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File: 32 KB, 686x755, original-public-ivy-homepage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8079759 No.8079759 [Reply] [Original]

I know in America the Ivy League schools are the best of the best, (not including Stanford or MIT), but I recently heard of "Public Ivies"

What are they? Are they almost as good as the regular ivies? Easier to get into? Should I feel accomplished if I get into one?

>> No.8079764

You shouldn't feel accomplished for getting into a university.

Feel accomplished when you have a fucking degree you underage millenial scumfuck.

>> No.8079773

Much, much easier to get into for undergrad.

Can be just as hard or harder to get into for grad school, depending on the school and the field.

They're good schools. You will get a good education.

Stop caring about prestige, because prestige basically goes "oh wow", "that's a good school", and "never heard of it" with the vast majority of people.

>> No.8079790

University of Virginia, UNC Chapel Hill, University of Michigan, and UC Berkeley are the only good schools that aren't an Ivy or Stanford/MIT/Caltech

>> No.8079792


I disagree with the first two.

>> No.8079798

why? UVA and UNC are highly ranked by almost everyone

>> No.8079799

>Stop caring about prestige, because prestige basically goes "oh wow", "that's a good school", and "never heard of it" with the vast majority of people

>babby assmad because he had to go to generic state school # 2633

>> No.8079801


They're in the South.

>> No.8079807

so is Duke, and that place is also on the caliber of Ivies. UVA is the highest rated public school in the country. And UNC is definitely top 5.

>> No.8079808

If a school is in the south, it's shit. End of.

>> No.8079815

You don't think Duke and UChicago are ivy-level?

>> No.8079818

They were just selected because they have a similar essence to the Ivy league schools. These kind of things aren't entirely related to academics, but the public Ivy universities are considered to be very good schools regardless of their atmosphere and history, which won them the title in the first place.

Nobody actually cares though. Any sort of pride you get from attending a school is false unless you personally have contributed to academia and become an honored member of the university.

>> No.8079826

Any field where prestige matters is probably a shit field of work.

Prove me wrong. Name one field.

>> No.8079835

Employers are gonna prefer applicants with similar stats from more prestigious schools no matter the field.

>> No.8079881

Meme schools

>> No.8079887

I disagree.
There's definitely employers that are use to grabbing candidates from the same school.
My school is far from prestigious and we get offers from Catepillar and Exxon all the time.
And if its a small place, boss man might rather have someone from his alma mater than some over-qualified, gonna-leave-in-six-months candidate

>> No.8079893

undergrad ain't shit

school only matters if you're doing post-bac education

>> No.8079895

In NC,

Duke = elite private. Durham is an up-and-coming town that has traditionally been the ghetto. Being heavily gentrified and is now a place for hipsters, vegans, musicians, startups, artist etc.

UNC = elite public, provides same educational quality as Duke but is much less expensive. Quintessential college town.

NCSU = Engineering school is tied with Duke's, has the best library in the state. The most technologically advanced school out of Duke/UNC. Raleigh is the second largest city in NC.

App State = Football school in the mountains. Only known for Armanti Edwards and beating Michigan in football

ECU = School for partiers, retards, nursing. Some of the dumbest kids in the state go there.

Elon = Rich kids that didn't go to UNC

UNCW - Average. Nothing to say about it.

UNCC - Average, their engineering program below NCSU's. Charlotte is the largest city in NC and they have the epicenter which is p. cool.

Davidson - Small uppity rich school

Wake Forset - Good medical School. I see their law program below UNC's/Duke's. Overall I'd rank them below Duke/UNC/NCSU.

Any other school I missed is probably not worth mentioning.

>> No.8079922

Hey fuck you dude.

>> No.8079931

In Virginia,

UVA = the best school, high prestige and rankings. Elite students go here. Charlottesville is an amazing college town, with a heavy social scene

William and Mary = has less prestige than UVA, but the same level of quality in terms of education. Williamsburg is a great, quiet town. Rigor and workload here is high.

Virginia Tech = up and coming, but basically no real prestige. Has a good few programs but overall it's mostly kids that got rejected from the two VA powerhouses listed above

JMU = only good for partying, academics here are nothing to write home about. Typical in-state school, you get what you put in

VCU = meh school, has a few decent programs (particularly medical) but overall pretty bad. It's in Richmond as well, so you have to deal with ghetto city people.

