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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 422 KB, 1880x1964, guide_to_4chan_occupy_dem_549.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8123008 No.8123008 [Reply] [Original]

Well /sci/?

Is anyone here actually at least on their masters degree?

>> No.8123017


Do you have something meaningful you wanted to ask?

>> No.8123018


No, which is why I'm on /sci/

>> No.8123154


>> No.8123164

No I am still in undergrad. However my major classes are grad classes.

>> No.8123169

>>>/z/omg best board
who does things in 2016?

can't you see there's no getting off this ride?

>> No.8123170


>> No.8123186
File: 51 KB, 225x300, Hodor_1x04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm almost done with my associate's.

That's a thing that matters, right?

>> No.8123192

Don't worry broseph, I'm getting a certification instead lolol.

>> No.8123195 [DELETED] 

I have 12 masters degrees. I am highly trained in every single fighting style known to man. When I was a child I became an orphan when my parents were killed right in front of me. I inherited their money and used it to educate myself and build a business empire. On my free time I am a vigilante and I protect the innocent.

>> No.8123197

i have the black spoon in yogurt. dont push me.

>> No.8123231

Yeah. Shit's great, I did nothing but math

>> No.8123257

No but I have 3 semesters left in my bachelors. Plan on doing graduate school afterwards, hopefully I don't go insane

>> No.8123262

halfway through my M.S.
have already done my research, just need to polish up the research proposal (proposing that I do the research I'm already done with), do the analysis, and write the paper.

paleofag btw

>> No.8123267

2 masters degrees here

>> No.8123281

I don't have it yet but I probably will soon enough, if I don't get killed or expelled in a couple of years.

>> No.8123284

what did you combine and y?

>> No.8123292

How many papers do you publish per month? No doctorate? Have you avenged your parents with an frightening but beautiful and honorable display of flayed corpses in Times Square? How have you personally impacted the course of science?

>> No.8123302

something close to EE and microengineering
got into the first one because I didn't know what to do, then I realized I wanted to make luxury watches so I went into the other one

>> No.8123332

I don't agree with that pic.There are usually some decent threads on /sci/ every week.

>> No.8123336

hey, rare combo. expected something like math/phys. you realized that you wanted to make luxury watches?? i hope you mean stuff like these smart watches. for me this combo sounds great for chip manufacture.

>> No.8123350
File: 47 KB, 700x700, montre-homme-automatique-squelette-metal[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

desu I'm fascinated by stuff like pic related
I realize there might not be a bright future for these watches though. There might be a combination of beautiful mechanics and smart functionalities though, that's what I'll try to focus on. I want my own company eventually.

what are you up to anon

>> No.8123376

>future for these watches
im sure they wont die out but youll have to come up with some good ideas to succeed.

im finishing chem eng this semester (germany, final paper outstanding).

atm im poring over a direction. there are so many fields i could work in. did my bachelor thesis in gasoline injection but all those vehicle manufacturer are difficult to enter...

>> No.8123572

advanced degrees != intelligence

but yeah the picture is fairly accurate

>> No.8123582

Busy with my PhD at the moment.

ChemE master race.

>> No.8123585

Physics PhD here

>> No.8123587

Sorry to hear that.

>> No.8123589
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PhD by 24.
Neet by 26.

>> No.8123591

It's pretty chill. Doing computational condensed matter and materials science.

>> No.8123596

I have just finished my math master. Doesn't look like I can get funding for PhD though. Kill me please.

>> No.8123597

sorry for ur loss my dude anything I can do to help

>> No.8123599

Nah, I have many options waiting for me in industry.

>> No.8123603

Yeah stay strong buddy, we're all gonna make it ;_;

>> No.8123619


I completed a masters degree in mathematics.

>> No.8123623

cool what was your thesis about?

>> No.8123626

>actually at least on

>> No.8123637


I was too much of a lazy shit to complete a thesis so I went with the the non thesis option (I just had to complete two qualifying exams, one in algebra and one in analysis).

But I did do some research on topological graph theory and I gave a couple lectures. I looked at the complete graph on N vertices and created a formula giving the genus of the torus on which the graph can be embedded under a specific ordering of edges about each vertex.

For example: the complete graph on 4 vertices can be embedded on a sphere. But if you draw a square and then force the remaining two edges to go through the MIDDLE of the square, then it must be embedded on a torus.

