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/sci/ - Science & Math

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8032394 No.8032394 [Reply] [Original]

I'm a high-school fag who loves calculus. I made a group on fb for only my specific class and I post vids there intuitively explaining the things we learn in class. My problem is they don't engage or care, and I want their grades to go up and appreciate the math. How can I make it more enjoyable and engaging? What keeps you guys in the mood when studying or in class?

>> No.8032397

I'd usually say find a project they actually want themself see accomplish. With your very standard topic, it might be hard to do much new.

>> No.8032398


fellow hs calcfag. I don't do shit in that class and I'm set to get a 3 on the BC AP next week.

Math is cool and all, but I'd rather be browsing the chans.

>> No.8032412

I made a general goal of scoring the highest class average on the final. I started a rivalry with another class to add fuel for them and an additional influence for them to care. When they see each other as a community, it helps, but the extent is only in class. On facebook, they give no fucks.

>> No.8032422

Bro good luck on that then. My school only offers AB, but I might take BC by myself. I still have a year to prapare for that.

>> No.8032506
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What keeps me studying is the fear that next week's AP exam is going to bend me over and take me to town

>> No.8032538

>How can I make it more enjoyable and engaging?
Have you tried injecting their brains with nanites to alter their cognitive reward facilities?

>> No.8032555


You can't OP. I knew a kid like you when I was 9th grade, really cool dude, his mathematical ability landed well within the parameters of a genius. He drew cool solids on the board as well from time-to-time. He truly cared about things like set-theory; really wanted our class to see the beauty of math, unfortunately most us never did. It was only until my late teens (18-19) that math began invading my thoughts on bi-daily basis, and I decided to study it both academically and recreationally.

Fun little projects and activities are only good for grabbing short-term attention: they will only be interested in respect to that one activity, but never to math as a whole. Good luck though OP, you've got the right mindset.

>> No.8032600

Fuck em. You do you.

>> No.8032642

>Literally impossible to be older than 18

>> No.8032644

Thanks dude, I'm trying also to have them see I'm not taking this too seriously, it's fun. What bothers me most is their inactivity, they literally give no feedback, not even telling me to stop. I had to make a facebook account called Antianon that engages me and allows me to add cool small tidbits of info.
I'm no genious, just a student that wants others to do well.

>> No.8032651

Nah bro I totally failed a year specifically so I can do this.

>> No.8032659

I enjoy doing the vids, forcing myself to make one daily engages me as well to see concepts in a new light as well as strengthen my maths core. I just want there to be benefits for them as well.

>> No.8032818

>math/sci AP exams
>being worried about them
>getting anything under a 5

Literal brainlet, I'm not even memeing buddy. They literally give you a year to prep for less than half a semester's worth of material. The only exception if you're self-studying it, but if you're that diligent I'd expect you to perform well, otherwise why are you wasting your money?

>> No.8032908

I bet you do homework for Stacie's while they suck off Chad

>> No.8032951

Nah it's OP sucking off Chad while doing the homework.

>> No.8032963
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Most niggas don't like math, and it's not their fault. It's hard, and not all niggas are real niggas.

>> No.8033007

>>>8032506 AP exam
In a few years you'll regret not doing running start.

>> No.8033664

>Not going for the 5 and skipping out on the first year of Calc at uni.
>Not filling the gap with next year's calc and physics


>> No.8033680

Can you post a link to the Facebook page? I love me some cringe, and I can tell this thread is just the tip of the iceberg.

>> No.8033825
File: 1.30 MB, 320x213, 1460126931405.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he didn't do calculus in middle school
>he goes to an american public school

>> No.8033924
File: 94 KB, 1200x787, 1457391378659.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>tip of the iceberg

>> No.8034181

LOL! what a fucking nerd.

>> No.8034187

I feel sorry for you.
Must be hard to be this good like a heavy burden on your shoulders, why do you even care about them?
is it because you want study buddies?
what personal gain do you achieve by this?

>> No.8034201

this can't be real

>> No.8034638

Guys, I'm scared. I'm going to get literally bent over by that exam.

I could blame the teacher and all of the Indians and Asians in the class, but that wont change anything.

>> No.8034934

Calc is fucking easy lmao

>> No.8034965

OP I'm in the same boat as you. I love AP Calc 1 and organic chemistry but my class mates don't appreciate the beauty and elegance of it. I'm pretty much alone in the whole grade as class rank 1 with no one to share my joy of math and science :( Hope college will be better

>> No.8035055

This might come as a shock to you but the vast majority of high-schoolers don't give a flying shit about anything that goes beyond getting passing grades.

Or students at pretty much any level for that matter.

>> No.8035062

No one likes a try hard m8

I remember the calc ab/bc exam being the easiest of 14 that i took in hs, most people get 5s, even the retarded negro in my class got a 4 (he was accepted to duke, harvard, vanderbilt, and gt)

>> No.8035178

Good for you

How the fuck can he be a retarded negro if he got accepted into all of those schools?

>> No.8035210

There's no way to answer that question without getting banned.