Radford = absolute shit school, only known because everyone there just does drugs and parties 24/7 because they know that their school is a joke

Washington and Lee = surprisingly good school, it's extremely small and unheard of though so nobody really gives a shit.

If I didn't mention your school here, it's complete trash and not worth mentioning. You're better off going to community college for 2 years and transferring somewhere better.

>> No.8079942

Cool bro. I'd like to see more of these.

What school do you attend? Didn't mean to offend anyone.

>> No.8079946


What do you think of GMU? I live in DC and my general impression has been "weird university over the river, sciencey, not as good as GT or GWU"

>> No.8079947

>highest rated public school

>> No.8079948

I actually completely forgot about GMU, but it's probably between JMU and Radford tier. Most of the people that go there do it because they couldn't get in anywhere good or because they want to commute to a college and not stay on-campus.

>> No.8079949

One of the less than reputable schools on your list. I can't be mad though, since you were spot on.

Some real retards go there.

>> No.8079952

ECU detected

>> No.8079954

I do not know what you are talking about.

>> No.8079959

VT here. Engineering program is pretty high up there, but fuck everyone else here.

>> No.8079979

Well, there are good qualities to every school on that list. Just focus on doing well.

>> No.8079983

Do the state of Michigan

>> No.8079986

Some of them are probably better than the meme Ivies like Dartmouth or Brown.

>> No.8079995


Not that guy but isn't it just:

University of Michigan: Amazing school.
Michigan State University: Great school, equivalent to standard flagship state school in other states.
Michigan Tech: Good.

State schools with a direction (north, etc) in their name: Meh.

>> No.8080000

are all UC schools public ivies?

>> No.8080003

Doesn't matter if you are from a shitty school or a great university. If you are ambitious, hardworking and intelligent - that won't change wherever you go.

>> No.8080015

A """""slight""""" advantage and only at your first job. Who gives a fuck. My school's CS is ranked around 100 and we have guys in the big 4, and Sillycon Valley.

You literally don't know what you're talking about.

The fields you're thinking about are business related, and everyone knows those guys don't contribute shit to society.

>> No.8080073

>going into industry

Get a load of this brainlet

>> No.8080110

UCB and UCLA perhaps, but the rest no

>anybody thinking that where you do your undergrad really matters
it's like you're in some shitty field that doesn't require grad school and research experience

>> No.8080114

Technically all of them except Merced (since it's new and nobody even works there) are considered Public Ivy.

>> No.8080117

UCLA is p good

>> No.8080430

I get Duke because it isn't that highly rated on most rankings but UChicago tops most Ivies for several subjects (most notably physics), and it's only behind HYP, MIT, Stanford, and Caltech for overall rankings.

>> No.8080637

Duke is ranked higher than the lower Ivies. Ranked 8th in the country.


>> No.8080656

This. No Nobel Prize winning Scientist, No former Federal Judge/Lawyer on the Supreme Court, etc. even teach undergrad. Whether you go to podunk University in Idaho or Harvard University for Math, you'll still learn Calculus, Dif Eq, Real analysis, etc. It only matters in graduate school when you actually do research with professors who are sought after due to their accomplishments. Id you go to Harvard for a PhD in Biology, you'll have a WAYYYY bigger pool of money to use to do research as compared to North Dakota state.

>> No.8080673

/sci/ always puts far too much emphasis on school prestiage

>> No.8080689

you forgot VMI, which i'd rank between W&M and VT
Radford is my hometown, your description of the school is pretty damn accurate
made highschool fun as fuck though

>> No.8080695

I know some employers actively discriminate against people from more prestigious schools because that persons resume is often over-inflated and they're occasionally totally insufferable

>> No.8080785

Okay, so you're saying it doesn't matter how well you do in high school, because every college is the same?

>> No.8080795

I went to Baruch. Am I shit tier?

>> No.8080803

Well from my experience at UVA it's basically a bunch of entitled in-state kids who like to think that they're smart just because they got in even though it's a public school and they have to accept a certain number of Virginia residents. Seriously you won't believe how many northern and middle Virginia people here like to think getting into UVA is some huge accomplishment that qualifies them in anything beside doing well in high school.

i'd hardly call UVA southern. Virginia is traditionally on the border and half the kids are from the suburbs of DC.

