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/sci/ - Science & Math

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8027514 No.8027514[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why does it seem like a lot of people hate EE? I'm about to start uni and I want to major in it. Has anyone here done it? What is it like? If it's bad, what should I do instead?

>> No.8027521

Stop browsing /r9k/

>> No.8027524

Who cares what some meme on 4chan says anon?

>> No.8027527

basically, pure math and physics are the only two majors deemed worthy of respect on this board

>> No.8027724

EE is future
fuck /sci/, bunch of unemployed math/physics graduates whining because EEs get all the good jobs & fresh pussy while they get to masturbate all day then surf /sci/ hurr durr we do real science haha EE is the fucking future take a hike down sillicon valley nigga

>> No.8027732
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>If it's bad, what should I do instead?

>> No.8027741

Nice contribution to the thread, dumb faggot.

>> No.8027751

Because it's full of meme tier people who think they're smart despite only being good at regurgitating ideas and only caring enough about understanding things for their 350k starting. That said do what you want. There's nothing inherently retarded about engineering, it just attracts retards.

>> No.8027754

You're asking 4chan to pick your major for you you fucking mongoloid.

>> No.8027761

I'd say in terms of jobs (at least in yurop) and knowledge gained, EE reigns as the king of degrees. EEs can go on to do master's degrees in physics in relevant fields thanks to the math-heavy curriculum, and they can go into nearly any computer-electricity related field to find jobs. Extremely versatile. I'm not even EE but from what I have seen, you can't go wrong with that degree. A lot of people here hate engineers, so don't take their "advice" at face value.

>> No.8027779

Almost every version of that meme which I've seen has EE at either God tier or Great tier

>> No.8027791

>knowledge gained
Not really.
Rest is mostly true though

>> No.8027855

>EEs can go on to do master's degrees in physics i

not in condensed matter physics though, and that's the most significant field right now.

>improving batteries
>improving superconductors

you can't do that with just EE knowledge. you need to understand gain boundaries of different materials, and a ton of theoretical physics and spectral theorems. to me, EE is good for job prospects, but a physics honors program covers way more material that would be used to advance stuff that isn't available to an EE. you might get the masters but it's going to pertain to experimental areas of EE like circuit designs due to your courseload and knowledgebase. it's good but i wouldn't want to do that. it's too specialized. i would wanna take circuit theory on my own terms then try to get the hang of CPU architectures like RISC V and then implement superconductors to it.

>> No.8027906

Only rich kids can afford to get a degree in a non-engineering field. For us lower to middle class people it's all about getting the well paid job. Don't let a meme chart distract you, OP.

>> No.8027924

How is medicine god tier. It's shit with long hours and a massive amount of dedication needed it's only god tier if you really like it. You'll be well off but never mega rich.

>> No.8027960

This. Engineering was always for people wanting to advance to the middle class (or to keep their feeble middle class status). They are the workhorse of society.

>> No.8027973

but actuaries and accountants make more money than most engineers will ever see, and they're mostly mathfags.

>> No.8027979

Why is biology worse than chemistry?

>> No.8027996

Where did I say engineering is the only way? Many people study engineering because they had to start working early in something related to what they study.

>> No.8028004


Where's Geology?

>> No.8028037

Where does Mech. Engineering fall in there?

>> No.8028041

They didn't make it.

>> No.8028045
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>> No.8028051
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>> No.8028079


Every time someone says that I remember my first year in EE, we had a class named mathematical methods for engineering and physics students, it basically gave intuition and physical explanations, the main focus was about solving complex problems in a short time using all sort of methods, that year third year math majors were allowed to take this course as an extra, most of them of course thought "Gotta be shit tier, easy grade boost", the third year math majors ended up getting ~10 lower average than the the first year EE's.

When it comes to it, 99% of the math majors are just wankers while the other 1% goes on to do some real shit.

>> No.8028129

As much as /sci/ likes to push it, I really don't think intelligence is inherent to whatever major you're in. There are losers everywhere, at all levels.

>> No.8028150


Exactly. If a fucking math major ended up going to a 'for engineering' class you already know they are barely passing with low Cs and are really desperate low IQ faggots.

>> No.8028157


Except it's hard to be stupid to graduate with a physics degree.

