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8001162 No.8001162 [Reply] [Original]

What's the science of seduction?

I've seen 9-10/10-10 chicks with many ugly motherfuckers in my life. I met 2 of them and they just told me "be yourself".

I asked them if they got a 3rd leg but they just had a 0.5/-0.3cm bigger dick.

Are psychologists researching about this topic, or I will forever masturbate to chink monkeys?

>> No.8001164

/r9k/ here. All girls care about is personality.

>> No.8001165

It's just statistics.

Present yourself confidently, that is approach girls while speaking clearly yet amicably and being pointed about whatever you want, and express interest to as large a number of girls as possible, and one will eventually bite.

You just have to avoid fixating or losing sight of the objective.

>> No.8001166

Biological indicator of good genes

V shaped body, confidence, intelligence, means etc

>> No.8001170

Not enough data.

Are there any direct studies on the behavior details or should I still faping to statistics results?

>> No.8001172

There's little exactitude to it become, contrary to the claims of some, all women are quite different. You can only prepare yourself to appeal to the basic trends in what is attractive, but again, as reliable as it can be, it is extremely fundamental.

>> No.8001173

According to statistics finding a gf is impossible. What are the chances that you meet someone who is attracted to you, single, in your age range? Let's say 10% of women are attracted to you and 10% are single and 30% of women are in your age range, that's a 0.3% chance. you would have to meet 300 women a year to get a gf in that time.

>> No.8001176

All women like the exact same thing. Tall, confident etc. Have you ever seen a woman say she had a thing for short autistic guys?

>> No.8001178

I'm in university so most girls here are my age

>> No.8001181

Ok so it's now 1% you will still die a virgin.

>> No.8001186

I've seen a 6'3 girl date a 5'8 vaguely-autistic underachiever. I've also seen several similar cases that were less extreme.

So yes.

>> No.8001190

Nigger, you can meet 300 people in a day if you try hard enough.

300 in a week certainly isn't a long shot. This shit happens constantly, ultimately, the odds are only stacked if you have to friends or other outlets into social interaction.

>> No.8001192

>Not knowing how women tend to be seduced by naturals or "pickup" disciples.

How the hell do you do it?

>your age range
I fucked 2 +30 yo women since I became a pickup disciple 1 year ago.

I think those statistics apply to those who think "be yourself" means literally "be yourself".

>> No.8001193
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women want entertainment

men that women see as handsome are, according to women, a the best bet to be entertaining, at least in bed, even in missionary.

TO be handsome is not enough, but it is the prime manifestation of the assurance to make women have fun. The second is the money, since women want to be entertained out of bed too.

Now, most women think that they deserve better than most of the men who talk to them. BUT, women do not want to take any risk, so they refuse to talk to men who are out of their league.

>> No.8001196

>ugly motherfuckers
What do you mean by this? Brutish looking? Women love that shit.

>> No.8001197

...so what DOES it mean?
"Just be yourself but don't" sounds a tiny bit too vague.

>> No.8001203

Most of this shit is intuitive, rather than intellectually exercised, to those who do it, thus explanation is rarely easy.

The idea is to learn to behave naturally around women, or moreover not to "try," but just to do. In a sense, you have to become desensitized to them so that there is no compulsion or nervousness leading you to actively try to impress them. You have to be your usual even self. The "don't really be just you" part is to say that if you are the kind of uninteresting shitter that gets into the position of having problems with this sort of thing to begin with, you need to cultivate some skills, interests, and humor such that your natural self is actually interesting, rather than how you probably are currently.

>> No.8001205
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"Be yourself"->Pic related.
>Instead of bettering yourself in every aspect of your life, you keep being a vermin, and expect women to be attracted to you.
Be yourself->It's hard to explain but i'll try to state the main points:
>Behavior: Your complexes and fears make it hard to achieve anything you seek. Get rid of them.
Your goals. Your POV of the world.
Your mental health and body health. Each of them should be appreciated by you.
Your dreams such as playing the piano, guitar, dance lessons, learning something; are important to you.
The people who is not in the same success path as you. The "toxic" people.
The TV. The creative "side" of your job.
There are many things in your life, but the demeanours against those events affect every aspect of your life.
Seduction is just a phase of a relationship.

