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7995816 No.7995816 [Reply] [Original]

Why fund space exploration when there are more pressing issues down on earth?
> for the greater future survival of mankind
That argument is such bullshit; we won't be around to benefit from space exploration if we don't stop fucking about up there and solve the issues down here.
What is there to gain from space endeavors in their current form?

>> No.7995826

Why fund anything that isnt the single most immediately pressing issue facing you?

>> No.7995829

the greatest issues can't be solved with government spending. But technologies for military application do come out of it, ICBM etc.

>> No.7995835

Space exploration is the scientific pursuit with the worst cost to benefits ratio out there

>> No.7995841

space exploration isn't about "muh saving mankind" it's about understanding the physics of the universe more deeply. Earth isn't the average planet, it's quite rare from what we can see. If we want to understand how things work we need to study things like our sun, other stars, and gas giants. This is what most of the universe is doing, so why not start out with the shit with the largest population to sample from and work our way down.

>> No.7995848

Rite bit how does that help make consumer products, smarter computers, military technology, or solve world hunger, nigga?

>> No.7995851

Telecommunications alone makes all human space exploration in history cost-effective

>> No.7995863

Eventually the earth will be overpopulated when there are no more wars to cull the population. Humanity will always strive for extend their mortality to the point we could have 4-5 generations present. Otherwise space solves the "Global Warming" aspect of "Nobody taking actual responsibility about the fact that the human body generates thermal heat". It is to make environmentalism an oxymoron when humanity is involved.

>> No.7995875

What the fuck even is your post, dude?
>global warming is caused by body heat

Jesus christ, a tip of the fedora to you, you edgelord

>> No.7995894

Really dude, you should put some faith in our illuminati overlords. They have the depopulation event planned out already, all you need to do is chill and watch tv.

>> No.7995904

>more pressing issues
These don't exist. The economy can do whatever the fuck it wants up until Pareto efficiency, which we sure as fuck haven't achieved.

>> No.7995914


The temperature of the human body is naturally warmer than what is considered our preferred environmental temperature.

>> No.7995930

You are assuming that space exploration is the absolute worst use of money available.
Good fucking luck backing a claim like that up.

>> No.7995986

>using Challenger to back up your argument

The engineers of Challenger warned of disaster for launch. Mission control didn't listen.

So, like, ur dum

>> No.7996047
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>> No.7996050

This is correct behavior for a functioning economy. There are far many more lives that depends on military funding than aerospace research and development.

>> No.7996051

He's right you know.

>> No.7996068
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>more pressing issues down on earth?

Just curious, what are these pressing issues?

>> No.7996081

Funding of science works in mysterious ways, the more is allocated to it over a significant period of time, the further the advancement of technology and societal standards we get.

Even the funding of NASA has brought about many advances in the fields of surgery which have grown over the years.

>> No.7996257

We should fund them MORE. Without the military and aerospace sector technologies we would be decades behind. It's obvious.
We also need war. Accept it, our society is built on the pain of the others.

>> No.7996287
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TLDR: we can consentrate on many things at the same time.

Also we can't live forever no matter what. We can't reverse entropy so even most advanced race finally fades away as stars go out with heat death (unless we use puella magis but I think Madoka won't let us...).
So we can make the best of our time as we like.

And yes my argument is as fallacious as yours.

>> No.7996295

> Why build exits in your house if the roof isn't finished yet?

>> No.7996315

So the white race has someplace to go once all of their countries have been ruined by jews and muds.

>> No.7996396

> implying a mass exodus to space is even remotely possible
what the fuck is this meme?
If the earth gets fucked that's it, how many people do you think can be launched up to space at a time?
Certainly not enough to ensure the continued survival of the species

>> No.7996401

> mfw Elysium becomes real and rats, nigs and muds can't even hold themselves back from invading and raping it until it becomes a crime infested ghetto

>> No.7996417

you don't want to be dealing with asteroids from down here

>> No.7996441

Because some guys love space. Who the fuck cares that some niggers are killing each other in Africa? World's problems would be solved by the rest of the population not being fucking primitives, and not by pouring money away from the most intelligent people because they dare follow their passion.

