.

Science is just claiming that your formalized structures (in formal languages or not) gives you access to some *reality*, more or less hidden with respect to what you are conscious of[=the empirical world, once you choose to ''externalize, objectify'' what you feel].
Same thing for the religions which go beyond empiricism [=claiming that you feel and think is **not** enough from which you choose to dwell in your mental proliferations].

Some mathematicians, typically Brouwer, think that mathematics should, equally to the speculations (however formalized) of the scientists, talk about the empirical world. So typically, your formal symbols are real entities: these entities belong to some world and they connect or not back to the empirical world.
to be clearer, the symbols are names of real entities and, since you begin always from the empirical world, this world constrains you on the creation and usage of these real entities. then these real entities can or cannot belong to some other world as well.

>> No.8128316

Physicists use [math]\displaystyle\sum^\infty_{i=1}i = - \frac{1}{12}[/math] literally and it agrees with experiment.

>> No.8128369

I tried to read this, but a dinosaur snuck up on me from behind and ate my liver. However, I did realize that I am now lesser. Because we have only 4 important organs (the liver, the heart, the lungs, and the souls) I am now 1p4 less, so.. 3p4? Or, a Fourd is gone.

>> No.8128384

>and it agrees with experiment.
What experiment ?
I'm curious, I always thought it was derived from the analytic continuation of the Rieman-zeta function and then used to determine the number of dimensions in some model ?

>> No.8128387

>What experiment ?
On the first day, I'll give you a dollar.
On the second day, I'll give you two.
And so on.

This means that I'm stealing 1/12 of a dollar from you.

>> No.8128407
File: 6 KB, 736x488, half stick.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I look at half square with sides, 1, 1 with square middle I don't know, I place sticks of 1 through the middle to find the length. middle square is longer then a side, but shorter then two sides. its almost 1 and half side but a little bit less. What think?

>> No.8128417
File: 11 KB, 518x630, trigoWHAT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's pretty wierd. I could've sworn it would be exactly double!.

what if we threw away the two short sticks..

Took the long stick, snapped it in half so iot makes a V shape, and played with the V shape until the third length is exactly twice the length of each one?

Now it looks like your one and half is only a special case when the spread of the sticks is at a certain point.

and the long stick being 2x the length of the short stick, is also a special case!

I wonder what other special cases there are.

>> No.8128421

It's all dependent on how far they spread out!

The smaller the spread, the longer the two sticks are compared to the connecting one.

the larger the spread, the longer the connecting one is compared to the two small ones.


>> No.8128431

We can describe the greatness of the "spreading" of the sticks with amounts. Maybe | for "less than one and one twourrd" ||
For exactly one and one twourrd, and ||| for greater than. Also, remember our terminology. >>8128202
If you have any problems, feel free to jump into the snake pit.

>> No.8128497

No it makes a group of two stones

>> No.8128505


>> No.8128541

>not understanding the context that they use it in
really anon?

>> No.8128691

What's a stick?

>> No.8129026

Fuck off Plato.

>> No.8129089

So if we have 11+11+11+11 sheep, you can also write it as 1111×11 sheep?
Then if you have 11×11×11×11 sheep, how about we write that as 111111 sheep
>tfw I'll never have this many sheep

>> No.8129102

What's a sheep?

>> No.8129320

It's that animal we stick our penises in the feel good because Grok is fucking all the women.

>> No.8129523

If I break one stone, I can put the pieces together to get my stone again. Do you think it would be possible to break a stone in a way that when you get the pieces together you get twice the original stone?

>> No.8129540

Yes, if you accept the idea that given several piles of stones, it is possible to select exactly one stone from each pile.

>> No.8129550

I don't see why we would accept such nonsense

>> No.8129563
File: 55 KB, 1158x697, ..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucck those symbols guys i dont get them
i think we should consider shapes n stuff
to make a shape you need 3 sticks, this we called a 'triangle'
im pushing this further and i thought about 4-stick shapes. I feel the names are clear, did i miss any shape?

>> No.8129571

Chink box, where all sticks are the same length, but the top and bottom are offset

>> No.8129576

Also wide chink box

>> No.8129758


>> No.8129953

platform box, with the bottom stick longer than the top stick

>> No.8129981

What in the world is a diamond? Rock seems very ambiguous. Perhaps box -> four-equal box, wide box -> two-equal box.

>> No.8131150
File: 86 KB, 1720x697, ..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but one thing is troubling me: isnt a box also a chink box? and isnt a box also wide box? this makes my head dizzy
kekeke poorfag, my tribe has diamonds all over the place

>> No.8131156 [DELETED] 

I have an idea. Lets axiomize all of mathematics in a single axiomatic system called UA (universal axioms) which is strong enough to prove all mathematics statements.

Also, lets prove the consistency and completeness of UA since this is important too.

>> No.8131157
File: 27 KB, 236x357, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have an idea. Lets axiomize all of mathematics in a single axiomatic system called UA (universal axioms) which is strong enough to prove all mathematics statements.

