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/sci/ - Science & Math

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8098823 No.8098823 [Reply] [Original]

Where can one find an advance copy of the movie Vaxxed, or a digital copy?
I heard it has been shown at a couple of festivals, surely someone booted it.

>> No.8098842


>> No.8098864

This is a scientifically valid film, not entertainment

>> No.8098889

First off, if you wanted to discuss the movie, you could've just created a topic directly aimed at anti-vaxxing, not a sneaky OP, this isn't /tv/

Second of all:
>anti-vaxxer film
>vaccines cause autism
>scientifically valid

I saw that thread yesterday on /tv/, and I wanted to bash my head on my desk from the scientific illiteracy. People claiming vaccines haven't had any effect when they were used, claims that only adults should take vaccines because giving it to kids "fucks them up". There's lots of stupid shit going on around here that /sci/ laughs at. Anti-vaxxing is a movement that is genuinely dangerous. Fuck this movie and fuck anti-vaxxers for allowing old diseases to flare up once again.

Now go back to >>>/tv/ and find the rest of the dumbass /pol/acks and Trump supporter lurkers to agree with you on the "menace" that is vaccines. You don't belong on a science forum.

>> No.8098905

Literally kill yourself

>> No.8098906

>scientifically valid "documentary"
>vaccines cause autism

into the trash it goes

>> No.8098936
File: 38 KB, 360x361, brilliant deduction.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

make sure not to fall for it guys

>> No.8098956

Not really interested in discussing the movie here, because I havent seen it. Only dumbfucks discuss the validity of something they haven't watched.

I dont really browse the /tv
Im not claiming to be 'anti-vaxxer
Theres nothing sneaky about my post. I simply asked for a lead so I could view it for myself.
I never said anything about Trump.
Everything about your post is exactly why I decided to avoid a serious discussion of the topic here.

>> No.8098964


>> No.8098974

Big bad gubmint of course

>> No.8099001

>Only dumbfucks discuss the validity of something they haven't watched.
>people criticise anti-vaxxing and the "link" between vaccines and autism as per wikipedia's assessment of the movie's themes
>we can't discuss the anti-vaxxing theme if the movie doesn't come out yet!!1!
Step up your game.

>Im not claiming to be 'anti-vaxxer
>claims anti-vaxxing is scientifically valid
hmm... Even if you're not an anti-vaxxer, claiming it's scientifically valid automatically invalidates your posts, opening yourself to be called a retard. Maybe you should've questioned something before claiming it's "valid" instead of coming here with predetermined opinions.

>Theres nothing sneaky about my post. I simply asked for a lead so I could view it for myself.
And you're asking /sci/ instead of /tv/? Smells fishy to me. /sci/ is for discussing science, not finding movies.

>I never said anything about Trump.
I never said you did. I said a good part of /tv/ does though, and Trump has talked about vaccines causing autism before.

>Everything about your post is exactly why I decided to avoid a serious discussion of the topic here.
As I said, there's nothing to discuss. If you wanted a discussion, you should've avoided claiming anti-vaxxing was scientifically valid in the first place.

>> No.8099005

The CDC apparently

>> No.8099025

I see your point, my wording was off. What I meant to say was that I considered this a scientific/health issue, not a tv entertainment topic. I didnt mean to confirm its validity without seeing it. My b.

Im not a regular 4chan poster, and I first looked for a health board, so the next logical choice seemed to be here. Im not sure I could expect a serious answer in tv. I can barely get one here. Thees already asshats who want to shove off the very idea of this issue without reason.

That said its still the fastest forum on the net, with more chance of a response than reddit, and imo more chance that someone will have a link.