I found a formula for the number of holes you need to embed the complete graph when, similarly to the case above, you force all the edges to go through the center of the figure.

If you don't what the complete graph is:


>> No.8123648

blink twice if u want me to pull the plug

>> No.8123649


Da fuck you talking about?

>> No.8123652


>> No.8123676
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>> No.8123689

>I completed a masters degree in mathematics.
>didnt finish his master after all

>> No.8123698

You can do a masters by coursework.

Yes, the pure degrees really are that pathetic.

>> No.8123819

>/b/ if you are a horrible human being
Was this made a decade ago? /b/ is almost exclusively composed of closeted homosexuals, redditors scouting for fresh memes and edgy teenagers who have no friends

>> No.8123831

>playing vidya in your 40s is a bad thing

>> No.8123837

That is correct

>> No.8123857

That is a field for normies, why do you post here? Why don't you use facebook?

>> No.8123865
File: 489 KB, 232x320, tumblr_lma951D5nZ1qd4wkzo1_250.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Doing an engineering degree that is SO low tier, that there are not any Masters or PhDs for it, only a couple of specializations about very specific fields (I think)

Still engineering at least, if I make it I'm done, fuck post-grades.

>> No.8123878


>> No.8123881

>Was this made a decade ago?
It has /his/ so I guess not

>> No.8123883

Please can you do this for all board

>> No.8123885

Nope, Electronical Eng at technical school, so its tertiary but not really uni.

I'm in my mid 20's and considered EE was going to take too long if I start now, I don't wanna finish at 40, I know I'm not in the same tier than the elitist here but hey its something.

>> No.8123891

Like all metashit it was made by a retard that knows nothing about 4chan.

>> No.8123894

Please tell me you don't tell people you study enigneering in real life. You study enigneering technology, it's barely a step up from a technicians diploma, have some goddamn humility.

>> No.8123896
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>> No.8123905

Nah, I'm in med school.

>> No.8123926

I'm not retarded, I know is miles away from grade career.

I say I study engineering technology as you say, even here I said specifically that is very low tier eng and I chose it because not good enough to do EE in 5 years, where is my lack of humility?

Nevertheless I don't feel I'm less because of it and I analized I will enjoy more field work than the one an average EE would do.

Now if common people only hear "engineering" and can't tell the difference, is not my fault.

>> No.8123935

Fuck this >>8123894 asshole. You make stuff you're an engineer. You don't even need an engineering degree to be an engineer. James Dyson is an engineer, he has a fucking art degree. Don't show "humility" to that fuckhead, be proud of yourself.

And as for you >>8123894 if you want to be an elitist prick fuck off to pure science.

>> No.8123946

> You make stuff you're an engineer.
No you are not, carpenters "make stuff" too.
>You don't even need an engineering degree to be an engineer.
You do. It is literally against the law to call yourself an engineer without both an accreditted engineering degree and licensure from ABET; a congressionally empowered body. You could get fined under the CPA and even jail time for calling yourself an engineer when you're not.
> James Dyson is an engineer, he has a fucking art degree.
He's a pop-sci fanboy just like you.
>Don't show "humility" to that fuckhead, be proud of yourself.
Stop watching Disney channel fucking tool.

>if you want to be an elitist prick fuck off to pure science.
If you want to pretend like you know anything about STEM at least read a wikipedia page or two. Fucking undergrad shitstain.

>> No.8123948

working on a doctorate. if i quit for some reason i'll leave with a master's but i won't leave with two degrees

>> No.8123960

>No you are not, carpenters "make stuff" too.

Carpenters don't invent stuff really, they implement, or "make" something that already exists, not good analogy.

>He's a pop-sci fanboy just like you.

>Literally invented machines
>pop-sci fanboy

Literally what the fuck, stop repeating what you read in some neckbeard blog or here.

>> No.8123966

>Carpenters don't invent stuff really, they implement
And technologists aren't legally allowed to commision anything bigger than a pre-designed heat exchanger so it seems like a fair enough analogy.

>> No.8123972

If it was innovative he'd be an engineer. My point is being an engineer does not only depend on your qualification level
> It is literally against the law to call yourself an engineer without both an accreditted engineering degree and licensure from ABET
So you can't call yourself engineer either. Why are you laughing at him. We all use the term "engineer" on /sci/ to mean someone working towards the licence seeing as most people here are students. Anon can still get there even by starting as a technician. just reinforces my point that you're a fucking student yet you think you're better than others.

