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/sci/ - Science & Math

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8001390 No.8001390 [Reply] [Original]


leave it to a woman too waste JPL money making this abortion of a robot

its retarded on so many levels holy shit

>> No.8001457

Found the virgin

>> No.8001464

>its retarded on so many levels holy shit
>>It outperformed MemeDynamics robots during the DRC

>> No.8001472


>> No.8001496


found the white knights. pathetic

>> No.8001499
File: 233 KB, 1280x1280, 1452299336833.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yfw they sneak in a shot of a young girl every now and then
>yfw they interview a fucking woman
found the cucks. You forgot to do the dishes and iron your shirts.

>> No.8001504

/r9k/ pls go

>> No.8001505

Please go back to /r9cuck/

>> No.8001507

Ignoring your blatant sexism, retarded how?

>> No.8001512

never been there

I only browse /sci/ and occasionally /gif/.

But maybe you should go back to tumblr and reddit.

>> No.8001517

>Man makes a shit robot
>"It's because he personally isn't very good at robotics"
>Woman makes a shit robot
>"It's because she's a woman
And people say sexism in STEM isn't real.

The robot isn't even bad.

>> No.8001531

can you really call it outperforming when it takes it 10 times longer to complete a task? She's claiming this can be used as a rescue bot but it's max speed is 1 rad/s.

>> No.8001532

you said sexism
the image of angry irrational castrator in my head that I made through visiting internet echochambers for decades says that word too
oops it appears you are the same person go back to tumblr haha

>> No.8001542

oh hi xkcd, didn't see you there.