>> No.8001208

roughly the same 'science' that goes into telemarketing scams

now YOU can get laid by ANY WOMAN using this ONE WEIRD TRICK

>> No.8001209

Humans can smell insincerity a mile away, at least non-autists can. If she detects that you are presenting her an insincere persona, this immediately begs the question; what element of your personality is -so bad- that you would try to hide it from her. Also bitches love people who are confident of who they are, and most guys like the same from women for what it's worth.

>> No.8001213

There are too much of that, fortunately there are still some psy.based good content over there.

>> No.8001215
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stop calling women bitches and reading psychology-today articles on """ seduction """ and maybe you will get laid

>> No.8001216

psychology is the biggest scam of all time, anon

>> No.8001220

But it works for me and my 2 friends:^(

>> No.8001223

1) be taller than the girl you wanna seduce
2) be comfy in general
3) have a bit of dosh

mission accomplished. The real challenge is for manlets like me. My only salvation is money

>> No.8001231

Anon. I'm a manlet. How do you approach girls?

>> No.8001238

>how do pick up women

You? You don't. Your personality is shit and woman know it instantly. I don't know what it is about yours that makes it shit. That could be one of a 100 things. But, you'll have to undergo a profound mental change in order to pull yourself out of that hole. Good luck.

>> No.8001249

> How do you approach girls?

>> No.8001266

Yeah, how do you know if you have a good personality?

>> No.8001268
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reminder that daughters of rich men love sex

>> No.8001272

a lot of chads in this thread, no wonder schools get shot up

>> No.8001280

What is your definition of Chad?

>> No.8001283

Anyone who has a gf.

>> No.8001287
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>> No.8001314
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You're first on my list.

>> No.8001316

Have a non shit personality.

>> No.8001324

i'd take an ugly mother fucker over a guy that asks how big my bf's dick is to within .3 of a cm.

>> No.8001329

Don't take the OP's comment personally faggot.

How do you know if you got a good personality?

>> No.8001332

I don't have any trouble getting bitches

>> No.8001337

> animepro forever alone virgin trying to advise on how to get laid


>> No.8001392

>How do you know?
In general, people enjoy being around you and you make people laugh.

>> No.8001403

So you define your personality based on it's reflection on social entertainment?
There are many ways to do that.

>> No.8001414

I think that's how society defines having a good personality. There a certain traits a person posseses that makes them personable.

>> No.8001426

Then it's more than having a good personality.

Making her laugh (in a good way) will help you to achieve your goal, but there are more elements to be considered in seduciton.

>> No.8001436

Yeah you need to be somewhat good looking. It really just varys from person to person though. What one person finds attractive, another might not.

>> No.8001438

There are general phases on seduction. We call it the "seduction stairway".
>What one person finds attractive, another might not.
What do you mean?

>> No.8001446

I met hot chick last weekend, just asked her to dance on a party. Saw her naked later that night. Just don't overthink and you're fine.

>> No.8001448

>What do you mean?
Are you autistic? It's pretty straight forward really. One person might be attracted to only fat girls so that person will pursue fat girls. If a skinny girl asks him out on a date he will say, "No thanks, I'm only into fat chicks."

It seems like you have trouble making connections with people which is why you keep asking me questions about basic sociology. Here's a piece of advice. If all you do is stay in your room all day you pretty much have a 0% probability of making a connection with another person. So put yourself out there.

>> No.8001452

>just x
I remember that this was the advice those ugly guys told me.

I know how to ask a girl to dance, but what else I need to do to fuck her?

>> No.8001463

>It seems like you have trouble making connections with people which is why you keep asking me questions about basic sociology.
Not even close.
Never met a guy who liked landwhales. Do you mean normal "fatty" women? Those guys don't care much if the girl is actually a little fat or skinny. The chads I know fuck every voluptuous girl they meet.

What are you talking about?

