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/sci/ - Science & Math

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8103613 No.8103613 [Reply] [Original]

>The warping of spacetime is the cause of gravity

This is the stupidest thing I have ever read.

>> No.8103615

did you read the bible

>> No.8103620

Is that that book that they stole the Big Bang Theory from?

>> No.8103691

What cause time to stop in refrigerator from the relativistic point of view?

>> No.8103740

Dark matter is form when u close door

>> No.8103746

No one is saying spacetime warping causes gravity.

In fact, science very rarely says what causes what or what exactly happens.

What science says is that interpreting gravity as if it would cause distortions in spacetime is the closest description to reality you're going to get for now, even if it isn't really true at a fundamental level.

>> No.8103750
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why are worms from undergraduate studies still displaying their idiocy ?


>> No.8103754

>description to reality
nice spook.
claiming that somehting describes reality is to know
-the reality
-the model
-the comparison of the model with the reality

you know none of those things, not even GR.

>> No.8103761

>claiming that somehting describes reality is to know
>-the reality
Nope. And there is no possible objective knowledge of reality. So nope.

>> No.8103765


>> No.8103769

Wtf!!! How can time stop in refrigerator

>> No.8103782

I find QM much more troubling than GR.

>> No.8103790

Read this http://milesmathis.com/quant.html

>> No.8103804

Same way how time stop in the earth relative to the earth orbit. According to theory of relativity

>> No.8103812


(You) should go here >>>/x/

>> No.8103835
File: 2 KB, 72x72, OH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

EM waves propagate be_cause_ of Heaviside's equations.

>> No.8103840

Not that person, but I'm trying to, and holy shit is he a frustrating writer. Wall of text with tons of rambling, "plz refer to my previous epic work for terms I will be using for this argument." I'm going to be fucking pissed if this isn't worth it.

>> No.8103842
File: 38 KB, 565x600, incredible.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The warping of spacetime isn't caused by gravity
The warping of spacetime IS gravity

>> No.8103849

>Implying virtual photons don't cause gravity

>> No.8103893

I'm nearing halfway through the differential calc bullshit prerequisite, and if the QM argument is another 400 paragraphs of "math is about models, not reality" I'm going to be sad. I agree with the underlying premise but I can't stand the writing and terms used.

>Thirdly, every point on the graph will likewise have two dimensions.
He's conflating topological dimension with dimensionality of the space in which the problem is solved and thus dimensionality of the vectors used.

>As a second example, say your little brother jumps into his new car and peals off down the street. You run out after him and look at the black marks trailing off behind his car. He’s accelerating still, so you should see those marks curve, right? A curve describes an acceleration, right? Not necessarily. The car is going in only one direction, so you can plot x against t. There is no third variable y. But it still doesn’t mark off a curve. The car is going in a straight line. Mystifying.
What the fuck does this mean? He's conflating the linear path with the position curve??

>All those illustrations and diagrams you have seen in books with curves drawn without graphs are incomplete. Years ago—nobody knows how many years—books stopped drawing the lines, since they got in the way.
I've never seen a textbook present a graph without axes.

Everything about "points are actually distances" seems to be explaining vectors to school children.

>> No.8103931

Miles Mathis is a known crackpot. Unless you are willing to believe that pi=4, don't bother with his other stuff.

>> No.8103954

Thanks bro. I really tried. Got memed on.

>> No.8104004

>ad hominem

>> No.8104141

>Numerous contradictions in how own writing
>Absurd argument that pi=4 based on some assertion that the radius of a circle is actually a velocity or some shit (that he contradicts in another paper about rotational motion)
>Convinced that relativity is wrong
>Seems unable to process the idea of an abstract mathematical object, phrasing everything in terms of drawing pictures in real time
>Convinced that that high school mechanics is wrong

Yeah he's a fucking moron

>> No.8104177

*in his own writing

>> No.8104183
File: 26 KB, 310x403, 12642452_10205251606191280_6962808905721464167_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yfw realizing Miles Mathis is /sci/ incarnate

>> No.8104193


>> No.8104197

I don't get this image

>> No.8104201

First he was cute and fluffy and unaware of what is coming.
Then he was bald and just wanted that the crocodile puts him out of his misery.

>> No.8106627


>> No.8106658

Hypothetically, if one travels through a sort of bridge in spacetime, as a wormhole, would your vehicle "outrun" the charge producing your craft's power, or would the positioning remain relative to your vehicle?

Would the particles inside the craft move FTL with your vehicle?