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8007442 No.8007442 [Reply] [Original]

Is veganism the next step of human evolution?
Or do we humans need meat for our well-being?

>> No.8007449
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The final step in human evolution is eating vitamin and mineral tablets with water every meal.

The 22nd century man does not need to concern himself with the choice of what to eat, because you are given all the food you need in the form of tablets. Do not accept free will for this is the future of mankind.

>> No.8007463
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>> No.8007464
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>> No.8007466

No the complete removal of needing food to survive is the next step in human evolution it would also make us immune from any form of biological extinction since the primal cause of death is starvation, energy lost or dehydration but once we no longer have to eat nor drink we will truely be immortal.

>> No.8007471


It's kind of stupid to compare grazing animals to humans.

>> No.8007480

>Survival without animal protein: impossible
Then how do vegans survive?

>> No.8007493


they don't:


unless they take a ton of pills with B12 and other synthetic shit

>> No.8007535

Reminder that the China study has been debunked



>> No.8007569

"No, I'm not gonna listen to science or society, meat is murder!"
[Offspring literally gets naturally selected due to diet unable to sustain human life]


>> No.8007592

Nigga, that's not funny. Babies shouldn't have to suffer the consequences of their idiot parents.

>> No.8007613

This is just as cherrypicked and pseudoscientific as that vegan version that floats around.

>> No.8007617

Yes, it's a sustainable and by far the most healthy diet. Anyone who says otherwise has only taken a look at a very small percentage of the research on the topic. It's of mainstream acceptance that veganism is completely healthy.

>> No.8007622
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>> No.8007624
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>It's of mainstream acceptance that veganism is completely healthy.
The "mainstream" also thinks that gluten is unhealthy for some reason, just don't ask them why.

>> No.8007627

Mainstream scientific acceptance*. The general public wouldn't consider veganism a healthy diet.

>> No.8007628

It's mainstream acceptance that (when supplemented and unprocessed food is consumed) it's superior to the standard American diet. No one considers it the "healthiest" aside from agenda-driven organizations like PCRM/PETA.

>> No.8007630

>the most healthy diet
[Citation needed]

>> No.8007637

>Do not accept free will
"Someone once asked me,
- Why do you believe in free will?
I replied,
- Because I cannot choose to do otherwise."
– James Champagne

>> No.8007652


So? We're humans. Our entire deal is kind of that we've conquered nature. But I guess wolves don't wear clothes either so we should get rid of those and embrace our inner beasts aroooooo

>> No.8007659

>Our entire deal is kind of that we've conquered nature.
In what sense exactly? We still eat, have sex, and fight for our own. Clothing is just another form of shelter, while veganism goes against our biology.

>> No.8007691
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>I guess wolves don't wear clothes either so we should get rid of those and embrace our inner beasts aroooooo
Sheep don't wear clothes either.
You're not a sheep, are you Anon?
fuckin pussy

>> No.8007694

It's funny because they shouldn't have bred in the first place

>> No.8007702
File: 581 KB, 1032x975, 1459895008451.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

meathead /fit/izen here

27, been lifting for 5 years went vegan 6 months ago

>firmer, more vascular erections
>excellent bowel cleansing giant ghostwipe dumbs
>lean as fuck, energy as fuck dont count calories, never hungry always satiated
>no strength loss
>no muscle loss
>cheap, delicious meals
>no unneccesary carcinogenic meat rotting in my gut over multiple days
>environmentally superior
>almost impossible to get food poisoning
>healthy as fuck, lower cancer risk
>not difficult at all

I dont drive or own more than fits in a backpack so i can be a true low impact human being. to answer op's question yes im convinced this is the next step in human evo or at least this facilitates a better future for everyone on this planet.

>> No.8007706

>implying your anecdotes mean anything on a science board
>implying this isn't a lie

>> No.8007710

Yes, anything in meat can be fully replicated outside of it.

Meat eaters will literally be viewed as barbaric degenerates 100 years from now.

>> No.8007713

I'd like to add that no thinking person can think eating meat or dairy even occasionally is an intelligent action or lifestyle.

since this is 4chen ill say that when I find out someone eats meat I think less of them and pity them for being a stupid person.