Also, lets prove the consistency and completeness of UA since this is important too.

>> No.8131182

that works with sheeps too, and fingers, and knives, or Xs.

>> No.8131201

This is quite entertaining desu

>> No.8133163

math was developed for civilization record keeping and crop management.

>> No.8133192

What a coincidence... I just had a dream where I was looking at some ancient guys writing/inventing numbers. They were counting their goats or something and they needed to write how many they had and the one guy was saying "Just make a little mark in the dirt for each goat. And for two goats, make two marks, and so on." So he drew something like the top half of the image. But the other guy looked at it and said "That's too hard to read, you need to connect the marks somehow so it's clear which marks are grouped together." So he threw in some connecting lines and it looked like the bottom half of the image.

One of the coolest dreams I've had.

>> No.8133193
File: 36 KB, 930x903, number_dream.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Woops, the image...

>> No.8133245
File: 8 KB, 570x320, boxboxbox.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so we know how much does a box external figure add to
what if have a 1 box for all side, how much space inside???
this making me problem
dont want to think even in wide box diamond and rock

>> No.8133259

Well, the 1 on each side is an amount of "longness" and the space inside the box is an amount of "spaceness" so these are completely different things.

>> No.8133266

well why we not just make box to have 1 inside? Then all other box just a bunch of these box inside bigger box

>> No.8133271

4 was a cross

>> No.8134151

how the hell is any "stealing" going on?

>> No.8134173

he "gives" you -1/12, its supposed to funny but I dont know...

>> No.8134557

>experimentally verifiable
oh anon

>> No.8134752
File: 55 KB, 2222x1111, numerals.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wake up
>feel like making some memebers, memedu-arabic memerals aren't doing it for me today
>take a break
>browse /sci/
>see this thread

for fuck's sake

>> No.8134783

>wake up
>grab a brush and put on a little makeup
>hide the scars and fade away the shake up

>> No.8134820

Holy fuck Caveman!

You have separated parts from the continuity of the physical Universe using arbitrary rules of differentiation! Without even accounting for them! Did you see them rocks separated by space? Wow!

Indeed! You have already carried out an act of "division" before you have even considered "adding" them! But you didn't fucking think of that did you?

Thus you have formulated the very beginnings of an accounting type maths systems without reference to your first primary assumptions!

CONGRATULATIONS! You have now lead Humanity down the path towards such absurdities as complex numbers, irrationals and infinities! Maths is now fucked for the next 60,000 years!

But its okay, most of the fanbois will adore you, cos they are just as thick as you.

>> No.8134833


wow im basic as hell and just realized you cant have mod without a zero

>> No.8134993


>> No.8136614

>That makes two stones.
What do you mean by "two", Savage?

>> No.8136869

I don't come here to feel. I overcame the illusion of emotion at 12 years of age you know!

>> No.8136877

I second this. this makes sense.

>> No.8136886
File: 10 KB, 1594x517, rectarea.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we can split a big box into many boxes with sides of 1. through trial and error I have discovered that the number of unit boxes is equal to the fast counting method applied to the lengths of the two sides of the big box

>> No.8136920

what if you need to measure the height of a really tall one?

>> No.8136951
File: 22 KB, 996x517, whoa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could this lead us to the solution of the 3 side box problem?

>> No.8136979


>> No.8136980

How the hell I do this?

>> No.8136995

~200 posts with ~80 posters, in reality only a fraction of those actually participated

Thats the highest ratio I've ever seen, delete this spam

>> No.8137395
File: 8 KB, 1594x517, rectarea.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok so we got a three side box with the same height and length as the four side box.

>> No.8137404

[math]\frac{\mbox{d}f}{\mbox{d}x} [/math]
supposedly you need a space between your LaTeX and the end math tag

>> No.8137408
File: 7 KB, 1594x517, rectarea.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and if we split the 4 side box like so we can clearly see that area of the 3 side box is one twourd of the 4 side box

>> No.8137435

>not to scale
What is a scale ?

>> No.8137438

obviously I don't have perfect drawing so the lengths in the picture aren't actually 2 and 4 so I say they aren't to scale with the actual 4-box

>> No.8137446

What the fuck is a perimeter?

>> No.8137458

how did you draw straight lines without using a reference straight edge to define the length of one unit?

>> No.8137670

what the fuck is a straight edge

>> No.8138324
File: 15 KB, 250x250, CGPGreySymbol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just another pseudo-intellectual PopSci dude or legit?

>> No.8139253

This, no one fucking thought of number systems to count stones...

>> No.8139577

Does this also work with 3 side boxes and 4 side boxes that look different? Like if 3 side box has its top pointy in the middle of the 4 side box top? Or if 4 side box was taller?

>> No.8139595

You forgot commerce, and they did count trade goods.

>> No.8139601

Good stone is best trade good. I trade Grod some food and he find me best stones to throw at Bogrub

>> No.8139856


It's a factorial, anon.

>> No.8139962

if i have a plantation with 85 niggers working it and i sell half of them i will have 42 and a half niggers.