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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 81 KB, 824x896, sci btfo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8021476 No.8021476 [Reply] [Original]

Finally someone says it

>> No.8021483
File: 87 KB, 250x200, OhComeOn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the actual fuck am I reading?

>> No.8021484

That has never been proven.

Intellectual (me):1

I am an atheist as well.
I'm just an educated atheist.
Here are my beliefs:
Empiricism, falsifiability, fallacy checking, the scientific method, the socratic method, humility, scientific consensus, etc.

I don't believe in jumping to conclusions or siding with an unproven concept and calling it proven with emotional fervor.
That's irrational.
The only rational thing is to remain neutral until something is proven true with experimentation or some form of evidence.
Presumption is never evidence.

>> No.8021492

Nice meme.

>> No.8021500
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That's irrational.
>The only rational thing is to remain neutral until something is proven true with experimentation or some form of evidence.

>mfw somebody doesn't know the difference between empiricism and rationalism

>> No.8021504

someone believes doing a science degree is hard, and wants to shame people for not doing one

>> No.8021506

I wouldn't be bothered if the author's English weren't so damn bad.

>> No.8021509

Don't forget that:

>I am an atheist as well

>The only rational thing is to remain neutral until something is proven true with experimentation or some form of evidence.

Then why he isn't agnostic?

>> No.8021510

It is for me desu. I have no problems banging out math for 4 hours but my brainis mush when englishing a long paper. It requires a lot more mental effort.

>> No.8021651
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>> No.8021653

thats cool. still won't get you a job.

>> No.8021663

The difference between a BA and a BSc is, I dont work for "The Tab".

This article sounds like hardcore bait though, and surely the only reason you posted it was for a reaction. So here's your +1.

>> No.8021740

got put in BA program after i didnt meet cutoff for kinesiology
sit around debating ethical issues circlejerking around excessive morality
argue against animal testing/ to block any research involving any ethical issue
drop out and go back to highschool

>> No.8021743

Don't reply to that, it's a pasta.
Check the archive and see for yourself.

>> No.8021753


Don't reply to that, it's a pasta.
Check the archive and see for yourself.

>> No.8021774


>> No.8021784

disregarding the obvious bait and source no one on the planet would read independently, they can say whatever they want to. I'm still going to be hired for 2-3x their salary and at a 10x more likely rate. Why were they so stupid as to choose a "harder" major with literally 0 job prospects.

>> No.8021791
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>Just because you can balance equations doesn't mean you can write a sentence, hun
>forgets the period
>using Sparknotes

I really hope this is a sophisticated troll and not actually representative of actual people.

>> No.8021800

B8 articles are a thing.

>> No.8023381

Real talk a good 90% of all BA majors (humanities and writing-focused) are terrible at writing anyway. Same goes for 90% of BS majors being terrible at science. And yet these brainlets use the accomplishments of the 10% to try to argue for something that clearly doesn't apply to them personally.

When a science major is shit at writing, he's very often also shit at science. So it's not really a point of contention. And vice versa for humanities majors.

tl;dr everyone's shit at what they do and they really need to stop trying to argue for or against some delusional "they're after me!" mentality, and instead actually try to better themselves.

>> No.8023384


>> No.8023418

>The Tab

This is the Cambridge academic's equivalent of 4chan. It's edgy hipster liberalcore written by rich white students

>> No.8023504

It depends on who's doing that specific course. I'd imagine the autor of this wonderful work of academic literature would greatly struggle with a BSc. If she thinks it's easy she should put her money where her mouth is ang get a BSc or MSc in 'maths, chemistry or biology'. [Sorry physicsts, Alice does'nt know/care that your subject exists]

>> No.8023519

BA students must be pretty smart, they always seemed to have so much free time.

>> No.8023524

Is this what it feels like to be triggered?
my jimmies can't take all this rustling

>> No.8023534

This. All that time for protesting, festivals, and sitting around.

>> No.8023540

>inb4 "hurr, afro-american transqueer wymyn studies BA is much harder than a PhD in pure mathematics"

>> No.8023543

dumb reee-poster

>> No.8023579

>doing a BA is really, really hard
this is what brainlets actually believe

>> No.8023584

They also must have fantastic memories, I've only ever saw them go in the library to have extremely heated discussions in the quiet reading area or check facebook when their phone has a low battery while I was reading innumerable papers like some kind of goldfish-brained moron.

>> No.8023585
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>> No.8023588

I'm pretty sure this is satire.

>> No.8023594

I'm sure you spent 100% of your college career with your face in a book. I had plenty of free time in a STEM major.

>> No.8023596

In this moment, I am euphoric. Not because of some phony god's blessing, but because I am enlightened by my own intelligence. - Myself

>> No.8023600

>I'm sure you spent 100% of your college career with your face in a book.
Of course not, I spent an awful lot in the lab. Especially in my final year.

>> No.8023604

Didn't "REEEEEEEEEEE" make "FUUUUUUUUUUU-" obsolete?

>> No.8023606

It appears so once you get to the wine part.

>> No.8023611

Well, a BA in Maths in harder than a BSc in Physics, so yeah.

>> No.8023618

difficulty ranking

Physics > Engineering > Math > Chemistry > Computer Science > Biology

>> No.8023621
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>Computer Science > Biology

>> No.8023625

>lol, computer science is nothing but java and discrete math! le meme!

