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8117933 No.8117933[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Was going into physics a good idea or do you regret it?

>> No.8118015

I will never regret it.

>> No.8118103


>> No.8118112


>> No.8118142

As a job/career in my country that remains to be seen.
But i honestly cant think of anything as interesting,so if im gonna be broke and homeless at least ill know some dank ass physics.

>> No.8118156

One word of advice: Don't fall for the quantum meme. Stick to something actualy useful if you want to be employable.

>> No.8118162

Thanks. What about astro is that a meme in your opinion or would it still be general enough ?

>> No.8118164


Astro is the biggest meme.

>> No.8118171

It's another meme to avoid. What can you do with it? Become the next Neil Tyson and moderate pop sci shows on TV? I'd go for fluid dynamics, solid state physics or biophysics. There is guaranteed demand for experts in these fields.

>> No.8118173

Shit seriously? I'm just going into sophomore year of physics so it's still general.
I thought astro was a good mix of being interesting/engaging and still general enough to be employable in general jobs that would like a physics degree. So you think regular experimental is the way to go?
I'd do nuclear but that's a masters so a different kettle of dogs for now.

>> No.8118182

Don't listen to people who tell you an area of research is a meme. Although at my uni, most of the astrophysics students joined the program because "space is cool hurr durr" and took too long to figure out that astrophysics is a lot of fluid dynamics and chemistry. They made the new astrophysics professor think we're all idiots because he got the students who actively avoided quantum mechanics and nuclear physics, and so could hardly tell you anything about hydrogen in the sun other than the fucking levels from the Bohr model.
These people wanted to study astronomy, not astrophysics. That's the only real meme.

>the quantum meme
>I'd go for [...] solid state physics

I don't know if you're the same poster but I hope you aren't.
OP, the only quantum meme is that /sci/ doesn't understand it very well.

>> No.8118197

Contradiction. The Greek word "quantum" literally means "we don't know".

>> No.8118199

Pop sci kid detected. Smoke weed and look at the stars with black science guy, amirite?

>> No.8118200

you mean latin?

>> No.8118204

and it means quantity... lol

not sure to even believe anything this board says anymore mfw wher

>> No.8118205



the ONLY way to not regret it is if you ACTUALLY become a physicist

>> No.8118248
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That's what I'm doing, anon.

>> No.8118300

Just finished undergrad and job-seraching now.

It was very difficult and often questioned what the fuck i was doing, and why nto studying something easier with more employability... but having had some time to digest it all i think i'd do it over again given the chance

at least the skills i learned in undergrad can get me relatively well paying and fun joobs

maybe comp-sci would make me more employable, but i dont have the passion for coding that i do physics

>> No.8118314

Still loving it. Went into Earth Science for the PhD and landed a job at a NASA-funded facility, and thanks to studying in Europe I have not a single dollar of debt.


>> No.8118350

All of you need to read this book to understand how sad the daily life of a physics major is as explained by a dork trying to get ahead.


As a side note make sure you can code reasonably well and can do engineer stuff.

>> No.8118557

It was awhile ago since I graduated, but I changed from physics to math. Was able to get into programming. Zero regrets