>He's a pop-sci fanboy just like you.
His inventions have made him millions. You passed some tests and not much else. He's more of an engineer than you will ever be

If you are a licensed engineer still why do you think it's okay to laugh at someone else who is working towards it? Are you really that insecure?

>> No.8123975

>/x/ description
holy shit my mom actually believes that schizophrenia is a persons inability to filter out other consciousnesses

>> No.8123977

[citation needed]

>> No.8123978

>My point is being an engineer does not only depend on your qualification level
Your point is wrong and you don't know shit about engineering, the industry, or society in general.

>We all use the term "engineer" on /sci/ to mean someone working towards the licence seeing as most people here are students.
No, speak for yourself, we use the term "engineering students" or "EIT", you arrogant cocksucker. Students who use the term engineer have always been chastised.

>Anon can still get there even by starting as a technician.
No, you need to have a bachelors as a minimum requirement to apply to sit the FE.

>> No.8123980

I will in a month hopefully

>> No.8123996

Anon studying engineering technology here.

Fun fact: In my country, while in Chemistry, Mechanics and Informatics the title is "Technologist", in Electronics and Electricity the title is "Technological Engineer".

The main reason of this is that the technologist careers here are 3 year long and the other ones are 4-year, so they felt they needed a differentiation.

Actually in 1986 when the career was created, the state university filled a law suit and they went to court, because they obviously didn't want it to have the word "Engineer", and well, they lost.

Nevertheless I know it is a technologist degree, but applied engineering its still a kind of engineering, and it is what I want to do aswell, so I don't understand all of the butthurt really.

>> No.8124001

Being a technician doesn't mean you can never study for a bachelors
Nigel Gresley, Ferdinand Porsche, Hans von Ohain all famous engineers who never had an engineering degree. Depending on Musk's level of input into SpaceX and Hyperloop we can call him an engineer too. No engineering degree either.

>> No.8124005

/sci/ is full of elitist asswads. A technologist being called an engineer may shatter their bubble of superiority that their BEng degree conferred upon them. I'm going to start a BEng this year and I welcome all others in the field as fellow engineers. I'm not so insecure as to look down on you because you have a lower qualification than mine.

>> No.8124008

>Musk...we can call him an engineer too.
Confirmed troll.

> I'm going to start a BEng this year and I welcome all others in the field as fellow engineers.
>Future dropout hasn't even passed freshman courses
>Already referring to himself as an engineer

Now you're just too obvious in conforming to the stereotype.

> you have a lower qualification than mine.
You're the first one ITT to imply it's "lower", it's not.

>> No.8124031

>No, you need to have a bachelors as a minimum requirement to apply to sit the FE

"Bachelor of Science in Electrical Power Engineering Technology"



>> No.8124034

If it's a transfer degree, yes.

>> No.8124038

Where did I say I am an engineer? I meant when I do become one I welcome all others
>You're the first one ITT to imply it's "lower", it's not.
it is lower in the sense that it doesn't grant you chartership. You need to add to it in order to become licensed. Nobody is claiming his degree is equivalent to an engineering bachelors I'm saying you shouldn't laugh at him over it. Nice deflection from your own assholery by trying to accuse me of being an elitist

>> No.8124046

>Nice deflection
You are literally the only one ITT that thinks technologists are "lower" than engineers and worthy of redicule. No one was laughing at the Anon. A technologist student was correctly told to stop using arrogant and presumtuous terminology.

Then some fuckwitted high-school tripfagging cancer chimed in as if you are even anywhere near the level of the tech student yet. You even tried to talk down to him as if he needs your protection. You are beyond fucking retarded for thinking your posts are in any way significant to him.

>> No.8124050

>year of our lord 2016
>falling for the college scam

>> No.8124054

>bitches about people being elitists
>is GOING to start a degree soon totally!
at least you have a tripcode so people can instantly know what kind of retard they're dealing with

>> No.8124056

What the fuck are you even talking about? Defending him = ridiculing him?
>A technologist student was correctly told to stop using arrogant and presumtuous terminology
Yet you claim to not be an elitist knobhead

>> No.8124059

you really need to kill yourself
it's been a couple of days since you got your tripcode and it's very fucking obvious how much you shit the board up

every fucking thread you come in and start shit with people, posting idiotic popsci garbage and just fighting with others

you're a fucking baby and a great example of why tripfags are the absolute worst kind of cancer

>> No.8124062

>Defending him = ridiculing him?
No shit you moron. You're like a 12 year old in special ed. tapping a full professor on the head and saying "don't worry, you're just as good as me, those meany journal editors don't have shit on my paste eating skills!"