Unless you buy it.

>> No.8028241


No it's not, I had a teacher in highschool, double majored in physics and math, she wasn't dumb but she wasn't smart either, which I guess is why she couldn't get a better job because it was obvious that she hated us and teaching altogether. What degrees you hoard doesn't matter, it's what you end up doing.

>> No.8028295

>any kind of engineering below ok
shit chart senpai

>> No.8028313

So, for the sake of not being a "workhorse" you'll risk getting a degree you may not be able to get a good salary in? I was born upper middle class, but I don't see how doing engineering makes someone a workhorse.

>> No.8028349

>you'll risk getting a degree you may not be able to get a good salary in?

protip: if you don't have talent, you aren't going to get a good salary.

nobody tells these freshman engineering majors how competitive it is and how most end up doing mindless cubicle grinding that you could have done with a tech degree from a community college.

>> No.8028353

Why the fuck is medicine at the top? - What kind of retarded chart is this?

>> No.8028367

Literally the same with every major.

>> No.8028382

true, but for some reason engineering degrees are treated like job coupons.

>> No.8028405

>you'll risk getting a degree you may not be able to get a good salary in
Engineering: $600k starting guaranteed

Every other major: working at Starbucks

>> No.8028432

>math-heavy curriculum
they literally use lookup tables to do optimization problems without calculus.

>> No.8028464

Glorified tradesmen above actual scientists kek

>> No.8028477

>mfw people reply to this bait

>> No.8028495


Wtf are talking about

>> No.8028513

You're aware semiconductor physics is considered an EE discipline, right?

>> No.8028533

ladies and gentlemen, we have an EE over here.

>> No.8028570


physics asshole talking out of his ass, confirmed. lol at you taking "circuits class" and learning how to do anything worth 1 shit in the very mature field of CPU design let alone "implement semiconductors to it"

physics honors program lol faggot

>> No.8028578

It probably depends on weather their used to teaching themselves things or not. If they've gotten used to teaching themselves math then any engineering course will be a breeze as engineering books are trivially easy to read compared to math books. I know this both from personal experience teaching myself both (I'm an engineering major) and from watching math majors who elect to take engineering courses.

>> No.8028586

Lol medicine at god tier... please. My ex-gf was in med school and it was shit tier along with her colleagues. The debt racked up was incredible and she showed me some article that said a public school teacher would make more money than the average doctor by retirement age. But really, most doctors are autistic shits.

>> No.8028593

>actuaries and accountants make more money than most engineers will ever see
do you unironically believe this

accountants make like 60k average

do you think there will ever be an accounting major at any top school? accounting or actuarial "science" cant even qualify to be a meme major, because they dont exist in actual institutions

>> No.8028595

There are literally books of that shit:

>> No.8028607

Chemistry is more fun desu.

>> No.8028611
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and how is this somehow bad? is it bad because you're some math major and don't realize that engineers have to not fuck up because they're actually a professional degree that can possibly get people killed if they do fuck up? no shit they use lookup tables. having some dick measuring contest about using vs. not using lookup tables is the least of their worries.

>> No.8028625

What do you guys think about biophysics?

>> No.8028643

What do you think about stem studies? I study the sexism and how it's developing within STEM.

>> No.8028731

I had to do it for first semester of med school. It was the most bullshit subject I have ever encountered. Hardly much relevance to the actual medicine but some topics are fairly interesting. It does have good potential in the research field, combining physics and biology and is like a bridge for those two subjects.

>> No.8028733

Medicine isn't a major, lol. Medicine in undergrad is generally either biology, biochemistry, or chemistry.

>> No.8028737

If you notice, almost nobody is agreeing with this iteration of the meme. Chem E, EE, CPE, Mech E, etc. are almost always god tier or great tier.

> unemployed math/physics graduates
U wot? That's not really a thing.

>> No.8028853
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>> No.8028890

I miss the old /sci/. now it's just a bunch of people circle jerking at the thought of their stem degrees

>> No.8028900
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>not majoring in finance
>not fucking over the unwashed masses economically


The world is literally ran by these people, why not join em? Suck you have to convert though.

>> No.8028912

Finance is a joke of a major, lol. I actually wish I majored in it (my gpa would have been a lot higher), but I can do all the same stuff with mathematics that I could with finance.