>> No.8001466

Everyone has different preferences. My example was an extreme.

>> No.8001478

If your reference about preferences was addressed to women, they care less than us about physical features when it comes to seduction. I mean, I'm uglier than some chads that try to seduce a girl dancing, but I manage to engage her.
But I don't give a shit about other girls, specially uglier women.

>> No.8001498

That may be true, but people have different preferences, which is what I have been saying since the beginning.

>> No.8001514

Yes. So, personality, looks, what else?
Circumstances, body posture, physical contact, eye contact; you were right about me having no social knowledge. But thanks to reading 2 good seducion book and the activities, I "got rid" of my social anxiety and started "picking up" women.

It's very sad that most men over here have a useless POV about women.

>> No.8001543

Looks and then Money. First at an early age they go for looks and when they get older, they require someone freeload of.

>> No.8001553

This discussion probably isn't for you. We're talking about 3D women here

>> No.8001562

You should do it with stilts

>> No.8001663

It's not too hard man, just be natural when you talk to them and don't give a fuck. Don't think about love or sex or it will screw up your words. Talk to them, pay attention to how much they pay attention to you. If you're having a decent conversation and she disengages because she's staring at another guy don't waste your time. If she laughs at jokes that aren't funny you're in. If she seems in to you crack some flirty jokes, touch her or get near her and see if she scoots away. In fact, physical contact is the easiest way to see if she's in to you, but you have to be prepared for it to back fire (and it can back fucking fire bro). Also, as cliche as it sounds, love yourself first. I consider myself average in looks/smarts but I like who I am and women pick up on that. Hell, I'm no aficionado but I've had 20 partners (ranging from 3s to 10s lol) and I just turned 21. I still get nervous and spergy sometimes but we all have our days. As far as getting 10/10s go that's blind luck. You gotta hope you're her type and she's not too much of a haughty bitch who won't even let you approach her.

>> No.8001719

Well it assumes that you aren't a totally worthless unhygenic lazy piece of shit. But if you are, pretending that you're not doesn't work.

>> No.8001769

How the fuck am I supposed to be myself if I am only like good at physics and maybe math compared to the average person, with interest in physics.

Will girls like me if I say I like anime and anime video games?

>> No.8001775
File: 19 KB, 220x321, Geoffry Arend.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

heres an example of what OP is talking about.

THIS guy married Christina Hendricks.

>> No.8001792

If you're confident about it and it is revealed naturally through a seamless, organic conversation then yes. If she doesn't like it, she's not the girl for you

>> No.8001804

I don't think many girls like it. I might have to get shot down many times. I guess it's bad enough not having any real hobbies.

>> No.8001809

I love reading stuff about pickup game and artistry. I've gotten really good at detecting when guys are trying to use any kind of "game/pickup artistry" to get in my pants. People who have casual sex are scum. Find a girl with similar hobbies to you and see if you can get along on a day to day basis. Just try to be friends first. Things can blossom from there.

>> No.8001814

Well you have to have other stuff going for you. Your entire spill can't be, "I do math and watch anime, please have sex with me." I guess the point that I'm trying to get across is, if you get them to like you they'll start to like everything about you. The only way to get them to like you is either looks, money, or conversation, not hobbies.

>> No.8001815


basically, you have to treat women like NPC's in a video game. each one has a different conversation minigame you have to get through in order for them to dispense pussy.

if you fuck up the QTE, it doesn't matter because another one will spawn around you soon.

because the AI is kind of bad, there are only so many variations of the minigame, and once you do it a couple of times it actually gets really trivial to memorize the right phrases and actions to get them to drop panties.

you literally just have to grind your charisma stats up by engaging as many NPC's as possible.

>> No.8001836

Unless you're ugly.

>> No.8001844

a 6'3 girl is even more of a freak than manlet

>> No.8001846

The secret is that women are humans, just like you, and though they are weird in their own way, many of their desire are parallel to what the desires of any human would be.

I know it's really fucking difficult to believe.

