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8120613 No.8120613 [Reply] [Original]

Can a team of surgeons safely create a human centipede?

What would be the medical complications besides the gag reflex, stitches, suffocation, and bacteria?

>> No.8120630

you can not survive by eating poop. The 2nd guy would die almost immediately, same with all the rest

>> No.8120638

sure you can, how long is unknown but many organisms eat their fecal matter.

>> No.8120640

Organisms that re optimized for doing that. Human faecal matter has very little nutritional value

>> No.8120641

humans aren't any organism. They're human.

Many organisms can fly, why don't you go jump off a tall building?

>> No.8120643

Can feces have nutritious value somehow?

>> No.8120645

Yes of course, any undigested matter plus any digestable matter (such as dead blood cells) that we dump into it. rabbits get a lot of their nutrition from their own crap because the grass they eat needs to be digested multiple times to extract the nutritional value

>> No.8120650

what could mouth A be fed so that B and C get appropriate amounts of nutrition? How many parts can there be until the nutrition doesn't matter?

>> No.8120652

An interesting question. Possibly a very high volume of sugary water laced with excessive amounts of vitamins. I suspect that feeding person A a diet that would allow their faeces to sustain person b and c and be bad for person a though.

>> No.8120661

well, without looking for optimal health, they could still survive for years on end with such a diet right?

>> No.8120664

Of course. Didn't you know the Human Centipede films were the most medically accurate horror films ever made?

>> No.8120674

Eh...kinda. I'm only in med-school, but from what I saw, I'm pretty sure they would be bled out to death from gagging and such from the mouth's rejection of the feces. The staples would tear

>> No.8120686

Honestly I have no idea. I suspect person c would die regardless of what you do, while keeping a and both alive seems plausible though probably not sustainable

>> No.8120690

Anybody want to have a /sci/ meetup?

>> No.8120695

I think the best way ofkeeping the centipede healthy, is connecting the blood vessels.

Mengele tried it, and it failed because of the gangrene, but we can evade that with modern medicine.

>> No.8120708

depends, we need a lot of general info for that. >>8120695
Where can I view results or notes on Mengele's experiment?

>> No.8120830

You can't, because muh ethics. We only know the stuff they made because people that had contact with the notes said it. They made important experiments, but the cancerous scientific community censored it by using excuses like it wasn't cientific enough.

Nazi Germany was the most advanced technologic country in that time, but the experiments of the best doctors of the reich isn't good enough? Excuse me, but that's a big load of bullshit.

>> No.8120839

That's really frustrating. Are there at least similar experimental results that I can observe? Genuinely curious. Or any experiments related to combining people's body parts really

>> No.8120882


{sauce needed}

Methinks you just made that up because youthinks its true but you have nothing to back it up.

>> No.8120892

I don't have a single idea. After WWII they banned this kind of experiments, so my guess is that you'll not find that stuff anywhere on internet. If there is, you should look up at the .onion repositories of digital books, since I only messed around those sites once, and since nothing at that given time catched my attention, I can't give you any tips.

>> No.8121124
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>> No.8121191

>>After WWII they banned this kind of experiments,

no and no. they secretly proceeded, with the same doctores. but not in usa, where it obv would have been illegal and hard to hide.
they did it in germany. also mkultra was founded in germany postwar.

>> No.8121221

not really, there's a little chance that it would be a successful experiment, considering the scaring time and the uncontrolled body movements, the bodies would end up separating, plus the suffocating feeling by covering the mouth would lead them to panic attacks where the individual can stand up. In a case where we successfully united them by completely sedating the person, they still are in a big chance of dying from dehydration, intoxication with methanol gas and infection, the individuals will last only a few days until they start getting sick and dying.

>> No.8121508
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mengele was a psychopathic hack and spent most of his time in the concentration camp torturing people to death
his "experiments" not being scientific enough isn't an excuse, it's a fact

>> No.8121673

Could there be a "dog" centipede? Or other mammals? What animal would be best for creating a similar concept

>> No.8121700

I think in that case person a would no longer have bowl movements, due to the liquid only diet. Also I think excess vitamins are filtered out and released in urine.

>> No.8123920

They were pretty helpful actually