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File: 258 KB, 1746x1763, earthafr[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8092099 No.8092099 [Reply] [Original]

So I found out today my half brother does not believe the earth is round. Does anyone have any fun experiments I can do to show this?

My first thought was buying a telescope to look at the ISS... since he also dismissed the idea of satellites to be hoaxes... *rolls eyes*

The reason I'd like to do some experiments is that I conceded early on that I hadn't performed any of my own experiments and am more than happy to accept evidence provided by other people, images of the earth and how people propose the GPS works. Saying all of these people are lying with some global conspiracy ... to ... erm... sell globes of the earth? idk... is a little coo coo crazy, but It would be nice to prove first hand.

>> No.8092102

Ask him how GPS works, or why there are crescent moon phases.

>> No.8092116

I mentioned GPS to him. He said that he believes they are radio towers made to mimic satellites... I said GPS works in any location on the earth, even in the middle of the ocean with no towers visible... he essentially rejected that to be true and that I've never been out to see to confirm that.

>> No.8092123

have you? Can you blame him? If you're truly skeptical, you would only believe what you can see with your own eyes.

The earth is a 2D manifold locally. Therefore by integration, it's a flat surface. Wherever you go, the earth is flat just the same.

>> No.8092125

The best way I could think of was to experimentally measure the moment of inertia of the earth, then measure the average density of the planet, then compare the values to what a disk should produce.

Draw backs:
>The flat earth is ill defined, a simple tweaking of constants could force the values to coincide.
>Its potentially tricky to measure the MOI of the earth, I'm not too sure how you'd do it.

Because of the above, I'm not sure if it's even worth trying.

>> No.8092126
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It's useless to teach a fool - that which he might gain in knowledge he will readily exchange for alternative notions as soon as you turn your back on him. Unless he has something you want, start seeing him as your half stranger instead.
As a fun experiment, you could try beating him until he no longer shares his views on the planet with anyone. It will only be so long before he starts genuinely believing that the earth is round. You will have become his God, since the belief in your teachings would mean his peace of mind.

>> No.8092127

>half brother
give him back the other half of his brain dummy :^)

>> No.8092129

The moon is a natural satellite. Does he not believe in the moon? lol

How about, "where does wind come from?". "Why is it hotter at the equator?". "Why can't I see Paris from the top of a skyscraper?". Or just, "why do things disappear over the horizon at all?"

>> No.8092149

I'm not a flat earther but I assume the last two could be handwaved with "atmospheric density" or something to that effect. You know, like the difference between looking into a glass of water and looking into the ocean

>> No.8092158
File: 54 KB, 960x543, flatearthperspective.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't do anything. People who believe the Earth is flat will not accept any scientific data because "science is a satanic religion".
This s their explanation as to why things disappear over the horizon.

>> No.8092171

Why don't we see light in all horizontal directions at night? Do Las Vegas, New York and Tokyo "close" around bedtime in his world?

>> No.8092197

My eyes tell me that things go below the horizon when they go far away, which singlehandedly disproves flat earth

>> No.8092205


>> No.8092258

>when they go far away
you mean when they go down

>> No.8092273

no i meant far away

>> No.8092276

If you go way away from civilization where there's no light pollution, you can see satellites passing overhead with the naked eye.

>> No.8092284

Go on a cruise around the world with him.

>> No.8092287

I've brought this up before and they just say shit like "nope that's just Nasa projecting lights onto the dome to fool us". That's the point where I realized they're legitimately crazy.

>> No.8092288

You're just gonna have to let this go, I know a guy like him, there is absolutely no way you can talk sense to people like them, no matter how many facts and proofs you will show them, they will still believe in some conspiracy theory with no facts at all.

>> No.8092296


Just got a new coworker, and he started telling me about how the Earth was really flat. His answer to the crescent moon thing would be that the earth is a flat disk.

Anyway he's also super religious, so when I asked him why the Illuminati or whatever would want to convince us the Earth was a sphere. His reply is that their goal is to destroy religion (Christianity) by teaching us that we're an insignificant speck in a giant universe, rather than a special creation at the center of the universe with the sun and moon going around us, etc.

It's a shame, he's a nice enough guy, but he's 35 and has the mind of a child. That's usually the sort of person you're dealing with when they start talking about flat earth, or how evolution is fake (I didn't come from no monkey), how NASA fakes all the photos, the moon landing ... it was a long night, listening to him go on.

>> No.8092302

Ask him where the edge of the dome is and then buy a plane ticket there then, I guess. How old is he?

>> No.8092308

>Anyway he's also super religious
No surprise here, they treat conspiracy theories like religion, instant trust and faith, no proofs needed.

>> No.8092310

How would a flat-earther explain tides?

>> No.8092311

It was some guy on normiebook I was talking to. He looked like he was 25-30. He said we can't go to the edge because the Antarctic treaty prevents anybody from seeing "the truth".

>> No.8092315


Not crazy, just credulous. They believe what people tell them, especially people they like/trust. If that happens to have been other gullible people, it will sink in and take root and suddenly an attack on what they were told is an attack on those people they respect. Surely nobody I like would ever lie to me?

It's a sort of child-like mentality. They're trusting and their skepticism is limited only to doubting widely-held knowledge.

It's also important to remember that for a lot of people who believe in conspiracy theories, it's because the idea that a nefarious group of powerful people are controlling the world is more comforting than the though that the world is a random, chaotic mess where 8 billion talking apes are all pursuing their own conflicting interests, that nobody is control and bad shit can happen at any time without warning.

>> No.8092316

Cold light emitted by the moon or electromagnetic radiation.

>> No.8092319

Well then according to him either the earth is a cylinder or there would be another edge running vertically if you look at a map. Ask him where the other edge is.