He has passed several courses in his technologists degree already. You haven't done jack fucking shit.

>> No.8124063

>3 semesters left in my bachelors
Yeah that's called an associates degree

>> No.8124067

this to be fampai, desu

>> No.8124070

A pure math masters with only coursework. What the fuck are you going to do now? Do you know some programming languages?

Your work sounds cool as fuck tho.

>> No.8124440

20 quid says the anons randomly attacking me in every thread are the same butthurt losers from my theory thread. Start arguments with me to make it look like I'm a shitposter? Is that your game. Pathetic.

Furthermore your claim that I have made the board worse cannot be true as it implies I am new to /sci/. Clearly my in depth knowledge of SpaceX vs ULA and /sci/s feelings on race and IQ show this is not the case. The posts I make are no different to before the trip.

Anyway I don't care about you fools, you'll get tired eventually. The only thing that I am miffed about is that the guy who I defended, the technician hasn't said one word to back me up after I practically whiteknighted him. Just left me to get attacked. If you're reading this wtf man?

>> No.8124448

>make it look like I'm a shitposter
>in depth knowledge of SpaceX vs ULA

holy fucking kek, you're a gold mine
it's good to know you've always been shitting the board up and it's not that new shitters are coming here

>> No.8124457

>Start arguments with me to make it look like I'm a shitposter
>make it look like

you're a top tier shitposter without anyone else doing anything

>> No.8124467

It's funny how the SpaceX BTFO guys are shitposters but the NASA BTFO guys are not

>> No.8124474

>I'm not the only shitposter guys! I swear! other people are almost as retarded as I am!

>> No.8124481

Honestly when I see you, all I see is someone waving their arms around going "me! me! me! look at me!"

My eyes just skip over whatever you're writing. That's just me though.

>> No.8124487

I have an MA but am taking my PhD in Chemistry

>> No.8124591
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>field for normies
more like
>field for guys with beards who drink a lot and get unduly excited about rocks
trust me, there aren't many normies here in the geosciences

>> No.8124599
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>thread about graduate education
>quickly turns into argument about what it means to be an engineer
never change, sci

>> No.8124695

So any mathfags want to give me the honest likelihood I'll get accepted into a PhD program? I'm starting to worry.

>> No.8124779

As a potential PhD candidate, you should be able to calculate the probability yourself

>> No.8124786

With my Engineering and Applied Science AS, I was offered an interview as a machine operator, full-time, 1+ year retention. I live in the rust belt, and both of my parents were unemployed 1+year in the past five years, so it would've been a good starting job.

>> No.8124787
File: 194 KB, 467x491, Xbro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That image is bullshit

Nobody on /v/ plays video games

>> No.8124791
File: 67 KB, 427x478, God_save_the_queen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Masters and PhD here

I've graduated twice

>> No.8126394
File: 245 KB, 1200x712, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, why would I waste money and time on that shit when I can get a great job with a bachelor's?

Masters/PhD are for directionless academics and government leeches

>> No.8126397

Disregard this, we're all normies.

>> No.8126603

Plenty of people. Currently doctoral maths student.

I don't know why people post in this thread just to say " I am not".

>> No.8126893 [DELETED] 

Take your pedophile cartoons back to >>>/a/.

>> No.8127424
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Master of integrative biology and physiology

>> No.8127582

Interesting. I'm schizophrenic and this had never occurred to me.

Oh, and sticking to the theme of the thread, I have a PhD and an MS.

>> No.8127584

>implying anyone on /v/ plays video games
who made this trash

>> No.8127625
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>occupy democrats


>> No.8128819

>Is anyone here actually at least on their masters degree?
So not relying solely on prescribed education is pretending to be intelligent now? I guess Ramanujan, Leonardo da Vinci, Michael Faraday, James Watt, Charles Darwin, Tsiolkovsky, Thomas Edison and Geroge Green are all just "pretending" to be intelligent.

