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8013092 No.8013092 [Reply] [Original]

If we can detect light coming from all directions going back the exact same amount of time -however many billion years.
Then how can we possibly assume the universe is only as big as we can see.

The odds of us being exactly in the centre are 0.0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000

Therefore why havent we accepted the universe extends beyond what we can see?

>> No.8013096

> Then how can we possibly assume the universe is only as big as we can see.
Tell me which scientific statement says that ?

>> No.8013099


i never hear people talking about how it probably extends a ridiculous distance past what we can see.
At this point i feel we can definitely say it is bigger than what we can see.

>> No.8013100


reddit is always going on about the universe being that big and all these facts and stories how big the observable universe is.

>> No.8013102
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sorry but I was blinded by too much light

>> No.8013123


>> No.8013144


>> No.8013151


>> No.8013169

>i never hear people talking about how it probably extends a ridiculous distance past what we can see.
Because that's called baseless speculation.
Scientists deal with observable facts, and apparently smoke as much weed as you do.

>> No.8013177

>The odds of us being exactly in the centre are 0.0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000

Why not just say 0?
Even if you mean 0.000...0001 that's still 0.

>> No.8013179

>and apparently smoke as much weed as you do.
>and apparently DON'T smoke as much weed as you do.

>> No.8013180

Well there's your problem!

>> No.8013181

> how can we possibly assume the universe is only as big as we can see
> Therefore why havent we accepted the universe extends beyond what we can see?

Because we have?


>> No.8013211

Because the speed of light is also the speed of causality. Nothing that happens further away has or will ever have any impact on us, nor become observable.

>> No.8013278

>I don't know shit about the topic

because you don't listen very carefully.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AwwIFcdUFrE

>> No.8013282

also this might be more relevant


>> No.8013287

>no one intelligent ever said the observational universe was all there is
>the center of the universe is arbitrary, wherever you observe from is the center

Learn inflationary cosmology fag

>> No.8013446

>baseless speculation.

Wow so you think it's conservative to assume that this is all there is, AND WE'RE IN THE MIDDLE?

>> No.8013485

What I don't get is how the universe is 100 billion light years across yet is 14 billion years old.

U wot m8

Should it not be 100 billion years old then?

>> No.8013489

space stretches faster than speed of light, but does the Planck length increase with space?

>> No.8013493


Each light year (ly) stretches 2cm/s
So the light from the CMB left 13.8 bn years ago, but the object that the light left behind is now 46 bn ly away.

>> No.8013494


Holy shit

American educational media is garbage

>> No.8013503

I don't like that "paradox." Remember that photo the Hubble took where it focused on "empty space" for a really long time and they found countless galaxies from a region of dark sky? Doesn't that contradict your argument/picture?

>> No.8013508

Everything is relative :^)

>> No.8013515

dude what, am I stretching right now?

>> No.8013516

Also, when the light left the CMB, it was only 42M ly (0.042 bn ly) away from earth (the place where earth would form)

>> No.8013518

Isn't it possible that at the time the light from one star reaches us, another star's light ends as it had died very long ago?

>> No.8013520

>observable fact
>never observe space warping
>muh relativity

>> No.8013522

where are you from and is it any good there?

>> No.8013523
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>Wow so you think it's conservative to assume that this is all there is, AND WE'RE IN THE MIDDLE?
No, retard.
Try reading my post again WITHOUT framing it in your dumb-ass narrative.
While we can make assumptions about what's beyond the observable universe, such assumptions are baseless (we have no basis for them) and they're entirely speculative.
Thus, it's baseless speculation, which is something /sci/entists don't generally go for.
Your strawman "we must be in the exact middle of everything that exists", would also be baseless speculation.

>> No.8013524

Yes, but not by much. (about 1 atom width in a 100 years)
This stretching is of course overcome by the electro-magnetic forces immediately.
So space is trying feebly to stretch you, but no, you stay the same.

>> No.8013526

so you believe that we won the lottery and the universe was created around us? awwww

>> No.8013533
File: 1.82 MB, 2448x3264, 1MnFX3r.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>so you believe that we won the lottery and the universe was created around us? awwww
Can you even read?

>> No.8013537

can you even think?

>> No.8013540

I fucking knew I was stronger than space, thanks bro.

>> No.8013561
File: 1.42 MB, 500x281, 1443736417973.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can you even think?
Can you?

You ask why scientists don't make declarations about what lies beyond the observable universe.

I point out exactly why they don't.

You present an irrelevant strawman: "scientists silence on the subject is the same as saying nothing exists beyond what we cam see!"

Your strawman is retarded, and if you don't stop huffing glue, the brain damage will be permanent.

>> No.8013589

just another earth-centric loser, nothing to see, keep on walking

>> No.8014624

This is off-topic but I love that they've drawn her ovaries inside her legs.

>> No.8014655

We have literally observed space warping

>> No.8014728


>> No.8015327

I don't watch it either.
It's probably garbage here too, since the UK wants to be big and strong like big bro USA

>> No.8015659

there is a reason we call it the "Observable Universe"

>> No.8015686

"All we can truly conclude is that the Universe is much larger than the volume we can directly observe."


>> No.8015744

what a tune

>> No.8015759

I always thought it was

blinded by the light
wrapped up like a douche
another rumor in the night

what a tune indeed

>> No.8015894

Uh, the reason the earth is the centre of the observable universe is because that's our viewpoint. If you stood on a tower and looked around you, the "view" (that is, the amount of stuff you can see) is a circle of whatever radius it may be with you at the centre, since your maximum viewing distance is the same in all directions.

That's it. The only reason Earth is the center of the observable universe is because we see the same distance in all directions. That's the thing about the observable universe. It's only whats *observable*, so it's only natural that it''s a sphere with a radius of 46 billion light years.


>> No.8016071

Yes, that's why I called 8013561 a loser.

>> No.8016073

center of universe is relative

>> No.8018433

highschool autism