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/sci/ - Science & Math

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8009170 No.8009170[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>girls are attracted to intelligence

When will this meme die?

>> No.8009191

Girls are attracted to the daddy figure
Boys are attracted to the mommy figure

>> No.8009193

It will die when there are no more delusional virgins around.

As long as there are more of them, they will keep making clickbait articles about how their intelligence will get them pussy but le nice guys finish last xDDDD meme.

Basically, just implement a law that states that any man who reaches the age of 18 and is still a virgin must be executed.

>> No.8009196

fuck off freud

>> No.8009206
File: 160 KB, 650x650, desktop-1439242656[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know its true

>> No.8009209

girls are attracted to intelligence
girls aren't attracted to fedora autists pretending to be intelligent because they're atheist or some shit

it's simple. a nerdy idiot with hipster glasses doesn't mean intelligence, more often than not it's the opposite

>> No.8009220

Girls actually seem pretty attracted to my intelligence. People in general always assume I'm some airheaded athlete/pretty boy to the point of contempt untill they find out what I study and then fawn over me to no end.

The initial reaction might be intimidation though, I'm not sure.

>> No.8009222

Woman like big cock and hard abs
Men like big boob and tight pussy

>> No.8009223

im men and I like flat chest and flat ass
your logic is flawed

>> No.8009225

which compliments the argument : >>8009191

>> No.8009231

sorry. real men.

>> No.8009237


>> No.8009238
File: 34 KB, 304x288, 1424511543141.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>generic chad
>real men

>> No.8009240


>> No.8009243


>> No.8009249

Girls fall in love with their dads
Boys fall in love with their moms
When they select their partners they subconsciously choose the ones that resemble the qualities of them

>> No.8009256


>> No.8009261

no is not an argument. my stance wins and it will keep winning the longer you post 'no'

>> No.8009265
File: 116 KB, 310x425, n-no_homo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Girls are attracted to intelligence.

But they are definitely not attracted guys with no hygiene and zero power in social settings.

If you're logical, a fast learner, understand situations, can read people, exert dominance and solve problems, then this is attractive.
If you don't have any social status, then having a brain functioning like Ramanujan will give you no advantage to get into a girls pants.

>> No.8009268


>> No.8009273

girls are attracted to alpha males. in a competitive situation which basically means if there are more than two males in an environment, the alpha one will overpower the beta one. So the strongs will overpower the smarts.

>> No.8009287

Feynman was hot

>> No.8009288

Women like big cock and hard abs yummy
Man like big boob and tight pussy so so nice

>> No.8009383

Fascinating, young Feynman looks like an aspiring psychopath. Did he turn out to become abusive later in life? Like a sexual predator?

The new trend: Intelligent girls are attracted to intelligent women. Historically that would be normal for a decaying culture in pre-war times.

>> No.8009385

Glasses = nerd

>> No.8009388

Talent. girls are attracted to talent.

its why even neckbeard pro gamers get pussy. it doesn't matter WHAT you are good at, as long as you are better than 90% of everyone else in the world at it.

>> No.8009416

this and>>8009273
basically as long as delusional buzzfeed redditors exist, this myth will be perpetuated. There's too much money to be made off of this dynamic. It allows fatter or uglier girls to elevate themselves and put down others by claiming superior intellect. It also allows guys who are less successful, less confidence & status to put down more successful guys

For example "Stacy is stupid and shallow, she only goes for the jocks, I'm far more sophisticated etc." This statement may or may not be true, but because she looks uglier, it'll validate this sentiment. Same with guys, it allows the bitter losers to say "Brad is just a stupid meathead anyways." or "He's such a jerk, women that go for him are shallow". It allows less desirable males to validate their status by putting down others.

>> No.8009420

In general most women are attracted to wealth, social status ( which tends to be associated with wealth) and then everything else is a bonus.

If you are wealthy then you can pull any hot girl you'd want including model tier women.

While women DO like intelligence they DO NOT tend to like STEM-minded/mathematical intelligence. This is a QUICK and cocksure way to stay perma-virgin. Some mathematicians get lucky and fuck ugly women (some are very lucky and get with hot women) but overall the people that gravitate to those fields, have personality traits of autist.

Almost no girl wants to hear about how much you like pure math or your mathematical theories. It is a trend that even women in STEM date non-STEM men that are 'normal'.

Intelligence by itself means nothing. If you use intelligence to become wealthy and have status (status associated to wealth) then you can fuck any girl.

Sadly this is the truth for most women. SJW won't like this :^)

>> No.8009424


>> No.8009425

itt: vague generalizations and no actual female input

>> No.8009426

thanks for proofing my poind :^)

>> No.8009428

>My stance wins

>> No.8009429

women are the worst people to ask for advice on what they want. They'll tell you one thing and go for the complete opposite.

>> No.8009439
File: 25 KB, 660x371, xYoung-Richard-Feynman.jpg.pagespeed.ic.RLotSbgDqi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MGTOW, but well articulated still


>> No.8009450
File: 1.75 MB, 280x210, aqqCbVU[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can't deny your mommy no matter how hard you try :^)

>> No.8009453

is that the mother in this movie?