>> No.8035225


Quit trying. You don't have to help them and you shouldn't

ask yourself if any of those people are really your friends: just because you take AP classes doesn't mean you have to hang with AP faggots

>> No.8035233


theres youre answer

>> No.8035236

kill yourself nobody cares about you

>> No.8035265

>is literally smarter than you
>gets into a bunch of ivy leagues
>is a negro so therefore retarded


>> No.8035273
File: 220 KB, 347x440, 1448414968202.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>STEMfags have reading comprehension this bad

>> No.8035280

>implying he's not one of the high-schoolers

>> No.8035281

>doesn't refute statement
>posts memes after you said him being black makes him automatically retarded
>I have comprehension issues

>uses STEMfag
OK looks like I should have pointed you here >>>/pol/

>> No.8035288

Not the guy, pretty sure he meant that he got into the ivy league schools BECAUSE he was a negro, librul agenda and all that. Equally retarded, mind you, so the end of your post is still viable.

>> No.8035306

>high school math will be useful for these future burger flippers and gas station attendants

>> No.8035351

Nah bro I'm not about to do that. :/

>> No.8035353

I have no reason other than it being kind of fun for me, I have no idea why. I also force myself to explain one cool concept a day, like "a times ln(x) = ln (x)^a " and why. It gets me to try and think more and discover more, especially because I try to solve these by myself and not look up the answer.

>> No.8035360

Don't believe it if you don't want to lol.
It's more of a joke that I'm doing, but I honestly want them to learn more. And I'll continue till summer.

>> No.8035362

I care C:
I hope in college I'll have the same level of fun but actually sharing the experience.

>> No.8035367

I know they don't care, but my intention isn't to get them to be best mates with me or to admire me or some shit like that.

>> No.8035373

I guess that's another concern of mine. It would suck to see them do that, this is a way out but I think they're smart enough to go into something better that they won't hate as a job.

>> No.8035375

>How the fuck can he be a retarded negro if he got accepted into all of those schools?
He wasn't that dumb just dumber than everyone else in the class, and yeah everyone knew he only got into all those schools because of his skin color

I can't choose what skin color I was born with
>is literally smarter than you
In every measure of intelligence he wasn't

>> No.8035378

You're in high school
No one gives a fuck in high school
Something like that in college might help

>> No.8035390

What do you mean project?

>> No.8035393

>a times ln(x) = ln (x)^a
that statement is incorrect

>> No.8035418

Why isn't it correct?
Say y = aln(x)
e^y=e^aln(x) = e^(ln(x)^a) as exponents raised to an exponent multiply. take away the e on both sides by adding ln(inside) you get
Or do you mean it would be ln(x^2)?

>> No.8035428

On a calculator it wourks out by example too. ln(2^8) = 8∙ ln(2) = ln(256) I want to know because I didn't upload the explanation I have of the explanation behind it. I want to know if I'm wrong.

>> No.8035433

no offense man but they're all annoyed by you, maybe they don't give a shit about math

Why should you care?

>> No.8035442

I could probably think some are, but the thing is, they don't even tell me to stop. I would enjoy it honestly, any feedback at all. It's a fb group however, so they just have to turn off notifications and it won't be a bother to them in the slightest. I'm not going out of my way to message each person individualy and get them pissed off, you know?

>> No.8035470

I think it's more likely a mixture of feeling bad for not having the interest and passion that you do, and simply dismissing the importance of math for themselves. You're not going to be able to give them insight that they aren't looking for. You've really reached out all that you can. Lots of people believe absurd things to excuse their own disinterest, like that every person who enjoys math at all was born a gifted savant with vastly superior intellect which enables them to bypass all challenges.

>> No.8035473

>e^y=e^aln(x) = e^(ln(x)^a)
this is wrong
[math] y = a ln(x)[/math]
[math] \implies e^{y} = e^{a ln(x)}[/math]
[math] \implies e^{y} = (e^{ln(x)})^{a}[/math]
[math] \implies e^{y} = (x)^{a}[/math]
[math] \implies {y} = ln(x^{a})[/math]

>> No.8035484

Oh, I see. Thanks man for correcting me, and explaining why. It's because you have to take the natural log of everything, my bad.

>> No.8035490
File: 44 KB, 853x738, lna.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That wasn't what I said. aln(x)=ln(x^a) is correct. aln(x)=ln(x)^a is not.

For example: 8*ln(2)=5.5... whereas ln(2)^8 = .05..

attached is a graph where a = 2

>> No.8035494

Would you then have any insight as to how to fuel them up? I'm deliberately creating a character of myself that is just some kid having fun and it looks really sad from an outside perspective, as nobody is replying and I am talking to a void. I was hoping this would influenc epeople to see I'm just another person.

>> No.8035495

Isn't that what I wrote here? >>8035484
>you have to take the natural log of everything
So it would be ln(x^a)

>> No.8035500

But that wasn't the original reply. The original reply stated that aln(x)=ln(x)^a which is incorrect.

>> No.8035502

Yeah I agree I was wong there.

>> No.8035676

I guess I do also want a good friend that I can do math with. Someone I can help and support while they reciprocate and help me when I need it. Do any of you guys have someone like that other than /sci/ as in the board?

>> No.8035731

hell no, what kind of person just loves math, I get solving shit, like just getting a result and having everything come together is really satisfying

I don't love math or even like it most of the time, it's just something I do because I can

>> No.8036353

I and everyone I knew railed both AP and BC calc exams with little difficulty. They honestly do not deserve to be considered college credit, as college calculus is quite a bit more difficult.

Or at least remove the curve. Everyone I know got a 5 on both.

>> No.8037163
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>lacks basic reading comprehension

>> No.8038287

You realize half of testers get a 5?

If you're not one you're scum anon.