>> No.8028920

c-convert to what anon?

>> No.8029202

Not him.

Actuaries are the best paying job in my country, they earn at average 110-150$ k

>> No.8029247

Ironically more EEs in my school end up in finance than actual finance majors.

>> No.8029346

Why would I convert , im already jewish

>> No.8029349

My accounting teacher would always tell us actuaries make bank, easy money degree. Idk what the hell they do though, never bothered looking it up. Something to do with age?

>> No.8029756
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I hear Brendan Fraser recommends it if you want to become JUST.

>> No.8029760

If you need money go for CS you dumb fuck.
You can get 100k a year while hating every aspect of your life.

>> No.8029776

If you need a lookup table, either you do not understand the math (and thus have not engaged in a "math-heavy curriculum) or you don't trust your ability to do the math (and thus do not understand the math), or you don't want to take the time to do the math (and will thus lose your grasp on the understanding from lack of practice).

Of course, we wouldn't want to get into a dick measuring contest about which is the "king of degrees," would we?

>> No.8029828

No joke, if you browse there stop and watch your mental health regenerate significantly.

>> No.8029928
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>> No.8029941


in the kek-tier

>> No.8029971

So I guess computer engineering is just too high up to fit on the chart?

>> No.8029979
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>> No.8029982
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>> No.8030236

pic reminds me of the russel my jimmies meme
what happened?

>> No.8030239

It's for the kids who are too dumb to study biotech because the chemistry is hard.

>> No.8030358

It's risk management, completely unrelated to accounting. They have to have a pure math or stat degree

>> No.8030391

>if you're not interested in what i am interested you are basically retarded
1/10 bait, made me reply

>> No.8030394

Everytime I see a new one of these (one I haven't seen before, atleast) the first thing I do.

>If pure math is god tier then
My nigga

>If pure math is not god tier then

Good on you, my nigga.

>> No.8030399

You messed something up there. Engineers/medfags should be on the right.

>> No.8030402

>separate from biology
you can really tell this chart was made by an inbred medfag

>> No.8030406

Is pure math such a great degree though? I'm headed toward that path and considering switching to CS because there will always be a market for them.

>> No.8030411

when you take the genetics out of biology what are you left with? literally useless lets identify some plants and memorize their anatomy bullshit.

>> No.8030417

It is the greatest the degree for someone like me.

No labor work, no homework, all comfy hard thinking with a pen in your hand. I was already promised by the faculty a scholarship to get a masters degree so the path is already laid out for me, all I have to do is keep going.

Because of the low amount of people here, it really rewards talent, there is no way I could get such a scholarship in a degree like business where there are like 500 people in a classroom. My Set Theory class has literally 10 people in it.

If you are smart, even if just above average, pure mathematics is the best degree for you.

>> No.8030435

But what can I do with it?

>> No.8030437

>says medicine is god-tier
>puts dietetics, biology, biomed, and nutrion in okay-tier

what kind of autist made this

>> No.8030438

Research? Computational Science? Statistics? Finance? Quantitative analysis? Teaching?

>> No.8030448

this desu

>> No.8030451
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Comp. Sci majors are one of the most intelligent type of people I met.

>> No.8030455

Who would know better?

Don't tell me this is just something you can google.

>> No.8030463

For me it's medecine students

>> No.8030465
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Your mom


>> No.8030466

>My mother

>> No.8030470
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Why not, anon?

She knows you better than us. Also, do not pick a major that will make you look like you have a big dick, pick one that you love.

>> No.8030472

I'm pursuing aerospace right now but it could be that I am not near the competence. It's just for how I like aircraft and all that shit.

Maybe I should look into one of those engineering technology.

And how the fuck would I know what I love? I may know when they have me in the major but that is far gone and transferring could be a huge pain in the ass.

>> No.8030481

>And how the fuck would I know what I love?

By not being an autist and trying things in life. Science isn't the only option.

This post makes no sense.

Fuck, /sci/ should be nuked.

>> No.8030501

>Fuck, /sci/ should be nuked.

