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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 40 KB, 590x252, the trolly paradox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8118941 No.8118941 [Reply] [Original]

What do?

>> No.8118943

multi-track drifting

>> No.8118952

It solves so many problems.

>> No.8118957

These guys know what they're talking about. If you're going to fcuk time, do it properly.

>> No.8118959

Kill my grandfather, since i am presently making the decision to kill him he must either somehow survive or he has already produced my mother/father

>> No.8118965

put the man and the lever in a box with a vial of poison and a radioisotope that may or may not decay

>> No.8118983
File: 358 KB, 2720x2248, 1462588098954.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what do sci?

>> No.8118986

Pull the lever of course, some other cunts responsibility then

>> No.8118993
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What do?

>> No.8118996
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Alright, now an actual one

>> No.8119000

Why the fuck can't the goddamn driver make an executive move??

>> No.8119005
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>> No.8119006
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>> No.8119012
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>> No.8119014


>> No.8119024

>throw switch halfway
>floating switch points; not tight to rail
>trolley car derails safely
>minor injuries Maybe but no deaths assuming fairly alow trolley speed

T. Railroadfag

>> No.8119027

What about half way? Pull the lever only far enough to creat a neutral position, and or jamming the tracks in return; sending the trolley to a screeching hault. Further where the hell is this trolley going and with who on it, that it must sacrifice life to reach its destination. Answer this first. Instead of trying to solve hypothetical shit, just remove it entirely. Bam! Situation solved fucker!!!

>> No.8119028
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>> No.8119030

Half Way!!

>> No.8119038 [DELETED] 

What about half way? Pull the lever only far enough to creat a neutral position, and or jamming the tracks in return; sending the trolley to a screeching hault. Further where the hell is this trolley going and with who on it, that it must sacrifice life to reach its destination. Answer this first. Instead of trying to solve hypothetical shit, just remove it entirely. Bam! Situation solved fucker!!!

>> No.8119043

It doesn't screech to a halt. It literally 'falls off' the rails and bounces along the ties and ballast.

>> No.8119055
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>> No.8119056
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My question might not be answered
but is there one of these involving the Keit-Ai pasta

>> No.8119057 [DELETED] 
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>> No.8119098

top because someone else will invent the trolley.

without your grandfather you're fucked.

>> No.8119103

but anon anyone is capable of raising a NEET piece of shit

>> No.8119124

Assuming the predictor is somehow infallible, you pull the lever, but in reality no one is that good so it's a moot point. Also in reality if I accidentally kill people by letting a trolley hit a box that I didn't know for sure had people in it I'll probably get in less trouble than if I deliberately kill someone because of some convoluted excuse about my actions being predicted. Seriously doubt that would hold up in court.

>> No.8119133


>> No.8119137

It would be more interesting if you put a single person on track B and 5 individuals on track A, explaining that when you pull the lever, you have a 50% chance of it switching to either A or B.

Alternatively, you simply don't know what track it is going to switch to. Do you risk 5 people dying for the sake of one?

>> No.8119141

Switching to either A or C of course. My bad.

>> No.8119148 [DELETED] 

Take your pedophile cartoons back to >>>/a/.

>> No.8119237
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>> No.8119247

Yeah but you are also responsible for letting a different set of people die, so it's no different to killing the first lot.

Technically 6 people in both universes die no matter what. Do what you feel like doing.

This wouldn't happen on a real trolley. May even end up exploding and killing everybody.

>> No.8119574
File: 237 KB, 900x849, 1435185669273.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>see a (You), getting excited since I thought someone answered my question
>it's another one of those "gb2 le /a/ u pedo" posts

>> No.8119868

What is that pasta

>> No.8120966
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>> No.8121046

>no one is that good so it's a moot point
The Predictor isn't a person, but rather an abstract concept.

Don't try to argue around it. If that's what you want to do, you might as well not fucking reply.

>> No.8121050

That was implied

>> No.8121058
File: 78 KB, 412x351, Happy-Sad-Frog-08.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8121073

This puts me in a rather awkward situation, as my grandfather invented both the trolley and the time rift.

