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/sci/ - Science & Math

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8002995 No.8002995 [Reply] [Original]

if aliens came to earth and studied humans, which race would they think is the most superior and "in charge" ?

Is there an objective way to measure scientific progress?

>> No.8002997

kek it's good to be white

>> No.8002999

Which ever race their covert sleep agents told them were in charge

>> No.8003011


are the chinese ahead in genetics? and the japs ahead in making things small?

>> No.8003182

Muh nigga. Exactly!! Lel

>> No.8003391

>If aliens came to earth

>> No.8003843


>in charge

Whites obviously

>objective way to measure scientific progress?

I assume you mean by race. Now you have to decide whether foreign scientists in America count as American. Asian science is almost entirely done by Asians, this is not true in white countries except maybe Russia

>> No.8003858

Any answer to this besides my race, Jews, is automatically discarded. We won almost all the Nobel Prizes in the relevant fields. We control every relevant nation's central bank. We created all three of the world's big religions. We are 2% of the world's population but own like 40% of the world's wealth. Jews are definitely the only people the aliens will talk to.

>> No.8003864

>We control every relevant nation's central bank. We created all three of the world's big religions. We are 2% of the world's population but own like 40% of the world's wealth.

>telling lies on the internet

pick both

>> No.8003867

Look it up. Everything I said is legit. I'm not your personal wikipedia so don't expect me to mine links for you.

>> No.8003902

they would think screens are a species (as they define it) and are gods for us.

>> No.8003908

Race doesn't exist.
This is a scientific fact.
Google it.
Using inductive fallacies and pairing them with false dilemma fallacies, cherry picking fallacies, etc... is a house of card.
They all come down when looked at close enough.

>> No.8003922

>kicked out of their home for 2000 years, wandering parasites and gypsies with no nation or civilization to show for it

kek, you guys are literally just starting.

>noble prizes

ya, it's called nepotism. awards aren't an objective measure

>> No.8003929
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>We created all three of the world's big religions.

you mean your religion got hi-jacked and subverted several times.

>> No.8003941
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Just compare australian indigenous to scandinavians. One was isolated for thousands of years and the other has a lot of Neanderthal DNA. If that is not enough for being different races, then what about two races of bird/fishes with a minimal change in pigment. The "fact" you mention is a single paper full of subjectivity.

>> No.8003959

Abos = Neanderthal is actually 100% false.
A.) Cro-Magnon makes up 98% of all modern human and Neanderthal makes up the remaining 2%
B.) What you're intentionally getting wrong is that Abos have the least "loss" [interpreted as less-evolved, actually just less variations because they've adapted to a point of lacking accelerated natural selection] of genetic variations in 400,000 years years.

That's not the same.

Anyway, that also doesn't mean anything about "race", as phenotypes were dismissed decades ago, and Geneticists such as Dawkins have written entire books pointing out all the errors in what he calls "genetic segregation", as genetics doesn't have a start and finish line, therefore definition is always blurred.

Read a book for fucks sake and stop reading shit on /pol/.
In fact, I hereby ban you from it.

>> No.8003962

>I have no sources whatsoever and hop by posting this that you will go away and let me post my propaganda in peace

i fucked your mother several times in the arse last night

>> No.8003967

chinese asian imo, they're the most numerous and all the major world industries are located there.

>> No.8003971
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How about a different question:

If you were aliens, what race would you want to bring on your ship, for pets or experimentation or whatever?

>> No.8003974


Actually I said that scandinavians have more Neanderthal than Abos if you read carefully.

>phenotypes were dismissed decades ago

Call the news, chihuahuas confirmed for being same race than Dobermans now.

And you can't ban me from anything, man.

>> No.8003977


>> No.8003979

>Actually I said that scandinavians have more Neanderthal than Abos if you read carefully.
And I didn't address that at all. Read my reply carefully ;).
>Call the news, chihuahuas confirmed for being same race than Dobermans now.
Scientifically, they're a different breed but the same species.
Scientifically their breed wouldn't be determined by looks but by genetic testing.
Breeds also aren't Races.
You seem to confuse social science with genetics.

>And you can't ban me from anything, man.
Oh, a presuppositional fallacy user.
Why doesn't this surprise me.

Here's a question:
Do you have any scientific proof for your claims that races exist?

>> No.8003984

>a jew unironically believing in jew conspiracy theories
>>>/pol/ is the place for you, sir.

>> No.8003988

Asians. They have cute girls and take the least storage space.
Also there is a fuckton of them, so it would minimalise the impact of taking a few specimen.

>> No.8003989

Actually they are above average because of really hard work more than anything

>> No.8004003

>They have cute girls and take the least storage space.

what is this, boxing helena?

>> No.8004069

They'd probably see that the technology is in charge.

They'd be clamouring to get hold of those iPhones with the ability to make us docile and pushing buttons.

>> No.8004075


inb4mad /pol/acks complaining that white people are both superior and also dumb enough to get manipulated out of existence by Jewish people.

>Jews run everything
>White people are the best

Nah senpai.

>> No.8004078

They would ignore humans, instead they would study goats

>> No.8004092

The human race.


>> No.8004207


Not a race, but probably germany. It's currently the most diplomatic country and way too cucked to ever agress anything.
And statisically, germans had an abnormal amount of genius scientists, too.