You must be new

>> No.8030509


>> No.8030514

nice comeback XD

go back to freshman calc 2

>> No.8030517

I do not see what problem be? Electrical is good engineer disciple

- Guptaplesh Mahadaradadi

>> No.8030534

It's not bad for an academic standpoint, but good god does it have some of the snobbiest students I've ever seen
Not a knock on you OP, if the material interests you go for it. Just be a nice guy and it's all good

>> No.8030546

Literally anything. You just stress transferable skills (problem solving, quantitative skills, etc.).

>> No.8030592
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I applied for a scholarship overseas for a ME undergrad degree, and I can't change it anymore. I'm kinda regretting it by now.

>> No.8030603

>tfw god tier

This meme is fantastic

>> No.8030612

How do you fuck up this badly? How could you not be decided beyond any doubt before applying for scholarships?

>> No.8030620

Applied on the last day, one more day and I couldn't apply anymore. But I was between ME, EE and CS.

>> No.8030979

I'm studying Civil Engineering. I always feel bad in threads like this.

>> No.8030999

Nothing wrong with ME

>> No.8031020
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There, I corrected the original image.
If I had corrected this in person I would have charged you.

>> No.8031036
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This chart is fucking retarded:

>Engineering (except Civil)
>Computer Science
>Business (Non-Accounting)
>Everything else

>> No.8031039

Oh, and if can't figure it out from my pic:
1.) Electrical engineering is shit tier because engineers can't even defend themselves by stating they're in the technology sector.

2.) Most med studies aren't supposed to be tiered out.

3.) Same goes with most technological sciences. Stop splitting hairs. FIELDS are important. Except 99.9% of social science and medicine; that shit is crap and kills/oppresses people. #mathematicalfact

>> No.8031040

Maaan, I'm so tempted by civil.

Just the thought of IRL sim city...

>> No.8031045

you're literally filling out permits and shit all day. it's not like simcity lmao what the fuck fantasy is that. you're doing some of the lowest amount of designing out of any engineering major.

>> No.8031047

>Engineering (except Civil)
Then you don't have a society, you idiot.
Kind of the most important thing since everything else in the list exists as studies within a society.

Doesn't matter. Doesn't effect society.
Complete and utter nonsense, like most medicine.

I think you mean economics.
If you need to study accounting, then you're retarded. And done throw up some shit about the types of accounting; no one cares.

These aren't even real studies; no doctorates

>> No.8031050

What? No, I'm pretty sure Civil Engineers literally click and drag roads and commercial zones across the ground.

Otherwise, why would anyone...?

>> No.8031051
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>math and physics below IT, biochem, vet studies, and pharm

lmao fucking what.

>> No.8031052

> Math, physics, and chemistry not god tier
> medicine being god tier
> IT great tier

Nigga, are you serious?

>> No.8031055

give up anon. there is a reason why civil gets shit on.

>> No.8031057

Lol maybe in your shitty community colege

>> No.8031058

>literally a civil engineering student posting this

how could you possibly make it more obvious that you're butt blasted

>> No.8031059

Civil should probably be good tier, but not god tier. In most schools it is substantially less difficult than the other engineering majors. The only engineering that civil is better than is business engineering (my school called in industrial systems engineering, ISE).

>> No.8031061

Aw, bummer.

Guess I'll just have to stick with boring ol' EE.

>> No.8031063

People think Civil Engineering is Civil Service instead of City Planning and Design Development of Cities.
4chan, you never cease to amaze.
It's like engineering, architecture and sociology all rapped up into one.

>> No.8031064


>> No.8031065

yeah don't worry, we all know what civil engineering entails. we're good thanks. your major is sub-engineering, just like IE. deal with it.

>> No.8031075

>Kind of the most important thing since everything else in the list exists as studies within a society.
Relative. It's still Great Tier, although I forgot to put it there

What is employability lmao

>> No.8031079

What the hell are you going on about?!
In first world countries you require government clearance and a full fund of knowledge of every field from sociology to architecture, on a doctorate level.

I don't know what you've been lead to believe a Doctorate in Civil Engineering is, but you've been seriously mislead.

We're talking about planning society and integrating technology, psychology and architecture into the design.

In most Norther European Countries it takes 18 years to get a Doctorate in Civil Engineering, you're almost guaranteed to be hired by the Gov, and you usually receive a salary of at least $500,000 a year.