>> No.8023626

>Physics > Engineering > Math

I kinda know why you think so ("hurr, physicists and engineers need to know math plus other things"). But if that's the case, why didn't a physicist or an engineer prove e.g. Fermat's Last Theorem?

>> No.8023633

Because they were busy doing things with real world applications.

>> No.8023634

It's almost like these rankings are entirely meaningless and there is no "hardest major."

>> No.8023636

Like building an EM drive.

>> No.8023637

>socratic method


>> No.8023642


>> No.8023652
File: 194 KB, 354x378, 1429705224210.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does every jerk off what's the most rigorous major? I don't think an engineer could be a lawyer and the converse. There really aren't anyways to measure something of that nature.

I've known plenty of EEs/ CEs who struggled with physiology/ developmental courses and plenty of JDs that struggled with comp sci courses.

Maybe you fags should study something because you like. (Though obviously a history/ business degree is way easier to complete compared to engineering degree. RNs or anyone in any sort of state licensed profession probably have it the worst though)

>> No.8023654

B-but I need to prove that I'm objectively smarter than everyone else or I have nothing in life! :(

>> No.8023754
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Actually gave me a good kek. Go back to memorizing vocabulary and leave the real brain work to the STEM majors.

>> No.8023889

I'm naturally gifted in English competency and very unnaturally challenged by mathematics.

I read maybe a total of 15 (subjectively good and complex, ranging from hard sci-fi to pure fantasy epics - most being 500-600 pages long) books from the ages of 12-16.
I never went to school (more aptly, I was expelled 6 times in two years for truancy - as a point), the only reason I even took my 4th year of 9th grade's finals was because I was on probation and would have been in "Juvenile Detention" at the age of 18 had I not attended.
And even then, I skipped my finals because I was let off of probation a week before.

Three years later I went to a CC for a placement test. I placed within College level English 200 levels of competency.

Math is excruciatingly difficult for me. I need to read the books through and through more than twice, doing all the work.
I forget it easily.
Anything beyond the processes of what I consider "simple math" (number association, times tables, divisor tricks, etc.) require me to memorize and work them over and over and over again for them to stick, or even make sense at all.

To me, anecdotally, the notion that English competency is inherently difficult is laughable.
Granted, I could spend three to four HOURS over a simple (5-10 page) English paper perfecting it to my will. But in every instance I put in that kind of work for my works, they have always come out top of the class if not the very best.

English is easy. It's a piss easy language. It's easy to manipulate (hence why rhyming within a specific subject is so easy), it's easy to understand, it's just plain fucking easy.

The universal arbitrator, pure Maths, that is fucking difficult.

>> No.8024188

Who knows maybe >>8023519 is going places.

>> No.8024198

So what? Every set can be well-ordered, that doesn't mean that it is the natural ordering. I mean I could order the naturals as:


It's well ordered but useless.

>> No.8024202

Im working on a BA and this is bullshit.

>> No.8024234

>I'm naturally gifted in English competency

>I read maybe a total of 15 books from the ages of 12-16.
>I read three books in a year

>Three years later I went to a CC for a placement test. I placed within College level English 200 levels of competency.
So did I and I'm retard-tier at writing papers.

>> No.8024241

I applied to college as a BS Physics major. Am I fucked?
>implying i'll even get accepted

>> No.8024330
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>> No.8024338
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>higher than anything

>> No.8024341

Poe's Law in full effect

>> No.8024345
File: 388 KB, 800x690, nat old digga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

normies and dat social intelligence

being human rawks!

>> No.8024346

The only BA comparable to a BSc in terms of intellectual rigor is philosophy

The only things I have ever found to be intellectually challenging are math, physics, and philosophy

>> No.8024399

>a total of 15
You've read far more than the median American.

>> No.8024402

Yeah it does and I do it all the time, hun.

>> No.8024408

>there is no "hardest major."
but any engineering is the most time consuming when it comes to studying

>> No.8024410

There isn't a major out there where you can't copy answers in one form or another.

>> No.8024412
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>Starting with title
>Starting with introduction

>> No.8024420

When I started having to do lab work or practical shit I always failed because I simply refuse to work.
Normal tests are easy because math is just pattern recognition and memorizing formulas.

>> No.8024437

But I know people that have gotten a BA in a science, and the reason they did that was because they couldnt pass some of the harder(more math) classes. If they could have, they would have stuck with their BS.

>> No.8024440

>Not starting with conclusions

Not gonna make it

>> No.8024452

Oh shit I only now realised this was a pasta

>> No.8024458

It's all that waiting during men's refractory periods

>> No.8024496

funny how all you virgins fall for the cheapest bait every time

>> No.8024501

The tab is awful. Best thing about it is to get the local uni goss.

>> No.8024536

Which college?

>> No.8024557

STEMfags btfo

>> No.8024560

>To me, anecdotally, the notion that English competency is inherently difficult is laughable.
There's a nerd out there thinking the same thing about your complaints about math

>> No.8024574

Uni of Edinburgh m8

>> No.8024625

That average IQ is fishy. What's the standard deviation applied here?

>> No.8024659


Agnosticism and atheism are not mutually exclusive.

>> No.8024663

>forgets the period

That's a subhead, it doesn't require a period.