>meat is delicious

no it's not, it needs plants to make it delicious and that is what you enjoy. try eating unseasoned meat forever lmao

>meat is healthy, complete amino acid profile

every single fucking edible plant has a complete amino acid profile, google it lmao you cant prove me wrong cuz im not

>pigs and cows are eating animals and need humans to exist

honestly just a silly thing to say

>humans evolved eating meat and to eat meat

actually biggest facture was denaturing proteins and other nutrients by cooking just happens to work with meat too

at the end of the day you have to ask yourself if you want to be a cogent human or a non-thinking retard. be scientific and try it for yourself. You will enjoy better dumps, have more energy and get bigger, firmer erections because your arteries are less clogged. be scientific and dont listen to big meat

>> No.8007714

>>almost impossible to get food poisoning
That's just wrong

>this is the next step in human evo
You're describing a lifestyle that half the world is compelled to live because of poverty.
Next step, my ass.

>> No.8007717


an anecdote is an individual piece of data to be compiled and is valid when collected with other information of the same criteria.

my anecdote is that my quality of life has drastically improved in every visceral aspect by only changing what I eat.

>not how much
>not when
>not why

but What, anon.

>> No.8007721
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>> No.8007722


pretty sure shit wallowing poo in the loos and similar cultures have less deaths to being overweight which is what eating meat and dairy cause.

>are you a meat eater ?

>do you have visible abs ?

lmao, stay fat and fucking cucked by big meat non vegans. enjoy thinking you have high iq while thinking being a meat/dairy eater is smart.

what can i do in the face of such flagrant retardation

>> No.8007723

>an anecdote is an individual piece of data to be compiled and is valid when collected with other information of the same criteria.
So a scientific study. Which your shitpost doesn't fall under.

>not how much
>not when
>not why
>but What, anon.
Wow, so deep

>> No.8007724
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>try eating unseasoned meat forever lmao
A good steak (or chicken breast, or pork chop) needs only salt to achieve perfection.

>>pigs and cows are eating animals and need humans to exist
>honestly just a silly thing to say
Why is that silly?
There are no wild cows, and wild pigs are very rare compared to domestic pigs.
99.9% of pigs and 100% of cattle would NOT exist if all people were vegan.

>you want to be a cogent human or a non-thinking retard.
>anybody who doesn't make the same choices I do has a learning disability

Wow, for a superior person, you sure are a douche.

>> No.8007727

>There are no wild cows
Oh shit, I'm ready for my mind to be blown. What animal did cattle evolve from?

>> No.8007732

>meat needs non meat products to taste good


>pigs n cows

humans control the earth, yes. 100% of lifestock is killed visciously for no actual benefit. shame that murdering and suffering of sentient pigs poses no ethical dilemna for you. do you have basic reasoning skills ?

>anybody who doesn't make the same choices I do has a learning disability

when it comes to deciding whether or not to eat meat/dairy then yes this is actually exactly what I am saying. what a surprise, most people are not intelligent.

>> No.8007734

I wonder what conclusion could be drawn from the sum of all anecdotes given by people who were not vegan and then were vegan and had to report on the quality of their existence based on aspects such as erection firmness, bowel movements and general energy levels throughout the day

>> No.8007736

So you're referring to a scientific study. Go ahead and cite it.

>> No.8007737

>pretty sure shit wallowing poo in the loos and similar cultures have less deaths to being overweight which is what eating meat and dairy cause.
Regardless, India (a largely vegetarian country) ranks 141 (of 192) for longevity, while Burgerland (USA) ranks 34th.

>> No.8007740

im making a conceptual reference. go ahead and imagine it if you are capable.

>> No.8007741


Our biology requires nutrients themselves, not the form in which we intake them. Saying eating vegan is "against our biology" when there are cultures that have practiced veganism for thousands of years is just a bullshit malformed naturalist argument, probably rooted in your conception of your own masculinity and right to ownership of animal lives.

But I'm trans so I don't give a shit about your notions of biology anyway, kek.


We make clothes from sheep, dingdong.

>> No.8007743

at the end of the day i cant convince anyone to be vegan or that im right

i can only encourage scientific pursuit on a rigorous and personal level.

go vegan for one week and decide if you think your quality of less has lessened or increased.

if you are unable to do this you are unscientific.

>> No.8007747

Good job calling the weak masculinity card.

>> No.8007748
File: 188 KB, 534x710, aJr4V8V.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>meat needs non meat products to taste good
That's not even close to what I said.

Meanwhile, broccoli, carrots, etc all taste better with salt too.

>murdering and suffering of sentient pigs
A friend of mine was murdered. I think it's really insensitive of you to imply that what happened to her is comparable to what happens to a box of chicken mcnuggets, douchebag.

>murdering and suffering of sentient pigs
Most slaughtered animals don't suffer, cock-gobbler.

