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/sci/ - Science & Math

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7989230 No.7989230 [Reply] [Original]

Why is there such little discussion about slugs on /sci/ ?

>> No.7989244

I read that snails evolved way sooner than slugs did.

>> No.7989254

Slugs have always been a bit slow

>> No.7989261


>> No.7989264


/an/ doesn't know any science about slugs or snails

>> No.7989563
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i think they're pretty cool
goats are cool too with their square-ass pupils
i like frogs as well
but what are frogs
these things are cool but i don't know what they are or why they're doritos

>> No.7989564

Their evolution is full of snails turning into slugs then back into snails

>> No.7989568


Why do people get freaked out by giant isopods? Theyre so cute

>> No.7989570

aren't slugs just snails without shells

>> No.7989575
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you gotta retake Slug Science 101

>> No.7989578

>with their square-ass pupils
>google search
holy fuck that's cool as shit

>> No.7989579


Slug sex is fucking hot.

>> No.7989584

Pretty much everyone uses kilograms to measure mass now.

>> No.7989593

T-thats a snail though...

>> No.7989599

>slug sex


>> No.7989601

anymore gifs like this, it's cute af

>> No.7989612

that was actually fucking beautiful

>> No.7989615
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>your penis will never be a beautiful blue flower that comes out of your neck

>> No.7989629
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somebody make a thread on /d/ for this

>> No.7989658


>> No.7989675

>Este video cuenta con contenido de BBC Worldwise, quien lo bloqueó en tu país por razones relacionadas con los derechos de autor.
das racis

>> No.7989686


>> No.7989698

you boo that one but not >>7989584?
>>7989584 was waaayyyy worse

>> No.7989949
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>what are frogs

>> No.7990054

My zoology professor in college said that slugs/snails or other molluscs like them were probably the first land-dwelling animals. They're also in the same family as octopi, and clams. Pretty rad if you ask me.

>> No.7990087
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this thread turned out better than expected

>> No.7990419
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>> No.7991352

That's some uzumaki tier shit.

>> No.7991393
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I never asked for this

>> No.7991423

>Be British
>"BBC is blocked in your country"
dude what

>> No.7991447
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>You are now aware that shrimp, lobster and other delicious crustaceons are just aquatic insects

You are literally eating bugs

>> No.7991450

Oh, I've already come to terms with this. Doesn't bother me.

>> No.7991455

i know.

>> No.7991457

I hate seafood

>> No.7991510

Shrimps and lobsters are crustaceans, not insects, but crustaceans and insects are closely related. Both groups (Classes, in this case) are in the phylum Arthropoda.

>> No.7991583
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Good, and I'll eat them some more


>> No.7991996

this makes me wonder
are there any land insects with good meat, or at least enough meat to make chasing them down worth it?

i know people eat land insects, but from what i understand they usually just deep fry them or something

>> No.7992047

locusts are good for a first timer. Wax worms are good too. If you don't want to go straight for eating bugs whole, you can buy cricket flour at some hipster natural food stores. Bakes just like normal flour, except it has protein so you can get swole, and a slightly nutty flavor. Unfortunately I don't know where you can buy locusts.

>> No.7992064

that's not a real moth

>> No.7992126


>> No.7993040

just use the archive

>> No.7993045


Fap away to this biological amalgamation inspired by /sci/ its alot stranger than catgirls I'd say; considering, ya know, snails are hermaphrodites

>> No.7993059

cicadas. They taste like asparagus
>> One giant isopod was filmed atacking a larger dogfish shark in a deepwater trap by latching onto and eating the animal's face


They are sort of cute though, I mean they're giant pillbugs after all.

>> No.7993070
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>> No.7993289

False, insects have no muscles and operate with hydrolics, while crustacians have muscles which are tasty to eat.

>> No.7993293
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>insects have no muscles and operate with hydrolics

go back to biology class, ur drunk


>> No.7993296

That article is wrong, it is Wikipedia. You probably wrote those lies yourself.

>> No.7993376

Did he ded?

>> No.7993450

I'm pretty sure I killed one of those in fallout

>> No.7993460

>ywn impress a lady locust with your banging hydraulics

>> No.7993934


>> No.7993938

Over here we call slugs naked snails.

>> No.7994267


>> No.7994280

holy shit slug dicks are HUGE

>> No.7994283

why the fuck did i just watch this?

>> No.7994293