>> No.8001852

works if your ugly. you don't know because you haven't tried. i doubt you are legitimately deformed to the point where people just recoil from you.

>> No.8001916

But, give up anon. They are not moving an inch just because another anon said it.

>> No.8001918

Now that I know that secret will I fuck this weekend?

>> No.8001931

How to get a girl
>Don't be a fake 2 faced nigga
>Don't show how much of an insufferable cunt of a sperg you are until further down the line

>> No.8002054

Alright, enough of that - now how do I approach guys with the goal of getting to have gay sex?

>> No.8002142

If you are a mouthbreaker and approach many women throughout the day expressing your attraction toward them you will soon become infamous in whatever community you are apart of.

>> No.8002154


Just be the person even you'd want to suck his cock.
Imagine your idol (actor, scientist, author, whatever) whose cock you'd suck for free. Be that person.

>> No.8002157


Shower ffs.
Seriously, not reeking is half the battle.
Don't fall for the "girls love the smell of sweat" meme

>> No.8002170


You'd be surprised. There are a lot of girls who like anime and shit. Just go to a comic convention

>> No.8002205


>> No.8002216

>If you are a mouthbreaker and approach many women throughout the day expressing your attraction toward them you will soon become infamous in whatever community you are apart of.
>trying it in your social circle
Just do on some clubs.
Why would I need a girl who likes anime and shit?

>> No.8002229

>/r9k/ here
when is that ever a thing to proudly state

>> No.8002235

Uh yeah females enjoy sexual intercourse most of the time

>> No.8002276

Guys are way easier than girls, all you gotta do is ask if they want to fuck

>> No.8002316


Because you like anime and shit?

>implying you look any better

Maybe your problem is that you're trying to play outside your league

>> No.8002319


The only problem is finding out wether they are actually gay

>> No.8002330

>she likes anime and shit
What is there to discuss? I feel cringe everytime a girl is playing some freaky game or some shit.

>> No.8002347

The app Grindr is useful, otherwise you can tell a decent amount of the time. I suppose it depends on if you want to take or give though. Gay people are starved for good looking tops it seems.

>> No.8002362


Maybe you shouldn't be self loathing about your hobby. Just accept that you are trash and be who you actually are. Stop hiding your powerlevel. You're not 14 anymore. You know how to talk about your hobbies without sperging out

>> No.8002369

Anon, I'm not trash. It's just that they make me cringe so much. It probably is based on some insecurity shit like you said before.

>> No.8002370


You are, you're trying to hide it and are afraid of exposing it. You're afraid of gettimg bullied and being the "weird guy" again. But you hiding yourself is precisely what makes you awkward right now.

>> No.8002384

>Maybe your problem is that you're trying to play outside your league
At least I am not fat. I am working on getting RIPPED ABS right now.

It's not like it's worth throwing yourself at females you don't like. Might as well jerk off to chinese cartoons.

>> No.8002387

I have friends who watch anime, but we just don't talk too much about that. There are more important things and interesting topics in mind right now.

Also, I remember being a lot more "autistic" when I left highschool 4 years ago. A girl watched me drawing Yuno from Mirai Nikki.

Do go on.

>But you hiding yourself is precisely what makes you awkward right now.
If you don't think about chink monkeys all the time, it's not actually a problem.

>> No.8002427

What >>8001165 said, just statistics.

Most hot chicks don't pair up with ugly fucks unless it's money or power. But of course, some very few will, and we all know a few cases just like that.

Really, it's just a bunch of variables playing together with the odd dice throw.

Take care of the way you look, get a good self confidence and a job, earn good money, display strength and power (many kinds of power, mind you), take good care of her, and show that you're interested. The rest is chance.

But desu, the most important factor I believe is the ability to take shit. Most relationships I've experienced (my own, or by close friends I know enough of) have the guy taking some insane amounts of shit. Like, many guys are with girls who can be the most conniving, unforgiving, passive aggressive, non-contributing, leeching sacks of shit I know. Literally a huge fucking trouble. But they just keep taking the blows. Usually the hotter the chick is, the more blows you need to take. Unlike in the movies and TV-series, relationships are more or less a constant struggle and compromise. Some can take it and find it worthwhile, others don't.