>murdering and suffering of sentient pigs
Pigs aren't sentient. See the thread about the "mirror test".

>>anybody who doesn't make the same choices I do has a learning disability
>yes this is actually exactly what I am saying. What an asshole.

>most people are not intelligent.
There's nothing about "murdering" pigs that even implies that meat eaters are dumb.

>> No.8007753

>But I'm trans so I don't give a shit about your notions of biology anyway, kek.
I'm glad you alerted me of this ahead, so that I can make sure to not have any further discussion with you.

>i can only encourage scientific pursuit on a rigorous and personal level.
>go vegan for one week and decide if you think your quality of less has lessened or increased.

>A friend of mine was murdered. I think it's really insensitive of you to imply that what happened to her is comparable to what happens to a box of chicken mcnuggets, douchebag.
Don't even bother. These faggots probably think your friend and some earthworm are equal.

>> No.8007760

same thing, murder your friend or murder chikken for nugget

eat unsalted meat with no seasoning for a month thats right youll give up its gross

pigs are sentient, mirror test does not determine capability for suffering and understanding of low life quality. insects feel pain, pigs are as smart as dogs but keep trying to justify murder of fellow earthlings. hitler called he wants his logic back oh right u prob browse pol too lmao

requote argument with no refutation beyond gt+1 lmao get rekt

murdering=intelligent ok youre fucking stupid lmao

at the end of the day if i had my erection out and you had yours out and ur gf/mom/sister/grampa was to remark on the firmer one theyd choose me and id fuck your grampa or gf u mad lmao get rekt stupid meatcuck

>> No.8007765

Being vegan is part of being enlightened, but enlightenment =/= success.

>> No.8007771

back to >>>/pol/

>> No.8007778

>Is veganism the next step of human evolution?

No, that's retarded.

>Is veganism the next step of human culture?

Possibly? I doubt it though. I'm fairly certain that cultured meat will take over the markets in developed nations faster than hippies will be able to convince people to give up steak and hamburgers.

>> No.8007779

Human killing another human because yes is in no way the same as a human killing a chicken to eat.

>> No.8007784
File: 293 KB, 1000x750, 2HneMZQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>same thing, murder your friend or murder chikken for nugget
Fuck you
If you can't distinguish between a human and a chicken, you must not think much of humans.

>> No.8007813

No, he's just retarded.

>> No.8007826

>Gaul Bladder

>> No.8008080

that is a rather low bar

>> No.8008102

>human evolution
This meme needs to be genetically engineered out of the gene pools.

>> No.8008196
File: 575 KB, 540x960, Screenshot_2016-04-16-00-33-21.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's just way too easy

>> No.8008318

What if I kill another human to eat?

>> No.8008346

isn't that a bit hypocritical to appeal to animal suffering to defend eating meat ?

>> No.8008386

That's not the mainstream though

>> No.8008394

Not every single edible plant has a complete acid profile

>> No.8008398

>tfw your bladder destroys the roman empire

>> No.8008939

>animals which modern species evolved from are exist today
kill yourself desu sempai

>> No.8010767

What makes all animal based foods unhealthy?

>> No.8010775
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>What makes all animal based foods unhealthy?
The glutens, obviously.

>> No.8010794

Truly inspiring.

>> No.8010943

go to bed vegan gains, you delusional malnourished nutcase

>> No.8010949
File: 364 KB, 469x620, MJf7MKu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>has been lifting for over 8 years
>looks like a crossfitter who is losing the battle to cancer

>> No.8010972

Why are humanities/politics threads allowed on /sci/?

>> No.8011002

>Veganism is supposedly healthier
>need to take supplements in said diet

How can something be supposedly healthier for you, if you need to take supplements. Doesn't that defeat the whole purpose?

>> No.8011007

/fit/ is leaking

>> No.8011022

>Is veganism the next step of human evolution?
>Or do we humans need meat for our well-being?

for the ethical shit, go to /lit/ or /his/

>> No.8011083

Is there any studies out there that prove there's no detrimental health effects to having a plant based diet?
My vegan friend recommended 'forks over knives', and I read a debunking of it. Surprise, it was full of shit! Referenced the china study heavily which as the other anon mentioned in this thread was wrong.
But I am interested, and would like to know more.