What the hell have people told you all?!


>> No.8031081

And I think of all the hard work you guys do every time I narrowly miss an accident in a roundabout.

>> No.8031087

90% of roads were constructed before civil engineers and without input from civil engineers.
Roads are less than 1% of what we deal with.

I currently have to figure out how to bring a major metropolitan area into the 21st Century.

How do you take a crapshoot and modernize it?
It's much more complex than you'd think.
We also have to plan for the future.
Modularity is a must.

>> No.8031088
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If my son went into Civil Engineering, I'd disown him.

>one of the real engineering degrees
>chemistry if he somehow gets lucky, highly unlikely

pick one or get the fuck out, bum.

>> No.8031090

Those wouldn't be the same northern European counties where all of the cities are five hundred years old, built for foot and horse traffic, and completely protected from meaningful change by historical societies?

>> No.8031093

No. Sweden and Switzerland to be specific.

>> No.8031099

- You make more with Civil Engineering
- You rub shoulders with the most powerful people in the world
- You design cities
- You hang out with architects, artists and scientists
- Will survive whatever dystopia the politicians are working on because they need CivEngs to control and manipulate the population
- When the shit hits the fan: do we really need a theoretical physicist or someone who can plan and execute and city base on science

>> No.8031103

I like giving you shit, but seriously, I've got respect for civil. It's my fallback if I find no passion for EE. Already got a weird obsession with analyzing public transit systems, I think it'd be a fun field.

>> No.8031107

lmao this is such a fantasy. you do literally none of this shit. zero.

>> No.8031122
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>no replies
civil engineers on suicide watch

>> No.8031126

Scary thought. They know which trains to jump in front of that would cause the greatest inconvenience to the most people.

>> No.8031133

Basically this >>8031107. Even if anything you said was true, consider finance. You're rubbing shoulders with some of the most powerful people in the world, but it's still only seen as mid-tier or so. Also, civil engineering is one of the lowest paid engineering majors.

> What the hell are you going on about?!

Can you read? Because if you're literate you can see exactly what "I'm going on about".

> I don't know what you've been lead to believe a Doctorate in Civil Engineering is

Nobody is talking about a doctorate, these are undergraduate majors. Also, if you decide to get a PhD in engineering, you serious limit your career opportunities because you become too specialized (or in some cases overqualified).

> In most Norther European Countries it takes 18 years to get a Doctorate in Civil Engineering, you're almost guaranteed to be hired by the Gov, and you usually receive a salary of at least $500,000 a year.

I honestly can't tell if you're trolling or not.

> it takes 18 years to get a Doctorate in Civil Engineering

kek, you mean including primary school, secondary school, and college beforehand, right?

> implying math, physics, chemistry, etc. can't just sell themselves on transferable skills like problem solving, analytical skills, etc.

>> No.8031139
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I'm transferring into a university as a business admin major. Should I switch it to something else? I don't even know what business admin is

>> No.8031143

It basically means you control the privilages of all the business users.

>> No.8031145

ASAP. bus. ad. is a shit-tier major. garbage.

>> No.8031148
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care to elaborate?

>> No.8031150

What do you want to do? You can probably pick up another major in like finance or accounting without too much effort if you don't want to change. The benefits of sciences/engineering is that even if you don't want to go into that field that your major is in you can do a lot of other things because those majors teach you problem solving skills, analytical skills, etc. and prove that you are good with numbers. It also helps that these majors are more difficult at just about every college, so it helps that employers recognize that you have a hard major (as opposed to psychology, english, etc. which are seen as easy majors). I think business (basically everything except marketing) is seen as a middle-difficulty major.

>> No.8031151

it's extremely general. you won't be specialized or on track for anything. a total waste of time, really.

>> No.8031153

>Business degree is a total waste of time

Want to know how I know you either didn't go to college or attend some irrelevant public school?

>> No.8031159

A business administration degree is worthless. I know for a fact that you have no idea what you're talking about because nobody actually thinks that it's worth anything. Specialized degrees are. Don't debate me in this. I will fucking destroy you.

>> No.8031166

You sound like such a butthurt sperg. I bet you really believe business majors are counting on their piece of paper to get them jobs.

