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8029902 No.8029902 [Reply] [Original]

Has any predator specialized in going for the balls?

>> No.8029910

Jesus christ thats inhumane as fuck. Hyenas are the assholes of the animal kingdom.

>> No.8029912

The cougar?

>> No.8029916
File: 19 KB, 250x214, 1420415594615.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>inhumane as fuck
>animal inherently un-human
>inhumane, opposite of humane, variant form of human

>> No.8029918

That gif is kind of gay desu

>> No.8029921

I know but jesus CHRIST >:O
Shouldn't they instinctively attack the throat or the leg or something ?

>> No.8029925

ur mom

>> No.8029942

the gov - it always has you by the balls

>> No.8029963

why? When you're fighting someone you instinctively go for the leg? What are you, a 12yo girl riding her fucking poney?

You go for where it hurts most.

>> No.8029969


>> No.8029972

You go where it kills.
If you attack any animals throat, you might have a chance to kill it. If you attack an animals balls, even if you rip them off they won't die and they will eat you alive, then they will go after your family and your loved ones.

>> No.8029978

go for my throat and see if you have time to do anything after your balls are crushed.

when is natural selection coming back ffs, we can't have trash like you pollute the gene pool when the aliens come.

>> No.8030001
File: 12 KB, 185x245, Alien Face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trust me pal, when the aliens come you're not gonna see any balls. You're just gonna see a massive head with two hellish eyes looking at you. And a throat thats pumping cyanish alien blood up to his massive brain. And the only way to survive will be to gore his throat up, which I will be doing easily. And you will be dead while looking for its green space nuts while he probes you and your entire family and turns you into one of his human-pets.

>> No.8030005


The hyenas got smart and realized that attacking the low hanging fruit expended less energy to bring down their prey then attacking the throat.

As long as they hunt in pairs or packs this seems to be an effective method.

>> No.8030014

aliens don't look like that though

They literally look the same as us, no question about it.

>> No.8030021
File: 427 KB, 648x847, monkey alien baby.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They might have similar anatomy but they definitely look more alien than human. You do't know shit earthcum

>> No.8030025

What makes you think that? We never ever seen one in the first place. Isn't it easier to assume they look like us?

>inb4 humans are so arrogant blabla
So what? This is our planet, we can be arrogant all we want.

>> No.8030031

LMAO you think by an astronomic chance, a biological being that evolved in different conditions, in a totally different planet with different everything is somehow going to look like humans ?
Thats the most unamerican thing I've ever heard in my life pal.

>> No.8030033

Yes. Mark my words, the first aliens we will make contact with us will look exactly like us.

>> No.8030036

vegans often say us humans are cruel

>> No.8030039

>muh astronomic chance

bruh, the fact us being here is an astronomic chance. It's not that crazy to think aliens look similar to us.

>> No.8030041
File: 57 KB, 750x750, 7eGKzlb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bullshift. I bet you $14 that they will look like the stereotypical aliens we see in movies with huge heads and large beady eyes with thin bodies

>> No.8030045

>>aliens will look like humans
>what is the anthropic principle

>> No.8030053

Its most likely a female hyena. Their genders are pretty much reversed.

>> No.8030082

>implying women don't go for the balls

>> No.8030300
File: 35 KB, 350x500, backinmyday-bet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I bet you $14
there is no wagering at 4chan, Grandpa

>> No.8030314


>> No.8030319

Shut up fuccboi. U don kno shit abot ayyliens.
Watch some ancient alien. educate urself

>> No.8030997

>become ayylium's pet
>fuck his blue wife and cuck him
Now who's laughing?

>> No.8031019

Do parasites count?


>> No.8031105

Candirus go for the asshole or the uretra, not the balls.
Pacus, on the other hand...