>> No.8080808

>App State = Football school in the mountains. Only known for Armanti Edwards and beating Michigan in football
also for being a bunch of fucking hippies

>> No.8080828

VTer here. UVA is clearly the better school... but I will say this. It sucks there. A lot of my friends from HS that went flat out hate it there. Nothing but frat douches. At least here at VT the greek scene is relegated to a smallish group of tards; it's actually impossible to get into a single UVA party unless you're greek.

Also, VT has far more recruiters for my program (CS). We get people that don't even go here trying to crash our career fairs they're so good, same with engineering.

>> No.8080833

I honestly had no idea UVA was actually supposed to be a good school because all I ever heard about it was that it was an enormous Greek/party school.

>> No.8080859

You say that as someone going to UNC? UNC and UVA are both considered top tier Public schools, but UVA is always ranked a little higher.

>> No.8080881

so where did you go to university?

>> No.8080889

>You say that as someone going to UNC? UNC and UVA are both considered top tier Public schools, but UVA is always ranked a little higher.

Not >>8080833, but it depends on what you are comparing UVA and UNC to.

UNC is ranked higher in "best medical research" at 22, UVA 28.

UNC #25 in CS (tied with Duke), UVA #29
UNC #28 in Math, UVA #52
UNC #12, Duke #10, NCSU #15 in Statistics, UVA #63

UNC is higher ranked in Biological sciences than UVA too and has top global rep in microbiology.

UVA has a better business and law program.

I think rankings don't matter as much as other people think. This is based on USN.

>> No.8081031

>it's actually impossible to get into a single UVA party unless you're greek
greek life is an embarassingly large part of the social scene but it's not stopping you from going to bars or partying with your actual friends. your friends probably like to complain about it but otherwise do fine without it, or they're losers who indefinitely relegate themselves to the outside of a social group that they don't fit in.

who gives a shit anyway, studying goes down the toilet as soon as you worry about that kind of shit too much.

>UVA has a better business and law program.
this sounds correct. the administration seems to really talk up alumni who get leading positions in business or anything else with prestige and power. anyone not doing STEM probably knows nothing about what goes on in STEM depts at UVA.

>> No.8081077

I am >>8080889

Yeah, looks like UVA has a well received law/business program. UNC's is of similar prestige. I see VA and NC as sister states.

VA Tech = NCSU

Duke is essentially an ivy league in the playing field as Penn, Dartmouth, Brown, there isn't a comparable school in VA in that regard.

But the truth us (as stated above) you can get a similar education at UNC as you can Duke (and similar in state prestige) but with a huge reduction in price.

Otherwise seems like VA/NC are mirror images of itself.

>> No.8081083

I go to Columbia. The "Ivy League" is stupid bullshit made up for fancy people to feel mysterious and interesting and Oxford educated.

My peers and teachers are amongst the brightest in the world. The only thing very impressive is the mass of individuals of such intelligence in one place, not the individuals themselves. They're normal people and say stupid stuff when they're not around other Ivy Leaguers making them feel self conscious.

>> No.8081102

>The "Ivy League" is stupid bullshit made up for fancy people to feel mysterious and interesting and Oxford educated.
It's very real, but it's a sports conference. This is not a complicated concept.

>> No.8081108

>chapel hill isn't for basic bitches and bio/med students
>App isn't "dude weed lmao" the school
>State's engineering is the same quality as Duke's
I'll give you a 7/10

>> No.8081111

>prestige matters

So little unless you are going to grad school

A friend of mine got an engineering position at Boeing just recently with 0 internships and a high gpa from a state school which is most certainly nowhere near ivy status. Prestige is a meme. It's just name dropping that can help you get yourself in the door easier. Other than that, no real advantage.

>> No.8081123

You doing business? Otherwise, might as well go somewhere else.

>> No.8081125

The concept of a public ivy league school is a fairy tale conceived by pretentious UNC students to make them feel better about the fact that their school is way shittier than they'd ever feel comfortable admitting.

>> No.8081153

Yeah, but I'd chalk it up more to plain ignorance than anything else.

>> No.8081163

>who gives a shit anyway, studying goes down the toilet as soon as you worry about that kind of shit too much.

