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8037329 No.8037329 [Reply] [Original]

I've been having trouble sleeping. Any advice on how I can fall asleep?

>> No.8037336

Take enough lorazepam to pass out at 10pm
Take eugeroics or amphetamines when you wake up.

>> No.8037337

Exercise regularly, stop eating processed foods, do not eat within 5 hours of going to bed, have regular sex, get more sunshine.

The biggest one is, "do not eat within 5 hours of going to bed." That's no soda or juice, just plain water if you need it.

>> No.8037381

These "old wives tales" piss me off so bad. Everything from sleep to hair growth it's the same principle "one simple trick"-tier advice is patronizing as hell.
Sleeping pills duh.

>> No.8037385

a bullet

>> No.8037452

>These "old wives tales" piss me off so bad.

People don't want to do it or only try it 1 time or only for a week so they see no benefit. They want a pill to make the boo-boo go away. They don't want to straighten their life out.

>> No.8037456

No they just don't work. Someone has insomnia you tell them to go for a walk, you are not taking their condition seriously. If it's a couple days then whatever but if it's been going on for fucking years then fuck the doctor that says "go for a walk"

>> No.8037470
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>fuck what random anon says
>fuck doctors who agree with anon

>> No.8037494

At least try melatonin for a little while before getting benzos.

>> No.8037496

>muh processed foods cause cancer

First, define "processes foods" and ill gladly tell you why youre stupid

>> No.8037506

I dunno man. I'm taking essentially the same regimen as this guy >>8037336 and it's fucking awesome. Constructively wired all day, then 8 hours of restful sleep.

>> No.8037507
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ASMR videos on yootube


>> No.8037553

>muh processed foods cause cancer

Don't put words in my mouth. In case you don't know, insomnia isn't cancer.