>> No.8031167

> implying all public schools are irrelevant
Most flagship schools are pretty good, he irrelevant ones are the satellite schools (except some of them in CA).

>> No.8031174

I don't care about your degree and neither do other employers. It's a general degree that is no specialized in anything related to business and therefore is worthless. It is not in demand. There is a reason that it is quite literally like top 3 most popular degrees, because it's easy and doesn't require any effort. Even a finance degree is better.

You prancing around acting like you're Don Draper or something because of your bachelors in business is of no worth to anyone, at all.

>> No.8031181

I'm not surprised you don't have enough reading comprehension to understand what I was implying

>> No.8031186

Yes, you're implying that any employer gives a single shit that you have a degree in business administration. They don't. You have no actual specialized or technical knowledge. You're a wannabe manager, which isn't a real thing. You couldn't even manage a real major. You have no connections. Nobody cares about your degree. It is worthless, and everyone knows that. Your degree is one of the most saturated majors because it's what dumb fucks like you go into because you think you'll make a connection or be a manager making six figures out of university.

>> No.8031188

Bowl cut detected.

>> No.8031190
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wow lmaoo

>> No.8031192
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you're literally a fucking moron if you think a bus. admin degree is worth the paper it's printed on. lmao like what the fuck how did you even get onto /sci/ i can't believe someone like this exists

>> No.8031198

OP as an EE I can say that there are quite a few autists in my field. But the unreasonable hate is pretty much just.../sci/ being /sci/.

>> No.8031221

Not really.

>> No.8031573

>I graduated on Astronomy/Physics and I really liked it, but I felt like it was more meant to be a hobby for me, and I redirected myself to Economics. Did I did well?

>> No.8031580

What is with all of you claiming vet science anything but shit tier.
Vet science doesn't help society in anyway, and don't give me shit about livestock either.

You have zero right to interject emotion in analysis.

I'm also confused about Dietetic and Nutritional crap, which is complete woo woo nonsense.

Are you objective, skeptical scientists with society on the brain or are you woo woo specialists trying to STEM?

The woo woo here is to thick I can't believe it.

>> No.8031582

Mathematics, has more underemployment than Computer engineering, Law and Geology.

I can't believe I bought /sci/'s narrative about Mathematics.

>> No.8031756

pharm master race reporting in

>> No.8031765

EE here, can confirm public transit fetish.

Idunno man, trains and buses. It's kinda just like one massive circuit.

>> No.8031795

yes to be honest family relations

>> No.8031807

>4chan knows more about what you want to do for the next 4 yrs and possibly decades more than you do
Wew lad. I've seen people without any personalities of their own but at least the ones I saw followed the lead of their friends and family, not shitposting strangers on one of the worst famous websites on the internet.

>> No.8031810

>>8030236 There came a time when no jimmies were left to be rustled.

>> No.8031811

>>>8029982 Dentistry
Let's say I get a cavity, give me one good reason not just regrow the missing part of the tooth.

>> No.8032254

I hope you realize that is 1% at 31%, while your business admin degree is at 60% underemployment, second from the highest unemployment out of all degrees.

>> No.8032277

>Why does it seem like a lot of people hate EE?
4chan tends to create belief in hatred. You can safely ignore it.

>> No.8032326

Unless you go to a top school, and have an excellent GPA, BA is not great. Most investment firms will skip over you for the kids who went to Harvard.

>> No.8032498

ME here.
Fuck haters, EE is top tier.

>> No.8032774

>not realizing it's the college that matters, not the degree
>thinking an engineering degree from a state university is as good as a wharton business degree

>> No.8032781

why is some guy with a business administration degree here, on the science and mathematics board of all places? that's like the dumbest degree you can get and couldn't possibly be less related to science and mathematics.

>> No.8032865

Is this a meme?
>nutrition higher than chemical and civil engineering

>> No.8032940

EE faggot detected.

>> No.8033081

Thank fuck I'm not the only one.

Giant immersive logic puzzle. It's like a sudoku you can climb inside of and ride around...

