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/sci/ - Science & Math

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8020988 No.8020988 [Reply] [Original]

Is the person who invented the wheel the smartest person in human history?

>> No.8020990

Yes, yes he is. :-)

>> No.8020992

Take your pedophile cartoons back to >>>/a/.

>> No.8020998

No, every rapefugee could've figured that out
In comparison, the humans of our time, even some average dumb guy would be much smarter than a scientist 3000 years ago

>> No.8021004

But that's not really how it works.
The average person today isn't smarter than Socrates or anything like that.

>> No.8021006

Yes. If it is invented by a single person

>> No.8021009

While westerners daydream about terraforming and colonizing Mars, rapefugees have set way more pragmatic objectives for themselves (such as, colonizing and islamizing western countries). Westerners dream of spending billions upon billions of dollars on going to a huge barren and lifeless desert with no remuneration in sight, while rapefugees spend mere thousands of euros to leave a much smaller and less lifeless desert and move to where lucrative remuneration awaits them.

>> No.8021026

What are you trying to tell us?

>> No.8021041

You think Socrates knows more about the world than you do ?

>> No.8021042

You don't even have any statistics or any proof for this racist claim. Go back to /pol/ where you belong.

>> No.8021047

Socrates is famously attributed to have said "I know I know nothing". Millenia later gentlemen like Heisenberg, Schroedinger, and Goedel seemed to confirmed he wasn't far off even back then.

>> No.8021051

Before you try to find a maximizer of the `smart` function you should first give a definition.

>> No.8021052


>> No.8021056

>"this racist claim"

Lol. So you unironically assert that primitive individuals arriving in Western countries en masse since a year or so, as well as the long-term effects of this (still ongoing, whether it is to intensify is yet to be seen, but predicted by many) process are all but a paranoid delusion? I thought this was /sci/ where facts matter.

>> No.8021067

Two points deducted for what?

>> No.8021079

no it was just a natural advancement that would have been invented eventually

>rolling on logs
>pulley systems

the man who invented fire though was for sure the smartest

>> No.8021081

now the wheels are spinning out of control what would they do if we held them still

>> No.8021090
File: 312 KB, 613x606, pol free zone.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Intelligence or whatever, not simply knowledge, that would be dumb. Who uses smart to define simply knowledge?

Anyway /pol/ go away.

>> No.8021103

Arguably enough, the first step to doing any kind of /sci/ence ought to be to acknowlege facts and employ logical reasoning, while probably the last thing would be to follow some arbitrary political dogmas and whimsical social fashions, (especially if they both seem to be in glaring denial of facts as well as void of any logic).

>> No.8021107
File: 20 KB, 220x293, 1446612427988.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Nothing, I know nothing"

>> No.8021110

Just say "man". We all know it wasn't a woman.

>> No.8021114

That's a good idea, what if it was a woman?

>> No.8021115

We also know it was a white man

>> No.8021275
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She's probably the most reveted forgotten person in the history of mankind

>> No.8021277


>> No.8021351

Rapefugees is not a race, Tumblr please leave.

>> No.8021732

Reminder that Aristotle is likely the most intelligent human being to ever live

>> No.8021812

Anyone who argues that we're infinitely smarter than people were a hundred or a thousand, or even a few thousand years ago, doesn't understand the history of Chess.

To elaborate, even a moderately good chess player now would likley be able to compete with a chess master from a couple hundred years ago, if not trounce them completely. This isn't the fault of the elder chess master, it's simply because there is a broader basis of knowledge and that more is known about the game. What the chess master might think is a new and inventive strategy would simply be common knowledge for the good player because chess players have painstakingly mapped out different move sets in an attempt to try to get better at the game.

I feel that general human intelligence works the same way. If we were set to compete with our ancestors intellectually, it's likley that we would be considered intellectually superior, however that doesn't make us any smarter than they were. It simply means that we have access to better information that they did, and more of it.

Someone's current elevation on a mountain is not indicative of their ability to climb, as such someone's knowledge basis isn't indicative of their intelligence and cognitive ability. Evolution is slow and selection pressures towards greater intelligence are subtle, we may be marginally more intelligent than they were, but only just.

To be honest, the only real thing that would set us apart in intelligence would be our diet we have access to a more nutrient rich diet, and thus our brains have the potential to be a bit more developed than theirs would have been. You can actually see evidence of this in some places in sub-saharan africa. They often don't get enough iodine in their diets, so that pretty much takes up to 15 points of their IQ before they even get out of the gate.

>> No.8021836



Nice try I'm not falling for that shit animepdoster

>> No.8022793

How does it take more than one person to invent a wheel?
Doesn't really seem like a group project.

>> No.8022809

Its easy to mix them up

>> No.8022821

>interrogation marks on their heads
>interrogation marks
>on their heads

That sounds like bruises and shit from when they were interrogated.

>> No.8022841

It's likely that many people rediscovered it indipendently through thousands of years

>> No.8022882

Actually, I am the smartest person in human history

>> No.8023292

Take your pedophile cartoons back to >>>/a/.