>> No.8121116

>Stop solving all this hypothetical shit
These hypothetical situations are fun to think about. Would you say someone who plays soccer as a hobby is being silly for competing for imaginary points?

>> No.8121169


If you're gonna make obscure anime jokes that nobody will understand you should make them at /a/ to maximize your chances.

>> No.8121190

If only there was a way to combine this with the Barnett integrals meme. Then we would truly be living in strange times.

>> No.8121205

Y u gotta post that gay shit?

>> No.8121209

Look up the Monty hall problem. It states that you should pull the lever.

>> No.8121212

> the time rift
> a fucking trolley
isn't it obvious?

>> No.8121246

leave the lever where it is and go lie down in front of the 5 people, embracing the sweet release of death

>> No.8121270
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>> No.8121697
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>> No.8121712

Just have every person pull the lever so it never hits a person. If any person lets it kill people, itll be their fault.

>> No.8121832

> If any person lets it kill people, itll be their fault.
You don't seem to understand the problem.
You can let 5 people die or you can impose a moral dilemma on another person.
And if you do nothing, you aren't responsible for the death of 5 (as you're only a bystander),
but if you do something and the next person does nothing you are directly responsible for the death of the next five.

>Just have every person pull the lever so it never hits a person.
It goes on forever. Someone will let it hit eventually.
As the first person, you could be held partially responsible for an arbitrarily large number of moral dilemmas.

>> No.8121866
File: 24 KB, 600x260, trolley.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You (the trolley problem bystander) are aware of the nearby fat man problem.
The fat man problem's bystanders are unaware of your nearby trolley problem.

The track switch is old and rusty, so it is slow to adjust. As a long employed switch operator you are familiar with it.
If you wait until the trolley has crossed the bridge you will not be able to pull the switch in time.
Trying to do so will derail the train (even if blocked by the fat man), killing the people on both tracks.
You should make your decision before the fat man problem resolves.

Because the switch is old, it will brake after you turn it.
Whatever decision you make will be know to all survivors from either track.

What do?

>> No.8121872

>>>8121866 Shit image is shit.
*the trolley is currently headed towards the group of 5, as in a normal trolley problem.

>> No.8121898

Choosing to delay the choice (and therefore assuming this is the ethical choice) also means holding an infinite amount of people hostage to wait their turn at lever-pulling. An infinite amount of people will never be able to go home, because a trolley travelling at finite speed will never reach them; yet they have to be there to ultimately avoid blood on their hands (because for any individual, the time until the trolley comes is finite).

How much are 5 lives worth?

>> No.8121912

obviously you switch to the rail with one person, the worst thing that can happen that way is that the life of an overweight man is sacrificed for the life of a normal man, and obviously a fat degenerate is worth less than a normal person.

if it goes at a finite speed then most of the men will starve to death anyway, so you can save five more people if you switch.

>> No.8121916
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>> No.8121925

Nah that's philosophical bullshit. If you are at the lever, not pulling is as much a choice as pulling. All I'm doing is sending the trolley on a route that is less likely to kill people. Those other fuckers better get real and do the same rather than let their blundering philosophy kill.

>> No.8122035
File: 548 KB, 2644x1740, 1462588565732.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8122038

What's the dilemma?

>> No.8122089

Lol no. In the monty hall problem you must pick a door (out of 3).

in this picture you have the choice to switch 1 lever, which then picks a door for you. you also have the choice to not switch the lever at all.

did you even think before you were posting?

>> No.8122189

In what way does it say that? Switching to track A could kill everyone on earth, and track C could cause nuclear winter. You have 0 way of knowing what they do.

>> No.8122207
File: 19 KB, 448x480, 1464740351492.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>obscure anime references

>> No.8122228

if you pull the lever you are a murderer

>> No.8122244
File: 316 KB, 827x700, trolly1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8122270

No you arn't. If you pull the level you have saved 5 lives, than the problem is out of your control and someone else is the dilemma.