>> No.8011103
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If you are white, then raw meat is the healthy option, have the diet of our forebears and the bronze age man, veganism is a jewish strategy to make us weaker both in mind and body

>> No.8011653
File: 102 KB, 960x480, LARKINS-ANNETE-960x480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all stormfaggery aside black vegans do look significantly better than white vegans. even though this is a cherry picked image, it's still a 70 year old black vegan.
white vegans often look like ghouls before they're 30

>> No.8011657

>Someone recommends a book that you don't agree with
>Looks for debunking without actually reading the book

Your confirmation bias is showing, you dumb fuck.

>> No.8011692

>My vegan friend recommended 'forks over knives', and I read a debunking of it. Surprise, it was full of shit!
you sound like a really obnoxious guy to be around. I bet you went to your friend and pretended you read the book and that you debunked it all on your own

>> No.8012104

As far as I understand the scientific consensus, if you eat vegetarian with milk/eggs, there should be no problem whatsoever. If you decide to eat vegan, you have to actually watch what you eat, especially regarding stuff like proteins, vitamin B12 or Calcium.
If you know a little bit about nutrition, it shouldn't be a problem.

>> No.8012107

Read some Hume, friend. You seem to be implying what ought to be based upon what IS the biological structure of each creature. It's a dangerous and potentially fallacious connection to make.

>> No.8012132

nigger is phylogenetically closer to our frugivorous ape cousins and thus better equipped to handle the diet

>> No.8012133

I guess it's okay if the person is poor and unintelligent

>> No.8012210

I was vegan for a couple months and I liked it but I got sick of it because you always have to think about food cause you can pretty much only eat what you cook yourself, most places don't have vegan options. It's not hard to cook vegan food and the food is great and it's mega easy to have a good diet. It's just a fucking pain in the ass to always have to cook and look at the ingredients of what you're buying n shit. So much random shit has animal products. I don't have the time or energy for that bullshit.

Lel at all the meat eaters in here who are so afraid of veganism that they are attacking the vegan lifting faggot. So embarrassing. The dude doesn't eat meat, and he also apparently is dying to compare dicks with someone... Who gives a fuck.

>> No.8012930

What's the magic ratio of beans and lentils and whatever that can combine to make meals and or smoothies with complete protein with full comparable amino acid profiles to animal protein?

I already eat chicken and broccoli and some fish so I'm not against a shitty diet but it has to have a complete profile and sensible, 2 lbs of beans is okay, 1 lb of spirulina is not

>> No.8012989

>that jaundice

>> No.8013022

Pets belong to the wolf pack. I feed my cats and my dog meat every day.

>> No.8013028
File: 276 KB, 512x384, 1449695119759.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Vegans are STILL trying to invent some new form of mental gymnastics to get around the fact that multiple vitamins and minerals are not naturally occurring in any form other than animal products

When the fuck will they just accept reality, /sci/?

>> No.8013643

>survival without animal protein: impossible
Just went on nutritiondata.com and it seems many plant foods have complete amino acid profiles. So why is this infographic lying?

>> No.8013647

You keep using that word. I don't think it means what you think it means.

>> No.8013649

veganlets btfo

>> No.8013652

How do the animals get them then?

>> No.8013658

>they don't:

>Jainism says hi.

Don't do this son, don't fall to vegan levels of disinformation just because it lets you feel superior to a hippy.

>> No.8013667

>ripe old age of

Top tier keks.

>> No.8013702

No bacteria present in the human stomach? Excellent infographic.

>> No.8013707



>> No.8013712

They're carnivores, they literally can't change that

I'm a meat eater but you're a shithead b8er

>> No.8013716

They digest plant products more efficiently than us/their bodies create them

>> No.8013727

>The plural of anecdote is data

Is vegan trolling the next step of meme evolution?

>> No.8013730

Nutritional yeast yo

>> No.8013734

This is reasonable.

>> No.8013785

And neither can we.

>> No.8013787

We're omnivores not carnivores

>self reported data is valid

>> No.8015528

100% bullshit right here. For lifting, veganism is the worst thing you could possibly do to your body. It's well known in powerlifting circles that vegan powerlifters have to take massive, massive amounts of steroids (far more than everyone else) because their bodies can't recover like meat eaters can.

>> No.8015579
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>> No.8015587

maybe in some way, but i think such a thing as a humane treatment and death for cattle exists and i have little to no moral conflictions on eating well treated animals

And while we are on the subject of hypocrisy
>Know some vegans personally, some only trough social media
>2/3 of them have a cat or a dog
>1/2 of of them have average to huge sized dogs
>all of those dogs eat at least the equivalent of meat that i eat.
>More cattle is dying to feed the pet dogs of those vegans than for me eating some kind of meat every week or so