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/sci/ - Science & Math

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8076472 No.8076472 [Reply] [Original]

>get excited about UFOs
>find out its bullshit
>get excited about anti gravity
>find out its pseudoscience
>get excited about FTL travel
>find out its impossible
>get excited about CERN's top secret time machine
>find out its conspiracy theory
>get excited about telekinesis and telepathy
>find out its impossible under some inverse law

Why is reality so hopelessly low energy /sci/?

>> No.8076491

Well... FTL isnt completely impossible. Its just very hard to create on practice. Man can hope.

>> No.8076506

All of your political beliefs are stupid bullshit that normal people laugh at, too.

>> No.8076524

Because if it weren't, there would be nothing to dream about.

And Haruhi would destroy the universe.

>> No.8076552

UFOs are real bruh

>> No.8076570

and that's why i'm a singularityfag

>> No.8076590

How exactly did you "find out" that UFOs were bullshit ?

>> No.8076592

FTL, causality, relativity, pick two.

>> No.8076627

I'm not too serious but IDGAF this is an animu chat site on the internet.
>Become super uber ultra gigga' physicist.
>figure out a feasible way to bend and manipulate space-time
>make time machines, 'antigravity' and FTL travel
>???? but wait there's more!
>become famous and powerful
>aliens come to see you cuz ur worth talking to
>they teach you their secrets to telepathy and telekinesis

>> No.8076641

Fucking this

100% possible (if you ignore the mind uploading retards) and still super exciting

Space exploration dreams are so 20th century...we strong AI, eternal youth and FIVR now.

>> No.8076699

Well, now we need strong AI, are we even fucking sure that this is possible?
I want to beilive, but still.

>> No.8076708
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>>8076472 (OP)

-FTL isnt entirely impossible
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=94ed4v_T6YM [Embed]
>every human is made of atoms that once were contained in stars, we are literally stardust
>humans are basically the universe gone sentient, a chance for the universe to take a look at itself
>from the mathematical point of view there might be "an extraterrestrial intelligence lurking in the numbers of pi" (1:05:00-1:14:00) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Re9eB_j6m-0 [Embed]
>the library of babel https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GDrBIKOR01c [Embed]
>you can get hyped about the possibility of the technological singularity
>you can get hyped about the possibility of AI creation
>you can get hyped about the possibility of indefinite expansion of human lifespan
>how did the universe began? what was before the big bang?
>how did life happen? how did something inanimate became alive?
>how did consciousness happen?
>and lots of other things
>bring on your hate fuccbois

>> No.8076717

>get excited about IUT
>find out its a con job

>> No.8076719
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Because you are a normy. Now open a real book of science.

>> No.8076910

possible = doesn't violate physical laws

Strong AI is possible.

>> No.8076994

if physical laws limit possibly, could FTL be possible in a singularity since the laws of physics as we know them don't apply in a singularity?

>> No.8077499


>get interested in reality
>drink the dogma kool-aid

>> No.8077504

Current physics is so incomplete as to be laughable. Saying that current theories are immutable laws is as ignorant as Kelvin proclaiming that physics is done, or any other tiny-minded garbage from some scientific albatross.

>> No.8077505

What would you recommend? Not op but asking what You would read.

>> No.8077526

>Get excited about UFOs, find out they're bullshit
Well, actually we can't truly say that alien craft have never visited the planet earth, and there are some downright weird occurrences in history, like the pre-romantic painting showing large floating objects over a city.
It's just unhealthy and dumb as fuck to assume anything about them, since aside from whatever was written about them, we can't learn anything else about them.
I haven't seen any UFOs in modern times that haven't been identified at some point.

>Get excited about antigravity, find out it's pseudoscience

Well that's your own goddamn fault for having a misconception about the nature of gravity.

>Get excited about FTL travel, find out it's impossible
FTL as many conceive of it is impossible, yes.
I personally am very skeptical of the alcumemere drive, mainly because muh exotic matter, but hey maybe if you believe hard enough you can will some into existence, all tinkerbell style.

>Get excited about CERN's top secret time machine
I think you mean sern.
El psy kongroo.

>Get excited about telekinesis and telepathy, find out it's impossible under some inverse law
It's impossible under a lot of laws.

>> No.8077558

10/10 plan send me a postcard from space to let me know how it goes

>> No.8077588


>> No.8077599
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The Al-memierre drive is a gedanken-drive, not some car from the dealership.

The differential geometry underlying the general relativity provides ample room for improvement, not to mention the fact that the drive does not rely too heavily on quantum effects.

Hence, room for improvement. Don't crust the dreams of OP.

>> No.8077609


What's so incomplete?

>> No.8077616

I hate AI so much.
It will ruin my space exploration dreams. This is not what I signed up for, especially given that I'm too poor and too tired to get a second degree in an AI/Neurobiology/EE.

Just give me my 6 month cargo ship trips to jupiter and mining facilities across the solar system.

>> No.8077949


Are you serious?

>> No.8078023

But anon, AI could be the key to space travel. Shit's a long ways away. Humans die, but if you got one guy to be smart, and upload his conscience into a spaceship, he can be smart forever.

