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/sci/ - Science & Math

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8046533 No.8046533 [Reply] [Original]

So why can't man just choose to evolve and become like, aviarian or shit.

Seriously, just think about it.

>> No.8046565


>> No.8046574

Holy shit, I meant avian. Sorry, I'm Electronic Sports League.

>> No.8046620
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how is that sci hates biology but lacks such a basic fucking understanding of it.

Jesus nigger read a book.

>> No.8046635

a what?

>> No.8046637

Which one.

>> No.8046647

Evolution is the artist, you are the drawing while natural selection is what limits the artist. For the artist once he drawn a design he literally cannot ever modify it from beyond that base and can only improve it from there.

We all started as a eukaryotic cell which is why the cells in our bodies have nucleuses, these eukaryotic cells formed the chemical code called DNA which is why we have it today.

Look at Bacteria its makeup is alien to us because its another design an earlier design than us eukaryotes.

Now fast forward and we have branched into three groups the plants, the fungus and the animals with animal cells being different from the other two now the design is locked you can only work with animal cells.

Time passes again the animal cells have formed comb jelly like creatures they have formed tissue meaning now tissue is a default in all future anima life.

Time passes the tissue becomes tougher and more structured now future animal life will have tougher stronger tissue that we call muscles.

Time passes the tissue develops a covering on it and the body shape is bilateral this means all future animal life will be bilateral.

Time passes one develops anuses first while the others develops mouths first.

Time passes now one of the designs is a creature that look like a line with a cartilage column in its center this design is the blueprint of verterbrates. A depression in the head creates a an area that can detect light this area is what we would call a retina thats right the retina is the most ancient part of our eye.

Time passes now the creature skin is covered in scales, it has many fins along with a new structure called jaws, because of this any future design will be like it. Time passes one of the designs have converted the cartilage makeup in its body into hard bone this is origin of our endoskeleton and the birth of the bony fish.

One of the lobe finned designs now becomes the first amphibians.

>> No.8046653

>how is that sci hates biology but lacks such a basic fucking understanding of it.
You answered your question in your own phrase nigga.

>> No.8046665 [DELETED] 

The first amphibian has four limbs that is why we cannot ever develop any new limbs at all, along with it are the creation of lungs, the sloping skull that land vertebrates possess compared to the side by side skull.

Time passes eventually one of the amphibian designs develops dry scaales as a covering, has five digits, this is the first reptile it is from this design where everything we humans can do is possible from.

Time passes one of the reptile designs has modified its gait to be more erect rather than side to side creating the origin of our mammalian movement we call these therapsids, along with them theiir head are more boxy compared to the Diapsad ancestors with their more elongated heads like what you see in snakes, this is an indication of our superior brainpower to the diapsid reptiles, without our synapsid makeup we would not be as smart as we all are today.

Speaking of the diapsids they underwent a number of new designs one of these designs was a lizard looking creature with mutations in its hind legs that allowed it STAND UP and yes you guessed it this is the direct ancestor of dinosaurs. One diapsid mutated into the first flying vertebrate, the others colonized the water creating the plesiosaurs, ichtyosaurs and so on.

As for us synapsids during the Permian extinction period we evolved a new feature called warm bloodedness, and developed a new covering called fur losing our scales entirely, our senses became more refined we developed external ears and so on. It was now the dawn of us the mammals 225 million years ago but the diapsids have beaten us with their dinosaur design that greatly diversified and conquered the planet. It would be a while before we could rule it.

150 million years ago a theropod dinosaurs shrank and using its feather covering became a flying creature this is the first bird, it is also the second vertebrate class with warm bloodedness and higher intelligence.

>> No.8046675 [DELETED] 

The dinosaurs have died out now its our time to shine.

In the trees of the Eocene a squirrel like creature undergoes mutations that gives us a unique form of forelimb ends called hands, a completely unique skeletal shape compared to other mammals, a deeper head and smaller jaws, tri colored vision, and so on. Yes this is the birth of us the primates from this point on our designs cannot deviate from this one at all. Remember a dinosaur is just a really mutated lobe finned fish not an entirely new design. The same applies to us.

Now the monkeys lived a long time successfully from the monkeys all of our social behavior began, that is why we sometimes call human behavior monkey behavior, our excitability at random times, our interest in shiny things, our imitation of others mockingly all of this came from monkeys without these creatures our social psychology would be very different. Mentally since we came from monkeys we cannot deviate from a monkey form of thinking that is why we humans are hedonist we are still playful monkeys that want to have fun.

Anyways somewhere in Asia a monkey lost its tail but its forelimbs grew strong creating the first ape so no more tails for us.

Time passes in Africa one of the apes starts to walk on two feet this causes infants to be born premature and thus the female now becomes more vulnerable thus mental evolution of the female is held back while the male progresses that is why women are emotional and irrational today.

Sometime later the walking apes began losing their fur and developed the ability to sweat giving them long distance traveling ability.

Finally one of them started using stones as cutting weapons we call him Homo Habilis our tool using dexterity comes from this guy, but plz note he cannot throw anything like us yet.

Lots of time passes and now Habilis descendents the hominids have colonized the Old World

In Europe there are the Neanderthals, Africa the humans, Middle east Homo Erectus.

>> No.8046687 [DELETED] 

East Asia Denisova

Southern East Asia Florensis.

Out of all of these creatures only we the humans will live during habilis time we developed the ability to feel great pleasure from sex as a way to motivate us to breed more that is why we are sex junkies today.

However the early humans were nothing like us they were savages violent disgusting wild beast that could talk thats all possibly mentally retarded as well. So how did we get to where we are?

Interbreeding, one tribe of man interbred with neanderthals in the ME and during the Ice age the hybrid was forced to adapt one of these adaptions was higher intelligence and impulse regulation that is why it was always been us the Eurasians that have built civilizations compared to the unmixed African blacks and san people.

Now the hybrid has split into two forms, one of the forms lived in Eastern Asia at the height of the Ice Age causing it to develop features to combat cold like low height, small penis, high body fat, epicanthal folds, and flat races this is the origin of the asians and native american humans. The Other have a flatter face wth some prognathism but the eyes are closer together, the head more mature looking this is the Caucasoid where we white people, the indians, and the middle eastern people come from.

Now the Eurasians were all intelligent so we all had the potential for greatness.

Sometime 40,000 years ago Caucasoids from the middle east migrated into Europe and due to the lack of UV their bodies changed causing them to become lighter skinned, their faces also got narrower their noses sharper, and their hair and eye colors brighter. This is us the white people.

>> No.8046702

You can stop posting now.