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/sci/ - Science & Math

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8105701 No.8105701 [Reply] [Original]

Artificial enhancements?
Designer genes?

>> No.8105707

desu senpai, if given the chance. i would choose to be a hot bimbo than a smart dude

>> No.8105713

There is no next level, only change. If we do become type 2/3 it ain't gonna look human. If civilization collapses, perhaps we'll return to our roots as four-legged simpletons swinging in trees.

>> No.8105714

> Eugenics
Dude it already happened, the first evolved baby was born:


>> No.8105813

That thing is ghastly. Barely human.
>then you see the parents
The resemblance definitely shows.
>the mother says she's 23 years old
I'm so glad I wasn't born in the south. Talk about a step backwards in human evolution.

>> No.8105862 [DELETED] 

Negroid is missing from the picture. Should be just after homo erectus.

>> No.8105864

Quick lookup but read 50% of those with her condition reach 12 months. Wew lad.

>> No.8105870

A baby that genetically deformed needs to die. It should have been ended at birth, it is now going to suffer a life of ungrueling pain and torment

>> No.8105875

Theres actually agents that will do this for you. Rich people give birth in remote locations or overseas to avoid legal hassal if such fuckery should happen

>> No.8105892

ayy lmao

>> No.8105899
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>michael jackson was part of a type 3 civilization

>> No.8105925


The good old fashioned way: famine, disease, and war.

At last one continent has its populations kept in check by the first. The second was most recently seen acting in Spanish flu. And the last has actually been rather dormant.

Technology warps the performance of all three. Green revolution and globalization support populations in areas which are agriculturally poor or overworked, e.g. basically all of South Asia and Africa would be decimated if boats stopped. Medicine has interrupted diseases' work to weed out infirm genetics and dangerous behaviors, e.g. the massive efforts to counter HIV with antivirals and antibiotics -- although there's "hope" here from super bugs bred in and spread by degenerates. War has been on the decline since globalization integrated economies and surveillance technologies have stamped down on fear of unknowns -- but there's "hope" here too as a generation of leaders are coming to pass for whom was is more video game than hell. Can only hope (legitimate hope this time) that CBRN stay out of the picture.

So, you probably have to track evolution differently. Homosapiens sapiens evolves in its head and it's society as much as in body. Insert brief diversion into superorganisms and memeitics here.

>> No.8105929
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>muh kardashev scale
>implying we aren't truly 'advanced' until we reproduce like locusts and consume all available resources

Besides, we just race-mix with hot alien bitches, OP.

>> No.8105950


>> No.8105962

>Men in Black 2 was onto this 14 years ago

>> No.8106602
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>> No.8106625

My empathy allowed me to tolerate only about 60 seconds of that. :/

>> No.8106661

It will be the top 1% percent in terms of income that might evolve. Those people actually pay attention to who they have offspring with and have the money to chose who they want.

But in general I think that we reached a halt in the natural evolution of man because people with bad genes live to reproduce through the means of modern medicine (as seen in >>8105714 ). Survival of the fittest does no more aply to humanity.

Next step is Deus Ex since there are allready robot arms and legs, gene modification is nowhere close to beeing a thing.
Except for that aforementioned baby, that was designed by god damn satan

>> No.8106682

I'd bet my money on trans humanism as well. Any change to the genome that will follow will man made.

>> No.8107355
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Is there anything wrong with that thing other than the cleft lip? Someone help me out here, but the only thing that stands out is the face, and chances are that's just him looking off and nothing else.

>> No.8107389
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>> No.8107414

Pretty much this, we have no need to advance further down the evolutionary line at this point in time. We can accomplish that via technology. At one stage we might start pulling some deus ex bullshit but I honestly doubt it'll go very far. I like my organic tissues.

My mum and dad made them special just for me

>> No.8107592
File: 35 KB, 350x500, backinmyday-bet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'd bet my money
there is no wagering at 4chan, Grandpa

>> No.8107598

he has no frontal lobe, for one.

>> No.8107603

first thing I thought of as well
>cute baby
I want to vomit, but then again, the parents arent exactly top notch gene material either
lol same

>> No.8107611
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ayy lmao

next level won't look human, we may live on in the physical in humanoid androids but the best we can hope for is for our ghosts will exist on as data. AI's will continue our civilization.

>> No.8107622

What does the south have to do with anything? Plenty of intelligent people there.

>> No.8107627

t. Texan

>> No.8107628

lol fuck off, what does the t even mean lol?

>> No.8107689
File: 231 KB, 960x686, 2af.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone bring out the picture of the prevalence of prescribed ADHD medication throughout the USA

>> No.8107758

Just accept finnish cultural imperialism.

>> No.8107819

>How do we evolve to the next level?
evolution by natural selection .

>> No.8107849

>Plenty of intelligent people there.
Reading is not "intelligent people" Bobby Ray

>> No.8107861

That's just a downs syndrome baby with a cleft lip / cleft palate birth defect, lol.

>> No.8108034

I bet you're an idiot, kid.

>> No.8108358
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How about a Ph-D in Crushing-Skulling ?