>> No.8078096


Humor me.

>> No.8078097

The speed of light will likely make impossible the exploration of the vast majority of space.

Trillions of galaxies are already beyond our reach because of the expansion of the universe...countless worlds will remain forgotten until the end of time.

BUT imagine having an AI that would create and let you visit an equal number of worlds in virtual reality (matrix style, not the current goggles). Doesn't that sound good?

Real space exploration will belong to robots. Humans are incredibly inefficient for that.

>> No.8078139

i double the question

>> No.8078153



>> No.8078159

>BUT imagine having an AI that would create and let you visit an equal number of worlds in virtual reality (matrix style, not the current goggles). Doesn't that sound good?

It's fake, so no. Fuck that shit.

>> No.8078167


What's the difference between fake and real anyway?

>> No.8078181

The whole point would be for it to be indistinguishable from reality.

>> No.8078191


One is fake, the other is real. One is boring, the other is interesting.


But it's not real. Not interested.

>> No.8078198

Why are you obsessed with it being real?

>> No.8078203


Because I'm interested in real things, not fakes. Reality is more important, more exciting, and contains more meaning than any fantasy. The only reason you'd cling to VR is if you're mentally a child with nothing but a selfish desire to have everything revolve around you. There's nothing to be gained from a fake universe.

>> No.8078206
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Not him, but:

>> No.8078225
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"Rumor has it NASAer is actually working on a real, faster than light warp drive."
Seven seconds in and it's already bullshit.
And "Nasser"?

>> No.8078231 [DELETED] 
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ITT: singularityfag circlejerk

>> No.8078245

What's the inverse law in regards to telekinesis?

>> No.8078246


What is there to be gained in a real universe?

>> No.8078250


Things that aren't fake, clearly.

>> No.8078252

>Are you serious?
>Humor me.

Humor me too.
We've obviously got a long way to go with dark matter/energy.
And Engineering has a long way to go before we declare were finished.
But how would we know how close we are to the "end of the book" in physics?

>> No.8078254

>BUT imagine having an AI that would create and let you visit an equal number of worlds in virtual reality (matrix style, not the current goggles). Doesn't that sound good?
>Why have sex when you can just masturbate?

>> No.8078260

>What's the inverse law in regards to telekinesis?
No inverse spoon-bending after 9 pm, except holidays and weekends.

>> No.8078262

please just answer me

>> No.8078278

>please just answer me
Not him, but...
OP seems to have run across someone claiming psychic powers are impossible because the brain has limited power (energy per unit time), and if some 5th fundamental force exists, it's likely to obey the inverse square law, and thus have little impact on things beyond a certain distance.

If that's the case, it's a fairly weak argument being used against /x/ level ideas.
It brings to mind an image of two infants fighting ti the death.
Telekinesis and telepathy can't even get past Hitchen's Razor, so there's little point in refuting them with actual physics.

>> No.8078282

Report frogposters.

>> No.8078283

Singularity is a messianic delusion

>> No.8078286
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Umad fucking nerd?

>> No.8078289

4chan is 18+. Come back when you're older.

>> No.8078301


Well you've pointed out yourself that the model cannot describe what 96% of the universe is. The model also fails to describe what space is, what gravity is, what quantum objects are, why the speed of light and many many other things.

>> No.8078309
File: 68 KB, 600x827, 1460544478361.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Report frogposters.
They're not as bad as the gorillaposters.
Maybe I should force a meme.
All hail the mighty catposter!

>> No.8078319

Ah okay cheers anon, just wanted to see what he meant

>> No.8078320
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>cannot describe what 96% of the universe is.
We can describe dark matter, just not very completely.
And your 96% figure serves as an emotional appeal, not a rational one.
Baryonic matter is obviously the most important matter to US.

>The model also fails to describe what space is, what gravity is, what quantum objects are, why the speed of light and many many other things.
That's a gross exaggeration.

still catposting.

>> No.8078322


I'm sorry pal but nobody knows what dark matter is. That is not a gross exaggeration it is a fact and it's clear that you don't understand physics, because if you did you'd know that physics understands very little.

>> No.8078326

I'll take FTL and Causality, don't need relativity where I'm going.

>> No.8078334


Experiments like the delayed-choice eraser prove causality is an illusion. Deterministic reality is an archaic worldview.

>> No.8078339

Because you can't have sex. As I said, there are strong limits on real space exploration.

I was like you so I understand what you mean. You think that it would be like a movie. I cannot convince you until you give it more thought.

Very original criticism. Now you will say that futurists predict immortality to be reached when they hit 80.

>> No.8078344

>I was like you so I understand what you mean. You think that it would be like a movie. I cannot convince you until you give it more thought.

No, you're not on the same level I'm on. If you could prove to me right now that this world was fake I'd immediately spend the rest of my life trying (if futilely) to crash the simulation and get out. The knowledge of unreality would utterly flatline my enjoyment of the world. I don't want to live in something that was constructed for my benefit, I want to live in a world that exists by itself and for no pre-ordained purpose. I want to see the wild universe, no matter how dead, bleak or empty it is.

>> No.8078348


And how are those different from real things?