>> No.8033399
File: 58 KB, 513x505, 1450299874304.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and I redirected myself to Economics
You dun fucked up

>> No.8033421


I literally got a Bachelor's in EE and I'm currently studying for a PhD in physics doing research in condensed matter

as it turns out, all that stuff about Fourier transforms/series, linear algebra and numerical software is actually useful for physics research

project more pls

>> No.8033691

>step one to reading this
>take out 1,3,5
place below 2,4,6 such that


Really need this shit to end.
Its been a decade long meme guys, shit has got to end eventually

>> No.8033698

gotta ask about nuclear study

>> No.8033876

It's a meme.
Also engineers are faggots

>> No.8034293

>Vetrinarian studies : great tier
really, who wrote this crap?

>> No.8034300

The real question is why so many people in /sci/ are butt hurt about people studying engineering.

>> No.8034306

because no one wants physicist or mathematicians in the industry and they keep losing their jobs to engineers.

it's pretty obvious

>> No.8034402

Because in the last year or two there has been an influx of engineering majors talking shit about how no other major will ever be employed and that they learn everything in every other major in addition to real world applications. It's annoying.

>> No.8034447

it would only be annoying if it was true... which it is.

>> No.8034472

No, if it was true then it would not be annoying. It would at worst be a humble brag.

It is a lie so basically engineering majors come here to flaunt the big academic dick they don't have.

>> No.8034486

How is it a lie? Engineers are much more likely to work in their field.

>> No.8034487

I live with someone who works in Civil Engineering. She's on AutoCAD 60% of the time and the rest of the time listening to conservative radio.

>> No.8034543
File: 535 KB, 1168x872, 1461459727897.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thread makes fun of civil engineers
>aaron clarey uploads a video someone paid like $30 for to explain why civil engineers are made fun of while this thread is open



>> No.8034648

>Engineers are much more likely to work in their field.

Than who?

Also, define their field?

Entry level engineers won't be doing engineering by a fucking long shot. They will be doing CAD work and documentation, on top of just random assistant jobs.

That is just like a physics/math major doing financial/statistical/scientific programming.

>> No.8034668
File: 145 KB, 598x332, 00473-08219.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>financial/statistical/scientific programming.

Engineers do this too, though.

If it was a guarantee that with a physics or math degree, you could go into something like that, everyone would do physics or math over engineering. It's not that common. Engineering degrees are professional degrees that are practically career training/technical degrees.

Also, entry level engineers CAN do engineering. It just depends on what size the company is that they're employed by. I can say the same that physics and math majors won't be doing physics or math by a fucking long shot. Your argument is a shitty strawman.

>> No.8034672

>I can say the same that physics and math majors won't be doing physics or math by a fucking long shot.

That was my point all along.

No one really works in their field, most people just do something that may look a bit like what they did in college.

The only math majors who do mathematics are those who go for a PhD, just like the only engineers who do engineering are those with a PE license. Otherwise no one is even going to look at you, or no one is going to recognize what you may accomplish. If you are a genius mathematician who with only a bachelors did something great, no one is gonna bother to read your shit, and if you are a genius engineer who managed a project on his own, nobody cares because the one who signed all the papers was the PE you were working under.

We are all in the same boat.

>> No.8034682

PE license is only for Civil Engineers and Mechanical Engineers who do Civil Engineering work.

EE, CE, ChemE, NukeE, SE, and the majority of MechE do not require or even mention PE licensing in the hiring process.

>> No.8034695

>Only PEs can sign and seal engineering drawings; and only PEs can be in responsible charge of a firm in private practice or serve as a fully qualified expert witness. Also, many government agencies and educational institutions are emphasizing licensure among their engineers as well.

They obviously hire non professional engineers but what do you think they are in charge of engineering? Not much, I can tell you that. The law can tell you that.

>> No.8034706

>the only engineers who do engineering are those with a PE license
This is not true in the slightest.

PE licenses are literally only for liability. If whatever you're engineering poses minimal risk to human life you do not need anyone to have a PE license.

So unless you're claiming that "engineering" something is limited to things that could endanger human lives, which would imply that civil engineers are the only actual engineers, you really don't have a point here.

>> No.8034712

>So unless you're claiming that "engineering" something is limited to things that could endanger human lives, which would imply that civil engineers are the only actual engineers, you really don't have a point here.

100% this.

If a software engineering position asked for PE, no one would apply.

