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>> No.8120595

We could go to mars now. SpaceX's rocket landing technology makes it possible.

The only thing keeping us from doing it is the lack of money and will.

thankfully Musk has both.

>> No.8120611

See >>8117199

>> No.8120621

Ah the DailyMail, the world's most untrustworthy news source.

>> No.8120626


>> No.8121776

No the problem is that we don't have any rocket that can get there fast enough.

>> No.8122644
File: 237 KB, 861x478, moon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Since this is a moon thread can anyone explain this? I was messing about on Google Earth and thought the perfectly circular shape was a little unusual.

>> No.8122658


>> No.8122676
File: 116 KB, 328x448, Carl_Sagan_Planetary_Society.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>born too soon.

Sometimes I think, how lucky we are to live in this time, the first moment in human history when we are, in fact visiting other worlds and engaging in a deep reconnaissance of the cosmos. But if we had been born in a much earlier age, no matter how great our dedication, we couldn't have understood what the stars and planets are. We would not have known that there were other suns and other worlds. This is one of the great secrets wrested from nature, through a million years of patient observation and courageous thinking

>> No.8122679

that's funny because back in 1994 we believed it was possible to land on mars

the public just doesn't care for space exploration any more. we're too busy fighting unwinnable wars on terror.

>> No.8122680

The radiation exposure is a major issue though. Unless we can get there and back much faster.

>> No.8122682


Basically gave you as much context as I could. Object looks like it could be on some kind of slope.

>> No.8122687

We just need another Sputnik, like China doing it first. We'll colonize the shit out of it after that.

>> No.8122689

So one man did some research on propulsion systems, and identified an issue which space agencies have been aware of for decades and have been actually figuring out solutions to rather than screaming doom to a sad little news company. Op is lazy. Lazy op. You wrote this article didn't you?

>> No.8122691


I like that. We are living in the last prescientific era; going forward, everyone will have scientific knowledge. Because internets.

>> No.8122742

If people can spend months in orbit on the ISS why cant they spend months going to Mars?

>> No.8122765

because those people are good for nothing after those months spent
Certainly not doing hard work on mars
And once u leave earth orbit you are exposed to the radiation from the sun

>> No.8122768

ISS got regular deliveries [3 months].
ISS also was a shorter distance for said deliveries.
MARSDERP is going to have to take everything with it, which will cost fuel, and it has a longer distance to go.
So factor that in.

>> No.8122776

Sorry, I should have specified that I was only talking about the radiation.

>> No.8122794

Yes we do. Nuclear fission rockets developed in the 60s, or Orion drive.

>> No.8122813

This thread very soon:

"something something MCT something something BFR something omg supersonic retropropulsion so awesome xD something something Dragon V2 reusabilyty will save us all praise Elon"

>> No.8122872

some of you are late on the news... http://www.express.co.uk/news/science/607938/WATCH-Lunar-wave-which-cameraman-claims-proves-Moon-is-actually-a-HOLOGRAM

>> No.8122923

>Guy with a doctorate and internet connection in Portugal says it's impossible

>> No.8122926

VASIMR is the only feasible way

>> No.8123036


1. build a cycler
2. have rotating barbell shaped section on the craft.
3. nuclear thermal rockets so you can go fast and don't need an oxidizer.
4. you don't need to shielded from radiation all the time. You just need a radiation shelter for when your exposure risk is high. line it with something hydrogen dense you are already having to carry. you can also generate a powerful magnetic field around it to deflect ionized particles.
5. you send everything but the people to mars ahead of time. less mass on the cycler. go faster. carry less reaction mass.
6. the hab sets up near a cave. you spray the cave walls with resin to seal it up with an airlock to the outside and another air lock in the interior. the cave is radiation shelter.
7. the cycler drops a crew off and autopilots back to earth to get more.
8. you keep sending material to mars. the crew presently on mars keeps building and expanding.
9. cycler arrives and ground crews change out.
10. returning martians are weak bags of cancer. so you will probably have to retire them to a special home. until such time that they are healthy enough for earth.
11. keep it up until you have a complex that can support large numbers of people with out earth supply missions.
12. send the settlers.

>> No.8123947

>what is a crater