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8113042 No.8113042 [Reply] [Original]

Where can I find articles and studies on medicine that aren't clearly biased bullshit from pharma competitors/shills?

Specifically on Prozac in this case, which I just started.

I don't want "user reviews", or "studies show.." , I want a site or two with nothing but respected publishers of unbiased studies.

>> No.8113091

I think human studies are so prohibitively expensive that pharma companies are the only entities which fund them. While you're right to recognize that there is a conflict of interest there, R&D departments in any technological sector generally don't lie to themselves about what their products actually do. The published results, the raw data, is not made up. The bullshit comes in with the interpretation of the results and marketing of course.

So find the human trials and read the actual published data. Actually interpreting the data yourself is no easy task though. You don't really have to interpret the data, though, these studies are always picked apart by professionals not employed by pharma, and that should be good enough for any reasonable person. As it turns out, cases where non-pharma professionals disagree on minor points with pharma interpretations are pretty common (sometimes major points, but less common). And here's another shocking fact - many doctors out there actually want to prescribe their patients the best medication possible, and many of those doctors write about their own interpretations of human trial data. That's about the best info you'll get on any drug trial in my opinion.

>> No.8113181

Just search pubmed.

>> No.8115109

Just take your meds, schizo

>> No.8115676

Stop putting that garbage into your body anon.

>> No.8115688

Wew lad, why are you taking an SSRI from the 1970s? Have you already tried more modern stuff like escitalopram?
There are bullshit doctors who would prescribe you the shit they were taught in the 80s, but science have moved on since then...