>> No.8122280

yes but by making it someone elses dilemma, you have assured that at least one person who had not been meant to die will die, by making that persons lever operator controller of the choice.

>> No.8122287
File: 106 KB, 959x573, 1463611288782.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8122292
File: 168 KB, 997x413, trolly2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Up /Sci/'s corner

>> No.8122296
File: 48 KB, 741x645, trolly3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8122306

That's trivial as fuck, either way is an unending death train for the rest of the span of the universe, so take the offshoot track to maximize the gore/sec.

>> No.8122314

The ethical choice would be here to pick the double speed train. Both trains will kill infinite numbers of people. The double speed train will cause less mental agony (fear of death) considering the person notices both trains from the same distance.

>> No.8122325

At any given point in time, you'd have killed twice as many people with your choice.

>> No.8122340

In one outcome no one dies, the only way to achieve this is to have every person in the game choose to hit the switch.

If even a single person, including you, choose not to flip the switch there will be at least 5 deaths. That itself is choosing to kill people.

Flipping the switch at least presents the possibility of a zero death outcome, while not flipping it guarantee's several deaths which you will responsible for.

>> No.8122344

Who the hell designed such a sinister thing? Where did they even get the infinite amount of people?

>> No.8122345

>>>8122344 Where did they even get the infinite amount of people?
Speaking of which, if we have an infinite number of people does the value of a person go down?

>> No.8122352

Only if you're utilitarian scum

>> No.8122353


Where is this infinite track space? Not on earth, that has a finite amount of space? Is there the possibility of rescueing some of these people? If so would we be morally obligated to rescue the infinite amount of people for an infinite amount of time?

Also doesn't the universe eventually end and restart? If it does than a finite number of people die.

Trolly problems truely are the last frontier in all fields.

>> No.8122369

almost all people lying on those tracks will have died of old age before the train can reach them, in fact, before a photon emitted from the start frame can reach them

finite speed + infinite tracklength + finite lifespan = many deds

>> No.8122371 [DELETED] 

Take your pedophile cartoons back to >>>/a/.

>> No.8122373

You're looking at this problem too narrow-mindedly. It's likely set up so that people are being born tied to the track constantly just in time to grow up and be run over.

>> No.8122379

if your choice is to do nothing as a bystander, then you're not imposing a moral dilemma on anyone as they can make the same decision.

>> No.8122399

with an infinite number of people on the track, you would have an infinite gravitational pull going off to infinity to the horizon. and thus you have no choice to pull the lever as you're instantly shot into oblivion at the speed of light

>> No.8122490
File: 292 KB, 2720x2248, 1464933920479.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about this version?

>> No.8122510

I have no idea what is the physics of transfinite tracks and time. But on the upper track, for any large enough finite time t there are more people whom will die up to the time t and thus those more people will suffer less (it seems to be very horrible to waiting to be smashed). Therefore, definitely upper track.

>> No.8122513

Was reply to

>> No.8122519
File: 932 KB, 2197x2081, conga.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you risk it?

>> No.8122532
File: 416 KB, 3872x1496, 1465078580532.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you ready to create life?

>> No.8122543
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>> No.8122554

Holy fuck that's clever.

>> No.8122559

I don't get it. What's the dilemma?

>> No.8122562
File: 74 KB, 600x250, trolley is aimed at you.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8122565

Ask a mathematicians.
see also, >>8119005

>> No.8122566


>> No.8122568
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>> No.8122571

fuck my grandmother, because I'm my own grandpa

>> No.8122577

Nobody cared who i was until I pulled the lever.

>> No.8122580

Would it hurt? If I pulled the lever?

>> No.8122585

Switch it to track 2 then switch it back to track 1

>> No.8122628

this is the easiest one for me, morally at least. i have little desire to live so i would just let the train kill me and save the other people. at least then my death will be more meaningful than my life has been

>> No.8122632

It would be extremely painful.

>> No.8122654


If R represents my responsibility for the moral dilemma and N is the number of persons then

R / RN = My partial responsiblity

If the number of people down the line is infinite and all pull the lever then as N goes to infinity, my responsibility is becomes zero. Therefore I did nothing wrong.