If you are like myself and a few others of my friends and are rarely in the mood for bullshit, you'll find that you rarely get along with women on a more personal level. Basically, the pros just aren't worth the insane amount of cons.

Either way, practice makes perfect. By practice I don't mean just fucks, but fucking going out, talking with them, taking risks and living your life. If all you do is wait for the near perfect match in your basement, you'll be waiting forever.

>> No.8002436

>just statistics.
>Either way, practice makes perfect. By practice I don't mean just fucks, but fucking going out, talking with them, taking risks and living your life. If all you do is wait for the near perfect match in your basement, you'll be waiting forever.
Yes. Action is the first requisite to become an expert on seduction.

>> No.8002445


Oh and, since I didn't spell it out, a part of the whole "taking some insane amounts of shit" is the fact that you need to accept that you will be carrying the relationship. I don't mean as much leading it, as I mean carrying it, literally.

Women who settle - and let's face it, we're the ones they settle for, not the ones they want in their wildest dreams -, can be extremely passive. I've known very few who actively gave any signs they were interested. You need to do the job during sex. You need to pay the bills. You need to drive the car, carry the stuff, arrange the house, do the work around the house, buy the flowers. You will be the adult in the relationship practically every single time. Women are unbelievably passive, despite their occasional talk of equality. So if you're a very passive, lazy guy, I can promise you that you'll be way out of your comfort zone if you want to keep a thing going for more than a few weeks or months at a time.

You will *need* to work your ass off. So you know, it's up to you to decide whether something like that is worth it or not.

>> No.8002490

I find most of the people who say shit like you OP are making 2 major mistakes
>I've seen 9-10/10-10 chicks
1 ) You're overestimating the attractiveness of females. Probably because you're young and horny
>ugly motherfuckers in my life
2 ) You're underestimating the attractiveness of the males. Probably because you're heterosexual and don't care

Don't forget ALL women wear make up, unfairly bumping up the curve by 1-2 points making men look like they are the less attractive sex by comparison because men don't wear make up.

>> No.8002687

Anon, don't fuck with me. They got a stupid emo haircut, a hook nose, spic skin and are manlets. They also got a chinese-indian pair of eyes.

They were pick up artists, now I don't know what the hell are they doing right now.

>> No.8002764 [DELETED] 

The secret is to find a balance between treating a woman like shit and helping her out with stuff, while being successful enough that she just enjoys the fact that you acknowledge her existence. For example, if you have a 4.0 in nuclear engineering or something like that, help her out with math and shit while telling her she's useless on her own. Women love that because they all have daddy issues for some reason.

Or if you're genetically lucky enough and work out sometimes, you could end up looking like pic related and have women scrambling over each other just to talk to you.

>> No.8002767
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>>8001162 (OP)
The secret is to find a balance between treating a woman like shit and helping her out with stuff, while being successful enough that she just enjoys the fact that you acknowledge her existence. For example, if you have a 4.0 in nuclear engineering or something like that, help her out with math and shit while telling her she's useless on her own. Women love that because they all have daddy issues for some reason.

Or if you're genetically lucky enough and work out sometimes, you could end up looking like pic related and have women scrambling over each other just to talk to you.

>> No.8002790

Be the person you are when you're at your most comfortable

>> No.8002801

13-25: Just be tall, not necessarily even good looking but you must be tall

ages 25+: Be rich

>tfw when you will never be a 21 year old billionaire with a 16 year old GF

>> No.8002841

You have three things: Looks, personality and means.
Means (or power) often, but not exclusively, translates to money. It may however be popularity (perceived or otherwise) or general influence over people. This is by far the most attractive thing to women.
Looks comes next for younger women.
Personality comes last for younger women, but is likely to become more important to older women, when they start thinking about the raising of children and a long term relationship.

Any one of these things can win a girl, I'm just speaking generally. Remember though, everything you read here is a matter of opinion and is in no way verifiable as a fact.