Believe it or not, all the smartest kids I've ever met were in frats. I call it "Feynman type" smart. UVA is littered with those kids.

>> No.8081184

>State's engineering is the same quality as Duke's

Oh yeah, you're right. Duke-NCSU's engineering program aren't ranked the same. NCSU's is ranked higher: http://grad-schools.usnews.rankingsandreviews.com/best-graduate-schools/top-engineering-schools/eng-rankings/page+2

Good catch.

>> No.8081191

>Duke is essentially an ivy league in the playing field as Penn, Dartmouth, Brown, there isn't a comparable school in VA in that regard.
they're also assholes just like the true Ivys

>> No.8081211
File: 37 KB, 290x230, ccm1_032769.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>u mad

>> No.8081228
File: 210 KB, 1200x852, NCSUHuntLibrary.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>u jelly

>> No.8081231

UVA is an odd case. It's consistently ranked with the UCs, UT, and UM as the best public universities in the country, but it isn't part of a system.

>> No.8081324

Why does have a school have to have fund-siphoning shit sister schools that no one cares about to be good?

>> No.8081392

Dunno. I guess having lesser schools to park people makes it easier to stay selective while still prioritizing in-state residents?
Virginia is weird when it comes to schools; we've got William & Mary, with some of the best undergrad education and business programs, which would probably be a private school except for the fact that it's the 2nd oldest university in the country and is situated in a state-funded archaeological park.

>> No.8081400

Liberal Arts College MasterRace

>> No.8081428

>I guess having lesser schools to park people makes it easier to stay selective while still prioritizing in-state residents?
There would be more retards applying to your school without lesser schools in the system, and so it would be much easier to be selective with in state students with only the one school. After all, the best students are applying either way.

>> No.8081536

If you don't go to an Ivy or a Public Ivy, you are a meme and won't accomplish anything

>muh prestige isn't real
It is, fucker. And a reason they have a prestige in the first place is because their educational standards, amounts of resources, and overall quality are much higher.

Note, I'm also including schools like UChicago, a bunch of California schools, and other top tier schools, in addition to the Duke, UNC, UVA, Michigan, etc.

>> No.8081575

you're "never heard of you" tier

>> No.8081609

As a UNC student I can say Hunt library is rad as fuck. But every time I have been it seems like there aren't that many places to actually study... It seems more aesthetic than functional. I took a class at State one summer and being in Hunt was honestly kind of distracting. I would usually study at the other library on the main campus.

>> No.8081703

>Virginia, UNC Chapel Hill


>> No.8081707

not him.

way too specific.


>> No.8081773

what is this meme that Michigan is better than UVA and UNC? UNC i could understand but overall UVA is ranked wayyyyy higher than michigan. just because michigan has better engineering doesn't mean it's suddenly a public Ivy and UVA isn't.

>> No.8081976
File: 685 KB, 1024x1024, 1024px-Carnegie_Mellon_University_seal.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is my school /sci/ approved?

>> No.8081999

>Radford is my hometown
Jerry's backyard.

>> No.8082079

UVA isn't way better than UNC. It's inferior in several regards see >>8080889
UVA is embarrassing inferior in those aspects

>> No.8082112

he only listed a few subjects you walking meme. literally just google some overall rankings and UVA will be ranked higher than UNC.


UVA is number 3 best public school in the country

>> No.8082120
File: 14 KB, 400x400, georgiatech.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know about 'public ivy', but Georgia Tech's gotta be up there, right?

>> No.8082122


wait are state students really in here trying to start shit about UNC campus aesthetics

ur school is ugly as shit

>> No.8082134

>jerry's backyard
Lol wat?

>> No.8082137

Is Ohio State University considered public ivy?

>> No.8082181

Lol no. that's an average state school, don't flatter yourself

>> No.8082189

This. Except the normies yelling their heads off at midnight signaling the end of each quarter gets old pretty fast.

>> No.8082204

Not if you have a brick fetish.

And it wasn't about campus aesthetics; it was about the libraries.

>> No.8082227

UVA is ranked 3rd, UNC is ranked what 5th? Do you know the difference between a 3rd and 5th ranking spot ranking is? It makes no significant difference.

UNC seems higher ranked in STEM than UVA and UVA seems higher ranked in areas of law and business.