>> No.8122674

see >>8122352

>> No.8122714

Kill the guy who invented the trolly, it's not exactly complex. Someone else would have invented it.

>> No.8122729

You're a big guy.

>> No.8122730

That's a good one. Man up and accept responsibility for the five deaths. Any more than that and it's your fault.

>> No.8122744

depends on the date
if this is after he invented the trolley, trolley guy
if this is after he passed along his seed, grandfather

...Its already paradoxical that you;d have the option so

Alternatively go to your grandfather's corpse and inseminate your grandmother with his seed

or just tell your grandpa about the design, let him get rich, etc

both carrying larger risk

>> No.8122747

For you

>> No.8122750


>> No.8123015

Kill the inventor. If there are tracks in his timeline, it implies the trolley has already been invented.

>> No.8123340

OP BTFO, guy who invented the trolley is a fake!

>> No.8123422

best one i've seen of this

>> No.8123545
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Updated version

>> No.8123673

I really like how he said "create life" because of how absurd it is, and it's like a mad scientist trying to create life by killing an infinite amount of people.

>> No.8123708
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>> No.8123723

About fucking time. I mean, it is 2016 and they still did not offer a computer science degree?

>> No.8123746
File: 1.71 MB, 500x500, 1458818683579.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I think you meant to say nuke there friendo :^)

>> No.8123925

What if all those people were even more sucidal than you? Can you honestly say that you are the most miserable out of all of them? Learn some humility.

>> No.8124023

Why does it matter? Both will just create 1/12th of a person.

>> No.8124040

but that's wrong

>> No.8124223
File: 675 KB, 2060x1876, 1465079878686.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, /sci/?

>> No.8124268

I'd save myself over 5 people, let alone myself and 5 people over one person.
If someone else wants to stop it later, they're welcome to.
Regardless, I won't look at it as if it's my problem.

>> No.8124297

You have the choice between ending it all with 6 deaths (including yours), or with 1+6/1+1+6/1+1+1+6/...
Delaying the final choice makes you potentially responsible for dozens, thousands, millions or even infinitely many deaths. Because you DID have the chance to avoid them, and chose not to. And if you chose to delay, then you'd choose the same when being relayed to, meaning that you value your life as having the value of infinity (saving 5) other lives.

>> No.8124301

>>8124297 You're welcome to look at it that way.

>> No.8124304


Well yes, to me my life is more precious than any amount of others' lives.

>> No.8124305


That's actually almost interesting and worth discussing, please leave the thread

>> No.8124320

How far can person 1 actually see?

>> No.8124325

Let's assume all persons have perfect information about the dilemma.

>> No.8124353 [DELETED] 

Take your pedophile cartoons back to >>>/a/.

>> No.8124386

Jokes on you, I don't pull the lever and actually revive a person!

>> No.8124400

...that IS the joke.

>> No.8124401

>this is what statisticians actually believe

>> No.8124454

No brainer, you are even legally endorsed to kill those fuckers to save your hide.

>> No.8124579
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Now what, /sci/?

>> No.8124590
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jesus christ...

>> No.8124598
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>> No.8124600


>> No.8124700
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>> No.8124745

Let all 12 die by making trolley's go on opposite tracks. If the two were to hit, then the world would explode.

>> No.8124777
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>> No.8124836

Pull the lever! There could be someone tied to the rail after an infinitely long length of tracks.

>> No.8124850


>> No.8124913

That's fucked up

>> No.8124968
File: 64 KB, 510x268, wat do sci.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8124975
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>>8124913 Fine.
Is this better?

>> No.8124997
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>> No.8125077

>tell other dude about trolleyfags
>convince him we each take responsibility for our trolley
>crash the trolleys into one another on his lane
This is how I would do it anyway, if he goes through with it, I get a free pass outta there, and I got to kill 6 people. If he stabs me in the back and feels how I do about others, then I get considered a good guy in the end.