>> No.8009461
File: 45 KB, 426x640, Foto am 16.04.16 um 22.54 #2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pretty sure being intelligent, the cockiness that comes with it and giving off an intimidating vibe all helps me getting laid

>> No.8009470

I'm female and I like neither big cocks nor hard abs, stop projecting your homo fantasies onto us you fag

>> No.8009471

sexy girls do. nobody cares what you like lol

>> No.8009472

If your intelligence gets you to have high status, then yes it is attractive.

Going through Rudin in your room and then wanking about it on /sci/ does not count.

>> No.8009488

My butt IQ > your IQ. QED

>> No.8009495

get away from me not-sexy skank. your opinions are worthless

>> No.8009496

Thanks for that post anon, really thought-provoking.

>> No.8009502

that guy is hot though, he must be getting that's blonde's trim.

>> No.8009505

They are attracted to well spoken men who appear intelligent. A stuttering autist who gets good grades does not fall into this category

>> No.8009509

>don't like big cock nor hard abs
why are you calling him a fag, you're the one who's gay here, dyke

>> No.8009540

Big cock is more pleasurable but not a major mating criterium for women. Abs look hot but if it's attached to a mine worker, she'll not get as wet like with a handsome businessman, even if he's not sporty.
That's all secondary stuff once girls get out of their high school peer groups.
Better than not having it, but thinking you don't get pussy because they reject your cocksize is borderline retarded

>> No.8009553
File: 70 KB, 527x738, V1186-PPS_V2414-PPS.036.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You're a lolicon. You are the target audience of flat-chested jailbait animu girls. You are an exception to the rule. Most men like perky breasts. We would like them bigger but most IRL big boobs are either silicone or attached to landwhales, so we go with perky along with nice figure and youthful looks.

>> No.8009554

This, I'm about at a 7/10 on a good day and girls didn't start noticing me before I started reading during my lunch breaks or give client presentations. 7/10 is right at the cusp of needing that extra little thang to entice the opposite sex that you're worth approaching. If I was any uglier I'd have to be the one putting myself out there.

>> No.8009567

Sorry OP, let me clarify things for you: women (who are worth your time and trouble) are attracted to intelligence, among other things.

>> No.8009569

How do you even rate how handsome you are?

>> No.8009586

h-how big is pleasurable

>> No.8009589

This is now a Noposting thread. Everyone post No.

>> No.8009649

I'm attracted to intelligence which is why I'm a lesbian.

>> No.8009674

All you need is a good face and body. Everything else falls into place and you can get away with as much autism was you want when you're still in your college years.

Then later, money is an issue however you shouldn't be dating homeless girls, retards.

>> No.8009675

answer this >>8009586
...,a-asking for a friend

>> No.8009687

I asked my attractive white 22 year old female friend and she says anything over 5" is good

And she thinks it's stupid when guys brag about size rather than sexpertise. And there is such thing as too big

>> No.8009787
File: 58 KB, 1011x801, BiMa2qj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8010101

Good thing the liberal arts student is so well groomed because if you're going to work in the Sears sales department along with the high school graduates who have more experience and not student debt, you have to look your best.

>> No.8010111


>> No.8010121

Sounds like OP is a dummy.

If you were actually smart you'd know this isn't a meme.

>> No.8010368

Women know that chads and other robots are willing to help them, to have an easy life. The natural problem of women is that they get bored sooner or later with whoever choose to try to entertain them.
So women change their partners to avoid the rut and to create drama. men do not like to be changed, since they loved to be relevant for once in their life, they whine and hate women when women find other providers.
Of course, changing partners constantly becomes a bore too, so they want some fixed men in their life to give them emotional and material support, Rarely sex because women know that, no matter how good the lover is, it gets boring sooner or later.
When they are replaced, men become resentful towards women, since they lose the validation of their existence. They pretend that they can live without women and that they even are better than women.

Knowing that they are not able to stop loving to be supported by men, Women love also to think that they need no man and that they live to help others. This is part of the tactic to enhance their pleasures: women think that they are good people in society, only to feel even more raw, more animal, typically in private, when they are fucked properly by some beta ready to serve them sexually.

>> No.8010388


>generic students
>all men

It's like it's not even surprising why 4chan guys don't have girlfriends.

>> No.8010390

Being smart is an added bonus to attractive looking men.

>> No.8010405

I like flat chest, tight pussy, and fat little booties

Just thought y'all should know

>> No.8010542


>> No.8010617

I don't see any science in your post.

>> No.8010620


>> No.8010623

This is basically an MGTOW/r9k thread

If you're making general baseless statements about women, you don't understand they're all different and you're probably a permavirgin

t. Seminormie

>> No.8010712

>Girls are attracted to the daddy figure

>Boys are attracted to the mommy figure
No, not everyone.

>> No.8010714

there is no generalisation. its a fact. you can't overcome the popularity and attraction of the big muscly confident guy. Nobody wants to see your personal hobbies or how you solve equations or how many animes you watched.

>> No.8010719

There is a difference in what women think they like and what actually attracts them.

>> No.8010746

>there is no generalisation. It's a fact

I don't see any science in your post.

>> No.8010748

>as a man, I know women better than women do and can hence make sweeping generalisations about them