Ranking doesn't really matter that much, so not sure why you put so much personal investment in it. You going to UVA and its ranking makes no difference int he world.

>> No.8082228

What school you go to doesn't matter.

Learn category theory

>> No.8082277

I agree UNC is a good school. My original point was there is no reason UVA and UNC shouldn't be considered public Ivies but Michigan is, considering both UVA and UNC are higher ranked

>> No.8082313

Worse education than every alleged public ivy and it's filled with virgin asian nerds. No.

>> No.8082317

you might be /sci/ approved, but anecdotally, everyone I know who went there is a nu-male.

>> No.8082319

Ah okay, no disagreement there.

According to this,

The original Public Ivies as they were listed by Moll in 1985:

College of William & Mary (Williamsburg, Virginia)
Miami University (Oxford, Ohio)
University of California (campuses as of 1985)[6]
University of Michigan (Ann Arbor)
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
University of Texas at Austin
University of Vermont (Burlington)
University of Virginia (Charlottesville)

>> No.8082643
File: 493 KB, 1024x1024, UIUC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright /sci/, lay it down flat for me.

Is this school a meme?

>> No.8082787


Underrated post.


Good to know. I had definitely heard the term "Public Ivy" but didn't recall the list was that small. IMO, I think that some of the "Worthy runners-up" (from the Wiki page: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Public_Ivy#Worthy_runners-up)) belong in that list: Washington, UW-Madison, UIUC, Georgia Tech.

Since the Ivy League has eight, I'll put eight Public Ivies out there:

UNC-Chapel Hill

>> No.8082925

I agree with this list.

>> No.8083061

>Tfw in my 7th Semester in Germany right now
>still don't know if my University is seen as good or bad

>> No.8083073

Not for CS

>> No.8083187

It's for people who couldn't get into UChicago

>> No.8083807

That explains why UChicago isn't a top 5 school in CS

>> No.8083837


My general impression of European universities has been "If it isn't Oxbridge, it's basically the same as a good state school but otherwise meh"

>> No.8083889


So it's only not a meme for the CS meme?

wew lad

>> No.8084308


>> No.8084312


>> No.8084486

Berkeley is a meme school compared to Cal Tech and UCLA

>> No.8084771

>Good schools
R1 research

>Not good schools
All others

>> No.8084802

I fucked up. I fucked up so bad. God damn...

My life is over. I failed english FUUUUUCK

I am freaking out right now. I FUCKIG FAILED ENGLISH

>> No.8084810

Duke and U Chicago are both private, so they can't be "public Ivies". That said, they are at that same tier.

The only really good schools in NC are Duke (for basically everything), UNC (for anything science/arts related), NCSU (just for engineering). Wake Forrest gets an honorable mention for their Med/Law Schools, but they are pretty outclassed by Duke. Also, you nailed ECU, one the dumbest people in my graduating class (who actually went to college) went there. Also, Davidson is basically like HPU, lots of rich people, but really not that great of a school. Elon isn't great, but they get an honorable mention for their Law School, which I think is pretty good (at least top 3-4 in the state).

I ended up going to Virginia Tech (they had a pilot science program and investing fund I participated in, otherwise I would have gone to UNC). I would have gone to Duke, but I got rejected (I think that was due to my high school's valedictorian getting a full ride scholarship to Duke and being very celebrated the previous year and failing out her first semester because nobody from my year or the next year got in even though we had the stats for it). I also gave Harvard and MIT a shot, but got rejected and waitlisted respectively.

>> No.8084812

I honestly just want to go to an Ivy to get a meme degree.

I'll probably get a master's in philosophy from Yale one day.

>> No.8084818

> William and Mary over Virginia Tech

Maybe if you're majoring in Art, anything STEM and you got those backwards.

>> No.8085232

Tech only has better engineering than W&M (because W&M doesn't even have an engineering program).

For the other sciences, Tech is inferior

>> No.8085292

Speaking as a Tech student, W&M shits on Tech in Math and Physics. Our Physics program is appallingly bad, especially for an engineering school. We almost lost our accreditation many times. My intro Physics class (and I took the one for majors) was easier than my HS precalc physics class.

>> No.8085327

NCSU also has a very good Ag program

>> No.8085368

And Vet and Textiles.