If a robotics position (non-industrial), same

Same for electrical, electronics, computer, chemical, nuclear, audio/RF, systems, VLSI, thermal, and we could go on to literally the character limit here.

The only engineering jobs that require or even care about PE are the shit-tier CivE ones (inb4 HVAC is MechE)

>> No.8034722

>>Only PEs can sign and seal engineering drawings; and only PEs can be in responsible charge of a firm in private practice or serve as a fully qualified expert witness. Also, many government agencies and educational institutions are emphasizing licensure among their engineers as well.

holy fuck, [citation needed]

Google in an engineering company (or "firm", if you want to be a eurofag). So is Apple, so is fucking Bloomberg.

Why don't you google the names of people who run these companies and see if they have the CivE job permission slip you keep raging about

>> No.8034748

>software engineering


>> No.8034775

You mean the highest paid actual engineering field?

inb4 petroleum engineering is engineering

>> No.8034778

I wouldn't put Psychology in there with Women's Studies and English Literature.

It's not the best of degrees, but it's all right if you really want to be a Psychologist.

Although Nursing with an emphasis on mental health would probably be the better option.

>> No.8034784

>highest paid actual engineering field
I respect software engineering and all, but [citation needed].

>> No.8034857


Again let's ignore "petroleum" which isn't a major, just a specialization from mechanical and chemical.





and finally from http://www.monster.com/career-advice/article/best-and-worst-paying-masters-degrees :


1. Master’s in Electrical Engineering

Median Pay: $121,000
Possible Jobs: Senior systems engineer ($124,000), **software developer** ($112,000), senior electrical engineer ($108,000)

Unfortunately most rankings like this lump SE into EE but you will find the EEs who go into SE typically earn more than those who go into power, electronics, or materials science.

>> No.8034901
File: 22 KB, 549x496, 790_1541017616192602_4129672168524546129_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tbh that applies to all of 4chan

>> No.8034918

Applies to the whole of the internet.

>> No.8035098

>muh money
Pay taxes, consume and die, faggot.
Never accomplish or enjoy anything in life

>> No.8035125

so you're against engineering majors because they ... pay too well?

If I can work 10 hours a week and get paid what you do for 80, I am accomplishing and enjoying a shitload more.

>> No.8035132

The job market for EE and most engineers doesn't reflect the struggle required for the degree

>> No.8035135

Ok see you started by talking about engineering majors, but then focus on wages for a master's. Do you kinda see how that's misleading?

It's like saying
>poly-sci isn't a lucrative career choice? But tons of senators are millionaires!
Especially because most people that end up making a lot of money as a software engineer got their degree in traditional electrical engineering. I would know, I am one.

Most people who get a bachelor's in SE do not make as much money as EE, ChE, or even many MEs.

>> No.8035137


I imagine most of /sci/ could walk through a state school blind and get an engineering degree with honors

>> No.8035145

>people always shit on civil eng in these threads
>meanwhile I'll have comfy job security, and could get a job in Wyoming , LA, or anywhere else in the world once I graduate with my Master's with a 3.5 GPA
>while you are stuck in the big cities and can't live where you want to

Literally LMAoing at your life right now. Especially you, petroleum cucks.

>> No.8035155

the same argument could be said for learning to serve hamburgers instead of getting an engineering degree.

If "go anywhere I want" is really your primary deciding factor, reconsider engineering

>> No.8035156

Why the fuck is drama even on here?

>> No.8035173

I don't mean it like that senpai

Civils are just needed eveywhere is what I meant. If you just wanna live somewhere in the Midwest and have a comfy family suburban life you can. Or you could be in the woods somewhere, idk.

While other degrees are more focused on the cities.

>> No.8035196

That us better wording, sorry I misunderstood

I would say in counterpoint that it's easier to find a non-local job in another major (remote programming, CAD, etc) than it is for CivE, since so much of CivE is hands-on or on-site. plenty of hipster software engineers probably live in the woods as well.

>> No.8035220

>Civils are just needed eveywhere is what I meant

lol, no they aren't.

>> No.8035392

Calculus is roughly the same at all undergrads

>> No.8035422

OP why so beta, and do you really want to hang out with dorks? Go to Harvard/Oxford and get a proper liberal arts education like this guy, then run ABC TV.