>> No.8108951

I lol'd

>> No.8109031

Multicultularism and tolerance.
The gray-haired chink sais so, so it cannot be wrong, amirite goi?

>> No.8109032


>> No.8109265
File: 52 KB, 450x538, 1231.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Type 3 won't have bones due to micro/macro gravity living conditions.

>> No.8110934

Mutants are very real, and they are among us:

>> No.8110953 [DELETED] 

Przypominam o postowaniu tutaj

>> No.8110955


>> No.8110964
File: 22 KB, 450x338, 8izrEgaAT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucked up

>> No.8110972

>Type 2 civ
>STILL hasnt found a cure for male pattern baldness


>> No.8110973

What the fuck? Firstly it can barely breathe and it literally looks like its not even human. Like the they eyes look like they're just staring blankly as you see on lifelike human robot faces. Fucking repulsive, end its misery already.

>> No.8111006

Sorry wrong thread and wrong board. Fuck me.

>> No.8111011
File: 275 KB, 640x490, Eva-01_hand.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is next step of our evolution

>> No.8111028


No one dares to take the responsability to design a good eugenics program that takes into account both genetic variability and choosing characteristics adapted to our modern world.

Artificial enhancements?

probably, the problem is that creating interfaces with the typical technolgical thingies we see in pop-sci might not be so posible. So you would probably end with some RFID cards in your hand or similar.

>Designer genes?

To do that we need eugenics,since we would always need to choose the fittest embryo or the baby that accepted the genes. And again we face the same problem, no one dares to do eugenics these days.

>> No.8111683

>next level

Kill yourself

>> No.8111735

what if we make a bunch of human breeds, just like breeds of dogs. use egg implantation to make a new generation every year. what could we have available after 100 years?

>> No.8111753

I would advocate eugenics, but as a black manlet untermensch, it's not a self-serving agenda.

>> No.8111770
File: 62 KB, 1024x424, Overwatch-Alive-Animated-Short-10-1024x424[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

biomechanics and cybernetics.

>thinking we will get to off this rock as organics.

>> No.8111826

This. Organic life is not stable enough (biochemically or genetically) to make it to other planets under the energy constraints imposed on us.

>> No.8111831

>implying technological evolution evolves as slowly as biological evolution

We won't look different AT ALL in the next millenia

>> No.8111868

major details haven't changed since the spread of neanderthal and denisovan DNA between 100,000-10,000 years go.

the only minor changes have been from the once separate races traveling and mixing. Creating new combinations of cosmetic traits.

>> No.8111883

Pretty sure Humans wouldnt want to evolve into Greys

>> No.8111989

>But in general I think that we reached a halt in the natural evolution of man because people with bad genes live to reproduce through the means of modern medicine

You're looking at evolution the wrong way mate. Evolution is just change over time, so it doesn't really stop. Although natural selection is not as prominent, civilization and the environments we are creating are creating a whole slew of evolutionary pressures because of sexual selection and artificial selection. Not everyone born today is going to have children, and those who did carried the traits that made them more likely to pass on their genes.

Indeed, unlike animals, humans have a huge number of barriers to potential mates, either because of personality, attractiveness, language, distance, culture, income, class, religion, and so on...

It's no surprise that human evolution has accelerated in populations were agriculture was discovered. And it's probably occurring faster.

>> No.8111995


>> No.8112037

Honestly I doubt we will evolve much more. Survival of the fittest is essentially what drives evolution but we have mostly cut that out of our world. Just about anyone can get laid and have kids so the less "desirable" genes are still being passed on. We take care of the sick and weak and they then repopulate. And we have technology that allows those who are less fit for survival to survive. We have basically taken away everything that pushes a species to evolve.

>> No.8112170

>Just about anyone can get laid and have kids

But that's not true at all. Not everyone can get laid (see /r9k/) and even if they did, there is no guarantee that they will actually start a family due to a bunch of factors. So selection pressures are still present in their own way.

>so the less "desirable" genes are still being passed on.

Just because the less fit are being taken care off, can survive and have sex doesn't mean selection isn't taking place. A down syndrome person most likely has a lower chance of reproducing then someone without it.

>> No.8112254

Underrated post

>> No.8112866
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>> No.8112880
File: 346 KB, 877x620, 1420743538483.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Behold, the children of man. They have experienced two great wars, one with invaders from the other side of the galaxy and the other from our own minds, machines with the minds of men.

>> No.8113046

Evolution means change, not necessarily toward higher intelligence.

Ex: /sci/

>> No.8113313

>We met in theater art class

It looks like they mispronounced "Family reunion"
Jesus, if that baby was any more inbred it would be a sandwich.

>> No.8113318
File: 504 KB, 922x514, baneee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you think it was inbreeding or just
retard genetics to start off with?

feel like if 2 better people inbred it would atleast result in something a lot better

>> No.8114225
File: 33 KB, 284x225, 1340728432303.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Why is a godforsaken hobo the best representation of our species?

>> No.8114238

If we mix with inbred shitskins or niggers,we will have to wait another few million years to evolve and rediscover everything.

A "dark age" in genes.

>> No.8114260
File: 492 KB, 2400x1050, evolution.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OK, here you go.