>> No.8085377

And it's unanimously agreed that UVA is the best school in VA

>> No.8085483

And nuclear engineering and statistics

>> No.8085519

Off topic: Im non-US student. Is it possible to get funding or something to apply for MA or MSc at Universities in the USA? Or do I have to provide payment for tuition fees etc myself?

>> No.8085547

I don't know if this is common, but at my university, any graduate student who is a Research Assistant, Teaching Assistant, or Fellow has their tuition and fees automatically waived.

>> No.8085786


A funded Master's is not common. A few fields (e.g. statistics or fine arts) might have it funded, but not usually.

>> No.8085792

> A funded Master's is not common.
wut. who does research for free?

>> No.8085795


Most MA/MS degrees are paid-for in the US. If you can swing an RA position, great, but they usually give those to "full" graduate students, i.e. PhD students.

>> No.8085808

Must be a pure science thing.
In engineering, you can either get a masters of engineering, which is a bunch of courses.
Or a masters of science, which includes a thesis. I never heard of someone doing a thesis for free...

>> No.8085812

I've taken classes at good state school and at an elite top 10. The difference between students with 1900-2000 & 2300-2400 SAT scores respectively.

In terms of the student body, at the elite school you still had a sizable group of students that scored Ds, Cs in STEM 101 courses as you would in the state school. Some of my classmates didn't seem remarkably intelligent, just normal despite high SAT scores. The top students in my state school would have faired just as well in the elite one. But there were a lot of smart people at the elite school.

The person that sat beside me has the same last name as a foreign political leader, which is something I didn't see at the state school. Everyone I met there was nice.

But I got bored of the elite school despite it's stellar research, academic and gorgeous campus.

I got bored of the gothic buildings. Sure they look nice the first time you see them but after walking past them everyday they lose their appeal.

I also got tired of the campus in general. Once you sort of explore all the major spots/know the downtown area it's boring.

I don't have a large friend group and had a girl I was really close with during my time there. We started to have problems and I ended up associating everything with her. I don't even want to be on the campus any longer. Everything in the town/university utterly depressed me. I must have went to just about every bar worth going to, the clubs, coffee shops, and other hip venues and I lost all appeal for anything. I don't even want to walk back on the campus. There isn't anything (to me) that makes it stand out over the state university other than the brand name, marketing and general wealth.

I'm going to another state university next semester (albeit a very good one). I just hope I can get out of this shitty depression.

>> No.8085850

Master's students. Funding is given first and foremost to PhD students, and they're unlikely to save money for people who won't contribute as much to the department.

>> No.8085975

>Assblasted Bruin detected

>> No.8086067
File: 54 KB, 797x797, uva.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any other Wahoo's in this thread? Discuss why we are the best public school in the nation

>> No.8086529

There is no physics accreditation board. Nobody has an accredited physics program, not even Harvard or MIT, lol. You fell for that meme? Come on.

>> No.8086532


>> No.8086559


The -engineering school- almost lost its accreditation.

Read again.

>> No.8086588

>doesn't see UC San Diego in here

Common guys it's not called UC Science Deparment for nothing!

>> No.8086607

UT Austin baby, what up 512

>> No.8086687

I did Math at VT and also considered applying to William and Mary (I would have gotten in because I was over their 75th percentiles too) and I can tell you that's 100% not true. Everyone's introductory classes suck. Those classes don't really matter (plus most people skip a lot of those classes because of AP, I know I did), it's only when you get to junior level + classes. At VT (just like most schools) you generally have "instructors" for your early classes. William and Mary is definitely not better for Math/Physics.

Also, this guy know's what's up >>8086529

>> No.8086690

Not the guy you responded to, but source? I have a hard time believing that one of the best public schools for engineering almost lost it's accreditation. I just remember back in my freshman year, there was that meme about physics accreditation.

>> No.8086967


Yeah, I'd say that the first six are solid. I could see switching out UNC-Chapel Hill or maybe U-Dub for UIUC or GaTech.

>> No.8088230

Except Virginia Tech's Engineering and football blows every other school out of the water.

If you're going to Virginia Tech for engineering, you made the smart choice. I chose VT over UVA for MechE.

