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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 35 KB, 600x450, suicide pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8092219 No.8092219 [Reply] [Original]

>be me
>work in GPU lab of uni
>train deep learning networks to detect animals on pictures
>boring af, time to spice it up
>bring in porn stash
>secretly train network to detect boobs
>tfw 97% accuracy
>professor comes in, sees the number
>"Hey anon, I have an awesome idea, let's run the reverse script"
>turns out you can use these networks in reverse mode to generate images out of nowhere
>he expects cute kittens
>it's a plethora of boobs
>mfw it's a christian university
>mfw insta kicked out

How did you fuck up your /sci/entific career?

>> No.8092227

story too good to be true, pics or gtfo

>> No.8092229

holy fuck lmao

>> No.8092232
File: 1.13 MB, 1200x936, 1436859937250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pics or it didnt happen

>> No.8092242
File: 178 KB, 330x319, 1461702884056.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

show us generated pics

>> No.8092265


but anons, this is a blue board
also, they cut my access to the lab, even deleted my SSH key, so I couldn't save the pic
I plan to do it again at home, but my pc is shit, so it will need at least 100 hours of training

>> No.8092293

post them on another website like imgur.

Anon, you could have swung it the other way, a pornography detector would be a great way to censor pornography at a christian university.

>> No.8092300

kek, you should have installed GPU malware. GPU malware is like the herpes of malware, there is no way to get rid of it.

>> No.8092301

That's funny but it is also the most retarded thing someone could do.

You are in college! You are supposed to do as your professors and pretend to be an adult, anon.

>> No.8092313

You saved NOTHING locally of this project that you snuck in? I'd be happy with a screencap of the number 97% in a visual basic gui to mull me over until you get something more kekworthy and representative of the claimed feat.

>> No.8092314
File: 1.39 MB, 200x150, 1437819289296.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8092326

>Anon, you could have swung it the other way, a pornography detector would be a great way to censor pornography at a christian university.


>> No.8092356
File: 33 KB, 1098x381, vb gui for anon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'd be happy with a screencap of the number 97% in a visual basic gui
whatever floats your boat, anon
although I don't think they would have bought it, I was supposed to do kittens

but don't worry everyone, I hereby make a promise that I will recreate the images, and post them for you, or die trying

>> No.8092369

Utterly fake

>> No.8092385

Pretty cool, right? Many hours of shits and giggles to be had here.

>> No.8092399

it's the only way to get access to a GPU on my uni's cluster because people ass-rape it too much.

>> No.8092402

anon if this really happened, you might be able to play the media with it and land yourself a nice tech job in silicon valley.

>> No.8092428

Be master of pharmacy student.

Sleep through to final year.

Pass every unit except one.. especially the hard ones.

Left retaking psycho neuro pharmacology.

Wake up.. try.. do some research.

Write stupid answer about parkinsons disease and how..AND HOW! Pharmacological management is innefective.

Wrong answer.

Sent away with road sweeper degree with honours.

Work in pharmacy as a dispenser.. told I'm rubbish.

Work in pharmacy as a counter assistant.. told I'm rubbish.

Finally kicked out the door.. no more pharmacy.

Surprisingly I'm really competatant.. except now it counts as much as toilet paper.. nobody believes me.

Pharmacy you say... hmm interesting.

Here's a brush, go sweep the car park.

Never work in this town again.

Find religion

>> No.8092430

>Damn I'm still crying

>> No.8092630

I even did a dissertation on personality studies!!

...and steady work experience since I was in coollage


>> No.8092637

Lurk more newfag

>> No.8092643

>I was supposed to do kittens
I had thought that this was a side project based on the main one that you got "caught" looking at the results of. You did boob recognizer hoping to lie that the results were of a kitten recognizer? Suddenly more interested in whatever the fuck was going through your mind.

>> No.8092646

wtf am i reading

>> No.8092666

This is what happens when faggots from r/4chan show up and think that because they've seen a few screencaps of /b/ they understand 4chan culture and etiquette. They don't lurk any more.

>> No.8093456


>> No.8093466
File: 112 KB, 1252x1252, Heisenberg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds like you might have a promising career as a chef, broski.

>> No.8093517

I just cannot believe you but if it is true, holy shit that's hilarious

>> No.8093662

And this is why I didn't apply to BYU for a grad program in my field, even though I had a solid connection to the faculty. Weirded me out that I could be in defiance of their "honor code" by dancing or making fun of their "magic underwear". Fucking Mormons...

>> No.8093839

>hurtful comment

I expected nothing more by the devil

>> No.8093859

>Shitty frogpost
>Unbelievable story with no proof
>Still gets replies

This is pathetic. Do not respond to frogposters; report them instead.

>> No.8093862


The funny continues.. OK so I regret not being a legal drug dealer because muhhomed ethics.. Damn auto correct.

Now I'm stuck in retail in a deadbeat town where real drug dealers make the moves.

...sht will probably get real quick real soon.

Dammit I could have had a lambourgini by now.. and a few bookshelves.

Unfortunately I don't do drugs.

>> No.8093876

You are a Genius...
>silicon valley
With a story like this anon might as well be the new Bill Gates

>> No.8094035

We played a season of Football Manager on our new £80k computer cluster in 2015 just for fun when I was setting it up.

The PI played too so there were no issues.

>> No.8094198

My boob recognition algorithm is patented, so not only did you get kicked out of school, but you will now be hearing from my IP attorneys. Have a nice day.

>> No.8094203

>things that never happened