>> No.8128823

I understand where you are coming from with this, but this line of argument is terrible. Countless billions of counterexamples are easily producible.

>> No.8128839


>not seeing this as an opportunity to collect that cash

>> No.8128849

And countless examples of people with degrees are producible that shed terrible intellectual light on people, namely creationists for one. There's no point in making all-or-nothing arguments like that, so don't shit on autodidacts and assume prescribed education is a requirement for being intelligent.

>> No.8128851


>> No.8128867

Yes. Yes they are.

>> No.8128890
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nice try faggot.
retards like you should be banned.

>> No.8128906


kys you disgusting freak nobody wants to communicate with you so why bother writing?

>> No.8128930

EEfag reporting. Is there actually a point to getting a masters in EE? My sources don't show much difference in average income between Master's and Bachelor's grads.

>> No.8128933
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I can smell the ass blast

>> No.8129006
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>> No.8129043

Does it have to be about money? A lot of folks who pursue a graduate education do so because they love their field of study and want to continue learning.

>> No.8129058

Yes it does.

>> No.8129072

OK. I suppose I just have a different perspective since I have already made my living.

>> No.8129076

You know honestly it's the other way around. Everybody that's too dumb for science does economics.
Why would I learn economics if I can learn what you monkeys learned in 5 years in a 1 year MBA. Economics is like a kindergarten for engineers and scientists.

>> No.8129086

Do you not already make plenty of money as an engineer? I think you can afford to do something that won't increase your already high salary just for the sake of enjoyment.

>> No.8129094

>You know honestly it's the other way around. Everybody that's too dumb for science does economics.
That was my most forced one

>> No.8129096

You go to /sci/ to seek validation for your life choices.

>> No.8129437


you should never had said that bc now you have strengthened the hatred of /sci/

>> No.8129446

In a phd program. I made a huge mistake and i regret it but too deep to leave now.

>> No.8129459

whatever man just get the piece of paper

>> No.8129476

what field?

>> No.8129490

astrophysics and a mediocre school.

>> No.8129828

Aaaaaand here comes the engineering shitposter!

>> No.8129859
File: 5 KB, 145x130, 12380147_1127458190619257_1735644409_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw undergrad students of real science subjects knows more math and physics than graduated engineers

>> No.8129861

I'm a chemistry PhD student working in inorganic materials doing synthesis for this summer. If I don't like this lab then I'll join a more materials science skewed project. I currently work on the synthesis of a an electrolyte that will prevent the corrosion of the anode that usually occurs in Mg batteries.

I previously did computational chemistry research at my undergrad uni where we used molecular dynamics to model polymer-drug interactions.

There are some smart people on this board, but you won't find them in a gorilla thread or pop-sci thread. This website as a whole is made for shitposting. If there is topic on this board legitimately concerned with discussion in a field, you will rarely see it go beyond 20 replies.

No one wants to talk about science here.

>> No.8129863

not smart enough to get into a credible Masters Program

fascinated by research and quantifying things

>> No.8129868

>inorganic materials
seems like a big area.
ceramics, metals, or composites, or something else?

>> No.8129896

Masters in math

Going back for the PhD next year (gonna be a professor). Any advice?

>> No.8129910

Organometallics currently. Like I said I'm between labs right now. I guess that's metals.

>> No.8129918

Those count as inorganics?

>> No.8129923

I dont know anything about you, so I can't tell you. But your advisor should be able to help you. More generally, if you think you want to go get a Phd in math, there will most certainly be programs that will accept you. It's a different question if those schools are schools that you want to go to.

Do you have an idea on your PhD advisor and research already?

>> No.8129924


>> No.8129958

I'm looking at different schools to apply to right now. I was told Big 10 schools are all good (midwestfag here), but I'd also like to apply to some school like UCLA or Princeton just on the off-chance I get accepted. I'm shooting for enrollment in fall of 2017.

I'd like to research something in universal algebra or category theory. Any schools with strong faculty in these areas?

>> No.8130606

UChicago has a good math program from what I know. I went there for undergrad, did science things.

>amazing quality of education
>entertainingly weird campus culture

>the curricula are famously grueling and have a good chance of just fucking your shit up
>currently infested with SJW undergrad kiddies who are literally outraged that the university punishes people who walk into an auditorium and shout down a guest speaker.