>> No.8088233

I was actually surprised to see George Maosn is an R1

>> No.8088817

Actual gmu freshman here
Studying chemistry, worst chemistry program I ever seen. My professor look like a fucking terrorist
Most programs are shit but it's where people go to save money. Smart people go here to shine so they get noticed by bigger schools, it's easier to be "that one noticeable student" to other schools because everybody else is lazy or Indians
I hated here and if it not for old friends I probably quit already. Transferring to Purdue next year hoping for a better experience, and a better chem program

>> No.8089968

who cares about a meme sport

>> No.8090632

>current year
>being a fag

>> No.8090638

>I could see switching out UNC-Chapel Hill or maybe U-Dub for UIUC or GaTech.

I don't agree. UNC is a top 5 public school and considered on of the best public schools in the U.S.

>> No.8090672

MechE at VT here too. Also chose VT over UVA.

>> No.8090749

Since when does Yale and MIT accept community college transfers? My cousin got accepted to both by doing a stint in a california JC

>> No.8090760

why the fuck wouldn't they? Just because a person can't afford to go to a 4 year university right outta high school doesn't make that person retarded. They'll accept anyone that has potential to become successful.

>> No.8090771

"University of California bla bla bla" are good

>> No.8090776

Why are California schools so good, but their public education is shit?

>> No.8090806
File: 77 KB, 616x754, MITadmit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek @ schools that need to make themselves feel better by calling themselves public ivies

I had University of Vermont telling me they were a public Ivy in their acceptance letter (Super Safety and free App), its a meaningless title, schools such as Berkeley and UCLA are at the upper IVY level but only if you get into their regents programs where you'll receive just as much mentor ship and resources as you would a top tier school

>> No.8090825

uh yeah

>> No.8090849

I went to UVA. Studied math and physics. None of the STEM programs are great, but the rest of the programs are, which props up the prestige with regard to general undergraduate studies.

During the time I was there the history and English departments were both ranked first in the country at some point. The Commerce school was ranked #1 for undergraduate business. The law school is top 10.

STEM is just average, though, unfortunately. The only thing that stands out is astronomy (it was the first department of astronomy in the USA and is very good) but even that's held back by the mediocre physics department.

>> No.8090862

Regents really isn't that much of a leg up. I tutor regents kids on the daily.

>> No.8090934

A lot of the public Ivy thing is just age. University of Georgia is a very old and distinguished campus and a decent university, so it got the label.

>> No.8092636
File: 67 KB, 736x490, 7add5bbea5b4ec56ef20cc3b8d7f9ff4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8093912
File: 69 KB, 876x600, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


UNC doesn't have anything on campus like this.

>> No.8093916

>those emojis

>> No.8093919

Currently go to VT for engineering. Best decision I've ever made. I'll give that UVA would be better for most other majors, but I think they're comparable in engineering. Go hokies.

>> No.8094068

this is the typical shit uva kids say that make me hate it here.

>> No.8094071

Public Ivies are just the top tier state schools.

Meaning the best that plebs can do.

>> No.8094086

>the top tier state schools.
No, they're state school with some resemblance to Ivy League schools.

>> No.8094101
File: 66 KB, 1280x321, University_of_Waterloo_Logo.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is my school /sci/ approved?

>> No.8094113

why would they WANT anything like that? that's an enormous waste of space and almost none of that is useful for anything except casual reading.

>> No.8094117

You haven't seen rest of the library. The entire library is like walking into a space ship. Lots of technology on display, even a robot that gets your books for you & a 3D printer. This is on a separate campus (engineers have their own campus). But it is a large school and can accomdations a lot of people.

The whole campus is impressive. They even have companies on it. Red hat used to be hosted there

>> No.8095657


>> No.8095884
File: 1.42 MB, 3741x4473, unam_azul.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does this trigger /sci/?

>> No.8095971

Public Ivy League schools are a meme, real ivy league universities each have billions in "donations" from their alumni (so their kids will get in).

>> No.8096329

it's the other way around, ivy leagues are the meme schools because you can get similar education elsewhere with a similar level of prestige and association.

>> No.8096901

What about Bentley?

>> No.8096942

>tfw you schools department is on the brink of falling apart
>tfw all your professors are literally 50+ in a rapidly changing field

Why oh why did I come here

>> No.8097269

What about Bentley?