They wouldn't call them in charge, but they'd make them in charge

>> No.8004209


Individiuals that have the genome of most people on the planet. Some mixed races. If you never saw a dog and came to learn it's a new species you wouldn't pick some inbred freaks to find out about dogs in their entirety but the ones that have the most mixed genome to get a general picture of dogs.

>> No.8004229

> jews the best
> yolocaust lol
not to imply whites are the best but jews r a shit

its prolly asians

>> No.8004572

fuck off to >>>/pol/

>> No.8004575

Jews have the highest IQ, made the most contributions to academia, make the most money and rule the world.

>> No.8004576

What the fuck is a "conspiracy theory" about the number of Nobel prizes? You can look up that shit on google.

>> No.8004578

calm down chaim

>> No.8004584

Nobel prizes are famously racist and sexist. It's a male jewish circlejerk and nothing more. Even Obama got a nobel peace prize for blowing up kids to pieces in Afghanistan

>> No.8004600
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>aliens that have the ability to travel faster than light and reach our world across an ocean of stars would be racist

>> No.8004610

Races exist as a social construct, one that likely will never go away and does matter on a psychological level.

>> No.8004615

Do you prefer the term subspecies ?

>> No.8004618

>whites obviously
nope, go back to >>>/pol/

it's jews, see >>8004575

not even a jew, I'm as WASPy as they come

>> No.8004619

I think if another species is smart enough to travel here and study us, communication would not occur until we've severely genetically engineered every human. This is of course, inevitable, however that will take a while because (not to get political, but this is just logical) of conservative stigma.

The human race is simply not ready to meet extraterrestrial intelligent life, and it won't be for a while, at least until our genetics and interbreeding have evolved to the point that there is actually no such thing as distinguishable races, not the petty "no such thing as race" categorization we have now.

>> No.8004632

go back to >>>/pol/

>> No.8004634
File: 120 KB, 387x357, ayy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aliens wouldn't be so base and crass to judge us based on skin color

they would simply look at the dna and see that every single living thing on earth is essentially the same
and I doubt you can even have life in this universe that isnt carbon based using some kind of genetics like dna/rna so they wouldn't be surprised to find us because they are probably made up the same way

>> No.8004679

Probably microbial life, maybe bacteria

>> No.8004683

yes if aliens were fucking idiots they might see bacteria as superior to humans, good point

>> No.8004686

>not self destructive
>not pretentious
>rapid reproduction rate
>natural adaptability > intelligence due to higher variance in intelligence
>existed before humans and will exist long after
>can live in space (when partially shielded from the sun)

>> No.8004695
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If aliens are truly intelligent, they will be too nihilistic and apathetic to travel through space.

>> No.8004704

go back to >>>/pol/

>> No.8004705

this desu

There's very little that is more fun than simply surviving.

>> No.8004707
File: 19 KB, 250x214, 1420455594615.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hurr durr humans are dumb primates meme

I can hear your fedora tipping from all the way over here

>> No.8004711
File: 20 KB, 800x750, 55110.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are thinking emotionally. There are genetic differences between man and these differences impact how well a human can survive. Not racism,evolution.

>> No.8004713

>You are thinking emotionally

And you are simply not thinking.

>> No.8004717

> evolution
> not a racist propaganda
Evolution is an outdated old system based on racial differences which is introduced by a racist white population. Now there is a scientific consensus that evolution is not true, there are no differences between races because there are no races.
when will you /pol/tards learn ?

>> No.8004729


Silicon based life is possible.
On old star systems with more silicon than carbon that might be the norm even. They'd breath sand though

>> No.8004764

This is some weak false flag /pol/friend

>> No.8004782

> false flag
back to /pol/ evolutard

>> No.8004796

So you weren't joking?
Good god

>> No.8004806

>IP PhD here with 11 years of experience and 2 state awards
First of all races are a simple social construct.(google it, I'm to lazy to explain)
With that said, there is a huge difference in average intelligence scores on IQ test when comparing all of the races. To keep it short Asians score 19% more on average than Whites, Whites score 24% more on average than Hispanics, Hispanics score 11% more than Negroids.

But if you want to compare White people to Asians in a subject of intellectual superiority, in general terms and taken everything in to count, Asians would actually come on top once again. During intelligence testing, on average, White people tend to rely more on planning, creativity and acquired knowledge while Asians tend to rely more on logic, planning and critical thinking.
So, on average, Asians are the superior race of our world.

Same happens when observing the higher spectrum of intelligent people, they all tend to rely more on logic, planning and critical thinking just like the Asian race does on average, but this time, race does not matter when observing the higher spectrum of intelligent people they all tend to rely on the same cognitive abilities whether they are White, Black, Hispanic or Asian.

So the final answer would be: On average in terms of intelligence, Asian race is superior to every other race, so I guess you can say that they are "in charge."

>> No.8004818

The evolution doctrine is enforced on schools to introduce completely bullshit concepts like phenotypes and genetics and some other crap to pave the way for separating people into "races". Races simply don't exist and evolution is a propaganda thats been going on for years thas not even proven. Even the evolution "scientists" admit that they can't prove evolution nor races and all they have is DNA tests and some other fraud that nobody really believes in.

Stupid propagandas like this belong to /pol/. End of story.

>> No.8004836
File: 166 KB, 1356x709, Einstein famous quotes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time to accept the beauty of creation-science in my life.

>> No.8004840

what he said