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File: 248 KB, 1920x1080, gay gene.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8003768 No.8003768 [Reply] [Original]

Is there any reasoning behind the idea that people are born gay?

>> No.8003793

No, the jews put the gay gene in vaccines to destroy christian values and the white race.
I don't know man, the fuck kind on an answer are you expecting?

>> No.8003796

you mean facts?

>> No.8003802

No, just like all complicated phenotypes it's genes + environment + epigenetics.

>> No.8003804

How can there be a gay gene?
If it would exist it would eliminate itself instantly because evolution. Recessive genes has nothing to do with this, a recessive gene also has to breed into existence.

- if its genetic then it is a mutation and gay people are like people with down syndrome
- If it is not then its a mental thing and they are have to be treaded like mentally ill people

not even /pol/ing here

>> No.8003808

Yes and my hypothesis is that homosexuality evolved because of polygamy. Only a few males ideally deserve to breed (let's call them Chads), so any random male is most likely garbage. Each gay male reduces the competition for his possibly Chad brother. More women for Chads = more people.

This is testable. If my hypothesis is true, then Chads (large attractive men) should have more faggots in their family than average men do.

>> No.8003811

During conception the angle at which the sperm enters the egg cell has a slight determination in whether the individual is homosexual. More you know

>> No.8003815

>If it would exist it would eliminate itself instantly because evolution
What is stochastic probability?

>Recessive genes has nothing to do with this, a recessive gene also has to breed into existence.
>breed into existence
>breed into existence

>if its genetic then it is a mutation and gay people are like people with down syndrome
You have more mutations than you can count on one hand and not every mutation contributes to a change in an amino acid or a change in phenotype at all thanks to redundancy.

>If it is not then its a mental thing and they are have to be treaded like mentally ill people
I'd have to treat you like a mentally ill person, anon.

Mutations that lead to a negative chance of survival are never eliminated from the population immediately unless they are suicidally severe. Which is unfortunate in your case as I'd wish that stupid people like yourself would instantly kill themselves.

Gayness isn't a fucking gene, it's a combination of a shitload of genes + environment + epigenetics like everything else.

>> No.8003819


>> No.8003820


>> No.8003822
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>a recessive gene also has to breed into existence.


>> No.8003824
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whoa I havent caught such a big one in a long time

>> No.8003827
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>I'm just trolling guys haha

>> No.8003829

Are people born pedos?

>> No.8003836

There isn't a "Gay Gene" but there are multiple genes and epigenes that may impact one's sexual orientation, but experience, dopamine, and neuroplasticity all probably play a part also.

>> No.8003842

wew lad, use more buzzwords next time

>> No.8003854

It's very unlikely that it's one or the other. Some may be born gay, some may become gay. The strict belief about there being no environmental influence is propagated by gay people who genuinely want to lower a stigma against them but also by certain ideological and racial groups that believe it helps their cause to make the west gayer by furthering that narrative.

The idea that every gay person must be born that way is to make the argument that it is 'natural' therefore good, to make persecution of homosexuals seem more irrational because it's out of their control and to dispel notions that education, media and other environmental factors can turn people gay.

>> No.8003871

Developmental disorder for a minority. Conscious peer-pressured "choice" in the majority.

>> No.8003877

Those aren't buzzwords, they're extremely scientific terms. Get out of /sci/ you /pol/tard.

>> No.8003879

Have you ever heard of someone being peer pressured INTO being gay? If it happens, it is extremely rare since most people, especially kids, instinctively dislike faggots. Trust me this is all biological.

>> No.8003880

>Developmental disorder
How so?

>> No.8003905

Quite common. A boy in school might be slightly effeminate, but not a homosexual. His peers beg to differ, however, and routinely call him a fag. His parents and siblings think the same and constantly tell him it's okay to be gay. Over time, he deludes himself into becoming a homo. This is exacerbated by a gay friendly media.

Lesbianism is just a political ideology taken up by militant feminists who want pleasure but nothing to do with men.

>> No.8003915

hormonal exposure during brain developmemt is a good predictor of masculine/feminine characteristics. including sexualy.

google digits ratio.

>> No.8003921

>google digits ratio
This has already been debunked.
They even did a "for idiots" video on DNEWS Youtube about it last month.

>> No.8003926

No, the studies that claimed there was a gay gene have been proven to be wrong

>> No.8004275

The reason is that gay people say they were born that way and did not choose it. I am not gay but I did not choose to be straight. It happened to me. I never looked at guys then looked at girls and considered which I wanted. At a certain age girls become attractive to me and it hasn't gone away.

>> No.8004289 [DELETED] 


>> No.8004294

If intelligence is what helped the homo sapiens sapiens survive, why aren't women attracted more to intelligence than physical bruteness?

>> No.8004401

If you're witty and funny as well as intelligent, you'd know they are

You're probably autistic and dyel though , so you better be rich

>> No.8004413

When a given animal has many children, the change of the next child being gay is increased.
This is believed to prevent overpopulation etc.

>> No.8004759


There is statistic evidence that the second born is more likely to be gay than the first born.
It's because the first born somehow changes the womb. So yes there is some evidence that people might be born gay

>> No.8004773

You can see this in many bird species. Smaller less attractive males partner up with larger attractive males. The smaller males allow the larger males to fuck them in return for "borrowing" some of the females that the larger male is done with or not interested in

>> No.8004784

Not him, but I have a question. Is there any phenotype (besides liking dick) that gay people have? A lot of them speak effeminately and so on, but is this part of their culture or intrinsic?

>> No.8004787

>no one is posting studies
>"science" board

>> No.8004790

you can see rape and cannibalism in many species as well...