>> No.8125496 [DELETED] 
File: 64 KB, 777x900, 1455471061585.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not this shitto again

>> No.8126036 [DELETED] 

Take your pedophile cartoons back to >>>/a/.

>> No.8126043 [DELETED] 

What does this post have to do with science, dumb pedophile?

>> No.8126265
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Holy fuck my sides

>> No.8126297

A trolley is heading towards two tracks. If it is left alone, it will kill three people. However, if you pull the lever, to reach the people the trolley must first travel half of the distance, but before that quarter of the distance, and before that an eighth and so on; logically, the trolley cannot move. Do you pull the lever?

>> No.8126432
File: 99 KB, 1024x1024, Zeno_Achilles_Paradox.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You got the Paradox of the Turtle and Achilles wrong.
The thing you're trying to reach has to be moving.

>> No.8126435

it's literally the same. write it down.

>> No.8126439


>> No.8126451

It's not the turtle paradox, but Zeno's Dichotomy Paradox.

>> No.8126476

Assuming the universe exists for a finite time, only a finite number of people will die before the universe ends, so the number of people tied to the track is irrelevant. Since the offshoot track will kill twice as many people because it is going twice as fast, the logical choice is to do nothing.

>> No.8126495

why do i think the lever guy is the OP and the five tied up people are the people itt

>> No.8126502

>no, no, you pull it, I won't
>I can hear the people next to me shouting save them
then he pulls AND I pull and I save the trolleys and become an hero, awarded trolley medal of honor postmortem.

>> No.8126537
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>> No.8126553 [DELETED] 
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>> No.8126659
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>> No.8128522

assuming that track covered in people goes on to cover the whole population; the answer is obvious
-save my own dick
-the tram has to stop eventually, due to parts wear or pushing too much gore.
-solve over-population
-at least some of the survivors have to be female of breeding age
-repopulate the earth with my superior decision making genetics.

>> No.8128532
File: 96 KB, 612x491, 1463907463952.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


invoke the -1/12 meme

>> No.8128534


Why did you color it pink? Is that part of the dilemma? Would the people not want to live in such a world?

>> No.8128538

I wonder what the legal ramifications of this would be.
If you let the train keep going, technically you didn't do anything.

>> No.8128557


>> No.8128589
File: 54 KB, 700x506, be-cunning.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You'll do best not to talk about the trolley-master

>> No.8128617

There's nothing wrong with letting -1/12 people die.

>> No.8128655

Hit the guy who invented the trolley. If he gets hit by a trolley and dies, no trolley exists that will kill him from the future, so he actually lives. Either that or we end up in a different timeline. But I can't kill my grandpa.

>> No.8128671

This one's a bitch. I might have to let the 5 people die. Because the next guy is probably just going to let me die since it's only one person at a time after that.

>> No.8128678
File: 984 KB, 3180x2088, Fuck philosophy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/lit/ had fun with it that one time

>> No.8128679

Holy fuck that's a good one

>> No.8128680


Someone should do a /fit/ one with people doing it wrong, new year style

>> No.8128720

mi grandpappy is already dead so just kill him again I guess

>> No.8128738

Would be better without the 5 people thrown in on each track. Make the choice simply whether or not to stop the killing but to do so requires killing self.

>> No.8128758
File: 185 KB, 1092x1236, do.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8128771

>Self killed
>Nobody else dies
>Remembered as hero for saving others
Now to make sure nobody finds my porn folder after I die

>> No.8128808

>not wanting everyone to copy your porn habits as hero worship

>> No.8128834
File: 85 KB, 657x418, trolly problem.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8128837

This is a tought one, gonna be hard to multidrift with that bend.

>> No.8128838

That's a game theory problem. It's either 12, 5, or 2 deaths.

>> No.8128842

>Two leverees mutually decided to kill one of themselves
>or they both die along with 6 others people\
That's a really good one.

>> No.8128846
File: 308 KB, 369x2757, korea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Send the trolly at me and put the chain on the rail

>> No.8129968

You misunderstand the problem,
the chain is just a fancy sort of being tied to the track.

Great comic though.