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/sci/ - Science & Math

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8043762 No.8043762[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is there a scientific reason as to why I can't get a gf?

>> No.8043765

oh hi /r9k/

>> No.8043767

Your post doesn't make sense. I'll tell you, there is a definite "scientific reason" to why you're a fucking idiot, OP.

>> No.8043769

Calm the fuck down. What about my post didn't make sense?

>> No.8043770

Because women are anti-intellectual by nature. They are primitive, purely sexual beings incapable of grasping higher values in life.

>> No.8043774

Because you convinced yourself that you won't get any because [insert reason for insecurity here]. Or you're just expecting them to approach first.

Even the ugliest, dumbest most retarded fat guy can get a gf.

>> No.8043777
File: 42 KB, 640x391, 1456752215568.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What about my post didn't make sense?
Not him, but...
"Science" isn't just "what the smart kids think".
Your question implies you'd like to hear about someone who applied the scientific method to your question, forming hypotheses and testing them through rigorous experimentation involving control groups and peer review.
all muh kek

>> No.8043782
File: 17 KB, 300x300, goddamnStephenKingFML.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Even the ugliest, dumbest most retarded fat guy can get a gf.
That's just wrong doe...
source: guy who looks like goddamn Stephen King, FML

>> No.8043783

in lay terms:
in the pool of males, you are not at the top of the list.

either be the only male around, or make sure that the other males around are beneath you somehow

>> No.8043787

I have spent many hours pondering this. The first question is is getting a girlfriend active or passive? i.e am I failing because of something I'm not doing or because there's something inherently wrong with me? All signs point to passive for if it were active then if I tried enough I'd eventually hit upon the right formula but I have reached 24 and this is not the case. Therefore I, we must be inherently defective, unfit for the interest of any woman. Aligning my life with this revelation I have completely given up. I happen to be a closet tranny so I'm just gonna go ahead with that. The hormones will kill my penis, not to mention surgery so it really is the point of no return but I was never ever going to have a girlfriend anyway so it doesn't matter. You probably aren't into being a girl or even think it's degeneracy so your path should firstly definitely be acceptance and then you need to look to taking your mind off of women through a hobby or hookers or drugs. if you think about it too much eventually you will turn into Elliott Rodger an go nuts. Even though being transsexual causes a large proportion of society to hate me in some ways I'm glad that I am this way because it gave me a way out. Now I can enjoy my life and I'm finally free of the endless struggle to "get a girlfriend"

>> No.8043806

>scientific method to your question, forming hypotheses and testing them through rigorous experimentation involving control groups and peer review.

Welcome to the XXIst century, where none of this matters any more.

>> No.8044003

In the 1980s that image you posted would have been pretty cool. But it is 2016 and the internet has ruined pretty much everything. Now that image is comical.

It never mattered. Science has always been open to coercion and lobbying.

>> No.8044009

Damnit now you have me thinking whether the knight will expect sex afterwards or not

>> No.8044017

how hard were you clenching your teeth and furiously scratching your unshaven stubble while conceiving that post?

>> No.8044037

You have to behave appropriately for your face and body, since females will first judge you by looks and then expect your behavior to be consistent with what they imagine. Posting with a white-knight image on /sci/, means that you're probably somewhat neotenic. Therefore you should frequent public places such as nightclubs or libraries and sit alone at the bar or in the middle of the study area.