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/sci/ - Science & Math

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8047288 No.8047288 [Reply] [Original]

Hello /sci/ i figured this would be the best place to get some insight to something I thought about just now.

I just came off watching an episode of Big Bang Theory (yeah yeah i enjoy the show so hold your laughter for later) and the characters are musing about the problems they have with their new invention being adapted by the military to improve their systems. This isn't the first time I have heard about the internal crisis faced by well meaning scientists when they see their invention co-opted for use either as a weapon or a part of a weaponized system, especially when the inventor only had peacetime applications in mind but instead find their hard work being co-opted into a war machine when word got around.

Now in my own field I am a digital designer, and I've worked on a range of things with a particular interest in interactive entertainment and digital media, but a common theme is that many in my profession would refuse on ethical grounds to do work for tobacco companies or gambling/slot machine makers. I personally dont mind the gambling side but I wouldn't like the idea of working directly or on behalf of a Tobacco company.

Is potential interest by the Military in your research something that the scientist anons among us here actually worry about? Do you think about it beforehand and try to avoid going into areas that may end with you holding meetings with men wearing golden stars or perhaps pursue it intentionally hoping to catch some lucrative patents? I can imagine that if the tech is good the financial windfall would set you up for life, but you would still have to live with the knowledge that something you made for the good of mankind is being used as a component of war and not everyone would be able to reconcile that with themselves.

Of course this sort of question is directed at those who do not work directly for military research facilities since they know what they are getting into.

>> No.8047291

>I just came off watching an episode of Big Bang Theory

stopped reading right there

>> No.8048076
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>Big Bang Theory
End it already.

>> No.8048083


Sorry, this board is only for discussing IQ and gorillas.

>> No.8048091

The irony here is that /sci/ is literally a character from TBBT because cringey fucks here have watched it and liked it enough to emulate it.

>> No.8048102
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>> No.8048109

money >> everything pham.

>> No.8048150
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First off, your show is cancer and you should receive an underage ban
Secondly, the strength of states in this day of age due to technological advancement is one of the sole reasons that nations are not taking over each other. Thanks to the world's military strength, deterrence is at an all time high and this is why we are living in one of the most peaceful times humanity has ever seen. Where deaths by war are limited to the most primitive of societies. The only technological advancement that could be argued truly detrimental is the atom bomb. Unless you have a serious problem with your nation's military (as edgy teenagers often do) there in no reason you should be upset that your nation's military strength increases.

>> No.8048378



>> No.8048398

ignore the idiots OP. you bring up a good point. i work in materials science (won't get more specific than that) and so ponder this question too, as many of the projects I have been involved in are related to healthcare, but can certainly have evil applications if the military starts fucking with it. i'm not sure there is an easy answer, i had a prof who turned down a mid six figure cia consult gig, and i have tremendous respect for him. his words were basically, 'i am not going to help kill innocent people just so i can live in a bigger house.'

>> No.8050428

>Is potential interest by the Military in your research something that the scientist anons among us here actually worry about?

The military, directly or indirectly (like vis DARPA) is a huge funder of all sorts of science, some of which is unlikely to generate weapons related technology. I think most researchers know this.

In my case I got some funding from NATO and no weapons came from this.

Also the military is a huge machine so any advance in civilian life will most likely have military applications. Some examples are medical advances for wounded soldiers, improve engine or electronics efficiencies to ease logistics chain etc.