>> No.8092321

Wait for him to grow up.

>> No.8092328


They've probably never thought about it. Like my guy, he was talking about how the Earth is like, spinning really fast, right? If that's true, how come we don't all fly off of it? 'Cause if he gets a tennis ball wet and spins it around, the water flies off. Gravity isn't that strong!

They have a basic familiarity with physical concepts, but that's it, and they become object lessons in "a little knowledge is a dangerous thing". He also asked me why when planes take off, if the planet is really spinning, they don't go shooting off in a random direction because they're no longer attached to the Earth so it should be spinning away beneath them.

>> No.8092330
File: 1.11 MB, 482x482, giphy FLAT EARTH MAP.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Antarctica circles the entire Earth according to them.

>> No.8092333


They would tell you that Antarctica is a barrier than runs completely around the edge of the Earth, and we're not allowed to go there and journey too far in because we would find the edge. No joke.

>> No.8092338

Not allowed by whom?

>> No.8092340

So are they saying earth is a dome then? Why can't you see the sun at night if that gif is supposedly accurate?

>> No.8092342

NASA, of course!

>> No.8092345

lmao is that the chart they actually believe ? it goes against everything they claim

>> No.8092350
File: 28 KB, 557x555, suntails.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because the sun is in the dome only about 3k miles away.

>> No.8092351

That's because you haven't hear about the concave hollow Earth theory some of them have.

>> No.8092361

Yeah, and? It would still be bright all the time since the sun would never sink below the horizon.

>> No.8092366

The best answer I can give if I was thinking like a flat Earther would be atmosphere or some shit. Some of them think the sun rotates over the earth.

>> No.8092370

Then why can I observe the sun going below the horizon?

>> No.8092373
File: 67 KB, 1006x492, Flat_earthqq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8092374
File: 30 KB, 640x512, fespeed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the point where they would ignore your questions and spam you with irrelevant memes.

>> No.8092375

Either there is a second edge and they need to show you where it is, or sunsets don't exist. Ask them which one.

>> No.8092376
File: 550 KB, 800x450, wp53fd4c89_06.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8092378

They're insane, you can't reason with them.

>> No.8092381


Oh, take your pick. The Trilateral Commission, the Bildeberger Group, The Club of Rome, The Illuminati, MJ12, Satanists ... you know. Them.

As my guy put it, "The treaty, man. That says you can only use Antartica for peaceful purposes. Like, countries can't agree on anything, but they agree on this?"

>> No.8092384


It's like a spot light. It just shoots light down in a cone or whatever.

>> No.8092386

A spotlight would look like an ellipse when it's really far away from you, and it sure as fuck wouldn't dip below the horizon.

>> No.8092388
File: 2.69 MB, 2354x1255, 1463583518588.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8092394

And who would expect any different?

>> No.8092398

> Trying to convince a retard of something

Why bother? Seriously? Just going to cause you unneeded stress and you won't get anywhere.

>> No.8092400


NASA is photo shopping it in real time with holograms. Idk man, not thinking too hard about things is sort of how this all works.

>> No.8092403


>> No.8092405

Fuck, that's ingenious. I should start exploiting these nuts for youtube money. brb

>> No.8092406

Plenty of people already do that.

>> No.8092407

Best post in thread. The one thing in common between these people is that pseudoscience has convinced them that science is suspect, which has enabled them to believe that avoiding any basic scientific literacy education is perfectly reasonable behavior.

Which I would go so far as to say boils down to people's tendency to find excuses for laziness.

But the important thing is, you cannot teach someone who avoids basic scientific literacy. They do not understand the difference between rhetoric and science. It is all quite literally all "just talk" to them.

>> No.8092413

How did they manipulate the sky before NASA? How did the ancient Romans, Greeks, and Babylonians do it?

>> No.8092426

fucking sociopaths have foiled me again.
note to self: feel less regard for humanity

>> No.8092433

>So I found out today my half brother does not believe the earth is round.

He is correct. The earth isn't round, it is an oblate spheroid. The rotation causes a slight bulge at the equator and flattening of the poles.

>> No.8092437


One of my flat earth friends said that they are "further than the eye can see"


>> No.8092478

why wouldn't we have gone over the edge already?

>> No.8092481

NASA are actually time travelers

>> No.8092488

It was Satan trying to hide God from us.

>> No.8092491

Satanic Atheist Reptilian Jew Lizard time travelers, in fact

>> No.8092504

So, I've noted quite a few of these people doing the whole "Never A Straight Answer hurr hurrr"-line from time time. Them and all the other "space is fake" and "rockets dont work in a vacuum" crazies all seem to run this line from time to time.
Wonder where it started? They usually struggle to come up with a specific case of NASA or any space agency actually lying about anything, yet they keep going on about it. Is it just the default "they work for the gov, so they are part of "them" and cant be trusted"-thing?

>> No.8092515

What's even more retarded is that every scientist and engineer would either have learned bullshit or are somehow part of the conspiracy.

>> No.8092559

Imagine growing up with parents that act like that

>> No.8092571


2008 or earlier

>> No.8092580

That reminds me of this


>> No.8092587

>play one sample four times back to back
kek at that PRODUCTION QUALITY dawg

>> No.8092710

Simple demonstration that the world isn't flat?
Go outside and find a nice wide view of the horizon (like a beach). If you hold up a ruler and compare it to the horizon you can see the curvature of the earth.

>> No.8092724
File: 37 KB, 660x362, 0108004_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8092729

fake and gay, don't trust the science man says

>> No.8093127


Just show him this laundry list of shit wrong with the flat earth "theory." If he still has shit to say, there's no hope for him.

>> No.8093130
File: 9 KB, 342x342, 1456524132514.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