>> No.8004799

Pedophilia is an evolutionary advantage when the life expectancy is low. The next generation is created before disease kills the mother/child and children are protected more often because they're seen as fuck toys rather than crying faggots that do nothing but eat your food, scare away your hunt and alert predators

>> No.8004827

People aren't born gay

It's something societal, coincides with certain periods in a society's development

>> No.8004839

>born gay
>born straight
I'm pretty sure we aren't born with any sexual preference. People don't wanna fuck until they hit puberty. Then it's up to the environment they grew up in and their developed personalities.

>> No.8004889


>> No.8004912

Gays are like paedophiles. Mentally ill and justify it with: "I-I was born this way!!"

>> No.8004916
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>they are have to be treaded like mentally ill people
>they are have
>be treaded like
I agree with the first part of your post, but a mental illness is a condition that affects your basic abilities like communication with others, to function daily, mood, thinking, and so on, which homosexuality hurts none. Also, not everything out of the normal is a mental illness.

>> No.8004918

>which homosexuality hurts none
Not him, but:

>what is AIDS

>> No.8004929

AIDS isn't exclusively spread through homosexual contact, tho

>> No.8004939

Lesbians have a lower sexually-transmitted-disease rate than straight people therefore your claim that homosexuals harm people is beyond retarded

>> No.8004952

So because they're not the only ones, it's fine...even though they were overwhelmingly the carriers. Right...

>Lesbians are the only homosexuals

>> No.8004961

i believe the fact that some of them tend to acquire more feminine gestures and voice timbre is just a matter of culture, but would be pretty cool if there were actual phenotypes that could distinguish homos from eteros

>> No.8004963

what kind of periods?

>> No.8004973

So lesbianism is not equal to "gayism"?
I'm intrigued by your explanation but if you could please elucidate a little as I'm not sure I understand

>> No.8004974

Nobody knows this completely but you can make up certain stuff. As you might know gay relationships tend to have a more masculine character and a more female one. This might have to do with trying to fit the marriage stereotype. But his femininity is probably exaggerated as he could never become a true female while still remaining a man, and thus they create an act. Also, a lot of gay people just really want to be the stereotype

>> No.8004984

Bullshit. Correlation does not equal causation, you can say the same about Down's syndrome, which you may want to get checked for, if I have ten kids each one had the same chance of getting the Down's I'm just more likely to get one because I fucked around and tried my luck

>> No.8004988

Such as humans

>> No.8005125
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Thanks based anon

>> No.8005184

I'm more inclined with the endocrine disruption hypothesis

>> No.8005195

it still overwhelmingly is and it is unfair to faggots to be coy about.
testosterone!=risk-taking behavior
who would even consider?

>> No.8005210

Mostly the fact that monozygotic twins have higher chances of one being gay if the other is gay than dizygotic twins and especially more so than adopted siplings. There are other evidences but that is the main one.

>> No.8005214

are there any separated twin studies that lend to this inclination? Those are spooky and disconcerting about heredity.

>> No.8005216

>Mostly the fact that monozygotic twins have higher chances of one being gay if the other is gay than dizygotic twins and especially more so than adopted siplings.
Can you explain this like I'm five

>> No.8005228

t. underaged b&

>> No.8005265

homosexuality is genetic, but not a single gene makes you gay. Your XX vs XY chromosomes determine your gender and more specifically determine whether you're born with a penis or vagina and whether you are attracted to the female body or the male body. Both the birth gene and the attraction gene are on the X vs. Y chromosome. When gene crossing occurs on this chromosome is when things get fuzzy and you could get a mismatch (born with penis and attracted to penis or born with vagina and attracted to vagina). That is how people get gay

>> No.8005292

no study has asserted anything is entirely biodetermined

>> No.8005311

Yes there are and they lead to the same results.

>> No.8005314


you just want to justify a fetish that is endangering society and you should be burned alive.

>> No.8005316

Found the gay-gene carrier

>> No.8005372

Show me the peer review

>> No.8005383

Why do Americans get to retarded when you talk about gay people?

>> No.8005420

These are the ones from my text book. I'll list them from most recent to oldest.

Langstrom, Rahman, Carlstrom and Lichtenstein 2010

Bailey, Pillard, Neale and Agyei 1993

Bailey and Pillars 1991

The textbook is Biological Psychology 12E James W Kalat for reference.

>> No.8005500

Yeah, you're pretty spot on as far as I know. In my experience it was my environment and rationalizations that lead me to start dating women. Never went back to the cock. A tall lanky pasionate and beautiful astrophysicist would do that to anyone, though.

>> No.8005502

>implying they're not retarded all the time

>> No.8005648


No he's right. A second son will have an enormousnin increasein probability of being gay due to hormon changes in the womb

>> No.8005669

i've always heard it as if the children are all male the last one has a higher chance of being gay

>> No.8005864
File: 52 KB, 331x598, Yeah+the+jeans+_2a273575fd972875051d0320f510c55c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found em.
Proof provided.
[Puns are fun! :D]

>> No.8006052

That's only the case when the regression is linear.
The change increases that a given child will be gay. That also means that the change you will have gay children increase, but those are different things

>> No.8006058

One obvious way to falsify the gay gene hypothesis is to find twins (with the same dna), one of whom is gay, and one of whom is not.

>> No.8006064 [DELETED] 
File: 27 KB, 320x239, 5466125952_1e29361598.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is left-handedness a mental illness?

>> No.8006067

If someone is gay, then someone else with exactly the same gene variations has a higher chance of being gay as well, than if you just share some gene variations (for example like normal siblings), but this "higher chance" is not 100%

In other words, genes play a part in determining your sexuality, but there are other factors as well

>> No.8006069
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>fetish that is endangering society

>> No.8006070


>> No.8006081

I always assumed it a case of a gene for too much sex drive being paired up with another gene for too much sex drive leading to way too much sex drive and it's none of my business.