>> No.8078352

And that is exactly what I meant.

Try to think this: you will forget about the fakeness. You will consider that world as real as this one. And you will feel the same way for that world as you feel right now for this one: but it will be a new world and you will see things that you could never see here.

It will not be a lucid dream; it will be one of those dreams when you really think that your dream is nothing but real life.

>> No.8078355

>Try to think this: you will forget about the fakeness. You will consider that world as real as this one.

No, I'm not going to delude myself into thinking a gigantic toy is the legitimate version of reality.

>> No.8078376

Stopped reading there

>> No.8078386

How can you simulate it if it doesn't exist? And you know they whole point of space travel is to find other places to live and gain resources right? When Earth gets hit by an asteroid good luck sheltering in your stupid simulation.

This new "simulation" meme is the most defeatist attitude I've ever seen. If we put our minds to it nuclear rockets can definitely get us to nearby stars and as for other galaxies warp drive still hasn't been disproven.

>> No.8078425


Planets are probably the worst places to gather resources from. Asteroids are plenty and ready for extraction.

Also I have never said that space exploration shouldn't be pursued. I have just said that what you can do is really limited. We may expand in this galaxy, maybe even in the nearby ones, and that's about it. Even if we go further, consider that communications also travel at c, and at some point it will take millions of years for a probe to say "yo I have found a nice planet".

And how many "interesting" planets do you think we'll find? Let's say 0.01 per star, it's still nothing compared to what you could generate with a powerful computer.

>How can you simulate it if it doesn't exist?

Are you trolling?

>> No.8078443


>> No.8078631

I don't give a fuck about virtual reality I just want to visit Callisto and Europa and Io, Uranus, Titan and distant cold trans-Neptunian objects.
pls :(

>> No.8078652
File: 57 KB, 400x272, europa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Choose Titan or the cold distance.
Some choose Uranus for linguistically-motivated reasons, of course.

>> No.8078730

>omg FTL is so cool I love science xD
>wtf it isn't real???

Please learn at least intro physics

>> No.8078731

>Why is reality so hopelessly low energy?

Because you are "low energy" you fucking idiot

>> No.8078799


Fuck off and go argue your philosophy trash over there.

>> No.8078840

It's not about philosophy, sperg

Reality is a thing, what is perceived by your brain is another one. It's very easy to trick you into thinking that something is "real". You only see a macroscopic and limited portion of reality.

>> No.8079004

>"I'm happy with a virtual girlfriend therefore may as well simulate everything else outside of my basement as well"

>> No.8079152



>> No.8079382
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>any "amazing" technological advancement will be regarded as normal 20 years from its conception
Remember when tablets were the new big thing?

>> No.8079450

>implying there is a real boundary between the definitions of real and imaginary/fake
>all things real had to start as imaginary/fake concepts

heh, not very high level if you can't see beyond semantics

>> No.8079578


You only say this because you place little value on the world around you. Your argument is a sign of your own shitty perspective.

>> No.8079582

I hated it from the first moment.

>> No.8079586

they're literally just big iPhones

they were never some amazing new unbelievable technology like iPhones were

>> No.8080748

Ted talk in which a guy shows off a levitating superconductor, he says this thing can lift weights 5k times its own weight if i'm remembering right.
*crosses fingers* hoverboards hoverboards hoverboards


>> No.8080751

Yeah sadly all the cool stuff on the Magic School Bus is bs.

>> No.8080760

>clearly a moron
>uses pepe and /pol/ memery
dumb frogposter

>> No.8081004

>needs a metal road
That will catch on for sure!

>> No.8082414

There are two sorts of people in this world: those that have seen UFOs with their own eyes, and those who don't know what they're talking about.

>> No.8082431

>This is what apolitical people actually believes

>> No.8082446
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everyone post frogs

>> No.8082462

>if physical laws limit possibly, could FTL be possible in a singularity since the laws of physics as we know them don't apply in a singularity?

Different singularity.

>> No.8082506

The only way I would think long distance travel in relatively short time would be possible is through shortening the distance. I'm not a physicist (so this may just be straight up sci-fi), but I'd imagine the way to go would be creating wormholes.

>> No.8082964


Those are the same.

>> No.8082985

This. UFOs are real.

>> No.8083304


Fuck off with your /x/ meme

>> No.8083324
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>an extraterrestrial intelligence lurking in the numbers of pi
can't really watch your videos but this idea is presented at the very end of sagan's contact(the book.) actually I think its like the last sentence that ellie finds a coded circle in the numbers of pi. youre videos seemed to reference SETI and the golden voyager record so this shouldn't come as a surprise or you already know this since sagan was heavily involved in both.

anyway the book leaves it ambiguous whether its a message from an intelligent creator(god) or aliens or both. actually I'm pretty sure it was hinting that an intelligent creator put it there and the ayy lmaos told ellie that the creator put it there and that she should go and look for it.

>> No.8083376


The only thing that eraser proved is that photons cannot behave either definitively as a wave or particle. Complementarity can easily exist along with causality.


I'm quite sure that space, gravity, quantum physics, and the speed of light is understood in the current state of physics.