>> No.8002845

You've never been laid have you?

>> No.8002876


A 6'3 girl had better date whoever the fuck she gets. Most super tall guys don't want giantess either.

>> No.8002885

plenty of times actually. do you really think people are more complicated than that? you are probably one of those people that looks at a commercial and thinks "how can anyone fall for that?!". but people do fall for it. women aren't some special exception.

>> No.8002886

>tfw you are a hot chad so you don't have to worry about anything.

I'm 6'5" and confident despite being school stupid. My 5.6/10 nerdy HG is helping me pass genetics in college. She'll playfully shove me and say I'm such a dumbass and then suck my cock. It's the only access to Chad cock she'll ever get with the BFE (I'm sure plenty would use her for a cum dump and forget her name though).

>> No.8002895

also thought we were talking about getting a girlfriend, not fucking sluts from "da club"

>> No.8002898

How does it feel to know what it feels like to be a hot girl?

>> No.8002914

it actually works less at the club lol. women are expecting it there and have their defenses up a bit. you'd be amazed at how many opportunities present themselves when you are actively looking for reasons to talk to girls.

>> No.8002917

Just show her your dick

>> No.8002925

>when your female friend complains about this guy she fucked before she met her current boyfriend

>when he's fucked almost a dozen girls you know personally

>when all those girls say he's a fuckboy, lies, cheats, is bad in bed, and has a very small dick

>when you rarely get laid

>> No.8002928

bretty gud except for the stupid part but since women are becoming more powerful in society im going to ride that shit wave the same as they did

>> No.8002943


To be fair he's pretty funny

>> No.8003003

Serious question here guys.

I'm in my mid-late 20s, have a well-paying job (SF Bay software engineer), take reasonably good care of myself, and look somewhere between average and slightly above (would probably be solidly above after getting teeth fixed, which is somewhere in my near future now that I have the cash to do that). Only real negatives physically are that I'm a bit short (5'10") and have the typical thin ~130lb nerd body.

My problem is that women around my age (+/- 5 years) as far as I can tell mostly hang out at clubs. I fucking hate clubs because it's impossible to hold a convo in them and they make me feel isolated despite being in a sea of people. I can only enjoy them if I get stupid drunk, which I also hate (especially as hangovers have been getting worse as I inch toward 30). And of course I work a full time job making a high energy place like a club sound awful after working for 10 hours.

What do I do?

>> No.8003018

>What's the science of seduction?
>Not enough data.
>...so what DOES it mean?
>Yes. So, personality, looks, what else?
>It's very sad that most men over here have a useless POV about women.
>Yes. Action is the first requisite to become an expert on seduction.

Serious question but are you any of the following?

A: Diagnosed with some sort of social or mental disorder
B: A robot
C: An extraterrestrial being
D: An artificial intelligence that has recently become self-aware
E: An extraterrestrial robot
F: A bear

I ask because it's like you have absolutely no idea how to function as a normal human being. When somebody says "uh, just... it's intuition, you should KNOW how to do this" you stammer and ask for clarification. When somebody explains you beep boop and ask for data.

What the fuck.

>> No.8003067

>Go into club
>Get buzzed
>Drink Red Bull or something
>Talk to first attractive girl you see who isn't talking with anyone or is not enjoying talking to whoever it is she's talking to
>Try to have sex with her or whatever
>If it doesn't work, try someone else

>> No.8003708

End my thread. It was me, the seduction shill.

Just telling you how ugly guys fucked 9-10 blondes and tall white girls.

I started being a seduction disciple 1year ago, I fucked 2 women +30 yo and 3 girls more. It was actually a bit of luck because it's a little harder to engage an experienced woman in a club. I started succeding 4 months ago.

I'm a manlet who got laid thanks to some pdf documents and mainly.
getting out of my house. I "got rid" of my social anxiety going out of my basement.

Women are different than us, but not that different. We put in practice the "seduction stair" so can "scale" from: "I'm X" to "Wanna meet tomorrow?"
and more.
End this thread.

>> No.8003728

>he chooses to give sex for free to the few women who acknowledge his existence.

