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/sci/ - Science & Math

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7996918 No.7996918 [Reply] [Original]

I used "I study mathematics, the purest of the sciences" while flirting, which led to me getting laid later on.

You mad?

>> No.7996925

No, you didn't.

Also, frogposting is cancer. Kys

>> No.7996934

>No, you didn't.

Yep, I did. I'm good looking and can pretty much say anything and women will still sleep with me.

>> No.7997182

Was she fat?
Did she have a speech disorder?
Allerrgic to everything in existence?
And extremely fat?

Is that a Bingo?

>> No.7997185


I don't talk to fat girls.

>> No.7997186


Post pic of yourself or nobody will reply to this thread anymore and it will die a slow, painful and sad death

>> No.7997194

I told a girl I studied Computer Science and she laughed.
You jelly fags ? I make women laugh by exposing my life.

>> No.7997201


So some autist can hunt me down on social media? No thanks.

>> No.7997202

>having sex with anyone who wouldn't question the inclusion of mathematics under the umbrella of the sciences
you have shit taste, OP

>> No.7997206


Alright post pic of girl you fucked then

>> No.7997207


I've posted a pic before on /fit/ and got rated 8 and 8.5 by all the looks obsessed insecure faggots there.

>> No.7997215
File: 36 KB, 530x492, 1457710214907.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If your self-worth depends on whether cunts allow you to penetrate their disgusting holes, then you're a pathetic beta cuck. Only women are so shallow that their life has to revolve around sex. A real man should be able to pursue non-sexual interests. After all, things like science, literature, art, philosophy, politics etc are what distinguishes men from animals and women.

>> No.7997224

Good for you anon. girls always fall for a handsome dude with superior intellectual skills

>> No.7997252

>having sex
Is your life seriously this lonely and pathetic?

>> No.7997262

Welcome to the 21st century. Love is dead. Culture is dead. Everyone is a brainless sex-obsessed animal knowing no higher values in life.

>> No.7997271
File: 71 KB, 471x300, irregular011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're so lucky to have Leftisha and Rightila. Kek.

>> No.7997449

Spoken like a true cuckold

>> No.7997477

I always wanted to have something in common with the second man of the Roman empire

>> No.7998805

Sounds to me like you got laid DESPITE saying that rather than because of.