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/sci/ - Science & Math

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7997355 No.7997355 [Reply] [Original]

I see many /sci/ posters claiming that they've achieved nothing because all research is now in the hands of big corporations and million dollar equipment and that if they were born in Galileo's or Newton's time they would have come up with gravitation and calculus etc all by themselves because it's "basic stuff"

But what makes you so special? Why would you have been able to do what no-one else of Newton's time managed to do? Isn't it just another "Egg of Columbus" scenario where once someone has taught it to you it seems super obvious?

In short handwaving away your own mediocrity by claiming to have been "born in the wrong era" because the reality is just like how you're nothing special at STEM now you would have been just as useless 400 years ago because you have no free-thinking capability whatsoever, you simply good at regurgitating whatever you've been taught.

>> No.7997360

in the real world success is measured in terms of achievements.

some of the people who don't have them try to bullshit themselves and others.

how fascinating.

>> No.7997368

You're right. The posters on /sci/ who claim they could have invented calculus are failures who want to cling on to something because their self-worth is determined by how "smart" they see themselves as being. This creates a lot of cognitive dissonance when they are faced the with reality of them being failures in science (not graduating high school, college, not finishing their graduate degree, not publishing breakthroughs in their fields). They try to compensate for this by claiming they were "born in the wrong era".

Just ignore these people. It's not worth it to get into an argument with them.

>> No.7997375

It seems troubling that some of us value having the ability to regurgitate what we're taught more than that freethinking ability...

>> No.7997376

words hurt you know :(

>> No.7997382

A fool thinks himself to be wise. But a wise man knows himself to be a fool.

>> No.7997386
File: 1.37 MB, 1920x2560, Eurasian_Brown_Bear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You're pretty smart for a gorilla poster.

>> No.7997417

What's your beef with gorilla posters?

>> No.7997424

I was watching a programme about how humans started applying mathematics to the world on PBS and they were talking about gravity. Galileo asked the question what's the relationship between distance fallen and time taken? Before I studied physics I had never once thought about this, things just fall, probably twice as far would take twice as long is what everyone assumes and takes for granted. Likewise Newton realized that what makes things fall to Earth is what makes the Moon go around the Earth. I would never have made this link myself. The Moon just pushes itself around is what we plebs would assume. This is real genius; breaking free of common sense, challenging assumptions, making links between things

>> No.7997447

Someone has to tell you.

>> No.7997470
File: 607 KB, 300x169, 1447965119580.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wouldn't have done shit and I can rightfully and proudly say so because I can't be asked to do a god damned thing.

>> No.7997474

>"I'm smart but lazy!"

>> No.7997492

Calculus is easy I'm sure if I was rich i would've contributed to science or math in one way or another. Let's face it there were very few people back then that were actually financially able to devote their lives to academia. I would bet that I am smarter than Newton.

>> No.7997494
File: 487 KB, 470x480, 8cffed9f3c9cd9eeb5f29fac6f4a3164.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Problem officer?

>> No.7997518

This is classic excuse number two
>"If only I was rich"
I'll have you know that Newton was a poor farmer's son and got into Cambridge University on charity.

>> No.7997536

Serious question /sci/, which discoveries really did come out of nowhere and fuck up prevailing wisdom? Einstein and Newton and Darwin? Or was it all the next logical step?

>> No.7997556

Galileo's law of falling bodies
Bohr's quantized atom
Hubble's expanding universe

>> No.7997569

I fucking like you.

>> No.7997583

aww thanks

>> No.7997628

You forgot the part that his mom married a wealthy guy and therefor it was possible for him to enter cambridge

>> No.7997736

Most of the great discoveries came with the Reformation which came about in a large part by Black Death, an enormous yoke was lifted from the populations of Europe and even more so with the new world settlers. In fact this innovation was somewhat forced as people had to think for themselves as a matter of survival.

Those days are long gone and I suspect it will take another large die off for another Renaissance to occur. In fact I could argue we are already well into another dark age, religion rising, Inquisitions, crusading... most of the world lives in poverty and civilization seems to be hanging by a precarious thread most days. We are, after all, just gorillas, all science is a means to an end, that end is subjugation.

>> No.7997753

Michelson-Morley really did seem to come out of nowhere. Most if not all physicists believed the aether exists.
Darwin probably not, someone else came up with very similar ideas (no, I don't mean Lamarck or anything) around the same time, forgot the name.
Newton's biggest success and his fame mostly came from teaching us how physics would be done in the coming centuries.

>> No.7997754

yeah, judging by that filename you ripped that GIF from a booru

>> No.7997801

Because the human population is much larger than it was in the past.
So it stands to reason that there are more modern "Galileos and Newtons" than in the past, it's just that they've been beaten to the punch.

>> No.7997835

You can get into Cambridge for free today, I don't know why you are making this excuse
>Unprecedented exponential technical growth
>Dark ages
Please fuck off with your "le past was better"
Cumulatively there were more people in the past. Also your argument is "I am smart enough to outsmart a million people but not a billion" My point is you couldn't even outsmart a million.

>> No.7997846

>Cumulatively there were more people in the past.
Yeah, but not nearly as many people who had the foundation that would allow for newtonian tier discoveries.
The smartest human who ever lived could have just as easily been a wandering hunter gatherer who didn't have the foundations of his predecessors to make any shocking discoveries.
>Also your argument is "I am smart enough to outsmart a million people but not a billion" My point is you couldn't even outsmart a million.
I might not be but others are. I'm not speaking for myself and I never was. I'm already aware I'm a lazy dumb nigger.
I was just explaining why people who claim things like OP said were claimed could be right.
Calm down stop being so angry son.

>> No.7997871

People have been dropping things for millenia, the Romans could have worked out what Galileo did but they didn't. Why?

>> No.7997993

>I see many /sci/ posters claiming that they've achieved nothing because all research is now in the hands of big corporations and million dollar equipment
Maybe replace "all research" with "a vast amount of commercially profitable research"

>and that if they were born in Galileo's or Newton's time they would have come up with gravitation and calculus etc all by themselves because it's "basic stuff"
More like:
they would have had a greater chance to make some kind of useful contribution to science fundamentals assuming the basic benefits of modern education were available.

>> No.7998008

Are you saying there is nothing to this "all the low hanging fruit has been taken" theory ?
I mean you can only "discover" water is two atoms of hydrogen one atom of oxygen one time right ?

>> No.7998025

Depends on the field, desu senpai. Fields do go in a boom and bust cycle: there is a golden age for them, and you can really be too late for it. It gets especially worse when your field stop being in the exploratory stage, and multiple companies come in with their research team of 20 PhDs and billions in equipment. Good luck trying to achieve or publish anything significant.

>> No.7998066

Every single one of those posters were just fucking around, you autist. Kill yurself