We have the king of betas here

>> No.8003739

>women acknowledging
>women doing anything
They are pretty passive anon. If you think you can't choose betwee women in a disco, why are you commenting in a seduction thread?

>> No.8003891

>it's intuiition.
>You should know how to do this.
I was just baiting you, so you could talk me about your way of reasoning and POV of relationships. I know there are a lot of "robots" over here like I was, and they don't find useful this: "just do this","when you x she y", "the secret is z!"

A lot of people don't know how to behave with other people, due to lack of "social" comunication and often complexes, so they develop a personality, full of fears and problems, which can't actually be useful when they try to interact with people.

Seduction trainers deal with normal people and these "type" of guys.

It's very hard trying to get rid of your fears and complexes; you must try hundreds of times until you succeed. It's easier if there are people like you in your group, so you could challenge each other and have more fun doing all that activities.

>> No.8003903

It's called Mating Game Theory or Partner Selection Game Theory.
There have been hundreds of books on it.
It's the third largest Game Theory researched topic, after War and Survive but before Gaming [oddly].

>> No.8003953

>let's say
See, the reason why your 0.3% looks so bad is because you pulled that percentage out of nowhere.

Chances are extremely high a girl will develop feelings for you if you get a job, and you work with said population of girls. Happens at every workplace I been to

>excluding what friends tell me happens in Engineering departments

>> No.8003956

Find shorter girls

>> No.8003968

I'm not that anon, you seem rather irrational and mentally ill yourself.
Intuition is based on induction; complex instinctual priori knowledge is bullshit magical thinking.
In fact, pretty much most claims about "intuition" and instinct are complete and utter bullshit.

If you can't simply and accurately explain your position, it means you're either full of shit or lack basic communication skills.

The edgelord faggotry of "gawwwwwd... can't you just presume like I presume?! it's not like people use logical fallacies when they presume and shit.... gaaawwwwd."

You're an idiot.
You're on the Science board you faggot.
Asking for data and logic isn't irrational, and especially not here.

>> No.8003975

Try gay dating sites or gay bars. Depending on where you live it might be easier or harder, but dating sites is how a friend of mine found his boyfriend.

>> No.8004220


Literally this

>> No.8004222


Do your friends who watch anime have girlfriends?

>> No.8004286
File: 60 KB, 1060x988, 1460489290762.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Have you considered that maybe they have attractive partners because they go out and meet a variety of people while playing up their other strengths instead of creeping around constantly perving on their friends gfs and obsessing over how big other guys' dicks are?

>> No.8004384

>I started being a seduction disciple 1year ago,
I'm just glad we're not being invaded by robots.

>>The edgelord faggotry of "gawwwwwd... can't you just presume like I presume?!
Woah dial back that assmad, Alfred!

There's a certain level of intuition that everyone has, when you feel embarrassed that's your brain telling you that you did something fucking retarded and you should feel bad because your peers will ostracize you if you keep it up.

It's something we instinctively have, it allows us to identify people with actual autism who feel nothing when they commit severe social fuckups; that is simply not normal. Your wild reeeee that you just displayed leads me to believe that you're vaguely aware this happens to you, but it doesn't matter because...
>You're on the Science board you faggot.
Gee, you don't say.

>Asking for data and logic isn't irrational, and especially not here.
When you're talking about interpersonal interactions a good indicator that you have actual, for real autism is "yes, but can you please provide more data???" That's the kind of talk that will not get you laid, even at Comicon, it means you weren't given the "how do I not sound like a freak of nature" parts back at the factory.

It's funny as fuck though.

>> No.8004403

nope, they have money
women only fall for money they don't know true love that's why they shouldn't have rights at all

>> No.8004414

>having rights should be limited to people who know true love

>> No.8004417

roastie detected

>> No.8004422

>look up roastie on urbandictionary
>it's an r9k term

>> No.8004503

One had a girlfriend, the other had more than 5 though.

>> No.8004507

Fuck off, you are not me.
I was just shilling. Stop posting ITT.