>> No.7996454

>Space race
>weather forecasts
>spot seasonal anomolies
>better crop yields
Thank you space science

>> No.7996462

It doesn't have to be a mass exodus. Launch 200 people at a time to space colonies forever. When earth gets hit, maybe 10 billion people will die, but there will still be people living outside. And the number will be higher the faster we get there.

>> No.7996471


Why learn about the secrets anyway? Why live? Why thrive? What's the point of anything at all? Why should we do anything at all exvept trying to surivive for the next day?

>> No.7996488

Right because a lack of consumer goods is clearly a more pressing issue.

>> No.7996494

Lots of deaths around the world also rely on American interventionism.

>> No.7996502

>for the greater future survival of mankind

The earth is already getting overpopulated. We gotta start moving people in the next 100 years.

>> No.7996514

This is what I wanted to hear.
Good argument, anon

Despite this, i think looking at gay things like asteroids is still a waste of time

Sending people where?
There are more effective solutions to the problem than saying:
> fuck it, we'll just fuck up this planet beyond survivability and look for another one

>> No.7996548


Okay, then give solutions how you stop people from breeding, because SPOILERS People love to breed

>> No.7996554

Birth rates stagnate as quality of life and education increase.
Only third world shitholes are overpopulating.
Space exploration doesn't solve anything it excuses men for fucking it up

>> No.7996556

>The earth is already getting overpopulated. We gotta start moving people in the next 100 years.
Population growth has been in decline since 1963.
In a hundred years, human population may be lower than it is now.

>> No.7996570


Stagnating birthrates don't equal reducing population. Even in countries with the lowest birthrates the population is increasing because people also tend to become older in wealthy and educated countries.

>> No.7996714

To add the thing the fact that every gram counts on a rocket creates the need to make everything smaller and lighter. The technology required to do this often trickles down into consumer and non-space industry applications.

An incomplete list of selected spin-offs from the 70s to now can be found here: http://spinoff.nasa.gov/Spinoff2016/index.html

>> No.7996733

>That subtle suggestion that is actually a suicidal advice in disguise.

>> No.7996739

>Despite this, i think looking at gay things like asteroids is still a waste of time

That's exactly what the dinosaurs said and then BOOOOM!!!!

Those huge mountains orbiting in space are more dangerous then all Russian and Chinese and American nukes together. The goal of asteroid observation and exploration is to protect mankind and human civilisation. It's like
a cold war which could turn hot any time. To be prepared you have to know where your enemy is. And you need the ability to fight back.

The only gay thing about it is the final goal. Ramming your dildo shaped rocket in that fat ass of an approaching killer asteroid. To push hard and move it away from our planet.

>> No.7996776
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>not wanting star trek to be a reality

>> No.7996785

>Despite this, i think looking at gay things like asteroids is still a waste of time

its called rigor m8. we learn about shit "just in case", then file it away somewhere. most studies never see another human person but we gotta do it because we don't know how some future super genius is going to interpret that stuff. he could do something useful.

serendipity is a hell of a thing.

>> No.7996816

> implying we could stop an asteroid
> implying we'd want to

>> No.7996824
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>> implying we'd want to

>> No.7996828

>stop people from breeding
Water fluoridation

*tips tinfoil hat*

>> No.7996831

With that sort of thinking we'd sill be in the middle ages senpai.

>> No.7996834

> he doesn't want this meaningless existence of suffering to end

Must be nice

>> No.7996845

> are more pressing issues down on earth?


I ain't gonna even take the effort to waste my time reading this short thread.

What isues? If you're are a troll take some effort, if you're serious elaborate seriously.

>> No.7997917

Space funding is like less than 1% of the federal budget, pipe down. It's not taking anything away from your presumed "pressing issues."