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/sci/ - Science & Math

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8077248 No.8077248 [Reply] [Original]

What is the difference between physics and mathematics?

I think it might have to do with the fact that physics cannot exist by itself. Physics tries to explain the Universe and its mechanics.

Mathematics, on the other hand, can exist by itself. Even if there was no thing such as mass, energy, velocity, this kind of thing, Maths would still exist. It's a "pure knowledge", or "meaning by itself".

What do you think, /sci/?

I'd like to listen to different opinions, hopefully someone who think's there's no clear boundary, or better yet, they're the same thing.

>> No.8077262

>inb4 the guy who was raped by an anime girl as a child

>> No.8077272

Mathematics is not a natural science. Nothing else need be said.

>> No.8077274
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>> No.8077281

Mathematics and science are both pursuits of knowledge, they're both offshoots of general philosophy.

Mathematics is just logic, it's all about a priori knowledge. With a perfect mind, you could reach all the mathematical conclusions that could ever be reached simply by sitting in your chair and thinking.

Science is based on experimentation and a posteriori knowledge - to do science, you need to gather data about the world. Experimental data upholds logic and certain premises, and the mathematics that follows from those premises is therefore valid.

>> No.8077285 [DELETED] 
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>What is the difference between physics and mathematics?

>> No.8077288


>implying lagrangians aren't the de facto standard of field theories

>> No.8077348

Math isn't falsifiable

>> No.8077378

Maths is the cute 2D waifu.

Physics is the ugly 3D slag.

>> No.8077381

Pretty accurate. Especially since 2D waifus aren't actually real.

>> No.8077386

Experiments is the ugly 3D waifu*
Theoretical physics is like 2.5D CG animated waifu

>> No.8077474

Math is for fucking nerds.
Physics is for ugly dorks.

>> No.8077822
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Math is finding ways to consistently move numbers around. Physics is applied math.
It gives names to numbers, picks rules for moving those numbers around by name, then does unit conversions until you have what you're looking for.

>> No.8077833

1.) Neither Science nor Math have anything to do with "meaning".
2.) Math is abstract and hypothetical, science is literal but strives to be predictive.
3.) They both strive to be pragmatic and logical.
4.) The study of Knowledge itself is called "Epistemology" and it's a subfield of Philosophy.
5.) Get the fuck out of /sci/ you shitposting, animeposting retard.

>> No.8077853
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Physics isn't simply applied math.
There are theories and proof in Physics based purely on demonstration.

>> No.8078327

Correct. Math fags are fucking nerds meaning they actually get laid whereas physicists don't.

>> No.8078337

Physics is only concerned with representing reality as a set of laws to predict future outcomes.

Math is essentially just logic, it exists separately from reality and it's properties, but we assume reality is also logical.

>> No.8078346
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>theories and proof
the concept of proof is alien to science
it is limited to axiom-based systems like math
(and organized religion)

>> No.8078351


Philosophy is just structuring and formalizing in natural languages.

mathematics are about formalizations of your speculations (which you form from your desire to see things that you experience [the empirical world, once you chose to objectify what you feel] through induction, as similar or dissimilar) to the point that you have a structure more formalized than your speculations structured in natural languages.

Logic is just a the formalization of your speculations about *validity of inferences*, so here logic is a formal part of mathematics.

It turns out that plenty of mathematical structures are cast into some formal deductive logic (like set theory formalizes your structures of numbers).
I meant your usual set theory cast in FOL. Set theory is just a structure too and it turns out that you can interpret a part of this structure as some kind of numbers.

Science is just claiming that your formalized structures (in formal languages or not) gives you access to some *reality*, more or less hidden with respect to what you are conscious of[=the empirical world, once you choose to ''externalize, objectify'' what you feel].
Same thing for the religions which go beyond empiricism [=claiming that you feel and think is **not** enough from which you choose to dwell in your mental proliferations].

Some mathematicians, typically Brouwer, think that mathematics should, equally to the speculations (however formalized) of the scientists, talk about the empirical world. So typically, your formal symbols are real entities: these entities belong to some world and they connect or not back to the empirical world.
to be clearer, the symbols are names of real entities and, since you begin always from the empirical world, this world constrains you on the creation and usage of these real entities. then these real entities can or cannot belong to some other world as well.

>> No.8078362


There are entire fields of mathematics whose elementary objects have almost nothing to do with numbers whatsoever.

You don't know what math is, son.

>> No.8078374 [DELETED] 
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Yui is very cute!

>> No.8078571

Physics is mathematics that make sense.

>> No.8078582

(not true, by the way)

>> No.8078583

get out of here with your pedophile cartoons

>> No.8078900
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>> No.8078915

thats a nice source right there

>> No.8078919

I don't know about the placements, but a few minutes on google confirmed the rates.

>> No.8078956

No, that's not how arguing on the internet works. You have to actually provide him the source, and then he can either dispute it because he didn't like it or declare victory because he forced you to look for the citation.

>> No.8078966

yeah, when banging 13 year old boys legal I'll bet the rape rate is a lot lower.

next up: make murder legal then you can have a murder rate of 0/100,000

>> No.8078976

lol true

>> No.8079189

There are many many instances of philosophy intersecting with science and math, especially when it comes to formal systems. Substructural and many other non-classical logics came about as a result of 'philosophical' concerns, which in turn had tremendous impact in math and particularly in computing science.

Then of course there's also plenty of philosophy which useless social and political wank. It sometimes makes me ashamed of my field of study t b h.

>> No.8079224

Just becasue its legal doesn't mean it wont happen, just make nothing qualify as murder. Problem solved

>> No.8079503

This pretty much sums it up.

>> No.8079557

Philosophy is just a primitive form of mathematics. You have entire branches that don't require proof to just assume shit (can you say Moorean shift) and basically just say "prove me wrong." Science is a significant improvement on this because the scientific method requires proof before saying something is true.

>> No.8079686

proof and truth are just words

>> No.8079711

so you see the problem of the positivist, or even the rationalist in science,:
doubt is permitted only when the doubt is judged acceptable by the scientist [what is acceptable is what makes you have faith in what the scientist claims]:

-if you doubt too little from the statements of people talking to you, the scientist will call you a religious, a sheep, a guy spending his time on metaphysical theses which are disconnected form the reality [the reality that the scientist posits]
-if you doubt too much from the statements of the scientist, the scientist will wave then the card of nominalism, anti-realism, relativism/nihilism/solipsism and terrorize you, since the scientists have no other means, than terrorism, to validate their position

the fact that you have faith in mathematical models to tell you about ''the world'' (which is an inductive concept, like all concepts) is already a philosophical stance. but scientists cannot justify this stance and they become very upset as soon as they are recalled that they fail at justifying their claims that their inductions and deductions are more than conventions inside some formal language.
So they even say explicitly that they are not paid to justify their faith and that this justification does not matter anyway (because they choose to claim that ''science works, look it gives us computers and cars :DDDD'' which is nothing but feeding our hedonism and the statement itself remains very dubious)

>> No.8080698


>> No.8081066

Precisely this.

>> No.8082145

plato is right

>> No.8083751

fuck off

>> No.8083839

physics is the cel-shaded qt we still love
engineering is the ugly 3DPD